
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


If instead of a famous Romantic poet, Samuel Taylor C*leridge were foul-mouthed hard-left “feminist” Amanda Marc*tte (UPDATED TO ACKNOWLEDGE MY FAILINGS AS A “A CLUMSY, CHATTERING HACK WHO STRINGS WORDS TOGETHER IN LUMPY, CLATTERING, ARRHYTHMIA")

“This Laun-dry Basket my Prison”

Well, they are gone, and here must I remain,

This laun-dry basket my prison! I have lost

Countless men (and all respectability) such as would have been

Most sweet to my remembrance when age had

Dimm’d mine eyes to heteronormative gambits most venal! They,

Meanwhile, Penises whom I never more shall meet again,

(To their utter delight, and in answer to their prayers, I dare say),

Wander in gladness, and wind down, perchance,

To that roaring dell, a fresh vaginal space!

Another’s womanhood (skanks!), o’erwooded, narrow, deep,

And only freckled by the mid-day sun;

They, with their slim and hateful wood, poking like

Purple-headed dragon necks from between ashen rocks—wingless

Things, unsunn’d and damp, whose few poor willowy spines

Ne’er tremble in the gale, yet tremble still,

Fann’d by the feral smell of NOT ME! and there my friends

Behold the dark green file of long lank weeds,

That all at once (a most fantastic sight !)

Still nod and drip beneath the happy coupled edges

Of anyone—and I do mean anyone —other than I.

          Now, my “friends” emerge

Beneath the wide wide Heaven—and view again

The many-steepled tract magnificent

Of hilly fields and meadows, and the sea,

With some fair bark, perhaps, whose sails light up

The slip of smooth clear blue betwixt two Isles

Of purple shadow ! (which is another “another’s vagina” allusion, for you

Red-staters whose knowledge of poetic turns of phrase is limited to

Hallmark cards received from hick cousins on Valentine’s day); but thou,

Chickenhawk! for thou hast pined and hunger’d after

War, many a year, in the great Arab cities, winning thy way

With sad yet patient soul (and stolen elections), through evil and pain

And strange calamity! Ah!  slowly sink

Like a bloodless missile once aimed majestically at the sky!

Reduced now to a flimsly slant that lies spooning Mesopotamia’s curves

As she weeps, ye purple headed monster! richlier burn, Murtha’s fury!

Live in the yellow flames of oil refinery ruin!

And kindle, black billowy poisoned air! So my friend

Struck with deep shame may stand, as I have stood,

Silent with swimming sense ; yea, gazing round

On the pocked landscape, cleaved and wounded by

The thrusts of his hard veined arrogance; and of such hues

As makes Jesus weep, dead brown babies puddled along

The ravaged landscape like some hellish Sin of emission…

          A delight

Comes sudden upon my brain, and I am glad

As I myself were there! Not forced by patriarchal whims,

Oh laun-dry basket my prison, to wear you on my hip,

My dying uterus unburdened by man’s seed evermore! Pale

Hung the last vile piece of meaty oppression I’d known, a gnarled branch;

And I watch’d it move inside me and hat’d to see

The shadow of the vulgar Thing upon my freckled thigh,

Mocking my unbidden desires like some puppetshow of light! Yet,

I could not help but notice that deep radiance that lay upon me after,

Full finally on life’s ancient swimmers, I thanked quite silently

That hideous falling Elm, and now, with the guilt of having

Betrayed the sisterhood, their dark prickly vines glowering

Through the late twilight of my mind: they knew my shame!

Weal’s silent disapproval, not a swallower twitters,

Yet still the solitary newness of me must learn’d to yield,

So I take now to strained polemic! Henceforth shall you know

That Nature is but a social construct—a fabulation;

No plot so narrow, be but Nature there,

No waste so vacant, but may well employ

Each faculty of sense, and keep the heart

Awake to fictions of male and female! and sometimes

‘Tis well to be bereft of promis’d good,

That we may lift the soul, and contemplate

With lively joy the joys we cannot share.

My bload-soaked Chickenhawk! when the last rook

Beat its straight path across the dusky air

Homewards, I detest it! Choosing to see its black wing

(Now a dim speck, now vanishing in light)

As a phallic curse, crossing the mighty Orb’s dilated glory,

While thou stood’st sneering; or, when all was still,

Flew creeking o’er thy head, and had a charm

For thee, killer of babies, maker of laundry baskets – Man,

To whom no sound is dissonant which tells of IED deaths.


updateSome reaction from literary critics:


Date:  Friday, June 30, 2006 11:46 PM

Subject:  protein wisdom

poem about amanda marcotte:

lame, jeff.

just kill yourself.



