
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Just in case it wasn’t already dead…

Relying on Congressional sources, USA Today further exposes details about the NSA “domestic surveillance” initiative, another boot to the skull of the already moribund program.  But don’t complain:  the death of this empirically vile assault on your civil liberties (about which few specifics are known, sure—but you must admit it certainly sounds just awful!) is for your own good.  Even if you don’t believe it.  And let’s be honest here:  have any of you slavering peasant peckerwoods been to Columbia Journalism School? 

Of course you haven’t. So please:  Let US Today and the New York Times and the LAT and the WaPO do your thinking for you.  After all, they’re much smarter than you are—and more than that, they really really care

About the country, I mean.  Not about who the current NASCAR points leader is.  Like you.  BECAUSE OF THE PUBLIC GOOD!

Anyway, AJ Strata has some ideas about what the furtherance of earlier stories means for national security.

For my part, I think it suggests that more than just Think Progress and Glenn Greenwald are convinced yesterday’s Hamdan ruling is likely to problematize the DOJ’s assertion that the President was acting within his AUMF authority when he gave the green light to the NSA program.  In fact, I suspect we’ll see the media and the Democratic left use yesterday’s SCOTUS ruling to float a whole new round of “scandal” stories, hoping some of them will stick.

But when they’re doing it, remember:  they are doing it for you.  You creepy Biblehumping bigots.

70 Replies to “Just in case it wasn’t already dead…”

  1. McGehee says:

    You creepy Biblehumping bigots.

    Stop offending my personal dignity! Torture! TORTURE!

    Help! Help! I’m being oppressed!

  2. Rob B. says:

    With their intentions to return America to the days of fire and brimstone raining down from pulpits, vowing eternal damnation to all who would seek to stray from the path that the church had deemed to that which was righteous, to the days of colored drinking fountains, seats at the back of the bus and segregated schools and restaurants, the days of burning crosses and back alley abortions.And George W. Bush, just as Jefferson Davis is only too willing to utilize the hatreds of others as means with which to further his own nefarious ends.

    For clarification, is that the “Bush is a dolt who can’t tie his own shoes” GWB or the “Bush is a mastermind and manipulator on the scales of Hitler or possibly Satan himself” GWB?

    By the way, I took both the kids to vacation bible school last week and you’d be so proud of little Adolph, Jeff. He was able to take all the little pink painted army men and jail then indefinitely for being gay while setting you little popcicle stick crosses on fire in there little yards all by himself. He’s really grown since last year when he failed to properly frog march the kids who played the part of the “Left wing colored gay Islamist” to the “Christ our savior re-education camps” without crying because he didn’t get to use a real gun. Still, next year in kindergarten should be great. 

    TW: reality, some have clearly lost track of it.

  3. Mark says:

    Something tells me that Kos’s endosement of Mark Warner (thanks to Jerome Armstrong, of course!) is not going to play well in Kosland.  After all, Warner actively courted these “peasant peckerwoods” when he ran for governor in Virginia.

  4. Dan Collins says:

    I just don’t understand why they’re withholding all of that evidence regarding “Honest” John Kerry “The Hairsplitter“‘s heroic war record.  Inquiring minds want to know!

  5. Pablo says:

    A peckerwood is a rural white southerner, usually poor, undereducated or otherwise ignorant and bigoted, the term gained popularity in the deep south during the early twentieth century and was meant to be derogatory….

    This is the reality of the situation: deep south bible belt whites, mainly poor, increasingly hostile and always Republican now own a disproportionate amount of political power in America and they are determined to wield it…

    Racist much?

    All this time, I thought the Jooos were controlling the government. Now it’s poor, ignorant Bible thumping white folks. Who’s next, transgendered Apaches?

  6. tongueboy says:

    And let’s be honest, have any of you been to Columbia Journalism School?

    No, but I’ve been to the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism, in a physical sense at least, and know many graduates of that fine training ground for the future arbiters of the public good. A mix of airheaded blank slates and committed Marxist internationalists from my experience. Sorry if I offended anyone; my inner peckerwood escaped his personal Gitmo for a moment. And – *oof* – 16 pounds heavier than the first time I stuffed him in there. Which was after my Pauline experience with Fahrenheit 9-11.

