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December 2024


“BREAKING: House Ways and Means Committee Votes to Refer Lois Lerner For Criminal Charges”

Big deal.  We don’t merely need a scalp. What we need is to take a hacksaw to the entire fucking IRS until there’s nothing left of it to salvage except maybe a couple of staplers and a few boxes of paperclips.

Don’t get me wrong:  I want this woman punished for using her position to torment a particular political demographic; but the problem is far more systemic than it is occasional.  It’s just that it’s only occasionally do we hear about how systemic is the problem.

Convention of the states:  abolish the IRS and come up with either a flat tax or a fair tax.  We can go to a fair tax much easier if we’re going through the amendment process, so I’m far more willing to reconsider my prior support of the flat tax option now that we are looking at changes to the Constitution itself.

Either way, it is impossible to call yourself a free people when this arm of the government is politically partisan and acts as an enforcer for progressive statism.  And it does, which is why ObamaCare chose to use it as its police force.


8 Replies to ““BREAKING: House Ways and Means Committee Votes to Refer Lois Lerner For Criminal Charges””

  1. RDitt says:

    My humble prediction. Nothing. Absolutely nothing! Nothing will happen to Lois Lerner. Does anyone really think the Holder Justice Department is going to proceed with charges? She’ll retire and draw a comfortable pension from the Federal fisc.

  2. sdferr says:

    Well sure, since she already has retired and draws her pension, that part’s easy. But that placed against a wall for execution Injustice-in-chief Let’sTalkAboutRace still would refuse a serious investigation and prosecution looks right too.

  3. RDitt says:

    Well sure, since she already has retired and draws her pension, that part’s easy.

    I was mistaken about that. I thought she was on “leave” and still drawing her salary. That’s the typical “punishment” for government workers.

  4. Pablo says:

    Does anyone really think the Holder Justice Department is going to proceed with charges?

    They’ve just referred her Contempt of Congress charges to a guy who is currently in Contempt of Congress. That should work out.

  5. serr8d says:

    We need a Department of Head Spiking, with broad jurisdiction over every branch of government. Federal, state and local heads, both elected officials and appointed bureaucrats, would be eligible for spiking if they crossed lines proven contra-constitutional.

    I’ll bet politicians would decide term limits and straight-arrow behaviors are great ideas after all.

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