B-b-but…I thought you were the compassionate ones?

Shouldn’t you at least try to get me into a sensitivity training course before asking me to off myself?


update 2:  More criticism, this time from PZ Myers.  In a nutshell:  “Goldstein is an awful awful writer and his poem is teh suck.  Deal, bitches!”**

update 3:  I think I’m getting the hang of this meter thing.

100 Replies to “If instead of a famous Romantic poet, Samuel Taylor C*leridge were foul-mouthed hard-left “feminist” Amanda Marc*tte (UPDATED TO ACKNOWLEDGE MY FAILINGS AS A “A CLUMSY, CHATTERING HACK WHO STRINGS WORDS TOGETHER IN LUMPY, CLATTERING, ARRHYTHMIA")”

  1. Paul says:

    Amanda! Where are my clean socks?

  2. sorry, Jeff, but i can’t seem to peg the tune that’s supposed to go with.  rasberry

  3. Phinn says:

    We do not see the laundry basket as it is.  We see it as we are.

    And by “we,” I mean Amanda Marcotte.

    — The Talmud (sort of)

    (You know, Amanda, the shape of this laundry basket means that it is also useful for carrying one’s enormous pregnant belly around the house while one silently makes one’s way to the kitchen to make me a sandwich.)

  4. B Moe says:

    The shadow of the vulgar Thing upon my freckled thigh,

    Mocking my unbidden desires like some puppetshow of light!

    I lit a Bic lighter and held it over my head at this point.

  5. Pablo says:

    I could not help but notice that deep radiance that lay upon me after,

    Full finally on life’s ancient swimmers, I thanked quite silently

    That hideous falling Elm, and now, with the guilt of having

    Betrayed the sisterhood, their dark prickly vines glowering

    Through the late twilight of my mind: they knew my shame!

    That made me cry. I am so feeling your pain, girlfriend. Now about that backdoor…

  6. Bill Spencer says:

    “Amanda, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty-dollar whore!”

  7. Sean M. says:

    Hey, I do the laundry sometimes.  Is she trying to insinuate that I’m some kinda homofag?

  8. Hoodlumman says:

    That basket should only be carried while barefoot, as well.

    And get me a beer.


  9. 6Gun says:

    And they say feminism’s lost all credibility…

  10. ahem says:

    Tour de force, Jeff.

  11. mojo says:

    Lay off the laudanum is my advice.

    But then we wouldn’t be treated to Jeff’s version of “Kubla Khan”…

    “And all should cry, Beware! Beware!

    His flashing eyes, his floating hair!

    Weave a circle round him thrice,

    And close your eyes with holy dread,

    For he on honey-dew hath fed,

    And drunk the milk of Paradise.”

  12. tongueboy says:

    Comment of the week:

    None of you people have children underfoot, do you.

    How very heteronormative of you to notice…

  13. McGehee says:

    Yo, Mandy, make me a sanmich. An’ none o’ that thar may-oh-naise nither. Gives me the trots.

  14. McGehee says:

    An’ where’s my dang clean tank top, dagnabbit!? I’s only worn it two or three times an’ now I can’t find it.

  15. B Moe says:

    I must confess that as a bachelor I was a bit in the dark about parts of this post, so I did some research and found this:


    Clothes or linens that have been, or are about to be, washed and ironed.

    You mean I don’t have to throw away my dirty clothes and buy all new ones?

  16. Moe Lane says:


    I… remember.

    I remember days

    when I wrote such things.

    I remember!

    Those quick-thoughted days that

    sprang out one after

    the other, each day

    and thought orbiting

    in reckless dances;

    cigarettes marking


    through the restless nights.

    We knew the face of

    The world, and gave it

    A mask and called it

    And I remember

    the days that followed.

    Now I shall forget



    PS: Yes, Alan, you’re right.  Nothing.

  17. docob says:

    For what it’s worth, I followed the “chickenhawk” link to Amanda’s and read the comments. There amongst the paste-eater slurs and calls to arms re: facist Amerikkka, I had me a gen-u-wine PIATOR sighting!


    (Sorry, just my inner peckerwood surfacing.)

  18. cranky-d says:

    That was inspired.

