
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Here you go.

Stuff this into your salted herring and smoke it.

(h/t Brian T)

27 Replies to “Here you go.”

  1. 91B30 says:

    Many in the Netherlands believed that she (Ali) was too provocative in a country that can sometimes put a higher value on compromise than principle.

    What in the hell kind of country is that?

    TW:George-obviously not Washington.

  2. Major John says:

    Dammit 91B30, you beat me to it.

    I was going to quote that and then say “Oh, and the live, on-stage sex shows and drug use aren’t provocative to an Islamist?” I guess it is easier to throw one woman under the bus than actually stand up for something like freedom from coercion, etc.

    By God, I am glad Greatgrampa left Freisland for Iowa…

  3. Matthew O. says:

    When your World is Running Down – You Make the Best of What’s Still Around…

  4. mojo says:

    Pretty clearly targeted at a noisy annoyance. Unless Madame Minister double-checked the info ALL the muslim “asylum-seekers” gave for bogus names and the like?

    No? I’m shocked….

    SB: direct

    and to the point

  5. Dan Collins says:

    I liked the property values argument best: There Goghs the Neighborhood.

    TW: toward, as in what they are un-

  6. Matt30 says:

    I wish we could leave Europe to its fate.  I’d like to be able to ignore what is happening over there, but history suggests it doesn’t stay over there.  I get the impression WWIII hasn’t really started yet, and when it does we’re likely to be fighting in the same places as I and II. 

    TW: area…yep

  7. Major John says:

    There Goghs the Neighborhood

    I will have to see what the others come up for an appropriate punishment for this pun…

  8. Beck says:

    Mmmm… smoked salted herring…

  9. Lew Clark says:

    Can we trade Actus to the Netherlands for her?  It would greatly increase the quality of dialog in both countries!

  10. JayI says:

    I will have to see what the others come up for an appropriate punishment for this pun…

    I considered taking a stab at it, but decided not to slit my own throat.  Anyone else want to give it a shot?

    tw: town, get outta

  11. “An unexpected menace against Ms Ali was a high profile legal campaign to evict her on the grounds that the presence of a well-known terrorist target was undermining property values. A Dutch court agreed with the neighbours and ordered her out of the building.”

    – Property values; Its the real caring part of “Progressive caring”. Can you here them now?

    – Oh and Dan should either get a Pun Pulitzer for that one or Gogh sit in the corner….

  12. Tai Chi Wawa says:

    “There’s only things I hate in this world.  People who are ignorant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch.”

    Nigel Powers

  13. Tai Chi Wawa says:

    Two … two things.

  14. eLarson says:

    Love the Independent’s use of scare quotes around ‘appeasement’.

    As in “What is this ‘appeasement’ of which you speak?”

  15. Jim in KC says:

    Now, if she were my neighbor, it’d give me an excuse to add some additional surveillance cameras, a dedicated PVR machine to record from them, and a shitload of new guns, just in case.

    Obviously I don’t mind looking out for my neighbors.

  16. cranky-d says:

    I would welcome her to come here, but her statements would cause almost as much trouble here as well.

    Which I think would be a good thing.

  17. Michael Andreyakovich says:

    They shook the hell out of the government, but all signs seem to point to the new gov’t being even more radical-left than the previous one.  Not much cause for celebrating.

    The TW and I agree with Cranky D: the pols might not like what Ayaan has to say if she moved here, but I have a feeling the public would eat it up.

  18. Drumwaster says:

    Is this an Oh!Pun Mike night?

    {cringes} red face

    TW:faith, as in what I’m rapidly losing in Europe…

  19. lee says:

    Hummmm, I have an extra bedroom in my house, if Miss Ali needs a place to stay. Comes with full access to all home defense tools also, which includes a large caliber handgun, auto 12 gauge, and my slavish devotion to sending all islofascists coming around to their 72 goats, express.

    As a bonus, I live in California, so her lying on her immigration papers is unneccessary since there’s no need to bother with all those pesky immigration “rules”.

  20. PMain says:

    Yeah but the benefit would be a truly repressed, educated & articulate female, formerly elected European official, atheist who questions Muslims’ views of the world & is not only from the Middle East, but was raised Muslim. Can’t you see Chris Matthews’ head exploding on set trying get her to admit that Bush is wrong in his approach to terrorism. My guess is she’d immediately be thrown by the left into the infamous, sell-out/race traitor category that Condi, JC Watts & Powell are thrown into by simply not agreeing w/ the MSM about the Middle East. Besides she blames the leaders of Islam & not Bush or America for all that is wrong in the Middle East, so she’ll pretty much be ignored or written off as another Rovian plant.

  21. TODD says:

    All I have to say is, AHHHH the Dutch!!!!!

  22. sean connery in a kheffiyeh says:

    But really, if just one woman can do that to them, what chance do they have against Islam?

  23. MarkD says:

    I don’t have anything against the Dutch.

    OK, Keukenhof sort of sucked, but it was the last day.  (Tulip festival for those who don’t know.)

    The North Sea was cold and windy.  But these guys were kite surfing in wet suits – worth the trip to watch.

    The place we stopped for lunch had abysmal service, and the waitress was forgettable.  And they gave us used, soggy coasters.  Heineken coasters, not even anything exotic.  But they did speak English, thank heaven, because I don’t know a single word of Dutch.  For those who have never heard it, Dutch sounds more German than German.  Think gutteral with a capital G.

    The rowdy soccer drunks on the deck (wearing their uniforms but totally wasted before 3:00pm) couldn’t sing worth shit.  But they tried.  Hard.  And did not quit.  (Drinking or singing.)

    The food was decent, and there were some babes walking around.

    I’ve been to worse places.

    TW:  why. Why not, of course.

  24. fletch says:

    Major J-

    I will have to see what the others come up for an appropriate punishment for this pun…

    The best I’ve got is- “…f#cked by the horse he Rodin on.”

  25. Master Tang says:

    Hey, I escaped the grasp of justice for my allusion to “Chutch of the Poison Mind” the other day, so I urge amnesty.

    [Tang loves the Eighties.]

  26. RTO Trainer says:

    Two … two things.

    People who are ignorant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch

    …and tyrannical intollerance.

    Three things! People who are ignorant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch, tyrannical intollerance and almost fanatical devotion to multiculturalism.


    Many things, among wich are people who….  Oh, just come in again.

  27. equitus says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they shut down the Anne Frank house before too long, seeing as how it might be considered offensive to Muslims.

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