
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


I was hoping for maybe Cat Stevens

Please, Che it isn’t so!

I have a feeling the fix was in.  Had to be.  Though to be honest, my curiosity is so piqued that I’m going to run out later and buy a beret and a motorcycle.  And some chicken enchilados. 

Of course, I was planning on having the enchilados anyway.  So that last part is entirely coincidental.

61 Replies to “I was hoping for maybe Cat Stevens”

  1. mojo says:

    Hey, at least they used a pic of a live Ernesto…

    Rather than the “messily dead” one.

    SB: image


  2. shank says:

    isn’t it ‘enchiladas’?

  3. Hoodlumman says:

    Man, Jill’s politics suck but I’d sure cram it in…


    If given the opportunity.

  4. Dan Collins says:

    I want the Jhe Goldvara t-shirt.

  5. B Moe says:

    I want the Jhe Goldvara t-shirt.

    I’ll take a couple, XXL-long.

  6. Defense Guy says:

    Kos as Della Reese.


  7. tim maguire says:

    You do kind of have that “I want to take over the world and kill everyone” look to you.

    tw: although

  8. Defense Guy says:

    It’s the wide collars.  Wide collars are threatening in some cultures.

  9. Chairman Me says:

    You look like Che and Napoleon? Consider yourself blessed.

  10. me says:

    enchilados = two enchiladas

  11. TODD says:

    VIVA LA GOLDSTEIN!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    I tried the picture on the ‘about’ page and it didn’t come up with anything…

    So maybe you are a unique, pretty flower.

  13. McGehee says:

    I got Arthur Conan Doyle. Which may explain why I wasn’t one of the bloggers featured at Feministe.

    Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  14. Rob B. says:

    Well at least you didn’t get a Baldwin or Sean Penn…

  15. Jill says:

    I swear it wasn’t fixed. But I did laugh good and hard when you came up as Che. I knew you’d appreciate it.

  16. It told me that I look like Terence Stamp.

  17. The Colossus says:


    or CheChe?

  18. Oh Christ. Another photo said “Mark Owen.”

    I look like C-list celebrities.

    Though I guess as genocidal communists go, Che was a C-lister too.

  19. rls says:

    Just be thankful you didn’t come up as “Charles Bronson” like moi.

  20. Steve in Houston says:

    Jill’s definitely a hottie. She has really nice hair and great teeth. More smiley than I’d expect, given. How can she do so, with all the pain in the world?

    She’d be the type to make me question my beliefs, if only she’d ever talk to me in, say, a bar or strip club or something.

  21. OHNOES says:

    “Jill is hot” posts x2.

    Take a cold shower, guys. wink

  22. me says:

    I submitted a picture of a twinkie and got no matches – not even Michael Moore. Faulty software.


    me, I wonder what would happen if you tried submitting a picture of 50 twinkies?

  24. Hey, the best thing about Jill is she doesn’t appear to have any qualms about featuring a picture of a little girl holding a pistol-grip Mossberg 500 12 gauge on her banner.

    Most feminists I know would be horrified.

  25. You do look a lot like Cat Stevens to me, but I can see the Che similarity. 

    The program thought I looked like Aldous Huxley, Christopher Lambert, or Douglas Adams.  To be fair the picture wasn’t the best, but it’s all I had to offer with my face.  Strangely enough I don’t have very many pictures of me on my system.

  26. Robb Allen says:

    I did it and ended up matching Pierce Brosnan.

    Not that I’m complaining or anything.

  27. Sean M. says:

    I don’t look like anybody, apparently.

  28. Hoodlumman says:

    Wow.  It says I look like Brittney Murphy.

    Next time someone tells me to ‘go fuck myself’ I think I will.


  29. alppuccino says:

    Straight on shot I was Joe Montana.  A slight turn of the head yeilded Grace Kelly.

    Confusing and flattering.

  30. Hoodlumman says:

    Ah.  After switching the setting from ‘all’ to ‘male’ it nows says I look like Bob Hope.

    I can live with that.

  31. alppuccino says:

    or yielded.  Grace was a crappy speller, I hear.

  32. increasingly hostile says:

    From the left, I look like Isabelle Dinoire, from the right, Vladimir Nabokov. It must still be in beta.

    What’s with Kos and Toni Morrison? I think he looks more like Charlie the Starkist Tuna, myself….

  33. mojo says:

    Hmmm… It seems to think Courtney Love is Julia Roberts. What, CL wasn’t included in the “celebrity database”? Tsk tsk.

    In other amusing news, it seems that the extremely annoying site registration has used up all the variations of “fuck you” for nicknames. Including Spanish, Latin and Tagalog. Go figure.

    That’s a hint that your “user” reg db is about 99.99% crap, fellas…

    SB: view


  34. The New Guy says:

    Somebody needs to tell Kos that the sportcoat over t-shirt look is soooooooooo 1990, Swayze in “Roadhouse”.

  35. JayI says:

    Hey Jeff, submit a pic with you in a turban and see if it returns Yusuf Islam.

    tw: person

  36. me says:

    I submitted bin Laden’s pic and it found Courtney Love’s crotch. Brrr.

