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December 2024


If you don’t like the Ruling Class, you must be a hater … [Darleen Click]

Funny how the Fourth Branch of Big Government now feels so comfortable with its labeling …

Haters gonna hate. But they plan to vote Republican.

Meet the haters.

We’re talking about the voters who’ve had it with all Washington politicians: President Obama, congressional Republicans and congressional Democrats. Despite their distaste for, well, everyone, when push comes to shove, these voters are lining up squarely behind GOP candidates for Congress.

The un-ironic use of the term “hater” used to apply to actual haters, like KKK members or Islamist terrorists or Martin Bashir.

But in the last decade or so, it has spread out like an aggressive fungus to encompass all manner of people who have the audacity to dissent from the Left’s diktats on policy or cultural issues.

Scott Rasmussen

This wasn’t just a casual reference by a lazy journalist. Not only did the paper of the political elite produce tables and graphics with the “Haters” label; they wrote an entire article about how “Haters Gonna Hate.”

It truly boggles my mind to think that this is the label it intentionally and thoughtfully chose. […]

What troubles me more than the performance of Congress, though, is how the Washington Post came up with the designation of Haters. Was it an unconscious mistake or a deliberate attempt to stigmatize those who don’t share the political class worldview?

I’m not boggled. It is definitely the latter.

Obama, the empty suit who acquired residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave because the major news media like WaPo shoved him there, are still loath to hold him accountable for any of the disasters of his making of the last five years. What is evident is the pivoting towards the 2014 elections to take up where the IRS left off … suppressing dissent by targeting the dissenters. And they are not afraid to be open about it.

It is going to get worse.

312 Replies to “If you don’t like the Ruling Class, you must be a hater … [Darleen Click]”

  1. Libby says:

    That’s a very deliberate use of the term “hater,” which is commonly used interchangeably with bigot, racist, misogynist, homophobe, and Islamaphobe. Did I forget any? There are so many things people are accused of hating simply because they disagree.

    So, anti-DC = bigotty unperson. Lovely.

  2. palaeomerus says:

    Yes, the Federal government that is subject to election, is now being portrayed SERIOUSLY as a hounded disadvantaged minority that needs protections provided by a just society.


  3. happyfeet says:

    is this kinda like how the un-ironic use of the term “sinner” used to apply to actual sinners?

  4. leigh says:

    Meh. Like I care what WaPo thinks.

    The upside is they just admitted that there is a huge cohort that isn’t buying what they are selling.


  5. leigh says:

    happy, riddle me this: people who don’t believe in the concept of sin are “outraged” and “offended” by believers referring to them as sinners. Why?

  6. palaeomerus says:

    The Oddly nonspecific Cartoon Gospel of C.Brown changes everything if you only let it.

  7. palaeomerus says:

    Brain? Brain Brain! What is Brain?

  8. happyfeet says:

    leigh why would you think the gay people robertson denigrates don’t believe in the concept of sin?

    of course they do

    gay people are just as apt to be raised up in the christian tradition as anyone else

    what we have in our increasingly less-educated/ignance-proud country is a vocal subset of increasingly mollycoddled fundamentalist trash what decides to write people out of their ignant backwoods coneptualization of christendom

    but make no mistake gay people are just as mush christian and just as much sinners as everyone else

    it’s a thing

  9. happyfeet says:

    just as *much* christian I mean

    brb i got a text

  10. leigh says:

    No lifeline calls. Use your own words.

  11. leigh says:

    And find where in my post I mentioned homosexuals, por favor.

  12. Libby says:

    Just a general question: when did it become impermissible to hate? Aside from the fact that the Left has redefined mere disagreement as hate – if it really was hate, so what? Are we not allowed to hate some things anymore? There are a lot of people who feel free to Bush and Palin (and a lot of ’em are on MSNBC).

    I’m inclined to hate the Jersey Shore show fools (if I could muster up enough interest in doing so), is that off-limits, too? Would that make me a New Jerseyphobe, or is it just certain protected classes that can’t be disliked? Hate with no action behind it breaks which laws?

  13. happyfeet says:

    oh. sorry

    I just assumed.

    That was wrong of me.

  14. palaeomerus says:

    The G(rievance)M(ob) wants to bash evil and get credit for bashing evil.
    The people they want to bash don’t commit crimes.
    So now thoughts must be criminalized to keep the bashing up.
    And in the absence of thought an assertion by an accuser will do.
    Or a bizarre class theory that members of a class have implict or crypto evil crime thoughts just by being designated to be in that “guilty” class.

  15. leigh says:

    It’s okay. I just wanted you to clarify.

    Nothing wrong with hating, Libby. I hate the IRA, for instance. And the Taliban. Fuck ’em.

  16. Darleen says:

    gay people are just as apt to be raised up in the christian tradition as anyone else

    Then, dear boy, they would NOT be offended by the term “sinner” because Christians know we are all sinners.

  17. Drumwaster says:

    It’s nothing more than labeling certain patterns of belief or thought as “against the pale”. If they can get that level of control in and hold it for a generation, people will be brought up to think that “worrying about the government” should be actually criminalized, and that holding certain thought should be punished.

    Maybe by losing a promotion if you don’t actively defend a position you disagree with by posting specific symbols in your personal workspace. (If Coke ™ had managed to get their logo into every work cubicle, their market share would probably be a lot higher.) Like the DOJ did (and how if that isn’t a government-imposed religious position, I don’t know what is).

    Maybe by being forced to use your professional services in a ceremony you disagree with by court order, in direct violation of First Amendment protections of religion and association. Boycotts wouldn’t work, because the professional artist had been getting along fine before the ceremony came along, with or without the advocates of said ceremony, so the only option is to force them to violate their consciences, instead of being grown up enough to find someone who actually wants the business.

    Maybe by having unelected folks wearing funny clothes overriding both the co-equal legislature and a clear majority of the citizens around them. Progressive math means 1>1,000,000. The whims of the one outweigh the wants of the many.

    And if you don’t agree with all of that, you’re nothing but a hater.

  18. Darleen says:

    the gay people robertson denigrates

    What he really said:

    “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job,” Robertson told GQ. “We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus – whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later.”

  19. Drumwaster says:

    is this kinda like how the un-ironic use of the term “sinner” used to apply to actual sinners?

    If you are knowingly committing a sin, feets, that’s what makes you a sinner. If homosexual people are aware of the “sin/not-a-sin” factor of whatever it is they wish to do, then the consequences of that act is entirely upon them. The crime Phil seems to have committed is to make that data public, so they can no longer say they didn’t know.

    But you point out that they knew already, and just don’t want to be reminded of that status.

    And it is that act — the pulling aside of the curtain — that is being denounced by all of those who would much rather keep their sins hidden.

    But the use of the word was correct, according to his beliefs. And it was about those beliefs that he was being asked. And it is on the basis of those beliefs that he is being defended.

  20. leigh says:

    I had a FB exchange about the sin/not-a-sin thing with a bunch of college kids a few months back. (Oddly, they were from Oregon, but I digress.) Many of them were outspoken about “christers” and bible-thumpers and really, really indignant about homosexuality being a sin.

    “Nuh-uh!” they insisted. “It is not a sin, you bigoty bigot!!!!”

    How one makes it all the way to college being so ignorant about Christian theology yet so versed in who is a bigot and intolerant and hate-y is a wonder.

  21. Darleen says:

    How one makes it all the way to college being so ignorant

    feature, not bug, of the Leftist march through education.

    These same kids are indoctrinated that all sorts of behavior is “sinful” … from the anti-theist Left dogma, such as smoking (tobacco, not pot, which is “liberty” issue) not recycling and not marching to save the Polar Bears or Mother Gaia.

  22. McGehee says:

    is this kinda like how the un-ironic use of the term “sinner” used to apply to actual sinners?

    Everyone’s a sinner, child.

  23. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Ezra Levant was right. It’s all about de-normalizing us.

  24. leigh says:

    You must be vigilant with the grandkiddos, Darleen. Yikes.

    My kids are all Outlaws, thank god, subtly converting their pals into Free Thinkers who Question Authority.

  25. leigh says:

    Steorts retort to Steyn.