  19. docob says:

    Plus, I second cranky-d.  cheese

  20. rls says:

    I reallllly hate to burst Mandy’s bubble here, but that whole narrative about that laundry basket and what it signifies is SOOOOooooo passe.

    The NEW and IMPROVED laundry baskets are duo handled, fleible with the handles in the middle (sort of like the “wood hauling slings” (note: male) that we use to bring firewood in.  These new baskets are gender neutral and can be carried with one hand.  I am a male.  I have one. I carry it with one hand.  My mate is a female.  She has one.  She carries it with one hand.

    Is thought Mandy was PROGRESSIVE.  Appears to me that she is way behind the technology curve.

  21. JohnAnnArbor says:

    Doubtless Mandy’s up in arms about all the incremental discrimination represented by the vast number of everyday objects that assume you’re right-handed.

  22. Rick Ballard says:


    It appears that she may still be lost in the rubyfruit jungle.


    Still no leprous ‘dillo?

  23. See Papa … I tole yu … and Sis … you shudnt auta be messn rond on Mama when she wasa goun to dat snak roun’up down by crik wid the Prerha man.

    Now … ole ‘Manda … she fixin to mak us awl look lik wez bin inta the shin’ agin … heckfar .. shes airin oura lawndres in publik ….  I tole shez wernt wri’t in da hed

  24. Matt30 says:

    I read her whole post because I wanted to know how the shape of a laundry basket was significant to her.  In the end, all I got from it was “abortion, abortion, abortion.”

    Brilliant piece here, Jeff.  I’m not sure what you’d call it, parody doesn’t seem quite right.  And I don’t know why I thought about it, but for some reason this had me thinking of the movie, Citizen Kane.

  25. Major John says:

    I left a comment on that “Chickenhawk” post.  I’ll wait awhile and see what reaction it draws.

  26. rls says:

    I left a comment on that “Chickenhawk” post.  I’ll wait awhile and see what reaction it draws.

    I wish you hadn’t told me.  I went over and read the comments….bleh!  There are some of the worse of the BDS sufferers.  Lies, innuendos, assumptions and opinions stated as fact and argued as such.


  27. alppuccino says:

    rls, tell me more about these firewood baskets.  Don’t they shatter at -20?

  28. Patrick Chester says:

    Hm. Need to do laundry this weekend. Thanks for the reminder. wink

  29. syn says:

    Poor things, one of these days vacumn-cleaned feminists will discover there is available a device called the dildo if they feel so deeply the need to save their basket-case wombs from that oppressive patriarchal parasite pregnancy.

    As for myself, I prefer the real thing especially when I’m lying on a set of freshly-cleaned 600 count cotton sheets I’ve just laundered.

  30. Master Tang says:

    Major John – you seem to have disconcerted them somewhat.  The best they’ve been able to manage so far is along the lines of “Well, Afghanistan is different!” and “We’ve always supported that effort.”

    It was interesting to see the fabled Phoenician surfacing over there. That creature has such an intense, visceral, white-hot hatred for anything and everything American that it’s astounding.  It goes beyond ideology – it’s almost like some deep-seated psychosis.

  31. Master Tang says:

    Yes – Tang seconds Charlie and respectfully inquires after the armadillo, trusting he is well and that he be allowed to express his Buddha-nature in dance.

  32. ahem says:

    I heard a rumor the armadillo’s on strike. He’s been busy cockslapping dimwits all week and, frankly, he doesn’t get paid enough for that shit–or words to that effect. Jeff may know more.

  33. – Maybe Mandy should forget about her heteronormative confusion, and just stop trying to fuck in laundry baskets. Makes the whole process needlessly harder, and most probably is the source of a good deal of her frustrations.

    – That or just wear a paper bag. That usually works in the more severe bow wow cases.

    – Still her problems can’t be as bad as Hampshers subway difficulties, with weird old guys trying to undress her with their evil shriveled bony fingers. ‘Course she could always switch to a hedge trimmer for the leg hair.

  34. Scot says:

    I thought those contoured laundry baskets were designed to accomodate my beer gut. Nothing gestating there, of course, except a bad attack of the sleepies from too much barbeque and suds this comming weekend.

  35. Patrick Chester says:

    Ah, the “forcing” democracy argument showed up again.

  36. Verc says:

    You know, Jeff, I’m beginning to like playing with the trolls–excuse me, sorry, I forgot, in their own territory, they like to be called Troglodillians–over at yonder Ms Marcotte’s Palace of the Sacred Poon.

