
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Odds, Ends

1) After fighting off a nasty case of internal Turkish log infestation (and we all know how painful that can be) The Jawa Report is now back up and running

2) Via The New Editor, the ultimate in preemptive excuse making / paranoid conspiracy mongering:  Beyond Moonbat.  Because remember, it’s not really losing if the game is fixed by neocon warmongers and their 59 million or so redneck operatives.

3) And speaking of stolen elections, Al Gore, appearing on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show,” strings together a series of self-serving observations and tendentious assertions so utterly absurd that—were they to wander off on their own and bump into the actual truth—would prompty find themselves getting bitchslapped like a band of stoned Jamaican extras in a Steven Seagal movie.

4) Hamas spokesman calls Shalit kidnapping “legal.” In a 5-3 decision, the US Supreme Court concurs.  Or not.  But it sure felt good typing it.

5) 5 million, eh?  Jesus. What are you people thinking?

6) Terry Hastings points to this WSJ article and highlights the following section:

[…] Justice Kennedy […] argued that the 2003 gerrymander [in Texas] “took away the Latinos’ opportunity” to vote for a Hispanic candidate other than Mr. Bonilla. “This bears the mark of intentional discrimination that could give rise to an equal protection violation.” How the swinging Justice achieves such political clairvoyance is anyone’s guess; as Chief Justice Roberts tartly observed, “the end result [of the 2003 gerrymander] is that while Latinos make up 58% of the citizen voting age population in the area” of Southwest Texas, “they control 85% (six out of seven) of the districts under that State’s plan.” And black representation in Texas’s Congressional delegation has actually risen since 2003. That’s “intentional discrimination”?

Hamdan, Kelo, this…

Take a breather, Justice Kennedy.  Please.

7) Rick Moran:  After Hamdan, can Bush and Rummy now be tried for war crimes at the World Court?

8) From Diana, Lo Ping Wong, whose emailed apology for a comment he made at the expense of my son —

I wrote an assinine, hateful thing in your comments section today. It was uncalled for, and I’m sorry.  Please accept my apologies, or don’t. Either way, I won’t be commenting again, as I’m obviously not suited for it.



—was rendered toothless by his decision then to post this.

Of course, knowing what I now know about Lo Ping’s rather miserable life (he emailed me under the name John Wesley Hardin, incidentally, so I did a bit of poking around), I’m inclined to forgive him.  Though the rest of you need not follow suit, of course. 

I’m all for the individual’s right to choose…

100 Replies to “Odds, Ends”

  1. albo says:

    You know what they say: On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. 

    But I guess they do know you like to bend over for sailors.

  2. albo says:

    (and that was directed at lo ping wong, of course)

  3. Dan Collins says:

    Teh Toothless.  Bwa.

  4. kyle says:

    What?  A lefty who publically says the polite and proper thing but snarks whilst with his fellow-travelers?  The hell you say!

  5. Master Tang says:

    He actually used the name “John Wesley Hardin”?

  6. mojo says:

    Named himself after a sociopathic killer, huh? Go figure.

    SB: later


  7. Radical Centrist says:

    This ruling is unconstitutional! For all intents and purposes, the Supreme

    Court has entered the US into a treaty with a foreign, non-governmental entity.

    The constitution expressly gives this authority to the President and congress.

    Also this sets up a constitutional crisis because congress

    passed the Detainee Treatment act which expressly

    said that no court, justice or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider

    `(1) an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by or on behalf of an alien detained by the Department of Defense at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; or

    `(2) any other action against the United States or its agents relating to any aspect of the detention by the Department of Defense of an alien at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who–

    `(A) is currently in military custody; or

    `(B) has been determined by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 1005(e) of the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant.’

    I believe the president should follow the actions of Andrew Jackson and tell

    Justice Stevens to stick it were the sun don’t shine.

  8. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Could be his real name, though he capitalizes the H in John.

    So it’s JoHn Wesley Hardin.  So mean he once killed a man just for snoring.

    Then made sweet sweet love to the corpse.

  9. Charlie says:

    Ah, John Wesley Hardin, favorite son of Methodists everywhere.  Son of a minister and arguably the most ruthless, cold-blooded killing machine in the ‘Old West’. 

    Somehow I have difficulty picturing Lo Ping as JWH.  You know, drawing that pistol and all might mess up his manicure.

  10. Jeff Goldstein says:

    RC —

    Thanks. I covered most of that in the earlier thread on the Hamdan ruling.