  26. palaeomerus says:

    The little monkeys imitate the gestures they see the big monkey’s seeing. And one day little monkey’s will learn permutations of those same gestures from them. Unless they are uncool by then.

  27. leigh says:

    From the comments:

    I can imagine Steorts sitting on his couch writing this on his laptop. He’s wearing red plaid pajamas onesies and sipping a cup of hot cocoa. When he takes a sip, he needs to stop typing because he needs both hands to hold the mug (it’s heavy you know).


  28. palaeomerus says:

    “Steorts retort to Steyn.’

    I could virtually* see him furiously using a paper fan as I read that.

    *not actually or literally

  29. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Did anybody else find that meandering rivulet of thought Steorts posted refutes itself?

    From here

    The point is basic courtesy[.]

    To nowhere

    [T]e rough-and-tumble of free expression, . . . protects equally the right of people to be boors, and the right of people to call for suspensions, and the right of organizations to capitulate, and the right of you and me to criticize them for it, with or without courtesy.

    doublethink much?

  30. Darleen says:

    Steorts is clutching his pearls and looking for the fainting couch.

    Must be taking lessons from David Brooks.

  31. BigBangHunter says:

    Ezra Levant was right. It’s all about de-normalizing us.

    – Anagram: Ezra Levant was right. It’s all about de-moralizing us.

  32. BigBangHunter says:

    oh. sorry I just assumed. That was wrong of me.

    – Red letter day at PW. The yellow plague finally says something truthful.

  33. Libby says:

    So Steyn is counseled to not be a boor, meanwhile writers & pundits on the Left are not likewise required by their editors/producers to stay within the boundaries of polite discourse. Andrew Sullivan and Dan Savage can be just as ugly and hateful to unpersons like Palin & Santorum, or at institutions like the Catholic church, with no repercussions. Staying polite at this point is signalling surrender.

  34. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    Tying things together, it is no only de-normalizing, but creating a nekulturny class:,0,6012046.story#axzz2oEdLNLfP

  35. Darleen says:

    oh crap, Eingang, I got as far as seeing the piece was written by execrable Hiltzik and stopped.

    His hatred of everyone and everything outside of the tony, inside-the-beltway culture is well known. I take it his column is just more the same shit-on-non-Leftists cuz RACISTSEXISTINBREDSTUPIDXTAINISLAMOHOMOPHOBEABLEISTS

    will not waste my time nor disturb my bloodpressure

  36. leigh says:

    These people never read all the stories about the (supposedly) stupid hicktards that bested the city slickers, did they?

    I think the thing that really pisses off the “elites” about DD, is that the Robertson’s know who they are and don’t particularly care if you like it or not. They know who they are and don’t apologize for it.

  37. Drumwaster says:

    As the wise fella said, “Political Correctness is the argument that it’s possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.”

    Refusing to allow a subject to be discussed through shaming or silencing the (allegedly) unpopular is a slippery slope that will NOT end well for anyone. Bolsheviks/Mensheviks, anyone?

    That crunching sound you hear is just the sound of hobnailed boots worn with LOVE, you hater.

  38. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    My apologies, I am not familiar with the guy. Nonetheless, creating the nekulturny is a sub-set of de-normalization, I think. Next is de jure Party Member vs. non-Party Member, though it seems it already exists de facto.

    HMNIS, Dalek, and The Yellow Peril seen nodding in approval.

  39. dicentra says:

    You can’t serve God without offending the Devil.

    Some people just can’t handle conflict. It’s so unpleasant.

  40. LBascom says:

    It’s OK to be a hater, you just need to learn the correct things/people to hate.

    For example, come January 1st, it’s necessary that you hate incandescent light bulbs, and it’s permissible to hate those who don’t hate incandescent light bulbs.

    It’s all part of the new morality and understanding of the concept of sin.

  41. dicentra says:

    Oh, that’s right: time to stock up on 60Ws.

    Hope GE chokes on their curly-bulb profits.

  42. happyfeet says:

    I try very hard Darleen to set a good example for you about how to be nice to the gay people and also to the homosexuals and to the lesbians. You should listen more better that way when christerbilly wackjobs on the cable tv start screeching about how sinful the gay people are you will be armed with the Knowledge to think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.

    mark my footsteps good darleen
    tread thou in them boldly
    thou shalt find thy churlish spleen
    wilt freeze thy blood less coldly


    For my personal christmas today I bought an expensive christmas candle (red currant!) and a robot statue – for 2014 I’m packing everything art-wise away except for robots – and i still have to go get milk and brandy.

    I decided not to do mom’s chicken spaghetti for the potluck tomorrow and instead bought a quiche and some empanadas. I can order a pizza too but I’m a wait and see what everyone else brings. For my secret santa I went over the limit a little – I found a set of coasters from the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation – they had these ones but the ones I got were different and they had their own little holder.

    They will be a nice gift for R. Originally I had G but my boss traded with me cause he had R and R is super-hot and he didn’t want his wife to find out he had to get a secret santa for R.

    P and J are at LAX they board at 5.

    And that is where we stand with respect to Christmas today.

  43. Pellegri says:

    As I said, if you criticize the left about not staying polite, it’s tone policing.

  44. Libby says:

    Remember when Speaking Truth To Power was a good thing? Now it’s hate.

  45. Drumwaster says:

    I try very hard Darleen to set a good example for you about how to be nice to the gay people and also to the homosexuals and to the lesbians.

    We are very nice to the people, even as we point out that WHAT THEY ARE DOING is sin. Even a microcephalic pikachu like you can understand the difference between loving the sinner while despising the sin.

  46. happyfeet says:

    I have some of this guy’s robot stuff but this is priced a little too high I think – these are all “originals,” but he does them in a mixed-media cut n paste series so they all have some slightly different elements and such (they all have numbers but they never say “of x” – so I don’t think you know how many he makes of each design) to where it’s hard to know exactly what to pay, but his robot period was fairly brief, so I might think on it

  47. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “I try very hard Darleen to set a good example for you about how to be nice to the gay people and also to the homosexuals and to the lesbians.”

    You see Darleen, you are nekulturny, only a Party member can show you how to be nice.


  48. Drumwaster says:

    Double-plus-ungood thoughtcrime.

    Room 101 for you.

  49. happyfeet says:

    for sure this year I’m a try to spurge and get a large piece by mark brunner – i want one of his “robots n zepellins” ones – the prices you see here are CRAZY btw I would never pay that

  50. happyfeet says:


  51. LBascom says:

    You people just don’t understand how superior happyfeet is to you.

    Also, the proper way of Christ is to favor marriage between two men and uphold the sacrament of abortion. It’s the future of mankind you see.

    Of course you don’t. It’s because you’re inferior to happyfeet.

  52. happyfeet says:

    if Christ had a good reason for saying why being gay is sinful he had ample fucking time to spell it out

    he failed to do so

    I doubt this was an oversight

    but if it was oh well too late now you dead

  53. LBascom says:

    Also, that two men thing? Remember, two is the key. It doesn’t have to be two people of the opposite sex, but to suggest it be three people is silly. No one wants that.

    Thus spaketh happyfeet, Charlie Brown be upon his name.

  54. Ernst Schreiber says:

    You people just don’t understand how superior happyfeet is to you.

    He’s the staunchiest.

    Playing the collective guilt card? Hell, anybody can do that. But

    playing the collective guilt card on top of teh hypocrisy! card?


  55. LBascom says:

    Thus spaketh happyfeet, CBBUHN:

    And it came to pass the happyfeet declare it so, that unless good and proper cause be given, sin cannot be. And so it was written, and so it was done.

  56. happyfeet says:

    ok so let’s just drop the whole homosexuality = sin thing and when the reality tv people start in on it we’ll just look at each other knowingly and kind of shake our heads

  57. LBascom says:

    And again the happyfeet spaketh, and yet again, yea, and the meek shall know their place, and the fabulous shall be lifted above. And yet again, the fabulous shall look knowingly, and condescend to the meek, as their place shall be established, as spaketh the happyfeet, CBBUHN.

  58. newrouter says:

    >the whole homosexuality = sin thing<

    why does this upset godless commies?

