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March 2025


Happy Presidents’ Day weekend … [Darleen Click]


22 Replies to “Happy Presidents’ Day weekend … [Darleen Click]”

  1. geoffb says:

    No doubt made of cast Styrofoam.

  2. McGehee says:

    Groupon is honoring “President Hamilton.” Now that is trolling.

  3. cranky-d says:

    I actually get paid for Monday and I don’t have to work.

    After almost 7 years of self-employment, it’s pretty nice.

  4. dicentra says:

    Boy, if I had a dollar for every time I heard this!

  5. […] Darleen Click of Protein Wisdom spotted yet another executive order by President Obama: […]

  6. geoffb says:

    UAW casts around for someone-thing to blame for their loss in TN. After all there could never be a group of workers who wouldn’t crawl over broken glass to kiss a union bosses pinky ring

  7. newrouter says:

    baracky’s midas touch

  8. serr8d says:

    This video is heartwarming, in a slap-a-Liberal-fascist sort of way.

  9. Rich Fader says:

    Like the real one isn’t big and rock-hard enough.

  10. BigBangHunter says:

    – Hey Bumblefuck….Thats not why they’re called the black hills dorkus.

  11. dicentra says:

    We used to have a cat named Puma who had a singular quality. She’d jump on your lap, purring, and you’d pet her or deliver head scritches, and then without warning she’d wheel around and shred your arm. (After she attacked a visiting toddler we had her put down.)

    Just thought I’d mention that.

    Anywhoo, for reasons unknown, the TwitterSwarm that @yesnicksearcy entertained himself with today consisted primarily of atheists.

    So naturally, I got into it with a few of them about religious things.

    In one case, I defined “religious belief” as “any answer to a religious question,” which means that “There is no God” is a religious belief.

    One guy couldn’t deal:

    Religious’ has an understood definition, and can’t be redefined willy-nilly”

    If you read through that thread (above and below), you can see that he’s struggling with the fact that I attached “religious” to him despite his considerable investment that he be as far away from that concept as possible. I wasn’t even trying to argue truthiness regarding religion, just logical propositions, and still…

    That one ended in slow, circular eddies, so I abandoned it.

    Then there was this other guy who thought I couldn’t tell what he was up to.

    As usual, when it got right down to it, he couldn’t resist tipping his hand, thus revealing himself as mayor of Doucheville.

    Then there was the Australian sheila who seemed affable enough until she Went There.

    Isn’t there another way for these atheists to see it? Such as “whatever floats your boat, man, just leave me out of it.”


    This one piggy-backed on that conversation by making one easily-refutable assertion after another, all of which I easily batted down, until she lost her memory and won the argument anyway.

    You know. The way people do.

    So that was my day.

    Also, I finally took down the Christmas tree.


  12. dicentra says:

    Oh, one thing?

    Nobody produced the R-bomb.

    Today, I spent five solid hours arguing on Twitter and not once was I called a racist.


  13. BigBangHunter says:

    – di, unless we’re talking either plastic or a tree made entirely of fruit cake, in which case it has a half life equal to plutonium 238, if you took a real tree down after all this time all you had left would have been a dried out hulk of bare branches and a floor clouth piled a few inches deep in pine needles.

    – As far as the missing epithet, I’ve noticed that ever since the Progressive dog whistles have started blowing the all clear sign to dump Bumblefuck, racism seems to have lost favor since it would not apply to Hildebeast, only to her first black pres hubby.

  14. dicentra says:

    Artificial tree.

    It was a religious discussion, so the term “delusional” obtained instead.

  15. Spiny Norman says:


    Isn’t there another way for these atheists to see it? Such as “whatever floats your boat, man, just leave me out of it.”

    In 21st century parlance, that’s an agnostic. “Atheists” can never leave it, or you, alone.

  16. leigh says:

    The atheists have gotten awfully vocal, in all senses of the word. Saying terrible, blasphemous things about Jesus and the like.


    It must suck to be them. There’s no shock value left.

  17. McGehee says:

    It’s sad when the only abyss they can find in themselves is shallower than the indentations on a well-used notepad — and it still scares them shitless.

  18. There’s a reason it’s called ‘Atheism’ – not only is it Dogma, but, unlike, say, Catholic Dogma, it is an Ideology.

    And Ideologies are fragile buildings, ever subject to easily collapsing, because they were designed in sterile laboratories, far away from Reality.

  19. serr8d says:

    Ramirez should be in his own wing of the Political Cartoonist’s Hall of Fame. I can’t recall another one offhand who captured the essence of a sitting president like he has.

  20. He is quite brilliant most days.

  21. Happy ‘President’s Day’!

    Michael Ramirez captures the spirit of this stupid holiday in these absurd times [tip of the fedora to Darleen Click]: And now, our new National Anthem: If buttercups buzz’d after the bee If boats were on land, churches on sea If ponies rode men…

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