    BTW, I saw this chick the other day wearing a t-shirt that said “This is what a Feminist looks like”; good G-d, I hate it when the stereotype is upstaged by reality.

    You might lose me, bud, unless you throw out that lazy armadillo. There are entire harvests of Troglodillians out there, begging to be clue-batted.

  37. Master Tang says:

    Verc – you and Major John have them swarming like fire ants whose mound has been disturbed over there.  And Amanda is already pulling out the misogyny/rape card – a sure sign that she’s on the ropes.  (How does the use of the word “sweetheart” equate to a desire to rape, by the way?  My wife’s Southern relatives call everyone “Hon” and “Sugar” all the time.  Should I be alarmed?)

  38. Rusty says:

    Mandy. Shut the fuck up already! Jesus. Get a job.You use too much bleach anyway.

  39. McGehee says:

    How does the use of the word “sweetheart” equate to a desire to rape, by the way?

    I think it’s because it’s an anagram for … um … “sweatheert.” Which is Afrikanns for … uh … you know.

  40. physics geek says:

    From the Marcotte post:

    But I bring up this example of how to seek out and analyze the details of everyday life for signs of sexism and heterosexism for a reason…

    Normally, I’d be annoyed at the pretentious bilge that she spouts daily, but that excerpt above moves me to pity. Really, your life has to blow enormous chunks when you spend all of your time examining everything for signs of sexism.

    I guess that a banana is sexist because it resembles a phallus and not the scared feminine chalice. Or maybe it’s just an effing piece of fruit.

  41. MarkD says:

    We have a tie!

    Insipid poetry and inane political commentary.  All conveniently located at

    TW: act This reminds me of he whose name shall not be mentioned and Mandy’s clown fest.  A twofer.

  42. BumperStickerist says:

    since pandagon moderates the comments, and JeffG is not, I’ll post this here as well.

    One of my central problems with ‘The Left’ is that they tend to do things badly.  There are lots and lots of ways to take shots at Bush without resorting to Chimpy McHitlerburton – yet the Left is, as a group, incapable of doing as such.

    The alternate lyrics to “Ballad of the Green Berets” Amanda wrote were completely unsingable to the song – which is obvious if you 1) know the song and 2) can sing.

    Hi Amanda,

    Former Vet (USAF), 2x Dubya voter – Republican, frequent commenter at Pasty McPasterson’s.

    Your awareness of SSGT Barry Sadler’s work is lacking. I took the liberty of revising your effort to keep align it with the song’s meter but kept (as best I could) your intent.

    Which is to say, your initial effort kind of sucked. But there’s no easy way to tell you that without you juxtaposing your own feminist/sexual issue/possible rape crap over the topic rather than hoping that you just admityou weren’t all that familiar with the source material to begin with.

    Which clearly you weren’t.

    But no matter, you’re you.

    Anyway, here’s a revised copy that’s actually singable to the tune. Because I like SSGT Sadler’s work just that much.



    101st Keyboardists, SCOTUS Edition – Revised

    Rove alerts his keyboardists

    “Human rights for terrorists?”

    Night falls soon they’re tapping keys

    “How to beat the Left disease?”

    ‘No surrender’, they blog on

    Cursing libs, from dusk till dawn

    Some will drop their bag of chips

    Still they type, these keyboardists

    Chickenhawks upon their chest

    These poor souls, the Rove-asphere’s best

    To them it’s all a great big game

    Soldiers dying in their name.

    Nothing Bush does drains their will

    Fading polls, their bandwidth bills

    The liberal scourge they will resist

    pajama clad, these keyboardists.


    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

  43. Darleen says:

    St Amanda of Fornicatus is really a very pitiable female.

  44. Lazar says:

    We think of the key, each in his prison

    thinking of the key, each confirms a prison


  45. fletch says:


    Wander in gladness, and wind down, perchance,

    To that roaring dell, a fresh vaginal space!

    Dude!  I’m a Republican that smokes dope…

    If it ain’t Geddy, Neil, and Alex doing “Xanadu”– I really have no use for Mr. Taylor Coleridge.

    BTW, ‘Amanda’ is not so fresh…!