  59. dicentra says:

    if Christ had a good reason for saying why being gay is sinful he had ample fucking time to spell it out

    (a) “Being gay” isn’t sinful. Fornication is sinful, regardless of the respective anatomies of the participants.

    (b) Jesus had both the opportunity and the authority to establish SSM, alongside OSM. Instead, he articulated a much stricter vision of marriage in which not even divorce is permitted.

    (c) The sinfulness of laying with man as with woman (including getting it on the down-low, which was more common in the ancient world) was established in Leviticus. Where Jesus wanted to correct or amend the old commandments, he said “ye have heard it said, ‘x, y, and z,’ but I say unto you, ‘a, b, c.'” To establish that gay sex is actually acceptable before God, he’d have to affirm it, not preach against it.

    (d) The New Testament, which Mr. Phil cited, establishes where Christianity stands regarding gay sex. The Apostles didn’t make stuff up as they went; as evidenced in Acts 10, Jesus continued to reveal his will to the Apostles after he ascended into heaven.

    (e) The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is extremely strict concerning sexual behavior, much more strict than most of us are comfortable with. Much more strict than most Christians are, many of whom wink at pre-marital sex because hey, you really can’t expect people to control themselves that much.

    (f) Jesus loves gays as much as anyone; any gay person who wants to confer with God about their path is welcome to do so without reproach.

  60. dicentra says:

    I would remind Christians that the best outcome for gay people (as with all people) is for them to come unto Christ and be healed.

    Leading with “your sins are uniquely filthy” imposes a barrier to Christ, not a bridge.

    When I was a missionary in Colombia, we didn’t lead with “You guys are idolators, what with your saints and virgin statues.” That’s the fastest way to be shown the door, and rightly so.

    We just made our case, and when people joined up, they figured out for themselves that the statues needed to be tucked away. Either that or they asked, and we gently told them.

  61. palaeomerus says:

    “if Christ had a good reason for saying why being gay is sinful he had ample fucking time to spell it out he failed to do so I doubt this was an oversight but if it was oh well too late now you dead”

    This is probably the stupidest, least convincing bit of horse shit I’ve read in about a month or so.

  62. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “…we’ll just look at each other knowingly and kind of shake our heads.”

    How about, no. You can do that on your own, or with your other effete pals.

  63. dicentra says:

    At what point has the NRA or Heritage ever forced someone to cancel a performance because the audience was The Wrong Type of People?

  64. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Steorts is clutching his pearls and looking for the fainting couch.

    With his granny panties twisted up like that?

    Can you really blame him?

  65. happyfeet says:

    Leading with “your sins are uniquely filthy” imposes a barrier to Christ, not a bridge.

    when GQ asked daddy duck to tell them what sin was – his very first top of mind thinking was gay sex

    that’s kind of odd, huh?

  66. happyfeet says:

    i think it’s extremely likely that daddy duck’s probably even a little more pervy than your average repressed backwoods deliverance type

  67. newrouter says:

    >that’s kind of odd, huh?<

    the gaysters were just minding their own business for last 1/5/10/20 years. the gaysters never bother no peeps. sure and does the pikachu want a little debbie with that bridge?

  68. newrouter says:

    >that daddy duck’s probably even a little more pervy than your average repressed backwoods deliverance type<

    what's a good wine to have with character assassination ?

  69. happyfeet says:

    man Mr. newrouter

    this new company’s different than the last one cause we contract out so much

    we’re very “virtual” as they say (this is how you stay under 25 employees)

    so anyway all these people we contract out to? they compete to see who can send us the tastiest delicacies

    it’s wonderful and terrible all at the same time, not unlike God’s love

  70. happyfeet says:

    thus endeth the lesson

  71. palaeomerus says:

    “i think it’s extremely likely that daddy duck’s probably even a little more pervy than your average repressed backwoods deliverance type”

    That’s called bigotry.

  72. Drumwaster says:

    So tell us, feets, how many dicks a month do you have to suck to please the sugar daddy pimp what pays your Internet access bill? Because he’s getting cheated.

    You should change your avatar image to the King’s Camelopard, just to keep things clear.

  73. palaeomerus says:

    “when GQ asked daddy duck to tell them what sin was – his very first top of mind thinking was gay sex that’s kind of odd, huh? ”

    How is it weird?

  74. Drumwaster says:

    You hateful bigoted piece of shit.

  75. happyfeet says:

    that’s not a sentiment at all in keeping with the season Mr. Drumwaster, what you said

    it’s Christmas!

    Christmas is when Jesus was born

    for so all of us might know Salvation

    even people without cable like Spike and Joe Cactus

  76. palaeomerus says:

    Hey everybody gay sex is never at the top of a list of sins ever. Charlie Brown says. And woods people are pervs. And anyone who doesn’t jump to swallow this stupid shit is all momo-doodle. Plus cupcakes.

  77. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “i think it’s extremely likely that daddy duck’s probably even a little more pervy than your average repressed backwoods deliverance type”

    You really are an intolerant, smug, snotty, condescending, effete little shit.

  78. newrouter says:

    >that’s kind of odd, huh?<

    sure if you ignore the low road that the gaysters use to get "gay marriage" scheme going.

  79. happyfeet says:

    that whole duck whistle thing might could be some pervy backwoods symbolic metaphor if you think about it

  80. newrouter says:

    pickachu’s for creationism. talk about anti science urban clowns.

  81. palaeomerus says:

    Whatever ya dumb ass.

  82. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “that whole duck whistle thing might could be some pervy backwoods symbolic metaphor if you think about it”

    that’s not a sentiment at all in keeping with the season Yellow Peril, what you said

  83. newrouter says:

    >whole duck whistle thing<

    we've moved on from dog whistles tell crissy mathews

  84. Drumwaster says:

    that’s not a sentiment at all in keeping with the season Mr. Drumwaster, what you said

    Truth is truth, whether the sun is shining or not, whether you like it or not.

    When you say hateful bigoted things, you become a hateful bigoted piece of shit, instead of just a regular piece of shit. Your hatred and bigotry just keep shining through for all to see, like the Star of Bethehem itself were pointing out how much of a hateful bigoted piece of shit you are.

    If the truth stings a little, realize that I don’t give a shit.

  85. leigh says:

    I’m getting a little tired of yuppie pikachus saying bad things about folks who live in the country instead of the concrete canyons.

    I don’t understand this from a Texan. Hell, I lived in California, was born there even, for 34 years and I never got a case of straight neck as bad as him.

  86. Drumwaster says:

    If we’re gonna ban Dog Vomit, I vote to ban the pikachu as well.

  87. dicentra says:

    when GQ asked daddy duck to tell them what sin was – his very first top of mind thinking was gay sex

    None of my comments on the subject have been predicated on the validity, appropriateness, or content of Mr. Phil’s comments.

    Even if we concede that what he said was the Worst Thing In The World, the fact remains that the NaziFascist Nazis are determined to destroy those who oppose them, not those who are tactless.

  88. happyfeet says:

    pour it on easy now don’t spill a bit nothin but time tonight

    let’s git to killin it

  89. happyfeet says:

    determined to destroy?


    I think they’re just helping daddy find his niche

  90. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    If the Yellow Peril is a Texan, I am a chandelier.

  91. palaeomerus says:

    Please change your nick to hellomynameisdumbbigotshit.

  92. Drumwaster says:

    Stupid, irrelevant, hateful and bigoted is no way to go through life, feets, but now that you’re there, what’s next?

  93. serr8d says:


    I try very hard Darleen to set a good example for you about how to be nice to the gay people and also to the homosexuals and to the lesbians

    and later in the same comment, this:

    christerbilly wackjobs

    That’s been ‘feets crazy yin-yang, complete with episodic tantrums, ever since the fisting fister Kevin Jennings was removed from consideration as Barky’s appointment as “Safe Schools” czarhead. Overnight, ‘feets became the batshit crazy person we see derailing threads now.

    “And the thermometer that day registered 92.9° gloriously Fahrenheit.”

    I liked the old ‘feets more better. Bring him back!

