Q: What do you get when you cross “60 Minutes II” and a plate of roast duck with Chilean pepper sauce?
A: There’s a “60 Minutes II“…?
Hunh. Who knew.
related: Oh lord.
update: this covers things nicely. Which reminds me: you know what I’d really like to see? Ordinary people demonstrating outside of the headquarters of various major news agencies. No puppet heads, no scarves over their faces, no Che Guevara t-shirts or patchouli-clustered dreadlock swarms. No, just unpretentious Americans with a few hours to spare showing their displeasure with being treated like complete idiots by the major media.
Yup. That’s what I’d like to see. Oh, and I’d also like a copy of Searching for Bobby Fischer on DVD, if anybody’d like to buy me that in lieu of the whole protest-the-media thing…