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October 2024


HuffPo’s Sofia Eribo uses Holocaust Remembrance Day to engage in some anti-Semitism [Darleen Click]

Nothing says Judenhass like appropriating a singular historical monstrosity and using to grind your own grievances

EDITOR’S NOTE: This blog previously contained quotation marks around the six million figure on Holocaust deaths. The author did not mean cast doubt over the figure, it was meant as a quotation. We apologise for any offence this caused.

For the US and EU member states, January 27 is a time to reflect on the horror that was the Holocaust. As the number of living survivors of that genocide dwindles, it’s more important than ever they give their public testimonies so that for the younger generations, it’s not just some random, freak occurrence they read about in history books, staring at black and white pictures. In this age of hyper-technology, it needs to be ‘real’ – to have a human face, lest it should ever happen again.

But wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was such a day to commemorate the millions of black African victims of slavery? Unlike the six million figure that so often goes with statistic about the number of Jews killed during the Second World War, it’s not so easy to quantify when it comes to black slaves.

Slavery, even chattel slavery, was ubiquitous since the beginning of human history. There are few words available that can express the horror of the trade out of Africa.

However, it still doesn’t even come close to what happened in Nazi Germany.

It isn’t a numbers game, it is about intent and motive.

Slaves were treated as property.

Jews were considered vermin to be exterminated, down to the last child.

Never forget.

10 Replies to “HuffPo’s Sofia Eribo uses Holocaust Remembrance Day to engage in some anti-Semitism [Darleen Click]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    what a stupid whore

    there’s a sum total of zero likelihood that black african slavery would or could ever be repeated

    genocide of Jews though is something Obama and his Iranian friends are actively working on

  2. Ernst Schreiber says:

    there’s a sum total of zero likelihood that black african slavery would or could ever be repeated

    Except in East Africa.

    Because Saudi Oil sheiks can’t expect their poor neighbors to the west to swim the Red Sea.

  3. happyfeet says:

    well someone should look into that for sure

    I know the AP just did a story about salt slaves of south korea

    i felt bad for them – they were mostly disabled people

  4. gahrie says:

    In the horn of Africa it is quite common for Muslims to own Christian slaves. American churches regularly go over there and buy slaves to set them free. Guess what? There’s more to buy the next year.

  5. bgbear says:

    How about victims of Communism Day? I pick May 1st.

  6. Squid says:

    Slavery, even chattel slavery, was ubiquitous since the beginning of human history.

    So was the extermination of rivals. Ask any Neanderthal — they’ll tell you they agree with me 100%.

  7. sdferr says:

    Condell asks Europe: “Which is it going to be?”

  8. pst314 says:

    Drive through Milwaukee and you might see a road sign directing you to Milwaukee’s “Black Holocaust Museum”. Just to advertise to the world how ignorant and effed up they are.

  9. sdferr says:

    (pdf) A joint letter to Gov. Bobby Jindal

  10. Squid says:

    Milwaukee’s “Black Holocaust Museum”

    I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that this museum has no mention of Planned Parenthood anywhere in it.

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