  94. happyfeet says:

    dark happyfeet is here to stay until the fascists go away

    fractiousness i represent from tribalism i dissent

    politics of identity – they’re all about us – they’re all about we

    but the america we knew and loved

    she’s all about you she’s all about me (individuality)

    it’s not team sports push comes to shove

    it’s writing your own destiny

  95. palaeomerus says:

    No you’re just another dumbass bigot hiding behind a childish troll act.

  96. LBascom says:

    oooh, slandering a real man unafraid of stating his beliefs under his own name and the name of his company, while hiding behind a handle.


  97. happyfeet says:

    justine sacco should’ve been so pathetic

  98. palaeomerus says:

    Also farrrrt. And pineapple salad on a cucmber-pita!

  99. Drumwaster says:

    dark happyfeet is here to stay until the fascists go away

    Never gonna happen, since you are part of the fascism you pretend to decry. Nothing like forcing your worldview onto others by any means necessary, right, fascist?

    And I hope Justine Sacco takes Buzzfeed to court, and shuts them down.

  100. palaeomerus says:

    Yipee yipee moral preening slander barb giggle!

  101. serr8d says:

    fractiousness i represent from tribalism i dissent

    politics of identity – they’re all about us – they’re all about we

    Smells like teen nishi

  102. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “dark happyfeet is here to stay until the fascists go away

    fractiousness i represent from tribalism i dissent”

    That is weapons grade lack of introspection.

    “justine sacco should’ve been so pathetic”

    Not that anyone had ever heard of her till your gang of thugs made a federal case out of a joke – all incorrect humor must be suppressed, eh Happyfeet ?

  103. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    Steve Martin is beat about the head and neck for making an ungood thoughtcrime joke:

  104. serr8d says:

    dark happyfeet is here to stay until the fascists go away

    “Very interesting. Projection is a throwing forward. It is the process of throwing out upon another the ideas or impulses that belong to oneself. The paranoid, for example, projects upon others his conflicts and disturbances in order to externalize them. He accuses, directly or by implication, other men of having the very sicknesses with which he is struggling himself.”

    “And the danger of projection?”

    “It is the danger of believing what is implied. If you live with a psychotic who projects his sickness upon you, there is a danger of falling into his psychotic pattern and becoming virtually psychotic yourself.” *

  105. Pablo says:

    oh crap, Eingang, I got as far as seeing the piece was written by execrable Hiltzik and stopped.

    I liked that the first thing he did was prove Pat Archbold right.

    I got the gist of the “Duck Dynasty” thing after my first and only viewing: bunch of rural jackasses who somehow struck it rich get brought into our living rooms to be laughed at by the rest of us aristocrats.

    So the clown the Times dumped for sock puppeting comments on his own blog is laughing at the multi-millionaire self-made entrepreneur.

    That’s as far as I got.

  106. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Fractiousness IS tribalism, moron.

    Part and parcel.

  107. newrouter says:

    rachel jental on gay sex: “that’s retarded sir.”

  108. happyfeet says:

    i would be super careful about standing with daddy duck

    he’s bound to try and top himself sooner or later

    and given the milieu he’s mired in, when he does it’s not going to be anything helpful for Team R’s quest to reach beyond their uneducated white guy base

  109. Pablo says:

    I think the thing that really pisses off the “elites” about DD, is that the Robertson’s know who they are and don’t particularly care if you like it or not. They know who they are and don’t apologize for it.

    Another thing is that the Robertsons can navigate the city with grace and good humor. OTOH, the likes of Hiltzik would be balled up and weeping left to his own devices in the swamp.

  110. Drumwaster says:

    i would be super careful about standing with daddy duck

    Yeah, I would imagine having him slap the shit out of you a few times would be unpleasant, not to mention leaving you only 1/3 inflated. (The part filled with hate and bigotry.)

    Hell, I bet the women could take you with just a dishtowel.

  111. newrouter says:

    here’s a gayster real h8ter pickachu

    Floyd Lee Corkins
    Family Research Council shooter sentenced to 25 years

  112. newrouter says:

    >beyond their uneducated white guy base<

    oh thanks all that money spent on college was truly a waste.

  113. Drumwaster says:

    I find it most amusing that the hateful bigoted types who claim to want to defend the microscopic minority belonging to the LBGTABC123SMH Mafia always end up calling their opponents homosexuals (or some variation) as an insult. Always.

    It’s almost as though they don’t believe a word they say in their attempts to ruin society.

  114. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “i would be super careful about standing with daddy duck”

    Enlighten us, Snapperhead, what have you done in your life that makes you, as you so evidently think, better than Robertson ?

  115. Pablo says:

    I would be super careful about standing with the Sodomites.

    They’re bound to try and top themselves sooner or later.

    And given the milieu they’re mired in, when they do it’s not going to be helpful for, well…anyone.

  116. leigh says:

    I watched Phil light up a beaver den with a flame thrower and then shoot a water moccasin with a handgun. At night.

    I think it’s best to call him “Sir”.

  117. palaeomerus says:

    “i would be super careful about standing with daddy duck ”

    You are trying to make hay with what he said, for the Charlie Browns. I’m not standing with him anyway. I’m standing against you and your pissed-off-a-lot-mobsies.

    “he’s bound to try and top himself sooner or later ”

    And if he doesn’t you’ll make some shit up and see if it sticks to him. For the justice! duck calls are Jungian dicks y’all!

    “and given the milieu he’s mired in, ”

    ” WHich would be dirty old hatey white trash christer pervs as defined by theologian Charlie Brown, ”

    ” when he does it’s not going to be anything helpful for Team R’s quest to reach beyond their uneducated white guy base ”

    Yeah you clearly know a lot about winning in politics. So much of your ‘move left with the fad’ advice has served SO WELL. it must be your education that lets you waste our time with childlike singsong about who’s a whore-slut today and then go on tell us about toasted lowcarb cornbread. That there is pure-D…GEN-U-INE… SOPHIST-I-CA-TION! So is telling Christians what they ought to believe based on Charlie Brown Christmas specials and armchair diagnosing people according to what order one should supposedly employ when answering a loaded GQ question about sin.

    I don’t the the hateful snarky clueless boutique issue vote is all that big feets.

  118. happyfeet says:

    mostly they just want to get married which isn’t a particularly transgressive thing for them to want to do I don’t think

    meanwhile people here in this very thread are talking about stockpiling banned incandescent bulbs which have been deemed harmful to the collective

    the gay peoples should take a lesson from those ones i think

  119. Pablo says:

    when GQ asked daddy duck to tell them what sin was – his very first top of mind thinking was gay sex

    that’s kind of odd, huh?

    Not when “The love that dare not speak it’s name” has decided it can’t possibly shut the fuck up ever.

  120. leigh says:

    Another thing is that the Robertsons can navigate the city with grace and good humor.

    I saw that piece, it was hilarious. They’d make David Serrota piss himself.

  121. leigh says:

    mostly they just want to get married

    No, they don’t. We’ve talked about this before. They have none, as in zero, intentions of staying faithful to the spouse. It’s grandstanding trouble-making bullshit.

    You and Marlo Thomas can talk about being free to be you and me. Except when you get to the part about telling me what to think, say or do.

  122. newrouter says:

    >mostly they just want to get married which isn’t a particularly transgressive thing for them to want to do I don’t think <

    statist/commies need the "blessing" of the state. normal folks say eff' the state.

  123. palaeomerus says:

    “i would be super careful about standing with daddy duck”

    Awww…so concerned and helpful. Why that almost reminds of dumwaster’s line:

    “That crunching sound you hear is just the sound of hobnailed boots worn with LOVE, you hater. “

  124. leigh says:

    html fail

  125. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “Not when “The love that dare not speak it’s name” has decided it can’t possibly shut the fuck up ever.”

    Touché .

  126. palaeomerus says:

    “The love that dare not speak it’s name” —> ” The love that thou had best bake a cake for tout suite or else because cheap grace ain’t so cheap for your kind.”

  127. newrouter says:

    >“The love that dare not speak it’s name”<

    curious phrase when some wacko male whats to do a donkey? pervert works though. but then again that's "christer morality"

  128. Pablo says:

    With the Eagles/Bears game gone boring, I note that Fox News is running Williams F. Buckley’s Reagan interview. Wish I’d noticed sooner.

