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November 2024


Men and Women are fundamentally different [Darleen Click]

And this difference is most evident in our sexual natures:

This aspect of male sexuality is difficult for most women to understand. Your husband can be the most loving, attentive and kind person you know, yet his eyes may linger just a few seconds too long on the cute waitress who comes to your table. His head may swivel a few degrees too much while he stands a big straighter when a young woman in a bikini walks by as you two are walking down the beach.

And as women, this makes us feel insecure – we think there is some sort of comparison going on and we’ll be found wanting. Yet this isn’t generally true.

By the constant political drum-beat of men and women as fungible, the Left contributes to the breakdown of individual relationships, where honestly discussing our differences would help to avoid misunderstandings.

But considering the anti-family tenets of Leftism, this may be a feature, not a bug.


31 Replies to “Men and Women are fundamentally different [Darleen Click]”

  1. sdferr says:

    “. . . difficult for most women to understand.”

    Which in turn can be puzzling in light of the tremendous sums women spend annually on their own beauty and beauty products. Sums which Prager doesn’t bother to pair with the sums men spend on acquiring visual objects with which to arouse themselves.

  2. McGehee says:

    The conventional wisdom has been for some time that women don’t dress to attract men, they dress to impress other women.

    I’m of two minds on that. For one, a lot of women don’t have to dress to attract men; in fact, they can do just fine without dressing at all.

    On the other hand, it does seem that what most impresses a woman about another woman is how well she does at attracting men.

  3. sdferr says:

    I’m probably not one to know about the conventional wisdom on the subject — so have no quarrel on that. I guess I’d suggest women rival one another over their objects (if men can be allowed to be objects of a sort), seeking to outdo their rivals in competition. But that’s always with a view to the winning something, which I take is finally the favor of their choosing; women being the choosers, owing to the higher reproductive burdens nature imposes upon them.

  4. sdferr says:

    Of course there’s much more to sex than I made of it there, since from the mother’s point of view the initial “winning” of a mate isn’t quite enough, for there’s the “keeping” of him as well, since the kiddies take so freaking long to become self-sustaining. Meanwhile, daddy’s off somewhere’s doing his seed spreading thing. The cad.

  5. McGehee says:

    The more conventional, the less wise. I think like most people women do things for many different and sometimes contradictory reasons.

    (That may be why I’m less worried about hostile artificial intelligence than some; once the platform gets complex enough to be intelligent, it loses the necessary focus to be any more dangerous than your garden-variety, evolved-face-eating-primate human being.)

  6. sdferr says:

    Aye; and sometimes contradictory reasons . . . as for instance women can readily be seen to please themselves (simply for the sake of pleasing themselves, and not wholly with a view to another’s opinion) in some aspects of their choices of personal beautification. Or even with a view to displeasing some other (like daddy! “think I’ll get a tattoo”) in an act of anti-beautification. Heh. Women. Who knows?

  7. Darleen says:


    it is puzzling … we notice men noticing us, so if our significant other is noticing other women we *feel* it’s because we are no longer noticeable, rather than that the visual is part of men’s sexual nature.

    So the makeup/fashion $ are spent to keep our man noticing us AND to signal to other women we are involved with keeping hubby happy BACK OFF BITCH.

    Nothing so vicious as female gossip about the wife letting herself go and wondering if hubby is therefore vulnerable to be pursued.

  8. 11B40 says:


    Can’t live with them; can’t live without them.

  9. bgbear says:

    I am fortunate that mrs. Bear and I have a Nick and Nora thing going on that we trust each other enough that straying eyes don’t lead to straying bodies.

    I supposed that if you are convinced that it is your looks/sexuality alone is what attracted your mate to you, you would have issues.

  10. Cortillaen says:

    Billy Joel’s “Just The Way You Are”, aside from just being a great song, addressed this in his own way almost four decades ago.* It’s interesting that this isn’t new information at all, but it still causes all kinds of grief. Almost like it’s some fundamental component of our biology that every generation will struggle with or something.

    But don’t worry. There’s not actually any difference in the sexes, doncha know? /sarc

    *Incidentally, “The Stranger” from the same album is another wonderful song with more depth to the lyrics than you might expect.

  11. […] Mob Found Guilty Of “Frenzied” Knife Attack In London Sentenced To Life Protein Wisdom: Men And Women Are Fundamentally Different Shot In The Dark: Urban Liberal Privilege STUMP: On Alternative Assets And Pensions – […]

  12. I think things are going to change. We’ve been through all of this before. People may forget, but there was a tranny tennis pro, every sitcom from WKRP to the Jeffersons had a sex change plot, fucking Maud was on TV, the Villiage People were movie stars, etc. etc… A couple years later? Dallas and the Duke boys. Relax, this too shall burn out.