  11. kyle says:

    Oh – and I wouldn’t put too much stock in the “Hardin” name.  As a kid I read through every Western novel I could find, and I recognize that name as a badass gunslinger from Wild West times.

  12. kyle says:

    evidently i type much too slow to be useful here.

  13. Hoodlumman says:

    Somehow I don’t see this JoHn Wesley Hardin being a big fan of gun ownership…

  14. Radical Centrist says:


    Didn’t see that thread. Sorry smile

  15. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Not a problem, RC!

  16. Charlie says:

    Appears to be his real name

    What kind of sick fuck would [having the surname Hardin] name his/her son “John Wesley”?  That is just asking to make a social misfit out of the poor kid.  I guess he’s just lucky his surname isn’t ‘Arnold’ or ‘Hitler’

    No wonder Lo Ping has problems.

  17. schoolmarm says:


    Wow you have John Wesley Hardin gunning for you. You better start practicing. However I am not sure what you should be practicing but whatever it is you better get to it.

    I wonder if his friends are Jesse James?

  18. Glitch the Obscure says:

    Jeff G:  “…internal Turkish log infestation…”

    Is that like getting a bad case of constipation from eating too much kebab and meze, or is it like doing several years in a Turkish penitentary?  Inquiring minds want to know. 

    Well, maybe not.

  19. John Wesley Hard-on says:

    You’re spelling my name wrong, dipshits!

  20. BoZ says:


    Harding is the standard misspelling—so standard that someone bothering to get it right is probably doing it to make a point.


    “I can spell” is not that point. A pun, then?

    The only three-named Hardin with no g who’s famous enough to bother invoking via Joycean mis-misspelling is an actress whose middle name is Gay.



  21. actus says:

    —was rendered toothless by his decision to then post this.

    Well he is using the same handle. With the same capitalization that he used here.

  22. BumperStickerist says:

    as a quick aside –

    the Left is ramping up its ‘Astrology / Religion – what’s the diff?’ line of reasoning in response to the Jerome ‘Math Skillz’ Armstrong story.

    I was going to take a stab at it on lindsey’s blog, but figured that Jeff’s posted on damn near everything … so apologies to Jeff for dropping this here.

    The main distinction between astrology and most organized religion is that religion holds out an objective standard of behavior for people to model whereas Astrology just sort of let’s you be you based, mostly, on when you were born.

    That seems to be a significant distinction.  One that involves ‘the Other’ at some point.

    But the answer to ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ while up for debate is not premised on:  Well He’s a Capricorn, and I’m a Gemini so of course He’d do that, but I’d do this.”

  23. WhoIsLoPingWongTheGunfighter says:

    Lo Ping Wong is indeed John Wesley Hardin of Kingman, AZ.

    1) Here is a link that offers us Lo Ping Wong’s real email.

    Note the tagged email address attached to his name in this comment by Mr Lo Ping

    Lo Ping Wong ( | August 13, 2005 at 01:45 PM

    2) Here is a link that further ties the fractal ID to Lo Ping

    3) Here is a link that gives a name to go with the fractal_zero email

    The name is on page 15 of the pdf. The address is not current.

    4) Other snaps newsletters on the snaffu site have pictures and info that finally nail Lo Ping Wong as John Wesley Hardin of Kingman, AZ

    Mr Hardin is formerly of Las Vegas but is now working in Kingman in his brother’s plumbing business. He hopes to get back his drivers license soon.


    Anybody who feels ambitious enough to go through the snaps newsletters will get a good sense of just what a loser this guy is.

  24. Paul says:

    I saw some graffiti in Waco once mentioning Ben Wong Famous Chinese Cowboy. I don’t know if it’s relevant.

  25. THE Secretary says:

    Well he is using the same handle. With the same capitalization that he used here.

    I’m not following you here.  Could you please explain?  Thank you.

  26. Hoodlumman says:

    Well he is using the same handle. With the same capitalization that he used here.

    Seems like circular loop?  Is it not?  Yes?

  27. Defense Guy says:

    Since it’s an Odds & Ends, there is a new Lileks screed up.

  28. Pablo says:

    Lo Ping Wong would be just like John Wesley Hardin if JWH had been packing this puppy.

  29. Chairman Me says:

    I wrote an assinine, hateful thing in your comments section today.

    And how exactly am I to repsond when my 7 year old daughter asks me why Lo Ping Wong hates us?

  30. nikkolai says:

    It appears that lo ping wong is the pathetic loser we all imagined him to be. How amusing.

