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March 2025


Pundit Jackassassination [Dan Collins]

hours after Bhutto’s assassination, Joe Scarborough can’t help talking about how this is supposed to affect the Republican and Democratic primaries.  And I stumble across this at Greg Sargent’s TPM site, thinking, “Sargent’s a putz, but he’s right that this is tasteless; let the frickin’ corpse cool, forgodsake.”  Only to find that he’s bent out of shape because Scarborough opines this will help Rudy and Hill.

The candidates will, of course, jockey for microphone time to tell us what they claim to think this means for America.  I don’t give a Fuckabee what they say.  All I want is for these murderous camelfelchers to be put out of our misery, ASAP.  

22 Replies to “Pundit Jackassassination [Dan Collins]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    TV is not helpful.

  2. Rob Crawford says:

    The next 12 hours or so are critical; Friday sermons in Pakistan are going to set the tone for how the populace reacts.

    I’m not optimistic.

  3. Bill D. Cat says:

    Not much to be optimistic about over there .

  4. happyfeet says:

    Andrew C. McCarthy is just grumpy, and people generally are just being dramatic. One dead Benazir is not all that big a deal I don’t think. It’s not like there’s a kajillion dominos about to fall, maybe just like five or six, and then we’ll be talking about something else I bet.

  5. Bill D. Cat says:

    I’d be more worried with the CNN poll ( and yeah I know it’s CNN ) .

  6. happyfeet says:

    Well, thank God if things do go somehow get out of hand we have the CIA on top of the situation. They think like seven steps ahead so they’ve probably already handled this crisis and we don’t even know it yet.

  7. Jeffersonian says:

    Just look how they pulled out all the stops to nail that Bourne guy.

  8. happyfeet says:

    Exactly, Jeffersonian. Kind of.

  9. Jeffersonian says:

    I think the time is upon us to offer to cut two checks: One to the Pakistani treasury in exchange for their nukes. The other to Musharraf to sweeten the pot to sign on the line to accept the first. Take the isotope surprise out of the trembling hands of the Allah-botherers and the world breathes a lot easier tomorrow.

  10. commander0 says:

    Yeah, I thought of that too. Musharraf giving up the sites for safe haven. Probably a dream though.

  11. happyfeet says:

    I’m going to have leftover Indian food for dinner tonight. Chicken Tikka Masala. Which makes me wonder why there aren’t any Pakistani restaurants. Turns out there are a few but they’re considered just a subset of Indian food and also they are kind of out of the way. Out of my zone anyway. It looks like there must be some kind of thriving Pakistani enclave in Artesia. Where the hell is Artesia?

  12. happyfeet says:

    I guess it’s sort of a satellite of Orange County. That’s so not going to happen.

  13. injustice prevails says:

    enough is enough
    only a p*ssy kills a woman


    and if you got a problem with that,
    or let me put it this way,
    if you can not support the home team and all of the home team maybe its time you left the stadium

  14. happyfeet says:

    She was still a filthy socialist who would have been flirting with Chavez within a year I’d bet. I just can’t get that excited really.

  15. Major John says:


    Schaumburg, IL has plenty of Pak, Indian and “Indo-Pak” places (groceries, restaurants, etc.) Funny how in the metro-Chicago area I can find halal places on the same streets as kosher ones (Devon Avenue) and “Indo-Pak” places where Pakistani and Indians come to pick up food they miss, Bollywood videos and some damned fine tea. I guess here they are all united in the desire to share in one thing… $
    Man, cash makes for some peaceful neighbors.

  16. happyfeet says:

    That’s interesting – I think things are more segregated here – I haven’t encountered the Indo-Pak thing before, but what was kooky was the local NPR getting local reaction about that woman who got shot and they kept asking Indians what they thought instead of Pakistanis. The Indians kept comparing it to I think it was Indira Ghandi and they were doing some sort of kind of ostentatiously empathetic subcontinental bonding thing over it. It was kind of sweet I guess but I kind of thought to myself that it was probably profoundly irrelevant.

  17. happyfeet says:

    And also we are all going to pretend that happyfeet knows how to spell Gandhi.

  18. daleyrocks says:

    happyfeet – Which makes me wonder why there aren’t any Pakistani restaurants.

    They’re called Dunkin’ Donuts in this country. Ask Joe Biden, ’cause he knows about these things.

  19. B Moe says:

    “Man, cash makes for some peaceful neighbors.

    And boy howdy does that piss the Proggs off.

  20. Rob Crawford says:

    That’s interesting – I think things are more segregated here – I haven’t encountered the Indo-Pak thing before

    There’s a small Indo-Pak grocery store near me that’s thriving largely off the traffic from a Hindu temple (is that the right word?) in my parent’s neighborhood. They’re quite up-front and enthusiastic about serving Indian and Pakistani customers.

    It may have to do with the size and age of the local Indian and Pakistani populations. In this area, it’s very small and very new.

  21. Topsecretk9 says:

    Good Call Dan – Greg Sargent has pretzeled’ his “theory” on the situation 3,096 times at this point at 12:06 am.

  22. N. O'Brain says:

    I’m on the lookout for some good lamb.

    Anyone know a place in Delaware county, outside Philly?

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