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October 2024


Take No Prisoners


Steven Plaut, a University of Haifa economics and business administration teacher, is bullish on the Israeli military.

But don’t just take my word for it. Read it for yourself.

It is time to return from the Oslo parallel universe — in which being nice to the PLO could produce a peaceful settlement of the Middle East conflict — to Planet Earth.

In fact, there is no effective way for resolving the Middle East war and reducing the carnage other than RD: Reoccupation and DeNazification. Israel will have to reimpose its military control on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip indefinitely, for decades. It will have to shoot many Palestinian terrorists and expel many others. The alternative is to suffer mass murders of its children and civilians, also indefinitely. Being nice, as a form of deterrence, has failed.

Israel will have to suspend habeas corpus for Palestinians and impose martial rule over them — as the Allies did in 1945. It will have to impose collective punishment for the collectively guilty. This is the lesser of the evils; the alternative is escalation, unlimited carnage, and eventually the destruction of Israel and its population.

Israel will have to impose a regime of DeNazification — as the Chicago Sun-Times recently advocated — in some ways resembling that of the U.S. and its Allies in Germany and Japan after 1945, though in other ways different. If, in order to halt the suicide bombings and other mass atrocities, it is necessary for Israel to place the entire Palestinian population under open-ended, unlimited house arrest, then so be it. How would the United States have responded to mass murders of its civilians by conquered Germans or Japanese in 1945? The alternative is an unlimited number of Pi-Glilot atrocities. And the ones to come may be not like the ones last week, which failed, but rather like the successful attempts made on Sept. 11 — which were what the PLO intended to perpetrate.

The failure of DIDO is now on display for all to see. PLO atrocities have effectively returned to the same level as before the misnamed Operation Defensive Shield, which itself was nothing but Dash In, level a few empty buildings, and Dash Out.

Jews will continue being massacred for the Oslo pagan goddess until the country awakens from its Oslo delusions. The carnage will continue until Israelis are willing to fight, rather than appease. Only then can a Jewish government arise that is devoted to military victory over the PLO, rather than to playing little political posturing games with the PLO in order to placate the Americans.

If the White House wants a settlement of the Middle East conflict, it must back up Israel when it abandons DIDO for the pursuit of victory. The Americans have been demanding nonstop since 1948 that Israelis respond to Arab barbarism and savagery with ‘restraint.’ But restraint is the best way to produce escalated Arab terror. In the Middle East, restraint spells timidity, vulnerability, and destructibility. This is why the Bush people would never have considered dealing with al Qaeda with ‘restraint.’

There is no non-military solution to the problem of terrorism.

Is it just me, or does this guy make even Bibi Netanyahu sound like some effete brandy snorter thick with brie belly…?