    T/W: “Because”–(because “Summer’s Eve” is just another outrageous denigration that is forced upon women by the Patriarchy…)

  46. BumperStickerist says:

    I think, having read Amanda’s post, that she mistakes ‘Being attuned to heterosexism’ with ‘Having an allergic reaction to heterosexism’

    That Amanda’s hypersensitized herself to the point where she lives in a world where 92-95% of the population exists solely to piss her off with their heterosexist cant, culture, and canoodling is, well, sad.

    Because it’s not like Amanda has a peanut allergy and everybody is dusting themselves with peanut powder before going out in the hopes of causing an allergic reaction in Amanda.

    People with allergies should declare them to those around – it’s their responsibility.  Until such time as Amanda admits those cultural allergens she’s particularly sensisitive too, fuck her.

    and not in the sexual way.  Just in the rhetorical one.

  47. Phil Smith says:

    She reminds me of the dumbass in World According to Garp that cut her tongue out to show her solydaryty.  She even looks like her.

    And then shot Garp.

    Careful, Goldstein.

  48. DrSteve says:

    If it ain’t Geddy, Neil, and Alex doing “Xanadu”– I really have no use for Mr. Taylor Coleridge.

    Oh, come on, Frost at Midnight is sort of evocative, no?  It’s the perfect 3am watch-the-baby-sleep poem.  I loved it at 18, I love it at pushing-40.

  49. Shanghai_Flyer says:

    Why does she keep calling soldiers “chickenhawks”?

    Me no understand

  50. Verc says:

    And Amanda is already pulling out the misogyny/rape card – a sure sign that she’s on the ropes. 

    Dude, she had that thing on the table like BLAM! Domino, muthafucka!

    But I had groped her mentally so it was cool.

    I still am. Groping her mentally that is. And I’m not gonna call her. Smooooooooooth…

  51. Darleen says:

    The one thing you have to keep in mind about Mandy is that, I believe, she really hates being a woman.

    I mean it. Not “penis envy” or any such trope but actually is not happy in her own skin.

    She is incapable of personal relationships, she taunts/sneers/makes-fun-of anyone who is successful in a personal relationship…and

    if one has kids?

    Well, if said one is a woman, then one has “rented out” her uterus to her “patriarchal owner.”

    She’s beyong parody because she is, herself, a stereotype.

  52. Verc says:

    then one has “rented out” her uterus to her “patriarchal owner.”

    Huh, I happen to find the renters to be much more fun than the sellers, but that’s just me… rasberry

  53. 6Gun says:

    Tough stuff, Darleen, but on the money.  A Trish Wilson but without the chocolate genitalia?

  54. marcus says:

    oh Mandy

    Well you aim and you miss cuz yer shaking

    it’s the best you can do, oh Mandy

    well they dissed you and said you were faking

    So I bid you adieu, oh Mandy

    tongue rolleye

  55. Anyway, here’s a revised copy that’s actually singable to the tune. Because I like SSGT Sadler’s work just that much.


    thanks BumperStickerist, that was bothering me.  I kept reading it, going….”i think i know what it’s supposed to be, but that line blows it….”

  56. BoZ in fast thick pants says:

    Let me personalize the details of our oppression by the heteronormative sexualization of the laundry-room landscape in Bush’s America:

    The mouth of an All detergent bottle, purportedly designed for “E-Z” pouring but clearly modeled on the Pocket Pussy, can’t accomodate a cock aroused by its vaginal temptation, and when it’s capped, a functionally useless neck flange prevents me from packing the bottle far enough up my ass to enjoy it.

    To the streets!

    You to the streets, I mean. I’ll be masturbating by the washing machine.

  57. Master Tang says:

    Verc is still cleaning house over there – and the chronically-underinformed Geoduck has made a self-righteous appearance, pronouncing Rumsfeld an idiot in her informed opinion!

    Likely because Rumsfeld is not hip with the New Historicism.

  58. Good Lt says:


    (applause) LOL

    tw: puts

    Schlotkins! Go back to the golf course and work on your

  59. sifl says:

    What’s with all the inferiority complexes here?

    Although I do agree that on a day we find out that US soldiers raped and killed an innocent woman, making jokes about mentally groping women is teh hilarious!

  60. Verc says:

    sifl, that would, of course, be allegedly raped and killed an innocent person.

    But, you know, I’m warming to the thought of US atrocities; it helps to bring out the folks that “support” the troops by tarring all of them with the same brush, pissing all over them, and accusing them all of rape, murder, genocide, and whatever you might have available.