  7. Rob B. says:

    You know I never trusted the transgendered apaches, either…

    Thank about it terms of middle weight boxing: A white guy and a black guy in the ring. Most of the time the black guy wins.

    A black guy and a mexican guy in the ring. Most of the time the mexican guy wins.

    A mexican guy and a asian guy in the ring. Most of the time the asian guy wins.

    A asian guy and a cuban guy in the ring. Most of the time the cuban guy wins.

    It’s like the lower you go down the left’s identity politics scale the tougher the boxer. If that’s the case, the transgendered apaches have to be behind it all because they’re appearently the toughest bastards alive on this planet.

    I’m with you man, I’m with ya…

  8. Curious Apache says:

    Who’s next, transgendered Apaches?

    Ah-ha-hem…I’m still pre-op, but watch, pal.

  9. Dan Collins says:

    The Pecker Woods engagement took place in East Tennessee on 14 May of 1842, and is generally regarded by historians as a limited skirmish prefacing the more general engagement at Big Quim Swamp a few days later.

  10. Sean M. says:

    That Daily Kos screed is one of the scariest things I’ve ever read.  And I don’t mean that I’m afraid of the so-called “peckerwoods.”

    TW = It’s horrifying to think that these DKos “diarists” live among us.

  11. Abraham says:

    tongueboy: I think you’ve got a great title for a comedy self-help book going there: “Getting in Touch With Your Inner Peckerwood”. I’d write it, but I broke my hand last week thumping Bibles. Have you ever thumped a Bible? Half the time, they thump back. Last week, one actually rose up and kicked the living shit out of me. I’m having to type this with my teeth. Frankly, they can be pretty fucking dangerous, so make sure they’re dead first.

  12. tongueboy says:

    Gotta give Endencho credit: his post’s debut sentence clocked out at 111 words.

    That is, if the definition of sentence is “any amount of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs placed in any order and with any number and type of intervening punctuation excepting a period.”

  13. McGehee says:

    Who’s next, transgendered Apaches?

    Yup. And then it’s the ambidextrous Athabascans.

    …but because I can’t write with both hands, I didn’t speak up.

  14. Montaigne says:

    “The Diarists Among Us”. That’s another good one. A tale of modern horror. By day, an unpaid intern at a third-rate web development firm, by night a demented left-wing diarist….

  15. tongueboy says:

    Abraham: I’ve never thumped a Bible but I once flung a pallet of Strong’s Concordances at all the closeted gays who came out on “Where Jeans If You’re Gay” Day at the local Satanic land grant university. Not all at once, mind you—channeling the Lord’s wrath has its limits, you know—but through a series of well-placed launches from my perch atop the Southern Baptist Student Union.

  16. increasingly hostile says:

    Fort Transgendered Apache the Bronx (1981): 15 minutes from Provincetown there’s a place where even the left fears to tread….

    tw: french, I kid. You. Not.

  17. Dan Collins says:

    Provisional title for my memoir is “Piece of Work in Progress.”

    TW: fact

  18. Jay says:

    My car is a hybrid that runs on gasoline and condescension.  I’m hooking it up to this guy right now.

    I won’t need to buy gasoline for another 3 years!

  19. cynn says:

    As far as I am aware, none of the NSA’s surveillance programs have ground to a halt.  As for the media, while it galls me when some editor decides what I should or shouldn’t know, I am more irritated with legislators and government officials who blab about things they might not even comprehend.

  20. BoZ says:

    I’m surprised it took the -sacks this long to add “peckerwood” to their set of slurs against the poor. It’s a classic. Guess that one doesn’t get thrown around at the yacht club much. It’ll be fun watching it move up the charts over the next couple weeks.

    All this time, I thought the Jooos were controlling the government. Now it’s poor, ignorant Bible thumping white folks.

    Remember, you’re a Kosland progressive. Somewhere on the broad strata between rich middle-aged white douche and paranoid leisure-class idiot (also white). You’re afraid of those shifty Eastern-looking Jews—they got secrets, and they’re fuzzy and horny—but you’re even more viscerally repulsed by the dirty wild poor. And you’re a little conflicted.

