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December 2024


“The Politics of Hate, One Year Later”

The Left will keep their villains villains, even as they make sure those who target these “villains” are never cast as villains themselves.  At least, not in the same identity politics way villains are identified.  Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, CNS:

One year ago today, assistant United States attorneys elicited admissions of criminal activity in open federal court from a man who went into an office building on August 15, 2012, in downtown Washington and shot a building manager – shattering the major bones in his left arm. The shooter, Floyd Lee Corkins, II, wanted to kill as many people in the building as he could.

Fortunately, his rampage of violence was cut short by the man he shot, Leo Johnson, before he could become a mass murderer of the employees at the Family Research Council (FRC).

Corkins was a pro-gay political activist. He told investigators that “he wanted to kill the people in the building and then smear a Chick-fil-A sandwich in their face[s].”[…]

But how did this would-be assassin fix on the Family Research Council as his target? According to the government’s filing, Corkins used the website of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to identify FRC as an anti-gay organization, when FRC is actually a pro-family organization championing faith, family and freedom. In fact, the SPLC annually creates a list of organizations that it targets for opprobrium by placing them on its “Hate Map.” The Map is quite a production. It is released annually to much fanfare and is posted online. Listed organizations are then located geographically on maps of the fifty states plus the District of Columbia.

It is the intention of the SPLC to fix animus and hostility on the organizations it places on its Hate Map. Many of these groups are part of racist or supremacist entities, but recently the SPLC places groups that oppose expanded immigration policies on the Map. Finally, it now includes some groups that oppose liberalized standards of sexual morality and the redefinition of marriage. There is no resemblance of such groups to violent, extremist organizations. But, that is the point. The SPLC wants to associate groups that have voiced moral objections to same-sex marriage with groups like the Skinheads. It is a powerful campaign of defamation, bullying, and destruction.

Make no mistake – the SPLC didn’t take Floyd Corkins to the gun shop where he purchased his weapons. Mr. Corkins chose his actions freely and as far as we know he was never in contact with the SPLC. Rather, the SPLC, and the political Left, were completely content to create a flammable political-social environment, light a match, toss it in the direction of the fuel and then walk away. Corkins was convicted by a federal court of perpetrating an act of domestic terrorism, and the chain of causation undeniably led back to the SPLC.

Nothing speaks to the SPLC’s inhumanity as its behavior after the shooting at FRC. How would you react if you had created a map that was used by a terrorist to attempt to kill dozens of people? Wouldn’t decent people conclude instantly or quickly or maybe even slowly that you were fortunate to have escaped being forever linked to mass murder? Wouldn’t you change course? Of course, that is what decent people would do, but decent people do not run the SPLC.

Instead, the SPLC is run by the sort of political ideologues who can dissociate their actions from the humanity of the people they harm. There has been no change to the Hate Map nor will there be. There was never any concern expressed directly to Leo Johnson after the shooting – nor will there be. They apparently see the Leo Johnsons of the world as collateral damage on an inexorable march to a better world freed from religion.

How much time does the SPLC need to change or at least fake it? One year has passed since its connection to Corkins’ act of terrorism was clearly laid out in a federal court in Washington, D.C. How much time would you have needed to say, “Enough is enough?” Think about that the next time you hear someone on the Left praising the SPLC.

Well, in fairness, Lt General, all the SPLC did — and continues to do — is conflate differences in political policy preferences in a free country with hatred and bigotry in need of some rectifying.  I mean, it’s not like the put targets on political rivals they wanted to defeat in an election.

I know this because if they had, the President would have held a speech telling us we need to stop with the hate — all while his media was running around talking about how tea partiers need to be strung up, or Sarah Palin should have her mouth shat in.

And I don’t recall such a speech.

So.  Like, QED and stuff.

23 Replies to ““The Politics of Hate, One Year Later””

  1. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Looks like Jeff said everything that needed saying, huh?

  2. sdferr says:

    I was going to grouse about Levin conflating Plato with Karl Marx and Sir Thomas More with Friedrich Engels, but gave it up as a mere manifestation of a temporary indigestion on my part. Still, I do wish he would cut it out.