    I hope this time somebody DID rape and kill someone. Let’s get you fuckers on the record for being gleeful about it.

    But then again, how’s that Haditha thing shaping up? So, yeah, probably next time, sweet tits.

  61. Attila Girl says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen Verc quite this angry.

  62. EFG says:

    I don’t blame him.

  63. oh hey! we have a willy pete sighting!!!!! good luck Verc.

  64. Verc says:

    Tired, Attilagirl. The rape game goes on, it’s just so easy to accuse people of rape. I knew one girl that accused two Marines of raping her. A year apart. At the same barracks of the same unit.

    And sometimes it happens. In Okinawa, two Marines and a corpsman took a twelve-year old girl and raped her. It was disgusting. It was terrible, even the particulars of it; I think the attack lasted almost an entire day.

    And I’m sorry. I’m sorry that there are evil people in the world that hurt innocent people.

    And I’m sorry that there is a class of people out there that defend head hackers and rapists and torturers and murderers and molesters and bombers and terrorists by ommission and commision. I’m not one of them, neither an apologist for scum nor the scum itself. But the people throwing those accusations are one of the above. The people lauding it are too.

  65. brooksfoe says:

    I am going to exercise uncharacteristic restraint, stay out of the rape and murder discussion at least for a while, and just note that I found Jeff’s poem about vaginas to be not funny. Also, it made me queasy.

    Obviously, this proves I am a [signal to self-proclaimed troll-hunters to go to town with various synonyms for “ass bandit”]

  66. Kent says:

    Because it’s not like Amanda has a peanut allergy and everybody is dusting themselves with peanut powder before going out in the hopes of causing an allergic reaction in Amanda.

    Oh, you big tease, you. wink

  67. Master Tang says:

    Brooksfoe – why “queasy,” exactly?  And no, I do not ask this as either a substitute for or a prelude to deeming you an “ass bandit” or anything similar.

    Funny, not funny:  that sort of thing is subjective, and tastes in humor vary.  But queasy?  I don’t see where that comes from here.

  68. Gabriel Malor says:

    I’ve got eight years as a Marine that I want to smack your fingers with like a Catholic nun.

    Verc, I love this line. Nice work in the mud-pits.

  69. Kent says:

    Obviously, this proves I am a [signal to self-proclaimed troll-hunters to go to town with various synonyms for “ass bandit”]

    No, no; just a preening, priggish little online schoolmarm wannabe with a stick the approximate size and heft of Gretzky’s old goalie-slayer jammed lengthwise up your colon, is all.

    Not even remotely the same thing, really.

  70. klrfz1 says:

    Obviously, this proves I am a [signal to self-proclaimed troll-hunters to go to town with various synonyms for “ass bandit”]

    brooksfoe, when you come here and ask for abuse, please post as actus.

    tw: small

  71. Kent says:

    I got as far as this howler in the “Chickenhawk” thread, before projectile vomiting onto the screen in self-defense:

    1. America is a big baby. Home of the brave, my ass. If we ignored 9/11 […] we would be in a better position today than with all of Bush’s fearmongering

    [emphasis mine]

    Obviously burbled by something pale and segmented and invertebrate, from underneath a large, damp rock.

  72. Pablo says:

    G*ldstein was the head of the pack, writing a post that I found a bit malicious, making his readers sit through a strained, over-complicated, pointless argument…

    In other words: Goldstein had a lot to say about it, but I didn’t understand a word of it so…PASTE EATER! Now let’s talk about my pussy.

    tw: And stupidity carried the day…and the laundry.

  73. Kent says:

    MARCOTTE [at her online Bonfire of the Illiteracies]:

    I know is the word “sweetheart” was used, and usually that means something like, “I hate women but can’t get my dick hard enough to rape one.”

    I harbor no doubts whatsoever that that genuinely IS, in fact, “all [she] knows.”

    That’s what comes, doubtless, from only ever having been called “sweetheart” by Scott Ritter, prior to this. LOL

  74. Pablo says:

    Look, I’ll believe that the right wing is willing to forgo freedoms for the sake of the phony war on terror when they are willing to let the Federal government track gun purchase of suspected terrorists.

    Yeah, and when they institute a five day waiting period, then we’ll really know!


  75. See?  This is what happens when you let the womens into skool.

    TW: death.  My wife reads that, she’ll cockpunch me to death.  But that’s OK, because I rented her uterus a couple of times.