  129. BigBangHunter says:

    dark happyfeet is here to stay until the fascists go away

    – Its true you’ve had a long run of pissing people off for no discernable reason Yellow peka-shit, but “here to stay” might be a tad optimistic.

  130. happyfeet says:

    i have no idea why you people are so obsessed about cake

    are any of you actually for reals bakery people at risk of being forced to bake fag cake?

    to my knowledge no none of you are

    so why don’t we just take a wait and see approach before deciding that this is the civil rights issue of our time

    sounds good to me

    I happen to know that pretty much the best cake you gonna get in the valley is from the bakery at Gelson’s

    and they bake cakes for ANYBODY

    and they write stuff on them while you wait (not long)

    it’s worth every penny

  131. Pablo says:

    Another nice thing about Phil Robertson? I’m as sure as a man can be that he wouldn’t try to fuck me in the ass. I like that in a guy.

  132. happyfeet says:

    they call them duck blinds cause when you’re in them nobody can see what’s going on

  133. Pablo says:

    First the ass pirates came for the bakers and I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t a baker.

    Then the ass pirates came for the photographers, and I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t a photographer.

    Then the ass pirates came for the DJ’s and I started shooting because you don’t fuck with my peeps.

  134. newrouter says:

    >and they bake cakes for ANYBODY<

    so gaysters should go there and leave rest of us the eff' alone. gaysters are commie/nazi brownshirted fags.

  135. happyfeet says:

    people what aren’t man enough to make a wedding cake for gay people with graciousness and kindness are not worthy of inheriting the kingdom of heaven

    so it is written

  136. Drumwaster says:

    mostly they just want to get married which isn’t a particularly transgressive thing for them to want to do I don’t think

    No, they could have gotten married without any of this fascist nonsense you are pushing on society. One man marries one woman, and their sexual preferences are never even inquired into. Nathan Lane could marry Ellen DeGeneres, and no one but their respective beards would have known. Or cared. But they wanted to destroy marriage, and make it mean anything. They’ve admitted it, why can’t the yellow piece of shit admit that he is just a fascist looking to use the latest made-up thoughtcrime to damage real people.

  137. newrouter says:

    you gaysters find some other stylish brown color name like rocco. “rocco shirted fags marching on the family research council to kill christians and stuff chick-fil-a samwiches in their mouths”

  138. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “they call them duck blinds cause when you’re in them nobody can see what’s going on”

    From a normal person, that would have been funny, but as it was from you, Snapperhead, it was just ment to be derision.

    Why are you afraid of Robertson, other than your manifest jealousy of him ?

  139. Drumwaster says:

    people what aren’t man enough to make a wedding cake for gay people with graciousness and kindness are not worthy of inheriting the kingdom of heaven

    gay people what aren’t adult enough to shop elsewhere where they could get a cake without the lawyer’s fees are not worthy of getting a wedding cake. Their sins are completely separate from the fascist behavior you are defending, you hateful bigoted piece of shit.

  140. Pablo says:

    I’m pretty sure that fascists go straight to hell.

  141. newrouter says:

    >people what aren’t man enough to make a wedding cake for gay people with graciousness and kindness are not worthy of inheriting the kingdom of heaven <

    did the gaysters want a couple tablespoons of pepper in their fabulous cake? maybe cumin? for the illegal gays.

  142. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “people what aren’t man enough to make a wedding cake for gay people with graciousness and kindness are not worthy of inheriting the kingdom of heaven”

    Tell you what, Snapperhead, let us know something you believe in so that we can pretend to be offended by it and then have the state force you to do something you don’t want to do.

  143. newrouter says:

    >they call them duck blinds<

    because the ducks can't see the pikachu mounting the donkey instead of looking for ducks

  144. Drumwaster says:

    I’m already offended by the fascist gay people that won’t leave the rest of society alone.

  145. Pablo says:

    Let’s make him clean Sarah Palin’s house.

  146. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “I’m already offended by the fascist gay people that won’t leave the rest of society alone.”

    Yeah, but that one won’t fly, they already have the state on their side.

  147. palaeomerus says:

    “Yeah, but that one won’t fly, they already have the state on their side. ”

    So did the prohibition movement.

  148. Drumwaster says:

    Doesn’t mean I can’t be offended. “What’s true is already so. Admitting it doesn’t make it worse.”

  149. palaeomerus says:

    “I’m pretty sure that fascists go straight to hell.”

    They build a fresh hell here.

  150. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “So did the prohibition movement.”

    Roger, but the difference is the 2% were banning a product that the other 98% wanted, now we have the 2% trying to push a product the other 98% want no part of. Now, if there was a way gangsters could make some money off of people not wanting it, we could be in business.

  151. leigh says:

    I’d bake a cake for a gay couple and it would be the ugliest least tasty cake that was ever baked. I’d drop it to or let the cat lick it if I was sued into baking it.

    Yes, I would.

  152. Libby says:

    ““i would be super careful about standing with daddy duck ”

    Yeah, I’m sure most Americans would rather stand over here with these guys (NSFW):

    Or how about these guys? (Also NSFW):

  153. happyfeet says:

    i don’t believe you leigh I don’t think that’s really the kind of person you are

  154. newrouter says:

    pickachu “gay” stuff is anti darwin. like making tacos with shredded aluminum.

  155. newrouter says:

    >i don’t believe you leigh I don’t think that’s really the kind of person you are <

    extortion does that no?

  156. leigh says:

    You haven’t experience my wrath.

    No one would die from the cake which would be covered with cat spit.

  157. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “Yeah, I’m sure most Americans would rather stand over here with these guys (NSFW)”

    You bigoted, homophobic, hater, those are just expressions of love.

  158. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “No one would die from the cake which would be covered with cat spit.”

    I wonder if one could bake with mag citrate.

  159. happyfeet says:

    here is a song about love

    which is different than the hate which informs your non-genocidal baking scheme

  160. Drumwaster says:

    Why would they want a cake baked by someone that really didn’t want to? Or have their picture taken by someone that wants to be anywhere else? Are the fascists so desperate for Daddy’s love they will sue to get it?

  161. newrouter says:

    >your non-genocidal baking scheme<

    proggtarded: force someone to bake a cake they don't want to sell/give of their own free volition.

  162. Libby says:

    >>You bigoted, homophobic, hater, those are just expressions of love.

    I guess you’ve got me pegged, EA.
    Zombie’s pictures were taken out in the open in San Francisco at street fairs, with families and children present. Heck, I don’t want to see heteros behaving this way in public, but apparently my ideas of normal are outdated.
    And remember, all of the Jesus sex toys and the Hot (naked) Jesus contest is not hate.

  163. serr8d says:

    he’s bound to try and top himself sooner or later

    I’m looking forward to this toppings, whatever form it might take. We’ve ducked for cover for long enough, running from the ruinous advances of the far-Left tribal collective of fascist elements ‘Community Organized’ by today’s Democrats. That collective’s only intent is to CONTROL every facet of every person’s life in this little Republic to their strict specifications, or destroy to it completely.

    Soon enough, there will be an event that sparks a sudden and bound-to-be-painful national backlash. Let’s call it a ‘topping’, shall we? Top of the world, indeed!

  164. Drumwaster says:

    sponge cake made from real sponges

    Ground glass sparklies in the frosting

  165. Pablo says:

    Here is a song about standing with the ass pirates.

  166. happyfeet says:

    so anyway good luck with the anti-gay duck jihad but you people are really kind of running in circles palin akin duck boy palin akin duck boy palin akin duck boy

    you aren’t getting anywhere

    you need a whole new agency of record

  167. Pablo says:

    He’s got it bad, got it bad, got it bad. He’s hot for Akin.

  168. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “sponge cake made from real sponges

    Ground glass sparklies in the frosting”

    Crunchy frog, ram’s bladder cup, and spring surprise.

  169. happyfeet says:

    you should never have fired Abe Froman

  170. pawn says:


    Christians are the new Jews.

    Move over Jeff.

  171. newrouter says:

    get enrolled

  172. BigBangHunter says:

    you aren’t getting anywhere

    – We’re getting somewhere…..closer and closer to your demise on this blog.

  173. leigh says:

    Are those the Folsom Street pictures? You have to love the one of the twin toddler girls in bondage gear walking through all that debauchery with their daddies.

