
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Deck the Halls and all that jazz

Yes, I’ve been away: I really need to recharge my batteries and decide if shouting into the wind day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year is truly worth it any longer, particularly when so many people add to this cosmic joke by either surreptitiously or very obviously pointing industrial grade fans in my general direction.

Not really, of course. But it’s a metaphor so just roll with it.

In any case, I wanted to thank you all for your continued support and wish the best to you and your families over this holiday season. Be well, and take comfort in knowing that even as the progressives (who let’s face it, we no longer need pretend are anything but a gaggle of would-be tyrants, followers of a central charismat, bleating, self-serving sheep posturing as wolves, even as they themselves are being herded around like the useful idiots they truly are) work to fundamentally transform us into manageable economic units and slaves to their top-down police state “Utopia,” in the end, they’ll all die, too, likely every bit as miserable as the rest of us.

Only in their case, it will have been by suicide. Even though they’re too dense and self-righteous to realize it.

If that doesn’t comfort you, there’s always the thought of puppies, I suppose. Just try not to think of the regulations the left wants to put on your for “owning” one.


59 Replies to “Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Deck the Halls and all that jazz”

  1. McGehee says:

    It could be worse. There could be an election year coming up.



  2. happyfeet says:

    puppies make it better

  3. Blake says:

    I’ve been ramping up my firearms practice.

    Brings new meaning to “‘Tis the Season.”

  4. Garym says:

    I think our bureaucratic overlords should combine child services with groups like PETA to save precious tax dollars. Hell, they could also make these people NSA agents to help complete the slave to our government circle.
    Or not.
    Merry Christmas everyone!!

  5. Squid says:

    Each year for Christmas, my wife’s 90-some year old gramma sends us a very nice check. This year, my gramma money is going for a nice li’l 9mm I’ve had my eye on since September.

    And perhaps because ’tis the season of peace and good will, I shall think of our state licensing regime less as a precursor to tyranny, and more as a statement of defiance. I figure old Jugears and Senator Smalley and Governor Shakes can take a good long look at that vast list of names and think, “Nope. Not gonna go there. Odds just ain’t in our favor.”

    Be well, friends, and enjoy a few days off with family. The world outside may suck, but our little pockets certainly don’t have to.

  6. leigh says:

    I hope Santa brings us all more ammo.

  7. serr8d says:

    Yes, it’s all about recharging; puppies and pockets of family and friends. But mostly about puppies, because they’ll turn the trick faster than will old aunts and uncles with osteoporosis, gout and the shingles.


  8. Pablo says:

    The world outside may suck, but our little pockets certainly don’t have to.

    Indeed, they don’t. Especially if we’ve built them to weather storms.

    May all of you be merry and blessed.

  9. Mueller says:

    God bless us, everyone!

    Merry Christmas to all you.

  10. serr8d says:

    On Christmas Eve, Hold on to What Matters

    But tonight is the night of new hope.

    And the door is always open.

    Just reach for it and see.

  11. BigBangHunter says:

    – I’m doing my usual annual “resist the urge to bah humbug”, but I have a good reason. I’m one of the lucky people that get to hear “this is for christmas AND your birthday”. Arrrrggghhh.

    – No but seriously I got used to it long ago, and as one of my wise-assed Uncles once said “Look at the bright side kid…you only missed being Jesus by three days….well and one tribe, but you know what I mean.”

    – Any who, best to you and yours Jeffrey, and to all the other PW commitariat and their families from ours to yours. A special holiday wish to Leigh and family for keeping me on my toes all year long, and to McGehee, without who’s fuzzy legs I’d have no one to look gooder than.

    – Merry merry christmas everyone.

  12. leigh says:

    Happy belated birthday BBH and a very Merry Christmas!

  13. BigBangHunter says:

    – Tanks Leigh sweetie.

    – Yeah, but the griefer industry will condemn him for making “the other” feel less than, you can bet on it.

  14. Blake says:

    Question: What do you call 10,000 rounds of ammo?

    Answer: A good start.

    Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all evening.

    Merry Christmas to all.

    Remember, nothing says “peace” quite like superior firepower.

  15. BigBangHunter says:

    Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all evening.

    …. Paging Mr. Philbin….Will Regis Philbin please pick up the house courtesy phone…..

  16. BigBangHunter says:

    – Another POV for this holiday season.

    – Islam seems to be actaully frieghtened of her. Probably the only thing they get right.

  17. McGehee says:

    McGehee, without who’s fuzzy legs I’d have no one to look gooder than.

    It’s good to have attainable dreams, isn’t it?

  18. Never give up, never surrender!

    Happy Christmas!

  19. LBascom says:

    Lookie there, BBh got a little chubby for Christmas! And you thought you were past your prime. Congrats!

  20. RI Red says:

    Well, the tree is decorated, most everything is wrapped and I and my family are winding down this Christmas Eve. Glad tidings of joy to everyone here at PW, even our very own trolls. Jeff, thanks for the place to sound off and to gather, and our very best to you and yours.
    And yes, someone who may be my son is going to be very surprised tomorrow when a Glock 23 I swore I couldn’t afford this year shows up under the tree.
    Merry Christmas to all!

  21. ccs says:

    If that doesn’t comfort you, there’s always the thought of puppies, I suppose. Just try not to think of the regulations the left wants to put on your for “owning” one.

    We had an unlicensed puppy, unfortunately he fell overboard in a canoeing accident this summer …

  22. McGehee says:

    May this be a most blessed Christmas for all of you.

