White Liberals have found the perfect way of keeping those darkies in their place demonstrating how much they care about black children — “restorative justice”!! New York public-school students caught stealing, doing drugs or even attacking someone can avoid suspension under new “progressive” discipline rules adopted this month. Most likely, they will be sent to a talking circle instead, where they can discuss their feelings. Convinced traditional discipline is racist
August 26, 2012
New York Times ombudsman shocked, SHOCKED to find liberal bias going on … [Darleen Click]
Arthur Brisbane does a turn as Captain Renault: The Times is hardly transparent. A reader still has to work very hard to find any Times policies online (though some are tucked away there), and there is still no place where Times editors speak on the issues. As for humility, well, The Times is Lake Wobegon on steroids (everybody’s way above average). I don’t remember many autopsies in which, as we