  76. An says:

    Does anybody knows who wrote this poem:

    But I, being poor, have only my dreams

    I have spread my dreams under your feet

    Tread softly because you tread on my dreams

  77. B Moe says:

    Does anybody knows who wrote this poem:

    But I, being poor, have only my dreams

    I have spread my dreams under your feet

    Tread softly because you tread on my dreams

    No, but I can see why they were poor.

  78. A. G. says:

    An, try putting it all in Google.

  79. A. G. says:

    why no rss feed for this blog…?

  80. Schoolmarm says:

    What is the history behind Amanda not spelling out Jeff’s name? Is Jeff God? Is Amanda affraid if she speaks Jeff’s name his “ancient swimmers” will find her freckled thighs?

  81. McGehee says:

    Is Amanda affraid if she speaks Jeff’s name his “ancient swimmers” will find her freckled thighs?


  82. Attila Girl says:

    An–I’m pretty sure it’s William Butler Yeats. It’s a beautiful poem about the extravagant things the narrator would like to give to the object of his desire (or, perhaps, the reader), and it ends with the lines you quote.

  83. Rusty says:

    then one has “rented out” her uterus to her “patriarchal owner.”

    Huh, I happen to find the renters to be much more fun than the sellers, but that’s just me…

    Having been married, I prefer to rent.

  84. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    pablo — I got ten days in California.  Should I feel twice as safe?

  85. Master Tang says:

    Clicked over to the thread at Pandagon to find a commenter named “R. Mildred” who responded to a question whether Al Qaeda posed “an existential threat” with the following:

    Existential? as in “do they make me question the validity of my life?”


    Did 9/11 involve a raelly big propaganda pamphlet now? Thye dropped it on new york and the awesome weight of the 50 foot wide Shaq Chick tract crushed a few thousand people to death?

    God, I know your collective dedication to keeping your own asses from being injured overrides any giving a crap you can do about things like civil rights and liberty and justice and all that, but seriously, if you’re worried about being converted rather than killed by AQ, you’re a moral weakling.

    Honest to God, how do people this thick get through the day, much less be allowed to leave the house or cross the street by themselves?

  86. Jeff Goldstein says:

    If it’s any consolation, brooksfoe, invocations of Amanda’s hotpocket make me queasy to.

    But sometimes you just have to cowboy up and do what needs doing.  Meaning, writing a poem that mocks her.  Not that other thing that needs doing.

    Dear G*d, not that.

  87. Verc says:

    Marcotte’s coochie houses some of the most rare species of trolls I have ever seen.

    I figure I will organize scientific expeditions at least once a week to explore the nether regions.

    The Milret Carnifax, Master Tang, is a special variety I’ve only ever read about. It lives on a layer of Stupid so deep and secluded that its eyes and ears have atrophied and it has developed a special sixth sense which exudes Stupid waves like sonar to track its prey.

    Thankfully, just a bit of that book learning can poison it.

  88. Thomas Foreman says:

    I posted this over at Amanda’s site, but I’ll repost it here before it disappears:

    As a single man living alone in a place with no stairs, I have never found the need for specialized laundry equipment. I also developed a talent for laundry at an early age, based on the fact that both my father and my belovedearhtmotherqueen had a tendency to wash red hooded sweatshirts with my crisp white wifebea…er…100% white cotton A-line undershirts.

    After reading this post, I decided the true injustice is that there is no real male-friendly laundry gear. So henceforth, I will take full advantage of my evolutionarily-granted larger muscle mass and denser bone structure by carrying around (on my shoulder!) all my dirty man-thongs in a 1978 Ford F-100 Custom, with a bench seat. And velour interior. And a big ol’ Freudian chrome brush guard. And a liicense plate that says “NOT Compensating!”

  89. Jeff Goldstein says:

    It’s over, man.  I’ve lost the poetry wars.  Dr LeftScience has declared it to be the case.  And the rest of the shrieking sycophants, bless their little burbling lemming hearts, will assert right along with him.

    It’s a simple formula, really: assert, gather your “unified message” puppets to agree (and to spread the assertion far and wide and with a forced gusto), insist—and voila!  Indisputable truthiness that cannot be contradicted!

    Numbers don’t lie after all.

    Well, unless Diebold is involved. Then the numbers are big fat stupid evil neocon liars.

  90. B Moe says:

    My flannel clothes, Doritos sticking firmly to my chin…

    [But in the lamplight, flecked with Cheeto dust!]