    A hell of a lot of poor people are black, and a hell of a lot of poor people are women. Put the two together, it’s a majority. Tough spot. You violently despise them all, and you need to rage against them publically. But that’s just not done; you need those votes. For PROGRESS. So you need a rhetoric that lets you hate esoterically. Those vote-carriers need to be subsumed into the safely hated White Male (like you did to the Jews via “neocon”—brilliant!), and raged against sub rosa.

    A little crypto-eugenicist manifesto called What’s The Matter With Kansas comes out and shows you how to do it. Combining collegiate Marxism with blue-man’s-burden cultural imperialism (but I repeat myself), it gives you the right club for this shot: The peckerwoods are the neocons’ golem army, mindless stooges of right-wing puppetmasters. So you can openly hate them both—and niggers, too! without even saying it! wooo!—by pretending that your hatred for the poor is actually a hatred of their manipulation by Jews. <—Don’t say that. And don’t say “golem.” Too Jewish.

  21. Rob B. says:

    Tongue boy, that was inspired.  In simular vein I was able to use my promise keepers backpack to house a chemical bomb that was triggered by divine providence to shower the local chapter of GLAAD with the holy shrapnel of 10,000 prayed over Robert Tilton prayer rags. I then used my John the Baptist Jordan River Baptism scuba gear to enact a quick escape.

    The look on thier sodomite Jezzebel faces as he annointed terry cloth pummled them was better than the time that Carmen and Mel Gibson used the Power Team to toilet papaer Larry Flynts house with tract toilet paper.

  22. Rusty says:

    That Daily Kos screed is one of the scariest things I’ve ever read.  And I don’t mean that I’m afraid of the so-called “peckerwoods.”

    That’s not the scary part. The scary part is all the dopes over there who think he’s god.

    Thank god conservatives have all the guns.

  23. Old Dad says:

    I thought Peckerwood was an ED drug.

    Never mind.

  24. mojo says:

    Just so we’re clear on terminology – what’s thedifference between a Peckerwood, a Cracker and a Redneck?

  25. Major John says:

    Marx was right. All conflicts are class conflicts (0 / 0)

    Unfortunately, the genius of the Repugs has been to convince the NASCAR dads that their interests are best served by the international corporate fascists.

    by Lefty Malone on Fri Jun 30, 2006 at 07:03:26 AM PDT

    [ Parent ]

    Ah, the refreshing intellectual breeze that blows through Koslandia.  ‘scuse me, I have to go wipe my shoes after slogging through that diary.

  26. Jim in KC says:

    Man.  I want some of whatever that guy’s smokin’.  Must be some really good shit.

  27. Rob B. says:

    Good Question, Mojo.

    Rednecks hate everyone that aren’t them but go to church and own guns.

    Peckerwoods hate everyone that aren’t them but go to church and own guns.

    Crackers hate everyone that aren’t them but go to church and own guns.

    I hope that clears everything up. Me, I just go to church…. oh, and own guns…. oh yeah , and hate everyone that isn’t me.

  28. tongueboy says:

    Rob B.  LOL

    I always pose a question to myself during my morning meditation time, a question designed to center me and bring perspective to the hectic events of the day that are about to unfold:

    What would wild-eyed liberal secularist does Jesus JamesDobsonPatRobertsonJerryFalwellAlMohler do want me to take after with my GMC K3500 King Cab and my Remington?

  29. “Behold the superfluous! they vomit their bile and call it a newspaper.” Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

  30. mojo says:

    Paging Wilford Brimley:

    Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey (D-N.Y.) said the resolution “attempts to intimidate the press and strengthen the hands of this despotic administration, which continues to violate the law. . . . Freedom of the press is essential to a functioning democracy.”

    Uh, no. If we wanted to intimidate the press, Risen and Lichtblau would have been found on the Jersey Shore with canaries in their mouths. And Keller would be flinching at loud noises.

  31. Kent says:

    This is the reality of the situation: deep south bible belt whites, mainly poor, increasingly hostile and always Republican now own a disproportionate amount of political power in America and they are determined to wield it. They will use it in order to drag the country backwards through time to a dark place in our history that had apparently been buried in the past. They seek to return to the days where the American south was mired in the smothering blackness of a festering, hateful and corrupt parallel universe to the more progressive states above the Mason Dixon Line, trapped like a dinosaur in a tar pit.

