Matthew Yglesias, bless his li’l left-centrist heart, introduces us to Zayed Yasin — former president of the Harvard Islamic Society (“Yippee! Bake sales for Hamas”), a member of the model UN, and an affiliate of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights — who will deliver a Crimson commencement address entitled “American Jihad.” The aim? To “challenge seniors to apply the concept of the jihad to their lives after graduation,” according to Mr. Yasin.
Zayed was selected for the honor of commencement speaker by a panel of Harvard professors — many of whom, one suspects, removed their heads from their asses only long enough to select Mr. Yasin and to scrawl their names on that odious divestiture petition. Then, right back to shitsville.
Well, here’s hoping Natalie Portman’s got the arm enough to reach this presumptious fuck with a well-thrown chunk of stone. Or at least a gelatin-encrusted clump of Gefilte fish.
May the force be with her…