    As you do.

  174. happyfeet says:

    y’all are certainly becoming a highly selective group

  175. newrouter says:

    >you aren’t getting anywhere<

    eeks the gods of the copybook headings. failure anti-science gayster.

  176. newrouter says:

    >y’all are certainly becoming a highly selective group<

    ask justine she just landed in sa

  177. BigBangHunter says:

    y’all are certainly becoming a highly selective group

    – If keeping company with people who have moral values bothers you, theres always godless commie blogs you can haunt.

  178. Drumwaster says:

    y’all are certainly becoming a highly selective group

    About wanting to ban you? What would YOU recommend for a fascist, hate-filled, bigoted piece of shit like you? You made your bed, now your pimp needs you to get out there, those coprophiles aren’t going to shit on themselves, now, are they? You wouldn’t want to disappoint your favorite customers, would you? It Christmas time, and you’ve bashed enough Christians for now…

  179. newrouter says:

    let the pickachu speak the food stuff is interesting

  180. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “…you people are really kind of running in circles…”

    Says the bozo who would turn a thread on the theory of relativity into one on SSM and the glories of the of sex Men Who Have Sex With Men (as the CDC so politically correctly puts it) have.

  181. BigBangHunter says:

    – Hes a broken record. Derision statements one after another. I don’t think most of us hate ourselves enough to continue suffering his bullshit. He gets off on the slurs. Probably brags to his faggot friends about how much he gets away with on the god bothering blogs.

    – Fuck that crap. Who needs it. Nothing useful there.

  182. Ernst Schreiber says:

    and given the milieu [Daddy Duck’s]’s mired in, when he does [top himself] it’s not going to be anything helpful for Team R’s quest to reach beyond their uneducated white guy base

    And they say that the cultural coercion is the distraction from the real issue of political coercion.

    To borrow from Steorts

  183. Libby says:

    >>Are those the Folsom Street pictures?

    Yep. Complete with business sponsors. And yeah, kiddie bondage wear….sigh.

    I don’t get why it’s no big deal to flagrantly mock Jesus like that on Easter, but paraphrasing the bible (while using blunt anatomical language) is vile. Seems both are free expression, and there are differing opinions on which one (or if both) are considered “hate.” America used to be take both expressions in stride.

  184. happyfeet says:

    thank you Mr. newrouter

    it is indeed christmas, and the red currant candle is not as christmassy as I’d hoped, but it’s pleasant enough i guess

    this week I’m a be the guy holding down the office while everyone does holiday stuff

    at least i hope

    if my boss shows up I’m a go home cause the whole point is to give him a break and if he’s not gonna take a break then i sure as hell will

    for christmas mostly i’m a do pumpkin martinis

    cause after i discovered pumpkin martinis I bought a stupid number of cans of pumpkin puree

    you can make a sort of pudding with it too but

    that sounds like something you eat in the rest home

    I’ll have to google up some other pumpkin recipes

    i wonder if there’s some kind of “autumn harvest” soup you can make with a pumpkin base

    soup is so much better than anus

    i mean

    there’s just so much more there

  185. newrouter says:

    >Nothing useful there.<

    it is good to see the anti-woman anti-darwin et al perspective up close with swiss cake rolls on top

  186. newrouter says:

    the country burns: the fags oh what color my bedroom?

  187. happyfeet says:

    omg stereotype much

  188. leigh says:

    I don’t get why it’s no big deal to flagrantly mock Jesus

    It’s so de rigueur that it became boring 35 years ago.

    “Ooh! Ooh! Let’s dress up like hot nuns and dance on a float with a hot guy pretending to be Jesus swapping spit with us!”
    “I think I’ll sink a rosary in a jar of piss and photograph it!”

    No one pulls this crap on Mohammed.

  189. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “I don’t get why it’s no big deal to flagrantly mock Jesus like that on Easter…”

    Witness the Yellow Peril (and his ilk) – if one is a true believer, one is then to them by default an illiterate reuben, barely human, and fit only for derision, and derision (e.g., The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence) is the height of intellectual humor.

  190. BigBangHunter says:

    Still, “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job,” he added. “We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus, whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

    – I hadn’t seen that part of his atatements before. Now I know why all the nations best cock suckers have their AIDs cards in a twist. His unforgivable crime was mentioning the class of social misfits they belong to, which includes terrorists, and that they simply cannot let stand. Got it. Morons.

  191. newrouter says:

    >omg stereotype much<

    "when GQ asked daddy duck to tell them what sin was – his very first top of mind thinking was gay sex that’s kind of odd, huh? "

  192. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “omg stereotype much”

    What a stereotypical response. It seems Herr Newrouter has you bracketed.

  193. Drumwaster says:

    omg stereotype much

    Says the hateful facsist bigoted piece of shit whose first response to losing the argument is to call people repressed homosexuals.

  194. BigBangHunter says:

    – Ok. The Chicago/Philly game is officially a waste of time.

  195. Libby says:

    >>It’s so de rigueur that it became boring 35 years ago.

    Mostly, yes. But I’ll admit that the zombie pictorial truly shocked me.

  196. leigh says:

    Say, speaking of AIDS, the gheys are agitating to be allowed to donate blood again.

    The CDC is saying “Not a chance, Bruce.”

  197. Drumwaster says:

    this week I’m a be the guy holding down the office while everyone does holiday stuff

    Translation: “No one has invited me to any of their reindeer games, so ima call them all gay and farrrrrrrrt in their chairs while they are with their families OH WHY DOESN’T DADDY LOVE ME?”

  198. leigh says:

    I’ll admit that the zombie pictorial truly shocked me.

    Me too. And I’ve spent a lot of weekends in SF. TG I never say that kind of shit going on.

  199. BigBangHunter says:

    – Yeah, they say that AIDS sufferers live a lot longer now, which is just fucking peachy. That way they have more time to infect others.

  200. leigh says:

    The price of the drugs for AIDS patients is enormous. You could save a lot of cancer patients with that dough.

  201. newrouter says:

    >they say that AIDS sufferers live a lot longer now<

    oh good more clowns darwin will eliminate them

  202. newrouter says:

    so aids, global warming, gay marriage, obamacare et al: clowen-piven mostly

  203. happyfeet says:

    daddy duck i feel you are a douche now go make me a sammich

  204. newrouter says:

    >daddy duck i feel you are a douche now go make me a sammich <

    that is so gay

  205. McGehee says:

    Trolls is trolls.

  206. Drumwaster says:

    yeah, Daddy Duck would certainly turn you into a sandwich, fascist…

  207. newrouter says:

    >daddy duck i feel you are a douche now go make me a sammich <

    did justine just touch down in sa?

  208. Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
    or you yourself will be just like him.

    Answer a fool according to his folly,
    or he will be wise in his own eyes.

    Proverbs 26:4-5.

    So it is with ‘feets. It’s a no-win.

  209. Pablo says:

    I can see how the Yellow Peril could easily be mistaken for a duck. Be careful what you ask for…

  210. BigBangHunter says:

    – So the joke that is going on in Philly, 54 to 11 in the 3rd quarter, means that Dallas has to play Philly for a spot in the post season. If Philly plays the way it did tonight against Chi there won’t be any need, even though they’ll do it anyway.

    – Wonders of all wonders the Chargers remain alive for another week, since the Ravens and Dolphins both lost and the Bolts managed to make just enough of the usual mistakes not to lose to the Raiders. Next week they have to do it all again, three loses by other teams and a Chargers win to remain in the hunt for a playoff spot. Highly unlikely to say the least, and in any event even if that miracle happens they’ll just get their asses kicked in the first round anyway. Its almost entertaining in a warped faggoty sort of way, watching to see how they’ll try to beat themselves each week and whether they escape with a win or not.

  211. palaeomerus says:

    “daddy duck i feel you are a douche now go make me a sammich”

    Yeah. We get it. You’re a crass, stupid, infantile, and self righteous jerk who likes to shit on Christians while pretending to write like a 13 year old with an attitude problem. No go and make ME a sammich.

  212. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    Palaeo – I believe the correct expression is, “Now go and make me a sammich, bitch.”