  31. Phinn says:

    John Wesley Hardin isn’t the meanest gunfighter in Texas.  Hell, I once shot a man just for using improper capitalization.

  32. EFG says:

    5) 5 million, eh?  Jesus. What are you people thinking?

    Jeff, all of your other “odds and ends” had a hyper link in them.  But this one didn’t.  Was one ommitted by mistake, or is this some sort of inside joke that I am missing? 

    If anyone else feels like chiming in, I am all ears.  Metaphorically (sic?) speaking.

    Very respectfully,


  33. Just Passing Through says:

    It appears that lo ping wong is the pathetic loser we all imagined him to be.

    It appears so. Another interesting point is the info in his yahoo profile and the link to his comment on the Tristam Shandy site in this thread’s post might shed a little light on his choice of insults when using Jeff’s kid as a foil. It might even offer some insight into his choice of a little boy to make the insult. I’d make the snappy ‘Not theat there’s anything wrong with that’ Seinfeld comment, but there certainly is something wrong with it in this case.

    I wonder about the similarities between his choice of a two year old and the type of insult common to both Jeff’s site and Thersites old site. The jerk has a habit of getting into fights on blogs with anyone who disagrees with him regardless of core politics. If he and Thersites have some history it might tie in.

  34. Phinn says:

    I rarely if ever listen to an album from start to finish.  Back in the pre-CD days, I used to do that more; now we invariably set our changer on random, with five disks in the hopper. I do recall that the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper album was designed to be heard that way.  And a dam [sic] fine album it was, too.

    —JoHn Wesley Hardin, SNAPS Newsletter, May 2005

    I KNEW it!  With the Boomers, it’s always with the fucking Beatles, fucking Woodstock, fucking Watergate and fucking Vietnam.  Arghh!!!

  35. Defense Guy says:

    If anyone else feels like chiming in, I am all ears.  Metaphorically (sic?) speaking.

    EFG, I think he is referring to the hit counter at the bottom of the main page.  It’s over 5 million, which is a jump of a million from only a month or so ago, I believe.

  36. Gabriel Malor says:

    Since it’s an Odds & Ends, there is a new Lileks screed up.

    Thanks DG! For those of you not familiar with Lileks you should check it out. For those of you who are familiar with Lileks and don’t like him, you suck. (!!!) Here’s the link.

  37. EFG says:

    Thanks Defense Guy.  cool smile

  38. Tom W. says:

    The late psychologist David Viscott said that the sicker people are, the more predictable they are.

    Lo Ping Hardin negating his apology with more venom is about as shocking as CAIR denouncing Jews.

    Don’t mention him again, Jeff, unless it’s to pass his contact info to a large Italian man carrying a baseball bat, a blow torch, and a vise grip.

  39. TODD says:

    So is it safe to say we have seen the last of Lo Ping Necrophilia?

  40. Rob B. says:

    John Wesley Hardin isn’t the meanest gunfighter in Texas.  Hell, I once shot a man just for using improper capitalization.

    Hell, I live in Texas and he shot me just for being dyslexic

  41. Rob B. says:

    I mean, even Johnny Cash shot a man in Reno…

  42. Diana says:

    Whoa!  Thanks for the link, Maestro.

  43. Verc says:

    So is it safe to say we have seen the last of Lo Ping Necrophilia?

    Whoa, careful with the digging.

    Once I saw Lo Ping deepthroat an entire watermelon while a pair of daschunds humped his legs. On top of that, he was sitting on the Space Cowboy Latex Dildo Saddle. It was over here at, sorry Jeff, and everyone…here.

    I don’t even have the heart to link to it so here’s the url.

    Sorry, again…not safe for work.

  44. Token says:

    Nice try Verc, I fell for that tubgirl link once…once.

    TW: you cannot make me click that link ever again

  45. Jay says:


    Not to complain, but how come no Chutch update?

    Are you preparing us for the Chutch Chronicles?

  46. Master Tang says:

    The Chutch of the Poison Mind?

  47. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Site is acting wonky, so until I change hosts, I’m trying to avoid anything that uses graphics.

  48. rls says:

    John Wesley Hardin isn’t the meanest gunfighter in Texas.

    Well….you want BAD?

    I have it on good authority that Dick Cheney has to hold a .45 to his head when he shaves in the morning…so he doesn’t cut his own throat!

  49. Verc says:

    I know, Token, I accidently clicked it trying to get the url up there…its like having a hairball in your lungs, with the dry heaving and all…

  50. Brian says:

    This just in…..

    War is over.  Al Qaeda is a figment of our imagination.