    Prose so illiterately purple, it actually manages to make Stan Lee’s seem subtle and dignified in comparison. LOL

  32. Dangnashens, Ima sur glad, Mister Edencho, didnt say nutin bout us Appalachune boys datin our Mamas … iffn he hada ..  dat wooda maid me mitey aingrey

  33. McGehee says:

    Tony, Ah thank yew wanter rekinsidder datin’ yore mawma. “Mawmas I’d Like ter Date” spells MILD, an’ thet means MODRIT, which is jest as bad as COMMYNIST accordin ter the Gud Book.

  34. Dr. Angus says:

    Marx was right. All conflicts are class conflicts (0 / 0)

    Unfortunately, the genius of the Repugs has been to convince the NASCAR dads that their interests are best served by the international corporate fascists.

    by Lefty Malone on Fri Jun 30, 2006 at 07:03:26 AM PDT

    Thanks for coming, drive safely and goodnight!

  35. B Moe says:

    Just so we’re clear on terminology – what’s thedifference between a Peckerwood, a Cracker and a Redneck?

    Cracker = Homeboy

    Redneck = Colored

    Peckerwood = Nigger

  36. Phone Technician in a Time of Roaming says:

    “Stuck like a dinosaur in a tar pit?” Has anyone heard of a dinosaur getting stuck in a tar pit?

    I thought tar pits pretty much postdate dinosaurs; at La Brea, they don’t find anything older than the Ice Age…

  37. MarkD says:

    I thought Peckerwood was an ED drug.

    I thought he was a politician from somwhere who got caught. Bob, wasn’t it? 

    And what’s up with


    ?  That’s downright blasphemous, or at least uncomfortable.

  38. Rob B. says:


    2nd Kings, Chapter 2, verses 22 & 23

    23And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

    24And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

    I curse the KosKiddies in the name of the Lord, daily. I figure that this should be a great year if the Yearly Kos is held at Yellowstone.

  39. Phone Technician in a Time of Roaming says:

    I curse the KosKiddies in the name of the Lord, daily. I figure that this should be a great year if the Yearly Kos is held at Yellowstone.

    Then the rangers have to find the bears and kill them. Do you really want dead bears on your conscience when there are so many horrific diseases to use instead?

  40. They seek to return to the days where the American south was mired in the smothering blackness of a festering, hateful and corrupt parallel universe….

    Ah. The days when the Democrats ran the South with an iron hand. The days when the Democrats reacted to the election of Republicans by rioting, when the Democrats ran a terrorist organization known as the Klan.

    Funny how this fellow conveniently ignores the true history of the time he so deplores.

  41. actus says:

    Of course you haven’t. So please:  Let US Today and the New York Times and the LAT and the WaPO do your thinking for you.

    As opposed to the other newssources. They just report and let US decide.

  42. actus says:

    Ah. The days when the Democrats ran the South with an iron hand. The days when the Democrats reacted to the election of Republicans by rioting, when the Democrats ran a terrorist organization known as the Klan.

    those darn liburls!

  43. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Who’s next, transgendered Apaches?

    “Ladies and Gentlemen, all this week, exclusive at the Flamingo, it’s Dinah Diné!

  44. McGehee says:

    those darn liburls!

    They were reactionaries then, and—guess what!—they’re reactionaries now. And still Democrats.

    Turns out it wasn’t the racists who left the party after all.

  45. actus says:

    They were reactionaries then, and—guess what!—they’re reactionaries now. And still Democrats.

    Turns out it wasn’t the racists who left the party after all.

    wahh. The party left me. waah.

  46. Maybe so, actus, but it’s hard to tell around all the semi-bon mots. It’s so frustrating to read your one-liners; they give me the distinct impression that you’re not beyond help, yet you consistently try to drag everydamnbody into your personal reactionary/conservative-versus-progressive/liberal dichotomy, in willful disregard of the fact that most here are classical liberals who reject the anti-liberal portions of the so-called “progressive” platform like Jeff’s fave identity politics and the tendency to value group and process above individual and results.


