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November 2024


Snow White and her Seven Friends … [Darleen Click]

… because, you know, the word “dwarf” is offensive and would upset theatergoers …

Speaking to the Mercury yesterday, a spokeswoman for De Montfort Hall said the word dwarf is “generally not a word that people feel comfortable with” so the roles were dropped.

Instead, the fairytale will have “friends”.

[Star Wars and Harry Potter actor Warwick Davis], 45, said that political correctness was a “smokescreen” and the decision was more likely to be financial.

He said: “Personally, I find it quite patronising when people are offended on our behalf.”

“I’m sure there are those out there who don’t like the term, but as a short actor I want to be given the choice about whether I appear in panto or not. I don’t want someone making that decision for me.

“Saying that, I think it’s all a smokescreen anyway.

“The profit margins for pantos are not very big and it’s obviously much cheaper to involve schoolchildren than it is to pay lots of professional short actors.”

24 Replies to “Snow White and her Seven Friends … [Darleen Click]”

  1. LBascom says:

    Spokeswoman? That’s offensive! Should be “spokesperson”. That outta drop HER role. Maybe get a xe to do it.

  2. bgbear says:

    Modern liberated Snow White should not need any dwarfs at all.

  3. bgbear says:

    “Horse’s Ass” is an offensive term so from now on the pantomime horse will only consist of the horse’s head.

    (think of the cost savings – ed)

  4. palaeomerus says:

    How the hell are they getting away with “Snow White” at all?

  5. EBL says:

    I take it calling them Imps or Midgets is not okay…

  6. A certain percentage of them there Little People better be of color!

    Oh!…and one has to be Bi.

  7. Jeff G. says:

    A subplot has Doc doing his/her own transgendering procedure, which it turns out makes Grumpy happy, and Happy, as a result, redundant. So he’s post-birth aborted for his own good, and to save Snow White the burden of having to tend to him. CHOICE!

  8. McGehee says:

    If Grumpy isn’t grumpy, they’ll need to recruit a feminist to fill that diversity niche.

  9. Grumpy as a Dyke! Love it.

  10. TaiChiWawa says:

    New name: Bitchy? Shrewy? Hillary?

  11. palaeomerus says:

    Am I banned from this thread?

  12. LBascom says:

    I have a question Why no posts about the republican primaries? This has got to be the most entertaining election cycle ever, and we’re talking about over sensitive theater people?

  13. palaeomerus says:

    For the most part the primaries still haven’t started yet.

    Fiorina’s doing better than anyone initially thought and should be in the next “real” debate, but she showed some bad instincts trying to ride a trump-rush that went nowhere. ‘Standing with Megyn’ gets you nothing.

    Carson’s doing better than Cruz but can his nice guy sensibilities work for long? Carson is in the #2 position.

    Big Horse: Trump’s either scary or sweet cosmic revenge holding a guiding light to the stupidity of the estabs…depending on who you ask. One the one hand he is protean and takes many political shapes over the years and on the other he has the nuts and will for a fight. We don’t know who the real trump is or if he’d feel obligated to “pay” for his support with faithful if mercenary service to his constituents or if he’ll broom his support the minute he is in. He DOES seem to have some cross-over at the moment. We see some angry outsider dems (yes, “urban blacks” ) who like him to the tune of 25% and they are showing Ron-Paul fan levels of enthusiasm. So if Trump is a pure con-man riding the marks to where they’ll take him, and an empty suit he’s the worst. If he’s a guy who knows who to make deals & friends and pants his enemies in public who got sick of the Democrat mess and wants America to be great again then he’s a better deal than “One More Bush” and he might crumble at some point and lend his support to Cruz or Carson. But he gives some vague and “shush. I’ll handle it, you’ll love it” answers too often.

    Huckabee and Linsdey the Not-Buckingham are going nowhere fast. Huckabee commented on the Kentucky county clerk being thrown in jail for contempt of court. Lindsey is going on Fox and doing hard sales patter and saying he’s got plenty of time to catch on and he’d be a great president. He sounds a little crazy to me.

    Rand Paul seems to be accepting a lack of momentum and starting to peel off.

    Rubio is fighting the current…but WHICH current? Yeah.

    Jindal is in still water. No cameras on him.

    Perry seems to be gone.

    Santorum seems to be gone.

    Kasich isn’t catching on but like Lindsey keeps introducing himself in TV interviews.

    Christie is no-wheres-ville but trying to get started on TV again like Kasich and the Lindsey.

    Jeb is stalled out but his floor seems to be about even with Cruz.

  14. steveaz says:

    I was Trump.

    Alinsky-ite pyrethrums. Remember? The GOP is gettin’ a flea-dip.

    Suckers! (Post pic of wet kitty. LOL!)

  15. LBascom says:

    Steveaz, I just got in the top comment section at instapundents thread on the Carly outrage. Pretty much sums up my sentiments.

    Regarding your link, I think Trump fights less like a leftist than conservative media is fighting like the MSM.

    Personally, I think Trump is dropping “I hope he fails” bombs and it’s entertaining seeing Republican Party hacks get caught in the blast zone.

  16. palaeomerus says:

    Well, I guess my “funny” take on the political correction of Snow White was too pedestrian for wordpress and so will go unpublished.

  17. LBascom says:

    “For the most part the primaries still haven’t started yet.”

    True that. Also, polls weren’t too accurate last time the voting actually took place.

    I’m going to be interested in seeing that happens in open primary states, where the libs get to help us decide who our candidate is. I am of the opinion Trump has great crossover appeal with Blue Dog Dems, and seems to have a significant following in the black community, so I suspect he’ll do well in those states.

    Of course then we’ll be told that just proves Trump is a Democrat in drag…

  18. LBascom says:

    That’s weird palaeo, maybe management can rescue it.

  19. McGehee says:

    I can’t find any unpublished comments by you, palaeo — not even under spam, nor in the trash. Somehow it must not have gotten into the database.

  20. McGehee says:

    Wanting Trump because he fights is akin to wanting Obama because he would change things. After all, Harry Reid is a fighter too (though lately not a very good one).

  21. The Monster says:

    Better late than never, I suppose, I just want to mention the futility of The Euphemism Treadmill.

    1. The word “$Term[n]” describes a bad thing.
    2. Therefore it’s offensive to use the word “$Term[n]”.
    3. The Politically Correct phrasing is “$Term[n+1]”
    4. Go to 1.

    Once people learn that “little people” means the same thing as “dwarf”, it too will become a Bad Thing that must not be spoken.

    Example: Crippled => Handicapped => Disabled => Differently-Abled

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