  51. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Looks like JoHn took down his pic and other info from the profile site.

    For the record, I believe his nickname was something like “shaved chubby.” Which should tell you everything you need to know.

  52. “If he was shot in the head by the front, that is good marksmanship, if he was shot in the head by the back, that is good judgement.”


  53. Named himself after a sociopathic killer, huh? Go figure.

    It’s worse than that: Hardin was a lawyer too.

  54. Jeff, all of your other “odds and ends” had a hyper link in them.  But this one didn’t.  Was one ommitted by mistake, or is this some sort of inside joke that I am missing?

    Look at the very bottom of the page — the site counter.

  55. Leeds man says:

    Goldstein logic:

    1) An apology from someone who thinks you’re an asshole renders the apology null and void. It further spurs you (like it takes much) to encourage your rabble to go after the poor sod.

    2) An offensive master’s thesis written by Tommy Douglas somehow strengthens the ridiculous claim that Canada’s healthcare system is inferior to the American one.

    Carry on wanking, Mr. Goldstein.

  56. B Moe says:

    Verc I will never forgive you for that link.

    And by never I mean until the next time you get medieval on some troll.

  57. Rusty says:

    What did you expect? Maturity?

    Forgive him anything except being a bore. Don’t they have anybody with a brain in that club?

  58. Phone Technician in a Time of Roaming says:

    My name’s “John Nowak”, which is actually much more common a name than most people think. Other John Nowaks include a guy who runs Bible classes in Peekskill, NY (I think I got about half his phone calls), the stuntman who fell to Jim Kirk’s death in Generations, and a third guy who posted the very worst music MP3s ever encoded.

    I’ve always wondered what would happen if someone tried to “out” me. But since I’ve never felt the need to insult children, I’ll probably never know. Just as well.

  59. Diana says:

    Ah!  The Leeds man.  What a font.

    Heh!  Wikipedia, eh?  The edible encyclopedia.  Get a grip.

  60. Master Tang says:

    So nothing rouses the wrath of the Leeds Man so much as an assault on …..socialized medicine!

    Some things clearly are sacred, eh?

  61. CraigC says:

    I KNEW it!  With the Boomers, it’s always with the fucking Beatles, fucking Woodstock, fucking Watergate and fucking Vietnam.  Arghh!!!

    Not only that, but he exposed himself as a Boomerus Phonius by talking about Sgt. Pepper.  Every boomer who wants to appear culurally literate brings up Sgt. Pepper because he read somewhere that it’s one of the best albums ever. The truth is, it’s only about the eighth or ninth best Beatles album.

  62. JayI says:

    Hey Leeds man, you need to hook up with lo ping.  Oh, and do you snore, by any chance?

  63. B Moe says:

    So nothing rouses the wrath of the Leeds Man so much as an assault on …..socialized medicine!

    Some things clearly are sacred, eh?

    One of the things that fascinated me about the Deaniacs was there absolute belief that electing an “oil man” would only empower the Big Oil Monopolies (almost always plural, lol) but electing a Doctor would be perfect for lowering the cost of health care.  The hollow look in their eyes when I suggested health care was over priced because it actually was a monopoly was tragic.

  64. JayI says:

    I bought Sgt Pepper’s when I was a kid, right after it was released.  It was the first LP I had ever bought and, at that time, it was the best album ever in my collection (I thought the sitar song sounded kinda wierd, though). 

    Then I got Frank Zappa & the Mothers Live @ the Fillmore East and never looked back. Mud-sh-sh-sharrrrk!

    The preceding pcilocybin-induced meanderings seal my Boomer bona fides.

  65. Matt30 says:

    The truth is, it’s only about the eighth or ninth best Beatles album.

    I’ve always been partial to “Let It Be” myself.  I realize I may be the only one.  What’s more, I think Fiona Apple’s cover of “Across the Universe” from the movie “Pleasantville” is better than any of the various versions recorded by the Fabsters. 

    Btw, Jeff, any effort to track down lucky # 5 mil?  I’m reasonably certain it’s not me, today was busy.  Still, whoever it is deserves a little something, I think.  Unless it turns out it’s actus or that other creep.

  66. MarkD says:

    I have it on good authority that Dick Cheney has to hold a .45 to his head when he shaves in the morning…so he doesn’t cut his own throat!

    I thought Dick Cheney shaved himself with the .45.  The shotgun is for friends.  Heaven knows what he uses on enemies.

    TW:  without.  I could have gone a lifetime without seeing some weasel try to retract an apology.  Some days the things you learn aren’t worth learning.

