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November 2024


Wherein I Agree, Mostly, with Melissa McEwen [Dan Collins]

One cannot accuse her, at least, of inconsistency: 

I’m still reading lots of shocked expressions that Spitzer was a patron of the sex industry, even as reports emerge that he’s been doing this for a decade or more and dropped nearly a hundred thousand dollars on the habit. CNN’s senior legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin, who attended law school with Spitzer, said, “To say this is a shock is an understatement” and called Spitzer “the straightest arrow I know.” The level of shock and perplexed betrayal and general whatthefuckitude from his friends and allies is interesing; it’s a swirling morass of confusion where circled wagons, fierce denials, and accuser-discrediting would be, if the story were ever so slightly different.

If one of the sex workers had made allegations against Spitzer without the benefit of a wiretapped phone call to back up her story, every person who is now incredulously calling Spitzer a “straight arrow” etc. would be refusing to believe even the possibilitiy of his involvement in this scenario, or would bury any suspicion well below the feelings of righteous indignation that one of their own was being smeared by that woman.

Heh. Straightest arrow. (It’s funny because of teh phallogocentrism!) I would only add that if it were ever so slightly different in another way, you wouldn’t see these same folks behaving the way they do. 


When it came to getting informed comment Tuesday on New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s involvement in a sex scandal, CNN got a real expert — with more experience in the field than he let on. Billing him only as “a former U.S. attorney,” without any reference to how he achieved his former-ness, the network interviewed Miami’s Kendall Coffey, who had to resign the job in 1996 after biting a dancer during the process of running up a $900 bill at a strip club.

Cool. I think they should get Marv Albert and Frank Gifford and Hugh Grant and Sarah Silverman, and have a round-table discussion.

When life hands you balls . . .

What happened? Like all revolutionaries, the opt-out revolutionaries often wind up bleeding on the barricades. Sure, all marriages don’t end in the arms of an international prostitution ring. Indeed, in the Spitzers’ social class, the divorce rate is far from the 50 percent we so often read about. However, the rate of divorce, prostitution, online pornography, and the rest isn’t negligible, either. And even if the marriage does not break up, women’s decisions to make their social position completely dependent on the ambition, discipline, judgment, and steadiness of another human being is not only an act of extreme self-abnegation, it risks the very dramatic fall we have just witnessed in the Spitzer matter. Does anyone think that even as well-heeled a divorcée as Mrs. Spitzer would be the same force in philanthropic Upper East Side circles as the governor’s wife?

It is true that Hillary Clinton managed to make lemonade out of her situation. But that ending is the rare exception to the narrative that is likely to describe Silda Wall Spitzer’s social fall.

(h/t Hot Air)

Ace addresses Carin’s concerns

13 Replies to “Wherein I Agree, Mostly, with Melissa McEwen [Dan Collins]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    Silda has no dignity I don’t think. Piteous creature.

  2. The Ouroboros says:

    I wonder what a hundred thousand dollars worth of minge looks like..?


  3. Karl says:

    Julianne Moore, once a fan of the former attorney general, is both consistent and literal:

    “A f—ing embarrassment”

  4. bigbooner says:

    Is it too late to have Ms. Albright do some sort of testimonial for him?

  5. happyfeet says:

    It is a lot an effing embarrassment I think. I went to dinner last night with New York peoples and it didn’t come up at all. That seems kind of odd.

  6. SGT Ted says:

    It just add a tang to the Shadenfrued Stew cooked up by Spitz over his lifetime of capitalist bashing crusading and bullying other people under color of authority.

    At least some of the NY crowd are showing an appropriate level of shame.

    That so many on the left are defending him exposes their own love of fascist tyranny directed at their political enemies and the type of government we can expect when they hold power.

  7. psycho... says:

    Is what obscure units is “the rate of online pornography” measured?

    “I get .000125 butts per shake.”
    “Seems low. I get one gou per hand. Standard, I think.”
    “But how many jerks?”
    “An immeasurable fraction of one.”
    “I hate my mother for having me circumcised.”

  8. B Moe says:

    New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s involvement in a sex scandal…

    I think the constant repetition of this phrase is even more biased that the lack of party identification in the media. Getting caught with a mistress is a sex scandal, this goes way beyond that.

  9. Mikey NTH says:

    You know, a hundred years ago Eliott would have been expected to do the right thing to spare his family from the scandal he created. And it would never have been spoken of again.

    I guess those Edwardians, besides being uptight prudes, had a little more class.

  10. JD says:

    New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s involvement in a sex scandal…

    Were this a Republican, this would read …

    REPUBLICAN hypocrite Gov. tied to hookers and prostitutes for decades. Prolly nabbed a couple young boys too.

  11. JD says:

    More Jobs. Fewer Dead Strippers. Together We Can Make Both Happen… Assuming Ideal Circumstances.

    That is good stuff.

  12. alppuccino says:

    Julianne Moore, once a fan of the former attorney general, is both consistent and literal:

    “A f—ing embarrassment”

    Strong language considering her last couple ‘o movies. P.U.

  13. Rusty says:

    Comment by happyfeet on 3/12 @ 12:12 pm #

    It is a lot an effing embarrassment I think. I went to dinner last night with New York peoples and it didn’t come up at all. That seems kind of odd.

    Trendy new Yorkers look at this and yawn. Wondering why some prole in a state called Kansas, of all places , find this so compelling. The people in Kansas, while being duely impressed by the price of east coast poon, are wondering if the job of running a state like New York might be a little smoother if the governer had kept his flies buttoned. But then maybe being the governer of New York doesn’t require much effort. For the rest of his life he will be known as client #9.

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