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January 2025


Wendy Davis (D-Gosnell) keeps on digging … [Darleen Click] UPDATED

Texas AG Greg Abbott, GOP candidate for Texas Govenor, is 52 years old and has been a paraplegic, wheelchair bound, since he was 26.

In a hissy-fit reaction to being caught on fuzzy facts Wendy says:

I knew then that I was going to have to work my way up and out of that life if I was going to give my daughter a better life and a better future and that’s what I’ve done. I am proud of where I came from and I am proud of what I’ve been able to achieve through hard work and perseverance. And I guarantee you that anyone who tries to say otherwise hasn’t walked a day in my shoes.”

Added one of her spokesholes

It’s clear Greg Abbott doesn’t understand Wendy Davis’ struggles and the struggles of millions of Texans, nor does he want to.

Yeah, right.

h/t Neo-Neocon via Glenn Reynolds

UPDATE and the details of Little Ms “I made it on my own. LEAVE ME ALONE” bio just get better.

Folks, from here on out, the only card left for Wendy Davis to play is victim. She’s going to attack Greg Abbott, Texas’s Attorney General, for leaks he wasn’t responsible for. Her friends will accuse the liberal Dallas Morning News reporter of being a Republican. They’ll scream that Davis is being held to a different standard than a man. They’ll cast Abortion Barbie as the hero by casting her as the victim of rightwing smears. All we are doing is pointing out she’s built her case on a foundation of lies, half-truths, and fairy tales.

And they just keep getting worse.

In documents obtained by RedState, Wendy Davis’s own child requested her father be her custodian. Likewise, in filing his divorce against Wendy Davis, her husband requested the court enter the temporary restraining order.

The court, without an evidentiary hearing, did so. See the temporary restraining order here. The court ordered that Wendy Davis “be immediately restrained from . . . using illegal drugs or consuming alcohol within 24 hours before or during the period of possession of or access to the child.”

52 Replies to “Wendy Davis (D-Gosnell) keeps on digging … [Darleen Click] UPDATED”

  1. BigBangHunter says:

    – So then the stock Proggie response to her lying bullshit is to attack whomever happens to be a competitor.

    – Classic Marxist crapolla.

  2. I got news for you, Wendy. Everybody has struggles.


    Your struggles aren’t anything particularly special, they aren’t anything particularly unique, and they for damn sure don’t give you any special dispensation to nullify criticism for lying about them.

  3. But…but, TW: she’s a Special Snowflake [emphasis on the ‘flake’ bit].

  4. Shermlaw says:

    . . . what I’ve been able to achieve through hard work and perseverance.

    To be fair, it isn’t easy finding the right sugar daddy who’s a sap enough to pay for your law school and take care of the kids while you plan your future.

  5. Blake says:

    Of course, left out of the mix is that Wendy’s struggles were due to bad choices she made. What are commonly called “self-inflicted wounds.” Not that her life was that hard, as she married up pretty quickly.

    Meanwhile, Mr. Abbott was seriously injured in a bizarre accident.

    Maybe it is just me, but it seems to me that Mr. Abbott was a victim of the hard knocks of life and Ms. Davis created her own victimization.

  6. leigh says:

    “You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl.”–to paraphrase James Carville.

  7. Pablo says:

    Twas the patriarchy what punished her teenaged ass with a baby, Blake. It was out of her hands, really.

  8. Yeah, Bob, and we all know what happens to snowflakes–even Special Snowflakes–when it starts getting hot.

  9. McGehee says:

    – So then the stock Proggie response to her lying bullshit is to attack whomever happens to be a competitor.

    Now c’mon, seriously — who would’ve ever seen that coming?

  10. Libby says:

    According to her account, she was a single mother for 5 years (or if going by the divorce date, 3 yrs). At 24 she married a successful, supportive man. It’s pathetic that instead of gratitude for all of those years of marital support that enabled her success, she chooses to focus on those 3-5 years back in the 80’s. Doesn’t take much to earn victim status these days, huh?

    *Also, why does she only mention one daughter in her statement above?