  67. Verc says:

    “Mad Mullah” Theocon Dick Cheney, I have on some authority, makes his enemies build giant brick walls sprayed with depleted uranium paint, and then forces Bushtardo to back the two-tone pickup truck into the wall, thereby delivering a pimp-ass smack down.

  68. brooksfoe says:

    He apologized for having said something offensive. That doesn’t mean he then has to decide to like or agree with the guy he said the offensive thing to. If “fuck him, he’s a no-talent hack” were grounds for apology, I would be due apologies from about a dozen posters here by now.

  69. Verc says:

    If “fuck him, he’s a no-talent hack” were grounds for apology, I would be due apologies from about a dozen posters here by now.

    As soon as you apologize for this throbbing blood clot in my temple for typing the exact same thing someone else said five minutes ago and that was thoroughly picked clean of all meat by Jeff’s chained-to-the-keyboard intranets piranhas.

    Give me transcendantal meditation or one post without pacifist moral posturing.

  70. Jeff Goldstein says:

    He apologized to me for saying something offensive, then went and acted brave and defiant when he re-entered the sewers and was given succor by the assholes at Edroso’s site.

    Still, his original apology to me wasn’t public; his boisterous “Fuck Goldstein” was.

    So now they are both public.  Along with the fact that he’s a pudgy 40-year-old who likes to hang out on line when he’s not trolling around for some of that very dick he said my son will grow up wanting to suck.  Talk about projection!

    Gee, I hope his kids never find out. 

  71. Phone Technician in a Time of Roaming says:

    If “fuck him, he’s a no-talent hack” were grounds for apology, I would be due apologies from about a dozen posters here by now.

    Nah; they’re telling you the truth.

  72. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Matt —

    I wouldn’t have a clue how to do that, to be honest with you.

  73. My name’s “John Nowak”, which is actually much more common a name than most people think.

    Had lunch on Sunday with my college roommate, John Novak.

  74. brooksfoe says:

    Nah; they’re telling you the truth.

    At some point, Phone, you may write something funny. It’s just a matter of determination and luck, so don’t get discouraged.

  75. alppuccino says:

    My Mother-in-law just came back from night-putting with my college roommate Mitch Cumstien.

    Her and the daughter of the dean, of course.

  76. Just Passing Through says:

    He apologized for having said something offensive.

    No. No, he didn’t. The first time he basically said ‘Ya, ok, I’m sorry. Take it or leave it because it’s all your gonna get’. The link in this thread’s post is basically saying ‘Ya, I regret saying it, but it’s his fault because he pissed me off’.

    Neither one was an apology. A decent person who makes a shitbird comment in anger makes a real apology. If he had I expect Jeff would have considered it closed. Instead he qualified his first apology and then couldn’t resist preening over in edroso’s sewer and on Tristram Shandy.

    So fuck him. He won’t be able to hide his fat loser’s ass behind the anonymity of a pseudonym the next time he gets ‘pissed’. Karma.

  77. Verc says:

    Along with the fact that he’s a pudgy 40-year-old who likes to hang out on line when he’s not trolling around for some of that very dick he said my son will grow up wanting to suck.

    This begs the eternal question: Who is gayer, the pitcher or the catcher?

    I mean, I think the pitcher is just being a dude, but the catcher, now, that is gay.

    Personally, I would just go for a field-expedient pocket-pussy rather than get freaky with Fred, but that’s my bag, yo.

  78. Pablo says:

    Nah; they’re telling you the truth.

    And they’re telling you directly, not sniping behind your back, so to speak. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s the right thing.

  79. Brian says:

    I don’t even have the heart to link to it so here’s the url.

    Brings back memories of my first blind date with a girl from West Hollywood.  She was one confused chick.  Her nickname was “open trench”.

  80. Phone Technician in a Time of Roaming says:

    At some point, Phone, you may write something funny.

    …You thought I was joking?

  81. brooksfoe says:

    and that was thoroughly picked clean of all meat by Jeff’s chained-to-the-keyboard intranets piranhas.

    Actually, nobody responded substantively to Leeds man’s point, or to mine. Including Jeff, whose response doesn’t hold water. The general agreement that was reached was that saying “fuck your kid” is offensive. I don’t understand how most posters on this site can claim “fuck you” or “fuck him” is offensive. “Preening” is also not generally recognized as hate speech or threatening behavior.

    But it’s stupid to get into this “up your nose with a rubber hose” nonsense because it inevitably devolves into what we’re seeing here.