  47. actus says:

    yet you consistently try to drag everydamnbody into your personal reactionary/conservative-versus-progressive/liberal dichotomy

    Well, when people try to compare the democrats of today to those dixiecrats of yesteryear, its useful to remind them of the reactionary/liberal dichotomy.

  48. B Moe says:

    You people have to remember, that to the modern leftist like actus, history began in 1969, there was no “Democratic Party” before then.

  49. actus says:

    You people have to remember, that to the modern leftist like actus, history began in 1969, there was no “Democratic Party” before then.

    See Jamie? thats when its useful to think about liberals and reactionaries. Party labels? Not quite.

  50. Speaking for myself only, actus, yeah, I get it already. There are DINOs and there are RINOs. There are conservatives and liberals on both sides of the aisle.

    But in dealing with the post: who has more contempt for the American public? For the individual, in all his potentially goofy glory? You may or may not frequent Kos – I don’t – but this time I went and read the whole ugly vomitus, as well as a lot of the comments congratulating the “diarist” on the “good”-ness of the “rant.” (I concluded that “vomitus” is the right word: “Go ahead, let it all out – there you go! Good!”) What struck me (and it’s nothing new) was that the right-leaning blogs with the greatest readership tend to eschew vomitus… whereas the left-leaning blogs with the greatest readership appear to me to thrive on it, and – worse! – on the impulse that brings it about. Why do you keep beating this dead horse when the people who claim you are the reactionaries, as McGehee pointed out?

    (I’m obligated to add that some of the commenters on the Kos piece, not all but most of them southern, dissented. They were shot down. Of course.)

    TW: It figures.

  51. Phone Technician in a Time of Roaming says:

    Well, when people try to compare the democrats of today to those dixiecrats of yesteryear, its useful to remind them of the reactionary/liberal dichotomy.

    Good point. It’s not like the enlightened Democrats of today would have a former Klansman in the Senate or anything.

    Does it hurt to keep reality out of your prejudiced little fantasy world?

  52. Lousy-ana-Texan says:

    Doesn’t this seem contradictory?

    deep south bible belt whites, mainly poor, increasingly hostile and always Republican now own a disproportionate amount of political power in America and they are determined to wield it…

  53. McGehee says:

    Doesn’t this seem contradictory?

    Only if you expect the reactionary Left Democrats to think poor people having power is a good thing.

    Obviously, they don’t.

    Defend that, Actus.

  54. B Moe says:

    Reactionary (or reactionist) is a political epithet typically applied to extreme ideological conservatism, especially that which wishes to return to a real or imagined old order of things

    That sounds to me like what the Kostard is doing, reinforcing a narrow, hateful stereotype that wasn’t all that true 50 years ago and sure as hell ain’t true now.  I frankly don’t know how those dipshits ever expect to win an election when they are posting insane shit like that.  You can’t keep campaigning against the opponents of your grandparents and expect to be taken seriously.

  55. McGehee says:

    The reactionary Democrats want to return to 1993. They think some shadowy (neocon) conspiracy has somehow robbed them of the Golden Age they were about to embark on before Newt Gingrich and his band of neocon theocrats sent Monica Lewinsky to the White House to brainwash Willie by snapping her thong at him.

    They want it all back, and they’re bound and determined to get it by the sheer moral force of their will and righteous indignation!

    Not unlike the way the John Birchers sought to get flouride out of the water supply.

  56. Mike says:

    It’s great to see Jeff’s instant leftist boilerplate gaining more widespread use.

  57. B Moe says:

    Not unlike the way the John Birchers sought to get flouride out of the water supply.

    LOL!  I just saw some comments over at FDL earlier today where the Hamster was talking about only giving bottled water to her freakin’ dog cause of all the chemicals in tap water. 

    You just can’t make this shit up.

  58. actus says:

    Good point. It’s not like the enlightened Democrats of today would have a former Klansman in the Senate or anything.

    And what a liberal he is!

    imagined old order of things

    All the time i get told that there was a time when politics was ethical, or when the media told the truth. On this very blog. Who knows?

  59. AJ Johnson says:

    And what a liberal he is!

    Or is he a reactionary?

    All the time i get told that there was a time when politics was ethical, or when the media told the truth.

    Have they stopped completely, or merely lowered the level?

