
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Conservative Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy orders lunch at a fancy Georgetown restaurant

Kennedy:  “Uh, I’ll just have whatever Stevens, Breyer, Ginsburg, and Souter are having.”


update:  “Oh.  And if you could find out what Pinch Sulzberger eats for dessert and bring me one of those, too, I’d really appreciate it.”

22 Replies to “Conservative Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy orders lunch at a fancy Georgetown restaurant”

  1. Dan Collins says:

    Uh, this is a restaurant, Your Honor, not a massage parlor.

  2. McGehee says:

    Dan, the last thing I want infesting my visual cortex is the image of Teddy the K having a “happy ending.”

  3. “And put mine on a separate check, please, so I can say I’m independent.”

  4. ahem says:

    And if he gets a little badly prepared fugu, it isn’t going to bother me at all.

  5. Dan Collins says:


    Bwahahahaha!  Sorry.

  6. Matt says:

    I figured the line would be, “I’ll just have whatever O’Connor would have had were she still here.”

  7. Dan Collins says:

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

    Exercise II:

    Rewrite the lyrics to Dolly Parton’s “Jolene,” subsituting “Goldstein” for the title name.  You may write the Pro-Protein version or the Kostile version.

    Exercise III:

    Make a case that Jeff Goldstein resembles Jeff Davis more than Che Guevara, and why this might be appropriate.

  8. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    Watermelon and black olive salad?  Hmm…that sounds a little too Thomas and Scalia for me.  Not that I’m saying anything by that.

  9. rls says:

    “Uh, I’ll just have whatever Stevens, Breyer, Ginsburg, and Souter are having.”

    “Ah…that would be our “Constitution Salad”…shredded of course.”

  10. As long as it has some pastey goodliness all is well.

  11. Terry says:

    “And waiter, isn’t that Andy Sullivan that just beckoned me to follow him into the restroom?”

  12. Matt30 says:

    I figured he’d be more of an IHOP kind of guy.

  13. Jeff, now that’s funny.

  14. Robert Schwartz says:

    A fair trial, then a hanging. That is all I ask.

  15. phreshone says:

    “Ok. So that will be the French Toast with pure Vermont maple syrip and Belgium chocolates.  Would you care for a side of ham or are you going to share their kelo of tofu sausauge?”

    “Will this be on the Underwoods’ tab as well?”

    TW:  When will Pinch publish some more evidence of his sedition and treason?

  16. McGehee says:

    I figured he’d be more of an IHOP kind of guy.

    The floor hasn’t been made that would survive Teddy hopping, even on two feet.

  17. cranky-d says:

    A fair trial, then a hanging. That is all I ask.

    Thank you, Judge Roy Bean.

  18. reliapundit says:

    justice stevens rode up the scotus elevator with justice breyer… breyer sniffed around and then queried kennedy: did you fart, anthony!?

    kennedy answered: no stephen, would you like me to?

  19. Rusty says:

    Dan, the last thing I want infesting my visual cortex is the image of Teddy the K having a “happy ending.”

    Posted by McGehee

    Oh. Thanks a lot! Now I’ve got that image in my head. Tubgirl is pedestrian by comparison. I need a drink.

  20. McGehee says:

    Rusty, it could be worse. Think “merger.”

  21. John T says:

    Think of the tax dollars we’d save if they laid off Clarence Thomas and gave Scalia two votes. Same results.

    TW: right

  22. McGehee says:

    Think of the Constitution we’d save if we laid off Kennedy, Souter, Breyer, Ginsburg and Stevens and gave Scalia six votes.

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