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November 2024


NYTimes to Cruz & Rubio: Sorry boys, but you’re not Latino enough … [Darleen Click]

As if there was any doubt that the racialist multicultural chic of ‘diversity’ was about politics not ethnicity …

With Senator Ted Cruz taking nearly 28 percent of the vote and Senator Marco Rubio getting 23 percent, each vastly surpassed the results for any other Latino candidate in any previous United States presidential contest.

How is that not being celebrated as historic or at least worth a headline for a day or two?

The answer is not that complicated: Neither Mr. Cruz nor Mr. Rubio meets conventional expectations of how Latino politicians are supposed to behave.

5 Replies to “NYTimes to Cruz & Rubio: Sorry boys, but you’re not Latino enough … [Darleen Click]”

  1. sdferr says:

    JeffG yesterday linked an essay-blogpost he wrote in 2005 [Defining the terms: racism, feminism, and the problem of identity politics] in his twitter response to seeing this NYT article. It’s on point.

    As to “about politics not ethnicity” one might reflect where justice reposes in the (or any) scheme of ethnicity, if it does at all, and what sort of justice is reposed there differentiated from justice simply taken, regardless of ethnic thinking or assumptions. Multiculturalism erases justice as anything distinguishable, is the idea. What is substituted for it goes by the name “tyranny”.

  2. mojo says:

    How do you say “we don’t want nobody what nobody sent” in Hispanish?

  3. LBascom says:

    Ethnic pandering is a strange game, the only way to win is to not play.

    Of course republicans have by now resigned themselves to playing the left’s game, so no worries Darleen, with or without the MSM the project will go on..

  4. Agreed, Lee – the GOP did so a long time ago.

    What bothers me is when conservatives play that dangerous game [that is no game, in Reality].

    Mark Levin mocked the whole thing the day after the cockeyes – that’s what we should do.

    BTW: Do you know that Ted is the FIRST Latino-Mick-Eyetie to ever win an Iowa Cucca?!? [ ]

    And Marky Marco is the first White Hispanic to come in THIRD in the Iowa Caulk-it?!?

  5. bgbear says:

    Jindal and Haley are apparently not Desi enough.

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