  60. Kent says:

    And what a liberal he is!

    Evidently, with an ADA rating of +95%.  You sad, ineffectual little tool.

    You’re a Cindy Sheehan, without the smoldering, Lana Turner-esque sensuality.  You can’t even whore without spraining something in the process.

  61. B Moe says:

    All the time i get told that there was a time when politics was ethical, or when the media told the truth. On this very blog. Who knows?

    We are talking about the Kostards visions of us peckerwoods in the south.  I am going to take it by your refusing to stay on point that you have no argument, as usual.

    By the way, I also assume by some ignorant statements you have made previously that you haven’t ever visited the south.  If you do, don’t call any strangers a peckerwood unless you have a very good dental plan.

  62. McGehee says:

    Considering that the (ack) ‘tard’s response has been rhetoric bereft of rebuttal, I think it’s perfectly reasonable at this point to move that the question of whether true—i.e., classical—liberalism has ever been detected within the Democratic Party, either before the Civil Rights Act or since, has been settled and the answer is “No.”

  63. Phone Technician in a Time of Roaming says:

    And what a liberal he is!

    In the non-Euclidean dimension of Qward, a sentient broccoli nods its thought-nodes as it continues its intriguing, but ultimately doomed, experiment to emulate the logic and communications patterns of earth men.

    C’mon, it’s the only explanation…

  64. Defense Guy says:

    To their credit, many of the Kos folk do seem to at least sense that there is something wrongish with the “pp” screed.  Hell, some of them are even able to identify it as loathsome bigotry, a sort of Jim Crowe era testament.

    Anyway, the author seems to be carrying a world of hate around with him/her.  Let’s hope he meets a southern religious republican he actually likes before too long.  Or else, helps to drive a stake in the Democrat heart.  Either way.

  65. Master Tang says:

    Have to agree with you, Moe – Actus’s idea of the South seems composed of equal parts Mississippi Burning and Deliverance; the first viewed once and dimly recalled, the second viewed frequently.

    TW “reached” – I doubt Actus has ever even reached the Mason-Dixon line.

  66. actus says:

    Evidently, with an ADA rating of +95%.  You sad, ineffectual little tool.

    Anyone can get with the times. If there ever was a liberal value, its the possibility of reform.

    Have they stopped completely, or merely lowered the level?

    Lowered from what? I mean, there have been structural changes in how its made and consumed. We now have a punditocracy that is fashioned on explicitly ideological lines, rather than opinion columns going to reporters at the end of their careers. We have 24/7 cable news, etc…

    TW “reached” – I doubt Actus has ever even reached the Mason-Dixon line.

    Or lived south of it most of his life.

  67. nikkolai says:

    The more we get to knoe these brave new progressive kossacks, the less we have to fear them. Except the politicians they endorse. They must be terrified.

    Funny point will be when they themselves realize Rove invented them. Exploding heads, I tell ya, exploding heads.

  68. So, actus, it’s your belief that the segregationist policies of the Democrats before the Civil Rights Act are morally distinct from the segregationist policies of the Democrats since? That there really is a difference in the morality of Jim Crow and affirmative action?

    That there’s a dime’s worth of difference between Bull Connor and Cynthia McKinney? That there’s a difference between the Klan and Sharpton?

  69. Knemon says:

    “They seek to return to the days where the American south was mired in the smothering blackness of a festering, hateful and corrupt parallel universe….”

    Wow, “mired in smothering blackness.” What a … progressive … choice of imag’ry.

    No sarcasm..  The original “progressives” = all about the fear of encroaching smothering Negritude.

  70. actus says:

    So, actus, it’s your belief that the segregationist policies of the Democrats before the Civil Rights Act are morally distinct from the segregationist policies of the Democrats since?

    Uh. Lets see. Yes. Terrorizing a minority, a majority holding power with, among other things, violence, is morally distinct from what is going on today. But do tell me more.

    That there’s a dime’s worth of difference between Bull Connor and Cynthia McKinney?

    Like Broken bones? Thats a difference. Also the whole majoritarianism of the thing. As well as the scope. AA don’t keep people from places of public accomodation, or from voting, or from getting strung up by local reactionary vigilante terrorists

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