  213. Patrick Chester says:

    Amusing. The Griefer says something disgusting, and when he gets called on it he bleats about “it’s Christmas” towards those who called him on his crap.

    Is it dangerous to laugh while vomiting?

  214. newrouter says:

    >“daddy duck i feel you are a douche now go make me a sammich” <

    glaad/glisten playbook

  215. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Translation: “No one has invited me to any of their reindeer games, so ima call them all gay and farrrrrrrrt in their chairs while they are with their families OH WHY DOESN’T DADDY LOVE ME?”

    Because Mommy loves you a little too much?

    (As long as we’re indulging in vicious stereotypes)

  216. newrouter says:

    >Leading the conversation. Shaping the media narrative. Changing the culture. That’s GLAAD at work. <


  217. newrouter says:

    glaad fucking commies who like anus

  218. Drumwaster says:

    No, feets’ “mommy” only “loves” him when he saves up enough money. Pimps gotta eat, too…

  219. BigBangHunter says:

    – In other non-faggot news……

    – This Senator will not be getting any christmas cards from the White House this year:

    “If it’s so much more expensive than what we anticipated and if the coverage is not as good as what we had, you’ve got a complete meltdown at that time,” Manchin told CNN’s “State of the Union” program.

    “It falls of its own weight, if basically the cost becomes more than we can absorb, absolutely.”

    – Waaayyyyy way too much honesty for the liar-in-chief. But hes in Hawaii vacationing on the tax payers nickle (again), so he won’t have to actually, you know deal with this apostity.

  220. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    Newrouter, maybe the Gs, but not too sure about the Ls. Mustn’t use too broad a brush lest we offend and incur their righteous wrath AND get the the Yellow Peril fired up again.

  221. newrouter says:

    when putin puts down the fags be careful

  222. happyfeet says:

    twas the night before christmas and 40 below
    when snoopy went up in search of his foe
    below he espied a duck that was sitting
    unawares of the ordnance snoopy was gripping

    the duck – what a prize – but snoops couldn’t smite
    instead of fierce joy our good pup felt contrite
    tis christmas he thought and the duck down below
    is my brother in christ he’s my friend not my foe

    then daddy duck spake – he roared death from a blind
    and the lil duck fell – from this life he resigned
    and snoopy’s heart sank he kept tears not at bay
    he hadn’t considered his duck friend was gay

    so snoops flew away, a dog older but wiser
    and daddy duck sat in his swamp and french kissed little boys

  223. Drumwaster says:

    and daddy duck sat in his swamp and french kissed little boys

    So this means he’s now your hero, feets? I mean, anyone else who said that would be just called a H8RHOMOPHOBEXTIANIST

  224. Eingang Ausfahrt says:


    I think the Yellow Peril actually has a crush on Robinson and is lashing out because is he not only unrequited, but flat out rejected.

  225. Drumwaster says:

    Well, he can always collect cans so his mother will be willing to love him long time more oftener. It doesn’t HAVE to be unrequited, just expensive. (And $20 for a crack whore IS pretty expensive, when you only make about a buck fitty from a trash can full of plastic soda bottles…)

  226. Patrick Chester says:

    happyfeet says December 22, 2013 at 8:28 pm y’all are certainly becoming a highly selective group

    No, any group with a tiny amount of standards would be wise to ask you to leave.

    Perhaps you should remove yourself, and play the martyred act elsewhere. Though I suspect any board you wander off to will quickly come to realize what a loathesome and despicable creature you are.

    Hm. Maybe you should go to 4chan.

  227. Patrick Chester says:

    griefer bleated:
    this week I’m a be the guy holding down the office while everyone does holiday stuff


    So am I. Yet I don’t have the same urge to be a jackass that you do.

  228. BigBangHunter says:

    – It must be a real drag and holiday downer when your greatest joy in life is being a miserable little twit that gets off on annoying everyone.

  229. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    BBH – as it seems to be a 365/7/24 thing with the Yellow Peril, I don’t know that a holiday would be much different for it, in fact the greater joy might be bringing others down on a holiday.

  230. Patrick Chester says:

    @Eingang: That is a better retort. “I’m working the holidays!” “You’re like this on non-holidays too.”

  231. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Jack Fowler weighs in on the Steyn-Steorts-streit


    The Left does not distinguish about the field of battle, culture, or state. Its goal is . . . the goal. If the desire is to shut you up, Duck Dynasty Commander or Mark Steyn or NR, they will find a way. This isn’t some academic exercise — it is a fight. So we must deal with reality, and not build artificial constructs. Like so much in life, we need only refer to the famous classroom scene from Back to School for a lesson in how we should be operating.


    Mark’s column referred to an old Bob Hope joke about whether a California gay-rights law would become compulsory, and the stink in the air is that — compulsion. For the left, the fight is about silencing critics and, even worse, forcing people and institutions to do those things — provide abortifacients, accept gay marriage — they find wrong, and sinful.

    Mark’s column also referred to Soviet purgers from the 1930s. Their objective was not only to use the state to eradicate their opponents, but to humiliate them before they put a bullet in the heads of the accused or gulaged them to Siberian death camps. Accepting — even embracing — the charges leveled against you by the state is a critical part of the program.

    And what will our state do? This Mann lawsuit may prove to be a First Amendment lark compared with battles to come. Who here doubts that in a few years we will be discussing the arrest of a Roman Catholic priest for his refusal to officiate at a gay marriage?

    Fruits? Compulsory acceptance and even forced participation are the fruits the Left intends to harvest.

    (emphasis mine except for the title italics changed to bold)

  232. Darleen says:

    if Christ had a good reason for saying why being gay is sinful he had ample fucking time to spell it out

    he failed to do so

    griefer fails to understand that Jesus was a Jew. Jewish law was already a given. Jesus certainly didn’t need to reiterate it. E.G. he never spoke about murder, either.

  233. dicentra says:

    are any of you actually for reals bakery people at risk of being forced to bake fag cake?

    First they came for the bakers, but I said no…


    people what aren’t man enough to make a wedding cake for gay people with graciousness and kindness

    Just wear the damned yellow star: it won’t hurt you!

    It’s really tiring to deal with people who won’t operate on principle and can’t appreciate those who do.

  234. Patrick Chester says:

    If GLAAD made an AI to assist them in their crusade, would it be called GLAADOS? There will be cake!

    (…maybe I need to get more sleep before I start night shift.)

  235. dicentra says:

    Gleichschaltung, feets.


    Shouldn’t you be against all instances of it?

  236. dicentra says:

    For the record, I’m not asking feets to leave or even to shut up.

    I’m asking him to come to his senses. He can be as pro-SSM as he likes, for all I care.

    What drives us all crazy is that he, like that moron over at NRO, refuses to see what ELSE is going on.

    Go ahead and shill for SSM, feetsy, but could you find it within yourself to ALSO denounce the bullying by GLAAD and the Kulture Kommisars?


  237. BigBangHunter says:

    – I’ve never met a zealot who can comprehend that hes being used.

  238. palaeomerus says:

    “and daddy duck sat in his swamp and french kissed little boys ”

    And the lying little asshole lied like a lying little asshole because that’s what lying little assholes do.

    Because Charlie Brown.

  239. Pablo says:

    Jesus also had plenty of time to explain that you shouldn’t fuck little children and that you shouldn’t eat boogers in public, but He apparently preferred to talk about things that weren’t already so bloody obvious.

  240. serr8d says:

    he hadn’t considered his duck friend was gay

    Snoopy should’ve taken advantage right away then, instead of slinking off to pout about the injustice of it all.

  241. McGehee says:

    What drives us all crazy is that he, like that moron over at NRO, refuses to see what ELSE is going on.

    He sees. He even cares. He just doesn’t mind.

    I think most of the disapproval he voices here of the things we also disapprove of, is just camouflage — to make us think he’s not entirely irredeemable. The clue is how over-the-top he is about it.

    If not that, then he’s incapable of formulating and expressing intelligent arguments of any kind, and even if he does agree with us on anything his participation would be counterproductive anyway because it is infantile and creates a sense of unseriousness about the discussion and where it takes place.