  3. sdferr says:

    Oh, and speaking of Levin: anybody know what he was just now reading from against ClownDisasterSecOState John Kerry?

  4. sdferr says:

    jinx, and thanks too, newrouter

  5. newrouter says:

    >Tom Coburn Decides Only A Constitutional Convention Can Fix Washington <

    here's the fight for language. it properly an "art v convention" or a "convention of the states"

  6. BigBangHunter says:

    – Same situation as the majority of school shooters, who in fact, turn out to be loners of Progressive/anarchist/Marxist persuasion, and when that eventually manages to leak out to the public through the manufactured “hes a T-partier” lying media narrative whitewash blitz, the press suddenly loses all interest, or Bumblefuck will make some moronic pre-prepared statement thats supposed to prove its all the god-botherers faults and anyway because shutup.

  7. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I was going to grouse about Levin conflating Plato with Karl Marx and Sir Thomas More with Friedrich Engels, but gave it up as a mere manifestation of a temporary indigestion on my part. Still, I do wish he would cut it out.

    He’s following Karl Popper, at least as far as Plato is concerned. I don’t know if Popper had anything to say about More. Levin did, of course.

  8. sdferr says:

    Yeah, I know. I’m a bit surprised his good friend Larry Arnn hasn’t managed to help him see a better way to interpretation than that pitiable lot Popper teaches. At least, I suspect Arnn may be one among those toward whom Levin (fairly consistently) gives a nod when he goes off on More’s “Utopia”, saying others have suggested he may be reading a tad too severely. I don’t read Popper though, I must say.

  9. sdferr says:

    Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-Va11) would have made a fine member of Stalin’s judiciary had he been alive at the time to participate in the purges. Of course, having missed his chance, he thinks to remake the times. A more loathsome man he couldn’t be.

  10. Squid says:

    While I truly appreciate Mr. Jordan’s beclowning of Mr. Connolly, I wish that he had done a better job at rebutting Connolly’s insistence on “fact-based, empirical oversight” by encouraging Mr. Connolly to force the decision-making bureaucrats in question to turn over the relevant documents and testimony regarding the targeting of Ms. Engelbrecht and her business.

    It’s all well and good to claim that you want to get to the bottom of a matter, but not when such claims are made in the service of covering up that same matter.

  11. sdferr says:

    In much the same spirit, I didn’t much appreciate Rep. Jordan’s efforts myself. But upon such weakness are tyrannies constructed, so it isn’t as though we have not become used to these procedures. By stark contrast, Mrs. Engelbrecht is a national heroine, for she persevered with her mission despite knowing perfectly well that Connolly and other scum of his ilk on the dais would attack her in precisely the manner they chose.

  12. geoffb says:

    Connolly concluded by muttering the word “McCarthyism”:

    Bless his heart, that’s just so precious.

  13. newrouter says:

    Bevin Facebook Post: ‘Enjoying Time with the John Birch Society in Union, Ky.’
    By Betsy Woodruff
    February 7, 2014 12:34 PM

    …..An article published on its website in January claimed that “the communist regime ruling Russia has been doing mind-control experiments for decades — and still is today”

    Well, It Was Nice While It Lasted
    By Jonah Goldberg
    February 7, 2014 1:35 PM

    Apparently the Opening Ceremonies have a big shout out to, well, Communism, complete with a giant Hammer and Sickle (though so far, I can only find pictures of the Sickle).


  14. leigh says:

    Hammer, sickle, decapitated heads. Just like the old days.

  15. Pablo says:

    Well, in fairness, Lt General, all the SPLC did — and continues to do — is conflate differences in political policy preferences in a free country with hatred and bigotry in need of some rectifying.

    They also invent a fair amount of hate and bigotry that needs rectifying because, well, they’re leftists and leftists love doing that sort of thing. They’ve currently got me on the lookout for the RI Ku Klux Klan.

  16. McGehee says:

    They also invent a fair amount of hate and bigotry that needs rectifying because, well,

    …if they only reported what really exists (and where) their proglodyte contributors who perpetrate said hate and bigotry would storm their offices and burn them to the ground.


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