  23. Patrick Chester says:


    My niece will probably feel your pain since her first birthday was on the 20th December.

  24. BigBangHunter says:

    – That’ll do it Patrick. Tell her that she can take comfort in the fact shes not alone. :)

    – Besides, I can’t carp too loudly, my poor twin sisters are 24th babies.

  25. BigBangHunter says:

    – Well hell, I was really enjoying it until you pointed it out to everyone LB. Merry christmas.

  26. Patrick Chester says:

    Actually, since she was born on 20 December 2012, I might start calling her Almost Apocalypse Baby or similar, since the world was supposed to end on 21 December 2012.

    Why yes I have a strange and demented sense of humor. :-)

  27. Danger says:

    Merry Christmas Outlaws!
    Happy Birthday Leigh!
    Belated dittos to BBH!

    and Keep Firing People!

  28. palaeomerus says:

    “I can’t carp too loudly”

    Well, I can crap pretty lou…oh carp. Right. Nevermind then.

  29. Silver Whistle says:

    I find buying a new gun always cheers me up.

  30. McGehee says:

    SW, what tartan is that in your avatar?

  31. Silver Whistle says:

    SW, what tartan is that in your avatar?

    It’s my best Sunday go to meeting tartan, cousin.

  32. leigh says:

    Oh lord. Y’all aren’t really cousins are you? This could be dangerous.

  33. McGehee says:

    I’m sure the Nicolsons and MacGregors traded brides a time or two, back in the day.

    Possibly even voluntarily.

  34. Silver Whistle says:

    We’re as close as toast and Marmite, leigh.

  35. leigh says:

    Well, Happy Christmas to the cousins!

  36. Blitz says:

    Bought someone who may or may not be me ( not really sure on that relationship) a nice little Ruger Mini 13 and 1000 rds. Now we’re just looking for a non frozen lake.

    In New England…In Winter…

    Anyone own an ice auger?

  37. Blitz says:

    Oh, and Merry Christmas to all of you. You all make me think, learn, angry at times but always entertained.

  38. leigh says:

    Merry Christmas, Outlaws!

  39. serr8d says:

    Merry Christmas, all.

    Oh, and speaking of Outlaws..

  40. mojo says:

    Speaking personally, I reserve the right to say “no” to any damn thing I care to. And no, you don’t get a vote. Neither does the government, so, hey, fair. Right?

    Happy Winter solstice, y’all!

  41. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Bought someone who may or may not be me ( not really sure on that relationship) a nice little Ruger Mini 13 and 1000 rds. Now we’re just looking for a non frozen lake.

    Is that the Aussie version you feed .222 to?

    Fröhliche Weihnachte!

  42. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I asked Santa to bring me a left-handed Ruger Gunsite Scout rifle, again. And that fat sonofa- didn’t bring me shit, again.

    Maybe I need to put out a bigger stocking?

  43. McGehee says:

    Santa helps those who help themselves.

  44. leigh says:

    Stores have to take inventory after January 1st, Ernst. Strike while the sales are hot.

  45. palaeomerus says:

    Yeah I wanted Santa to put the Marlin Papoose back in stores so I could buy one. Not that I’m unhappy with the 795. But…

  46. leigh says:

    pala, I figured wanted Santa to bring you a woman.

  47. palaeomerus says:

    My favorite present so far is a subscription to a sort of “dried meat of the month” club. They send you a mixed box of smoked/jerked stuff once a month. My relatives in Devine Texas all got gotogether on that one at the New Braunsfels Smokehouse which should be spelled Smokehaus (the way the chamber of commerce spells everything with “house” in it in New Braunsfels) but isn’t.

  48. happyfeet says:

    they must love you very very much

  49. McGehee says:

    Shouldn’t it be Schmökhaus anyway?

  50. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I really need to recharge my batteries and decide if shouting into the wind day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year is truly worth it any longer[.]

    I’m just sorry you weren’t around to weigh in on the Stein-Steorts streit. Seems like that would have been right up your alley.

  51. Blitz says:

    Crap. I’m the typo king/ I meant 14, didn’t even notice.

  52. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Jus’ funnin’ ya Blitz

  53. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I’m quite fond of the Ruger Mini-14

    In a fan boy, I really don’t know one end of an assault rifle from the other but boy the A-Team sure looked cool blowin’ stuff up! sort of way

    Because I’d put my eye out or something.

  54. Blitz says:

    Ernst, with proper instruction you’d be able to put 2 out that aren’t your own

    I know you were joking, but damn I wish I could type, or at least use preview!!

  55. sdferr says:

    or at least use preview!

    There is a simple workaround at hand, if you choose it: copy your (proposed) comment in its entirety, paste it into a preview enabled comment box on a blog with preview functionality, and see if it meets your intentions. If not, make corrections to satisfy — then copy-paste it back where you began.

  56. Blitz says:

    Honestly Ernst, a while back it was me and John going for the typo king. He hasn’t been around so I win by default.

    Why would I give up my crown?

  57. palaeomerus says:

    “I’m quite fond of the Ruger Mini-14”

    I am too but the problem is that they start at around $850 these days.

    You can get a flat-top DPMS Panther Oracle AR-15 with a Top rail for $600 and there is a deal that if you get it before Dec. 31 you can send in a proof of purchase for four free 30 round magazines and a cleaning kit.

    Ruger priced the mini out of my “market”.

  58. palaeomerus says:

    I almost bought a Mosin Nagant back when they were at $180 for some fairly junky looking ones. Now they are down to $130 again.

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