  37. MarkD says:

    I submitted a dinosaur and it came back with Teddy Kennedy.  Site doesn’t work – everybody knows dinosaurs don’t swill booze and chase skirts.

  38. eLarson says:

    The closest match to me was ‘Matt Damon’.  My honey doesn’t look that much like Brittany Murphy, but she was the only one I had heard of in the list.

    Apparently the smile I had during the cake cutting reminded them of Michael Jordan, too. (??)

  39. The picture database probably doesn’t have Cat Stevens, is my guess.  Just as well, he never stays in one place, what with that moonshadow following him around.

  40. alan says:

    I apparently look like Britney Spears. And Eminem.

  41. Cybrludite says:

    According to this, I look like Michelle Wei. I’ll second what Hoodlumman had to say.

  42. Matt, Esq. says:

    *I apparently look like Britney Spears. And Eminem. *

    Well neither of them are natural blondes..

    Past that, I got nothing.

  43. McGehee says:

    I switched it from “male” to “female” and got Sinead O’Connor.

    I may just start letting my hair grow out again. <shudder>

  44. nothing, unless i use a bad pic of me in my glasses, then i look like wayne knight, but with much funnier hair, i might add.

    TW: appear.  It appears to only offer people in glasses if you give it a pic with glasses.  Jeff, you should try a pic with your sexy rimless glasses.  (please)

  45. Taleena says:

    Wait a minute…how come Ariana doesn’t match a picture of herself?  I thought she was a hotshot celebrity? Jeff, man, you are much, much better looking than Che; it’s why the left hates you so much.

  46. N. O'Brain says:

    Somebody needs to tell Kos that the sportcoat over t-shirt look is soooooooooo 1990, Swayze in “Roadhouse”.

    Posted by The New Guy | permalink

    on 06/30 at 01:22 PM

    I bet Swayze could take him, though.

  47. Curious Apache says:

    I bet Swayze could take him, though.

    Only if he kept him.

  48. Pablo says:

    Oh, no. Howard freaking Dean. And Edward Said. And Andre Agassi. And Vladmir Putin. And Jake “Brokeback” Gyllenhaal.

    The bright spot is that I look like Agassi?


    Bad boys, bad boys

    Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do

    When they come for you <i>

    tw: <i>Death

    Yes, please!

  49. Wes says:

    If I look like John Maynard Keynes, how come my 2 year old son looks like Samuel L. Jackson?  I think my wife has some explaining to do.

  50. Froggie says:

    Don’t feel bad, Jeff.  I’ve frequently been told I look like Al Franken.

  51. Pat in Colorado says:


    I got Juan Pablo Montoya (a handsome devil, whoever he is), Brigitte Bardot, Omar Sharif, Al Pacino and Gary Cooper.  I must be a lot better looking then I thought I was.

  52. Sean M. says:

    I submitted another pic and got Alfonso XIII of Spain (?!), Bing Crosby, and Ringo Starr.


  53. Ric Locke says:

    Don’t do cultural stereotyping. Argentines don’t eat enchiladas, unless they’re visiting Mexico of course. Argentines like to pretend they’re Italian—which a lot of their ancestors were. If you’ll think about it for a bit, that explains a lot about Government in Argentina, doesn’t it?

    Anyway, Argentines, especially medical doctors with a sideline in interrogation, don’t eat enchiladas. They either eat slabs of beef big enough to choke a Texan, or else sit in sidewalk cafes sipping expensive coffee out of too-small cups. Berets are optional. Eurosensitive moral preening is not. I’m sure Señor Guevara was quite ::ahem:: earnest about it in his formative years.

    I don’t have a digital picture of myself to submit at the moment. Picture F. Dzerzhezhinsky in a checked shirt and cowboy hat, except that my mustache is more like Saddam’s. Ladies may consider themselves free to sigh.



  54. B Moe says:

    my mustache is more like Saddam’s

    I got Alexander Borodin, apparently because we both have big mustaches.  I am kind of pissed because he doesn’t seem to be much of a celebrity.

  55. *sigh*

    please ignore the rest of this comment, as it seems there’s some kind of word minimum to comment.

  56. J. Peden says:

    I look most like “your worst nightmare”. It’s subjective.

  57. Lost Dog says:

    Glen Cambell????  If you want your day ruined, this is the way to do it. Although Glen DID schtupp Tanya Tucker…

  58. Lost Dog says:

    Hey! Did I lose a “p” somewhere?

  59. Lost Dog says:

    I take it back. Now I look like Neil Young. That’s pretty cool, but I could do without the convulsions…

  60. Hey, Glenn is the rhinestone cowboy!

  61. McGehee says:

    Now I look like Neil Young.

    A couple of years back Glen Campbell was busted for drunk driving, or maybe drunK in publiC (as Tater would say), and in his mug shot he looked kinda like Neil Young.

    I remember it because for my post about it I used as the title, “By the time he got to Phoenix, he was snockered.”

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