    What is it with the constant Doritos/Cheetos references in the blogoshere.  I have noticed it on both sides and think we really need some more creativity in the snack food references, people.  I for instance, much prefer Fiddle-Faddle.

    And would it have been worth it, after all,

    Would it have been worth while,

    After Haditha and Jill Carroll and the WMD,

    After New Orleans, after the Duke rape, after my shredded credibility—

    Now that is fucking funny.

  91. Dan Collins says:

    On internet did Pandagon

    A stately pleasure-dome decree :

    Where Ralph, the scary penis, ran

    From caverns measureless to man

    Down to his undressee.

    So twice five miles of fleshy mounds

    With stays and whalebones were girdled round :

    And there were gardens farmed by leftist shills,

    Where blossomed many an nonsense-bearing screed ;

    And here were Sapphics ancient as the hills,

    Who hackey-sacked in spots of greenery.

    But oh ! that deep erotic gasm which ranted

    From the cheap thrills beneath a silken cover!

    A savage race! as wholly unenchanting

    As e’er bestride a loping Wong was taunted

    By woman wailing for her lesbo-lover !

    And from this gasm, with ceaseless sperm-oil seething,

    (As if Gaia’s elastic pants were creasing)

    Jeff Goldstein’s name momently was forced :

    Amid which swift half-intermitted burst

    Vague figments rose up of forgotten tail,

    And masochists ‘neath dominatrix’s flail :

    And ‘mid those laundered socks at once and ever

    John Wesly vomits on the poontang giver.

    Five miles meandering with amazed emotion

    Through parking lots from that seductress ran,

    To reach the haven; he had just this plan:

    To hit the shower and wash off scummy lotion:

    And ‘mid her tumult Panda heard from far

    Her sisters’ crying, “What a whore!”

    The shadow of the cock of pleasure

    Floated midway on the waves ;

    Where was leaked the tingling treasure

    From the still-sore tumid labes.

    It was a drunk mistake of sexual vice,

    To let a man invade those caves of ice !

    A hot chick with a videocam

    On a website once I saw :

    She was a heterosexual babe,

    Who liked to film the guys she’d laid

    (Finding men not abhorrent).

    Could I replay within me

    Her sympathy for schlong,

    To such a horny height ‘twould win me,

    That with penis proud and long,

    I would gallop in that darkened lair,

    That hippodrome (that may have lice) !

    And all who knew should have a care,

    And all should cry, Beware ! Beware !

    Her fleshy thighs, her gorgon stare!

    Run five miles from her thrice,

    And close your eyes with holy dread,

    For she on sweetheart quim hath fed,

    And spat the spunk of Andrew Dice!

  92. Matt, Esq. says:

    *Meaning, writing a poem that mocks her.  Not that other thing that needs doing.

    Dear G*d, not that. *


  93. Matt, Esq. says:

    *It’s over, man.  I’ve lost the poetry wars.  *

    Jeff, if its any consolation, I think Buscemi could take Ali in a poetry contest.

  94. Jeff Goldstein says:

    The idea that I may have purposely altered the rhythm for comedic effect is evidently lost on these people.  I mean, it’s not like I’ve done it before (or even, you know, earlier today)

    Nope. Must be that I’m so dumb I don’t even know how to stick to meter!  Whereas Chris Clarke?  A genius wordsmith

    And so full of imagination, too!  I mean, it takes a special blogger to even think about redoing Prufrock?  [Scroll down to March 4, 2002]

    He’s to be commended on his originality alone, I say.  Not to mention the freshness of his barbs.  Keyboard warriors caked in snackfood dust?  I stand in awe!

    Or rather, I sit in front of my keyboard fighting wars by proxy in awe. But let’s not quibble.  You say tomato, I say t’-mah-to.

  95. Dan Collins says:

    So.  Who’d like to take up “The Lady of Shallott”?

  96. sifl says:

    I hope this time somebody DID rape and kill someone. Let’s get you fuckers on the record for being gleeful about it.


  97. Verc says:

    PIATOR sez…

    Iraq had a perfect right to shoot down as many US planes as they possibly could – it’s called “self defense”.


  98. The idea that I may have purposely altered the rhythm for comedic effect is evidently lost on these people.

    ooooh, i wonder if that’s mandy’s excuse for slaughtering BotGB? except that’s kinda harder to get away with when there’s music involved.

  99. Verc says:

    Like that, don’t you, sifl?

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