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March 2025


What do you do with a candidate like Obama? (Pt. 2) [Karl]

Today’s New York Times story on the many faces of Sen. Hillary Clinton is about her efforts to connect with voters, but it reminds to provide her campaign with more gratuitous advice on how to turn her rival, Sen. Barack Obama, back from a Movement to a man.  She should exploit the internal contradiction that forms the core of his campaign.

The NYT story provides a typical Obama quote, which in this instance was uttered at Tuesday’s Democratic debate in Vegas:

“What has been missing is the ability to bring people together, to mobilize the country to move us in a better direction, and to be straight with the American people,” Mr. Obama said.

This debate was conciliatory, as both Clinton and Obama seemed interested in taking a temporary breather form Identity-Politics-A-Palooza.  Clinton could have moved away from the identity politics and confronted Obama by responding to the answer just quoted:

“My good friend Barack is right to say America wants its candidates to be straight with them, so here is some straight talk. 

Barack Obama is claiming that he will bring Change and Unity to our political system.  It is clear that the people want change, but what kind of change do they want?  The people want to get out of Iraq, reform the healthcare system, help our faltering economy and address illegal immigration. 

The past few years have shown us that the Republicans are going to oppose any effort to do any of those things.  They do not want to leave Iraq.  They do not want universal healthcare.  They want to leave the economy alone.  They want to punish immigrants and their children.

My good friend Barack has yet to explain how he is going to unify with the Republicans in Congress and at the same time accomplish the changes people are demanding.  Nor has he shown any ability to do it in the US Senate.  I think that the people deserve that explanation, rather than vague slogans about change and unity.  I think people deserve straight talk.  So, how about that explanation?”

This line of attack exposes the weakness in Obama’s pitch and highlights his lack of experience at the national level.  Moreover, those voting in the Democratic caucuses and primaries seem far more likely to be interested in Change than Unity.  It would help Clinton solidify her support among the “Mondale Coalition” and potentially split the coalition of Democrats and Independents Obama is trying to build.

18 Replies to “What do you do with a candidate like Obama? (Pt. 2) [Karl]”

  1. daleyrocks says:

    How can Barry O can anything. He’s the “Establishment Candidate” according to the Clintons. ROTFLMAO!

  2. Terri says:

    Except that those same words can be used against her.
    How would she accomplish these things? She hasn’t yet. She hasn’t been an instrument of change at all that I can see and her “experience” includes being a wife and that’s it. She’s not been a state senator.

  3. happyfeet says:

    Put together, I might maybe trade like ten pokemon for their merit badges, but that’s mostly cause I’m probably switching over to yu-gi-oh anyway.

  4. Karl says:

    Those words can’t be used against her because she is not selling herself as The Unifier.

    Also, I think you may be new here. I have a series of these posts offering advice about various candidates. I am not supporting Clinton or Obama at this time.

  5. The Ouroboros says:

    What do you do with a candidate like Obama?

    Well, in less than a year I think you’ll be calling him “Mr. President”

    Just a gut feelin’…

  6. The Ouroboros says:

    Oh, and….

    Just one day left until….. Cloverfield.

  7. happyfeet says:

    Ok your gut feeling is wrong ok? I think maybe you’re not getting enough potassium. Or maybe D. I don’t know. But he’s a stripling. NO experience. He’s not even a full Scout. He’s a fucking Webelo. Webelos CAN’T be president. It’s just not gonna happen. Ok I’m gonna breathe now.

  8. Karl says:

    The Ouroboros,

    I will be seeing Cloverfield tonight and will have areview up at my regular web gig (click my name). I may cross-post, for that matter.

  9. happyfeet says:

    I’m set for Sunday. I’ll read your review after.

  10. Karl says:

    I’m always non-spoilery at my regular gig. If I cross-post, I’ll put the guts after a “More” tag.

  11. Karl says:

    Also, if you search the main page there for Cloverfield, you’ll likely turn up some clips and viral video.

  12. daleyrocks says:

    With Obama’s background, his message of hope and desire to be a unifier –

    FREE WEED FOR EVERYONE!!!! 111!!!1!

    That’s what you do with a candidate like Obama.

  13. Chairman Me says:

    Obama’s candidacy seems to be the next bubble. He’s the new sub-prime mortgage. Sooner or later the media will take his dick out of their mouths for just long enough to ask what the Oprah president is actually worth beyond the sweet talk.

  14. happyfeet says:

    OK. I’ll check then. Usually I’m better at being resistant to this sort of thing, but JJ has a lot of promise I think.

  15. daleyrocks says:

    Happy – When he appears with Sharpton they can do their Sanford and Son routine. I hear it’s a hoot.

  16. happyfeet says:

    I don’t remember that show really well. The son on that show looked like he got high a lot is all I remember.

  17. B Moe says:

    “He’s a fucking Webelo. Webelos CAN’T be president.”

    That was beautiful, dude.

  18. The Ouroboros says:

    That WAS a beautiful line.

    .. but wrong..

    What he lacks in experience he more than makes up for in charisma..
    During the last election I used to love to listen to Sean Hannity’s random man-on-the-street interviews with voters as to who they were voting for and why.. Most couldnt name more than a couple candidates (that includes the sitting President) much less political figures farther down the government food chain.. The people like those here on PW that actual consider and argue the relative strengths and weaknesses of a variety of candidates are the minority.. Most people vote along party lines without questioning why.. they vote for who their friends are voting for.. They vote the candidate they most recognize or find most attractive…

    I’m not saying Obama’s the best or the brightest.. but Bush and the Repubs won by the skin of their teeth last time.. I dont think the left is going to let that happen again.. The feelings in the air.. The time feels right for a young clean cut black man.. with a Muslim name and a silver tongue..and an idealist that spouts what could be while ignoring what is, to boot…

    I just dont think the Right has anyone that can touch him..

    … of course, I could be wrong.

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