  11. Darleen says:

    Amazing Leftist are trying several ways to spin this … Wendy Davis is a “victim of sexist GOP smears” or what Davis did was no BFD & any way, if a man did it no one would be complaining.

  12. Libby says:

    But why does she even need to focus on her struggles from 25 years ago – has she no accomplishments other than graduating Harvard Law and her recent filibuster?

  13. Sears Poncho says:

    any way, if a man did it no one would be complaining.

    If a man were to find someone to pay his way through school and then skip out on his marriage and his kids after the bill had been paid off, he’d be rightly viewed as a dirt bag.

  14. Squid says:

    …any way, if a man did it no one would be complaining.


  15. Shermlaw says:

    I find the custody issue the most interesting. To say that having a father awarded full custody, as opposed to joint custody, is rare is the greatest of understatements. There are normally only two possible reasons for this, neither one of which will play well with mothers: she voluntarily relinquished custody to her husband or she was found unfit for some reason. My guess is it was the former, but even so, while it may demonstrate her feminist bona fides, it certainly destroys any claim to the moral high ground with respect to fulfilling one’s commitments.

  16. leigh says:

    It certainly plays into her reason d’etre: abortion. She may have borne those two punishments, but by God she isn’t going to be saddled with raising them.

    She whip out the victim card again when the daughters won’t let her see her grandchildren in later years.

  17. geoffb says:

    Consider this the a beta test to the real match to come when either Hillary or Lizzy will be running for Grand Poobah. Each side is trying out their systems.

  18. geoffb says:

    [this a beta test for the] I knew I should have learned to read when I was younger.

  19. Pablo says:

    *Also, why does she only mention one daughter in her statement above?

    #2 was with husband #2. He was a single Dad to both kids.

  20. Slartibartfast says:


  21. Drumwaster says:

    Sherm, I seem to recall hearing that the father asked the courts to tell Miz Davis to not do drugs before showing up for a visit. Much like they would to an alcoholic father.

  22. BigBangHunter says:

    – Once again one of the critical aspects that simply adds to the crime of lies is “the context”. 25 years ago the atmosphere for custody was even thinner, and you had to be a real 24 carat fuckup to get the court to “direct” a non-custodial edict against a mother. I remember she had to practically be snorting blow while sitting in court at the defendents table to get a judge to motion that way. So I’m not so sure about that reason. She may have been usin’ and dealin’.

  23. BigBangHunter says:

    – But then, wtf, that would just balloon her bonifides with the braindead Progs.

  24. mattse001 says:

    Wendy Davis is a liar.
    Obama is a liar.
    (Hitler was also a liar. Tee hee.)

    When you elect liars, you cannot feign surprise when their promises are not kept.

  25. angstlee says:

    Another note – Daughter #1 was not Mr. Davis’ biological child, so as was commented above, Wendy had to be royally screwed up for the court to award custody to Dad 25 years ago.

  26. dicentra says:

    Wow. Usually it takes awhile before a politician with Narcissistic Personality Disorder displays enough tells to make it obvious.

    This chick did it in no time flat.

    What a hot mess.

  27. dicentra says:

    Check out this interaction from last night:

    “I am letting Govt define life. Govt says at 5 weeks a blob isn’t life.”

    Again, wow.

  28. dicentra says:

    Also: Fun with @yesnicksearcy. Scroll to the top and go from there.

  29. Blake says:

    I was going to call Wendy Davis a one trick progressive pony, but, considering the allegations of adultery and a couple of husbands, one of which she took for everything she could get, maybe Davis is more than a one trick pony.

  30. Sears Poncho says:

    From the Houston Chronicle article:
    “They’ve asked me not to talk to reporters,” Jeff said. He is anyway, because: “If she runs, the scrutiny on her will be extraordinary. She needs to deal with it in a constructive way. She needs to take control of the message. … My goal in all this, I think, is just try and protect the kids as much as I can.”

    I’m left with the impression that the ex-husband just twisted the knife he slid in.

  31. And now, it a desparate attempt to distract the public, she’s making a pivot to 2nd Amendment issues and proposing a “new idea” that’s already state law–and here’s the real punch line–which she voted for.

