1 in 6 American men, ages 25-54 are not working. “There are currently 61.1 million American men in their prime working years, age 25–54. A staggering 1 in 8 such men are not in the labor force at all, meaning they are neither working nor looking for work. This is an all-time high dating back to when records were first kept in 1955. An additional 2.9 million men are in
Chump change [Darleen Click]
While the NYTimes puts up a headline that Obama is proposing “cuts” to his budget, what he really wants is yet more and higher taxes. Congressional Republicans have dug in against any new tax revenues after higher taxes for the affluent were approved at the start of the year. The administration’s hope is to create cracks in Republicans’ antitax resistance, especially in the Senate, as constituents complain about the across-the-board
Obama on the economy: “The private sector is doing fine … ” [Darleen Click] UPDATED x2
… it’s the public sector jobs we have to save! Question: What about the Republicans saying that you’re blaming the Europeans for the failures of your own policies? President Obama: The truth of the matter is that, as I said, we created 4.3 million jobs over the last 27 months, over 800,000 just this year alone. The private sector is doing fine. Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have
Time to show the math [Darleen Click] UPDATED
From Political Math UPDATE from WaPo After all, if Romney’s record in private equity is fair game, then so is Obama’s record in public equity — and that record is not pretty. Since taking office, Obama has invested billions of taxpayer dollars in private businesses, including as part of his stimulus spending bill. Many of those investments have turned out to be unmitigated disasters — leaving in their wake bankruptcies,