    Also, this looks bad for Hillary and Bernie: From this morning’s Louisville Courier-Journal

    House Speaker Greg Stumbo has consistently downplayed the danger to House Democratic control, saying repeatedly that while the GOP has an advantage in the state now largely because of opposition President Barack Obama, that Democratic House members are safe because their constituents know hem and know their values are unlike the national Democratic Party’s.

    Can’t make a link on my phone, so go browse. It’s in the story right after the one where Allison Lundergen Grimes’ campaign financial records, AND her dad’s were subpoena’d, but she said, “this investigation has nothing to do with her campaign.” Except for, you know, the records being from her campaign. She’s Hillary’s baby. That’s for sure.

  13. Guess block quotes don’t work any more.

  14. sdferr says:

    Never did see that tv show but still I’m sorta shocked to hear that someone was fucking Maud on tv. Golly. Seems like word would get around.

  15. Of course someone was fucking Maude! How else could they have done the Abortion episode that was sooooooo ‘daring’?

    [The only way any sane person could take that show was to put the sound down and focus on Adrienne and her Barbeaus.]

  16. sdferr says:

    Such is my utter ignorance of the Maud (with an “e”?) I’d no idea there even was an abortion episode. On the other hand, my skepticism of serial tv may reach so far as to assume every episode is an abortion, so I should have guessed.

  17. McGehee says:

    I added blockquote tags, LMC, but I can’t find the piece your excerpt comes from on the Courier-Journal site.

  18. A Norman Lear show.

  19. McGehee says:

    Aren’t most Norman Lear shows abortions? He caught lightning in a bottle with “All in the Family” and never did figure out why it worked.

  20. sdferr says:

    Who wants to go wandering in the fevered swamps of leftist propaganda? Why, tens of millions of American suckers, that’s who.

  21. sdferr says:

    Oh, and Americans! Repeat after them:

    culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture

    and if you grow weary of that just give it a change-up:

    equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality
    equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality equality

    and then a switch-back for reinforcement

    culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture culture

  22. In my Living Room, my chair is known as ‘Archie’s Chair’ by one and all – and you don’t sit in it unless I give permission.

  23. LBascom says:

    Caught Reince Priebus this morning on FOX, he was very excited that a Hispanic won the Iowa caucus.

    I threw up a little bit in my mouth. Ah well, I guess the establishment pukes gotta be establishment.

  24. LBascom says:

    My mom was happy, you know, being Canadian and all. Cruz could be the first Hispanic Canadian-American President in history!

    I kid! I kid! I doubt my mom even knows there was a primary in Iowa last night…

  25. guinspen says:

    Because the girls do the laundry.

    And the sandwiches.


  26. McGehee says:

    Ah well, I guess the establishment pukes gotta be establishment.

    Panderers gonna pander, but it means the same.

    Funny that Priebus didn’t point out that Cruz was the most vocally against ethanol pandering while campaigning in Iowa. Or maybe he, like so much of the media, thinks Rubio was the winner. #TheyAllLookAlike

  27. The Triumph Of Hope Over Experience, Part MCMDVIII:

    One can hope that one of the end results of the Cruz/Trump Campaigns will be the firing of Prince Riebus.

  28. dicentra says:

    And as women, this makes us feel insecure – we think there is some sort of comparison going on and we’ll be found wanting.

    Because of the two iron laws of Being Female:

    1. All other females are rivals. All of them. (I think we’re the only species on the planet where females compete for mates just as much as males do.) That’s why women hate each other: we never know when she’ll steal our mate.

    2. WE COMPARE OURSELVES TO OTHER WOMEN and find ourselves wanting. So when the man checks out the competition, which we ourselves have deemed superior, we figure he agrees that the other woman is better, and so we feel bad that our judgment has been validated.

    Why hasn’t anyone pointed this out to Dennis? He always seems to labor for the longest time just outside “getting it” but nobody ever nails things down for him.

  29. McGehee says:

    My wife, whose sense of inferiority has caused her problems all her life, doesn’t seem worried at all about me and other women. It may be the only thing she feels secure about, but 21-plus years of genuinely liking each other’s company will do that.

    It helps that I genuinely don’t want her to worry. I think a lot of men have a … different attitude.

  30. Darleen says:

    Why hasn’t anyone pointed this out to Dennis?

    Yes, I believe Alison Armstrong, an oft guest on Dennis’ show, has done a lot to explain female sexual nature to Dennis.

    This video is about the male sexual nature.

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