  32. leigh says:

    Her supporters just can’t quit. “Greg Abbott is just taking this story and running with it!”

    How do those pink sneakers taste, Wendy?

  33. palaeomerus says:

    Greg Abbot is afraid to stand up to a strong independent woman like Wendy Davis! Yeah it’s funny when we do it. Because democrat!

  34. palaeomerus says:

    Greg Abbot doesn’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to his gubernatorial campaign! Laugh racists! Laugh at the funny! Woman haters!

  35. palaeomerus says:

    “I’m left with the impression that the ex-husband just twisted the knife he slid in.”

    And hopefully he spit on it first.

  36. palaeomerus says:

    Greg Abbot needs to sit down and think before he presumes tell Texas he has what it takes to be their next governor! Why are all you so uncivil to her? This isn’t a red state now! Just look at Austin and San Antonio. Look, I dumped my own kids, DO NOT SCREW WITH ME. Also pink shoes.

  37. palaeomerus says:

    Wow! heh. That “Abortion Barbie comes with real pink sneakers she can wear” thing has really taken hold!

  38. That Greg Abbot thinks he can just g0 tromping around telling lies about the struggles Davis has faced. Some would be paralyzed by fear in the face of these attacks, but not Davis; that’s not how she rolls.

  39. palaeomerus says:

    Greg Abbot’s tactics are absolutely spineless. He thinks he can just roll over Wendy Davis any time he likes! His attitude is deeply offensive!

  40. palaeomerus says:

    Someone needs to make a flash video of a fake Wendy Davis pushing fake Greg Abbot’s wheel chair off of a cliff and set it to fake Psy music ” Heeeeey, Sexy lady! Opa Ryan style!”

  41. leigh says:

    Twitchy has Wendy in full melt-down mode last night.

    Apologies for no link.

  42. leigh says:

    Thanks, Drum!

  43. Blake says:

    Anyone else remember the Davis/Perry spat?

    Perry said the following:

    “Who are we to say that children born in the worst of circumstances can’t grow to live successful lives? In fact, even the woman who filibustered the Senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances. She was the daughter of a single woman, she was a teenage mother herself. She managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School and serve in the Texas senate,” Perry said Thursday in a speech to the National Right to Life Convention. “It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters.”

    And Wendy Davis responded thusly:

    Rick Perry’s statement is without dignity and tarnishes the high office he holds,” she said. “They are small words that reflect a dark and negative point of view. Our governor should reflect our Texas values. Sadly, Gov. Perry fails that test.”

    The left went crazy over Gov. Perry’s remarks.

    These days, Davis is trying to peddle her story as someone who lifted herself up by her bootstraps and, interestingly enough, it’s the same story Davis lambasted Perry over mentioning.

  44. leigh says:

    Cue the Association in a re-write of “Windy.”

    Who’s speakin’ out to mock paraplegics?
    Saying that one is running scared
    Who gave away both of her daughters?
    Everyone knows it’s Wendy

    Who’s ripping out pages in her bio?
    Lyin’ at everybody she sees
    Who filibusters to capture a headline?
    Everyone knows it’s Wendy

    And Wendy has pink tennis shoes
    And speaks with the sound of lies
    And Wendy married money
    Then dumped her kids (then dumped her kids)
    Then dumped her kids (then dumped her kids)

    [Flute music interval]

    Who’s speakin’ out to mock paraplegics?
    Saying that one is running scared
    Who gave away both of her daughters?
    Everyone knows it’s Wendy
    Who’s ripping out pages in her bio?
    Lyin’ at everybody she sees
    Who filibusters to capture a headline?
    Everyone knows it’s Wendy

    Her actions are pretty evil, even for a lying liberal lady.

  45. newrouter says:

    and windy is blonde(per ace)

  46. Well done, Leigh!

  47. leigh says:

    I can’t take credit for it, Bob. It’s Don Surber’s creation.

    Nr, old photos show that Wendy is a brunette. Do not slur us blondes with that.

  48. palaeomerus says:

    I still think that Kim Karne’s “She’s Got Bette Davis Eyes” could become “She’s Got Wendy Davis Shoes”.

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