A letter from Ronald Reagan to his son, Mike, 1971 Dear Mike: Enclosed is the item I mentioned (with which goes a torn up IOU). I could stop here but I won’t. You’ve heard all the jokes that have been rousted around by all the “unhappy marrieds” and cynics. Now, in case no one has suggested it, there is another viewpoint. You have entered into the most meaningful relationship there
August 25, 2013
Sunday morning video: “She was the prettiest girl you ever saw.” [Darleen Click]
A Letter From Fred from Green Shoe Studio on Vimeo.
March 30, 2013
My response to the plethora of same-sex ‘marriage’ icons [Darleen Click]
John Fund on getting the government out of marriage Both sides operate from the shaky premise that government must be the arbiter of this dispute. Columnist Andrew Sullivan, a crusader for gay marriage, has written that “marriage is a formal, public institution that only the government can grant.” But that’s not so. Marriage predates government. Marriage scholar Lawrence Stone has noted that in the Middle Ages it was “treated as