  82. brooksfoe says:

    …You thought I was joking?

    Case in point.

  83. B Moe says:

    But it’s stupid to get into this “up your nose with a rubber hose” nonsense because it inevitably devolves into what we’re seeing here.

    It didn’t devolve into anything, you can’t get lower than you started out.  If you truly don’t even know how to fucking apologize sincerely, I don’t see much hope.

  84. McGehee says:

    If “fuck him, he’s a no-talent hack” were grounds for apology, I would be due apologies from about a dozen posters here by now.

    @#$! you, you no-talent hack.

  85. McGehee says:

    Sorry, I just wanted into the club.

  86. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Brooksfoe —

    Mind your own business.  It’s not your kid, and it’s not your fight, and it’s not your apology to own, so it’s not yours to judge how effective it was.

    I don’t care what you or Leeds Man’s “points” are.  Or whether you think I’ve addressed them to your satisfaction. 

    This is not about you.  Not.  About you.

  87. Kent says:

    It’s not your kid, and it’s not your fight, and it’s not your apology to own, so it’s not yours to judge how effective it was.

    Game.  Set.  Match.

  88. Swede says:

    Oh, sweet merciful gawd.

    I clicked on the linky for Long Duck Dong’s further ranting.

    Did any of you read the rest of the comments there?

    Apparently, the Commies really weren’t that bad after all.

    And that moonbat daddy so proud of his intellectually gifted daughter whose boat making skills are all the rage?

    That was just precious.

    So precious, in fact, that I just puked on my shoes.

  89. JD says:

    Verc : My eyes are bleeding!  Were it not outside of business hours, I would be driving immediately to the nearest therapist after having clicked on your link.  Thanks a fuckin’ lot. lol.

    TW : I am FEELING quite sick, thank you.  Was that Oliver Willis in the tub ?

  90. Just Passing Through says:

    “Preening” is also not generally recognized as hate speech or threatening behavior.

    Whoosh. Right the fuck over your head. You have an agenda that has nothing to do with the quality of fat fuck Hardin’s apology. The point was that you don’t apologize for an act and then strut the act about for the edification of and hopefully admiring comments from your fellow travellers. Which point I’m damn sure everybody else here immediately understood as would any well-raised 6 year old.

  91. Swen Swenson says:

    5) 5 million, eh?  Jesus. What are you people thinking?

    We’re only here for the ‘dillo, man. But since I’m here, you should know you’re being lumped in with bad company:

    Unfortunately for the people who take their politics seriously, Moulitsas himself and many of his paste-eating charges at Camp Kos seem more committed to acts of adolescent political vandalism, as the title of his book implies, than to the intellectual maturity of political leadership.

    Is nothing sacred?

    TW: Death. How very Goth.

  92. Kent says:

    From WhoFlungDung’s Yahoo profile:

    More About Me

    Hobbies: […] collecting subversive literature, altering my brain chemistry, chaos magick […] bi, polyam.

    How proud his parents must be.  LOL

  93. actus says:

    More About Me Hobbies: […] collecting subversive literature, altering my brain chemistry, chaos magick […] bi, polyam.

    Wait, the dude is bi, and yet “cockslapping faggot”? Thats weird.

  94. Swen Swenson says:

    Oops, found that link over at the New Editor.

    TW: We must provide the proper credit!

  95. MarkD says:

    I think it was a tie with tubgirl.  I regret clicking on either.

  96. Swen Swenson says:

    Besides, I’d probably have 5 million visitors too if I had the connections to get the p0rn site pop-ups you host. What is your secret?  shock

    Yeah sure, blame it on the ‘dillo.

  97. Just Passing Through says:

    For the record, I believe his nickname was something like “shaved chubby.” Which should tell you everything you need to know.

    This was from Jeff upthread. How proud his wife must be about his putting that online, much less his parents.

    ‘Hey, shaved chubby, take out the damn garbage.’

  98. B Moe says:

    Wait, the dude is bi, and yet “cockslapping faggot”? Thats weird.

    Not really, according to a gay friend of mine a bi- is just a fag who can’t commit.

  99. Just Passing Through says:

    ’Hey, shaved chubby, it’s for you. It’s your Dad and he sounds mad.’

  100. Master Tang says:

    “Chaos Magick” – wasn’t it Grant Morrison who was a big believer in that?  Even had a website partially devoted to it?  Seems like his series The Invisibles was built around that concept, and even Alan Moore is into some version of it.

    Even in the 21st century, people can find themselves drawn to the most bizarre dreck.

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