That it is a toy makes no difference, as the woman who called 911 said, seeing a boy point a gun makes people “uncomfortable”. A seventh grade Virginia Beach student previously suspended for shooting an airsoft gun has been expelled, has learned. During a hearing Tuesday morning, Aidan Clark was expelled in a unanimous vote. The fate of Khalid Caraballo remains unknown at this time. […] Khalid’s mother, Solangel
toy guns
September 24, 2013
Adventures in Zero Tolerance: Boy expelled for using airsoft gun in his own front yard [Darleen Click]
December 27, 2012
Aww, how sweet! Jerry Rubin is after toy guns again [Darleen Click]
Part Deux Activist Jerry Rubin’s “Alliance for Survival” peace group is encouraging children and families to say “no” to guns with a “No Toy Guns Merit Award Project” in response to the Newton, Conn. shooting which left 20 children and six adults dead, the Santa Monica Mirror reported. The group will offer a personalized, frameable certificate to children and families that send the alliance a letter explaining “Why I will