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March 2025


This morning Obama claims “ISIS is contained”. Tonight, Paris awash in blood. [Darleen Click]

This is every movie cliche that starts “it can’t worse

Friday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” President Barack Obama seemingly downplayed the threat of ISIS in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that aired on Friday’s broadcast of “Good Morning America.”

Stephanopoulos asked Obama if ISIS was gaining in strength, to which Obama denied they were.

“I don’t think they’re gaining strength,” Obama responded. “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they’ll come in, they’ll leave, but you don’t see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain.”

Then, it does.

12 Replies to “This morning Obama claims “ISIS is contained”. Tonight, Paris awash in blood. [Darleen Click]”

  1. […] coincidences), concert hall siege, hey they are fighting in the streets, just like Les Miserables, Barack Obama this morning: “We have contained them [ISIS]” AoSHQ: Paris Terrorist Attacks Legal […]

  2. eCurmudgeon says:

    And probably just gave Trump the GOP nomination.

  3. Darleen says:

    fuck Trump

  4. guinspen says:

    Whatever, Melissa.

  5. sdferr says:

    Could be worse

  6. God have mercy. Grant grace to the families of the slain, and rain down fire upon the murderers.

  7. LBascom says:

    I’m thinking this would be a prime time for Romney to announce his third candidacy for president…

  8. I actually had one moment of laughter tonight: when the Frog President announced he was closing the borders – that’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are.

  9. John Bradley says:

    Stefan Molyneux weighs in on the Paris situation. He’s not a fan.

  10. 11B40 says:


    I usually get a bit of my TV news from the France24 English-language broadcasts and the folks over there seem to working their way through the crisis’ aftermath. This morning they started bad-mouthing La Belle Republique’s National Front party (of Marie LaPen’s leadership) for re-stating what they have been stating for at least the last several years. Apparently, seeing your country hoisted on its human rights petard is not nearly so recognizable.

    And while it hasn’t been specifically addressed, I’m kind of guessing that, in the manner of all those American young men who managed to avoid all those military recruitment offices in the afterglow of President Obama “getting” Bin Laden, there are no dangerously large crowds around the French equivalents.

    Lastly, presenter Nadia Charbit (who has caused me to consider become a Muslim in the hope that my right hand could possess her) is now concerned that increased security measures could impinge upon all those freedoms she and toutes les Francais enjoy. But, and again I’m guessing, she’s probably okay with the impingements that all those Americans who showed up in Normandy in 1944, had to endure.

  11. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I don’t know if it’s enough to give Trump the nomination, but it’ yet another reminder that he’s right about the liminal issue of the upcoming election.

    (I’m calling immigration liminal because it’s half-text and half subtext to any number of other issues. Also because, like race relations, we can’t have an honest conversation about it for fear of sending our collective tyrannical three-year old into another screaming temper tantrum.)

  12. […] EBL: ISIS claims American blood is best, So where’s our safe space again?, and Paris France, Friday the 13th Obama does have great timing… […]

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