“Let’s give up on academic freedom in favor of justice” [Darleen Click]
Of course, even the word “justice” is defined by Ms. Korn of Harvard to serve her political agenda. If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals simply in the name of “academic freedom”? Instead, I would like to propose a more rigorous standard: one of “academic justice.” When an academic community observes research promoting or justifying oppression, it
New York Times ombudsman shocked, SHOCKED to find liberal bias going on … [Darleen Click]
Arthur Brisbane does a turn as Captain Renault: The Times is hardly transparent. A reader still has to work very hard to find any Times policies online (though some are tucked away there), and there is still no place where Times editors speak on the issues. As for humility, well, The Times is Lake Wobegon on steroids (everybody’s way above average). I don’t remember many autopsies in which, as we