
Jeff's Wish List

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January 2025


“Food Stamp Recipients Outnumber Women Who Work Full-Time”

Utopia is just around the corner!

People participating in the food stamp program outnumbered the women who worked full-time, year-round in the United States in 2012, according to data from the Department of Agriculture and the Census Bureau.

In the average month of 2012, according to the Department of Agriculture, there were 46,609,000 people participating in the food stamp program (formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). That contrasts with the 44,059,000 women who worked full-time, year-round in 2012, according to the Census Bureau’s report on Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States.

For each woman who worked full-time, year-round in 2012, there was slightly more than 1 other person collecting food stamps.


In 2013, the average number of people on food stamps increased to 47,636,000. The Census Bureau will not publish its report on Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage for 2013, which includes the data on women working full-time, until September.

The Department of Agriculture’s website lists the annual average number of food stamps participants going back to 1969. That year, there were only 2,878,000 people on food stamps. Since then, food stamps participants have increased by 44,758,000—or about 1,552 percent.


Since 1969, there have been three years when the number of Americans taking food stamps outnumbered the women who worked full time, year-round. In 1976, there were 18,549,000 food stamps participants, and only 18,372,000 women working full-time. Then, in 2011, there were 44,709,000 food stamp participants and 43,702,000 women who worked full-time. (The Census Bureau has not published data for the number of women who worked full-time, year-round in 1974.)

So far, 2011 and 2012 are the only back-to-back years on record when the number of Americans taking food stamps outnumbered the women working full-time year-round.

For those into trivia, those three years (and 2013 is likely to join them as the fourth) took place under the Carter and Obama Administrations.

As did the ruthless arrogance of Muslim extremists and Communist Russians.

Again, probably just a coincidence — and even if it’s not, Obama’s reelection proves that women and minorities love them some other people’s shit, and don’t much care if that turns them, effectively, into slaves of the state.  Because they’ve been empowered by “self-esteem,” which allows them to justify and rationalize away their own near-permanent state of being.

The Republicans, bless them, want to help their big business cronies exacerbate the situation by allowing for amnesty, creating a new pool of largely unassimilated, low-skill Americans who are eligible for entitlements (some already are, despite their illegal status), while the left is looking for a new ethnic group to exploit and turn into permanent clients to their party.

Making both establishment political parties essentially enemies to US federal law.

The power of gerrymandering and incumbency make it very difficult to affect major legislative change at the federal level. As has been now famously noted, our House of Representatives has a lower turnover rate than the House of Lords.

So the answer lies with the states, who have a constitutional duty to take back the power that allowed for the ratification of the Constitution in the first place — the 9th and 10th Amendments, and the insistence that federal government has limited and specific enumerated powers, among which are NOT to use federal bureaucracies as extralegislative bodies to effectively and perpetually harass private industry and the individual.

Time to nut up and turn this thing around using the Constitution’s provision for a convention of the states to force the hand of career and professional politicians who benefit from any and every growth of government.

The government belongs to we, the people.  It’s time we took it back and made clear that we won’t be subjects, no matter how much pablum is shoveled our way in order to justify just such a condition.

7 Replies to ““Food Stamp Recipients Outnumber Women Who Work Full-Time””

  1. Squid says:

    Even if they can’t force a convention, a few states with the nerve to stand up and say “No, thanks” to the Beltway would force a Constitutional crisis.

    A crisis which we would not dare let go to waste, if I might borrow a phrasing.

  2. dicentra says:

    Obama’s reelection proves that women and minorities love them some other people’s shit, and don’t much care if that turns them, effectively, into slaves of the state.

    Slaves? Nope.

    A slave’s labor is stolen from him, making Jane Q. Taxpayer the slave in this case. The drones who vote to get other people’s stuff are better likened to junkies who can’t live without what their supplier gets them or to zoo animals who have been rendered incapable of fending for themselves in the wild and so are utterly dependent on the zookeepers.

  3. McGehee says:

    In other words, livestock. Still property though.

  4. dicentra says:

    In other words, livestock. Still property though.

    Chattel, cattle, whatevs.

  5. Refugium inveniemus in provinciis
    [Find refuge in the provinces]

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