  242. happyfeet says:

    what does GLAAD have to do with anything? They have very little power, and what power they have varies in proportion to the extent to which their complaints about things are valid.

    the A&E lady still has to decide if the duck people are the direction she wants her network to go in

    if she thinks A&E should tack a different way then the duck people are free to take their brand, such as it is, somewhere else

    there’s nobody being oppressed here you’re just having tv programming decisions being made a wee bit more publicly than usual

    TV is kind of a sleazy business. The A&E bitch is a whore whether she sucks daddy duck’s dick or send him packing.

    I thought this was more or less understood. This is why, for example, I do not pay monies to subscribe to a cable or satellite television service.

  243. happyfeet says:

    *sends* him packing I meant to say

    crap i hope I’m not sluggish I have to remember R’s gift and to pack the toaster oven

    plus I should scoot on a lil early and stop by S&F and pick up paper plates and such

    what a sad little christmas party – none of this is my baby I’m just helping

    but next year will be better

  244. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Steorts is another of those reasonable man types who thinks he can score some cheap grace with the Left by criticising less reasonable men on the right.

    As if the Left gave a damn, or was interested in arguing in good faith.

    He’s just another Polonius.

    More ridiculous than most, sadly enough.

  245. serr8d says:

    Heh, back at’cha!

  246. Drumwaster says:

    if she thinks A&E should tack a different way then the duck people are free to take their brand, such as it is, somewhere else

    Yeah, who wants the #1 reality show on TV anyway? It’s not like they’re very popular or make hundreds of millions every year in merchandising or anything, right?

    Oh, wait.

    Let’s let the failshit hater bigots at A & E cut their own throats over something they have known all along. It’s instructive to see who is supporting the GLAAD fascists…

  247. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “what does GLAAD have to do with anything?”

    They are the ones who started this mess, it is what your membership dues go for.

    “They have very little power, and what power they have varies in proportion to the extent to which their complaints about things are valid. ”

    Two, two bits of bullschieße in one ! If they had no power, they couldn’t have forced A&E (and others) to kowtow to them, and in this instance, as anyone who has actually read the comments Roberson made can attest, the “complaint” was fabricated out of selective quotation.

    “The A&E bitch is a whore whether she sucks daddy duck’s dick or send him packing.”

    I’ve noticed it is nigh impossible to make any statement about any woman without calling her a whore or similar, why are you a misogynist ?

  248. happyfeet says:

    *sends* him packing I mean

  249. Pablo says:

    GLAAD sees itself in charge of the re-education. I see GLAAD on the receiving end thereof.

  250. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Did grieferfeet just tap out?

  251. leigh says:

    He may be perilously close to embracing his inner homo and leaping out of that closet.

  252. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “He may be perilously close to embracing his inner homo and leaping out of that closet.”

    From his comments, it would seem he made the leap a long time ago and has been in freefall since.

  253. Drumwaster says:

    I’ve noticed it is nigh impossible to make any statement about any woman without calling her a whore or similar, why are you a misogynist ?

    Feets is an equal opportunity hater – women, men, kids, dogs, Americans, religious folk, people who can do math, you name it. Anyone but the gays, because they’re “the future, like shelf-ready meat products”, even though he actually hates them too, or he wouldn’t consider being gay as an insult (as when he uses it against the duck people he is so afraid of). I just hope he runs into someone weilding a baseball bat and all that love he shows to others. He might even survive the encounter if he is still unconscious when the ambulance shows up.

  254. Ernst Schreiber says:

    If they had no power, they couldn’t have forced A&E (and others) to kowtow to them, and in this instance, as anyone who has actually read the comments Roberson made can attest, the “complaint” was fabricated out of selective quotation.

    I don’t think A&E did what they did out of a fear reflex.

    More like a Pavlovian response to cultural conditioning

    Witness Justine Sacco’s ritual self-immolation.

    Not that her examiner’s left much to burn.

    What did the maoists call those little self-examination group sessions anyway?

  255. happyfeet says:

    ok that’s not true about dogs

  256. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “…even though he actually hates them too, or he wouldn’t consider being gay as an insult…”

    I am not sure that indicates hate, it is a prominent trait of all “progressives” to call people with whom they disagree gay.

    As an aside, lest I gank the board, can one use ordinary HTML tags in these comments ?

  257. Pablo says:

    In similar Earth-shaking, gobsmacking news, Brian Boitano has announced his heretofore utterly unsuspected gayitude.

    I know, right? Go ahead and take a seat for a few minutes while you try to wrap your head around that.

  258. leigh says:

    Eingang Ausfahrt, happyfeet used to be a nice fellow. Somewhere along the line, he stopped taking his meds or the pod people got him.

    Now, he is angry, judgmental, prone to faddishness, and appears to stick around here to make himself feel superior to the rest of us. The women-hating started (that I noticed) with Sarah Palin or perhaps the coincidence that that was the last I recall him reporting going on a date.

    He’s been full of sound and fury signifying nothing for a few years now.

  259. Pablo says:

    Yes, pw is gay as an Easter parade HTML friendly.

  260. leigh says:

    can one use ordinary HTML tags in these comments ?


  261. Drumwaster says:

    I am not sure that indicates hate, it is a prominent trait of all “progressives” to call people with whom they disagree gay

    They aren’t using the term as anything nice, which indicates how they see those who actually ARE gay as nothing more than contemptible useful idiots. I mean, it’s not like they sneeringly say, “You’re such a superhero…”

  262. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “More like a Pavlovian response to cultural conditioning ”

    Yes, but Pavlovian responses can be created by reward or punishment, and it was repeated shake downs across the Grievance Industry(TM) that created the response.

    “Self-criticism” is what the commies push.

  263. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    Vielen dank.

  264. Pablo says:

    I don’t think A&E did what they did out of a fear reflex.

    More like a Pavlovian response to cultural conditioning

    The suggestion that they planned this rings true. That it exploded on the launch pad is just icing on their hatey little cake.

  265. leigh says:

    The suggestion that they planned this rings true.

    I find this credible, as well. The GQ interview and article took place more than 90 days ago*. It’s not like A&E couldn’t get out in front of it if they were truly worried about Phil upsetting their armored car of cash.

    *prior to going to print

  266. Eingang Ausfahrt says:


    Roger, I suppose there is a fine line between contempt and flat out hate.


    Thanks for the G2.

  267. leigh says:

    You’re quite welcome.

  268. Drumwaster says:

    I just wish they could tell the difference between disagreement and fear. But their second-favorite insult (designed specifically to stifle dissent) is “-phobia/phobe”, which is a fear of whatever it is they are defending.

    I am not afraid of them, I hold them in distaste and pity. Like finding that dead mouse your cat had been playing with for several hours.

  269. Ernst Schreiber says:

    “Self-criticism” is what the commies push.

    Well then, the cultural commies just encouraged Justine Sacco to wail self-criticize like a banshee.

    If she’s ever rehabilitated, she’ll have a bright future at A&E!

  270. dicentra says:


    Also known as pathologizing dissent. “-ist” and “-ism” doesn’t carry those connotations.

  271. Drumwaster says:

    Which is why I am starting to reverse the tactics. feets and DV are heterophobes, Christophobes, and Deiphobes. I encourage others to use similar responses.

    Condemning extremist Islamists for killing civilians = Islamophobia, ergo, bashing Christianity for having a definition of ‘sin’ = Christphobia.

    Pointing out that the act of homosexuality is part of that definition of sin = “homophobia”, thus, serial vandalism and attempted murder directed at those who prefer marriage be ‘one man and one woman’ = “heterophobia”.

    And so on…

    “What’s true is already so. Admitting it doesn’t make it worse.”

  272. leigh says:

    I have taken to making the “phobia” throwers define what they mean by this and how in the world I can have an irrational fear of my CPA because she is a lesbian and a good friend.

  273. mondamay says:

    Patrick Chester says December 23, 2013 at 12:17 am – There will be cake!

    The cakeprog tolerance, is a lie.

  274. Drumwaster says:

    In Other News, GLAAD completely avoids any mention of a boycott of SNL for doing a gay-bashing skit.

  275. bour3 says:

    Nice post, Darleen. The whole time I was reading the first half I was thinking, “you’re goddamn right I’m a hater and you’re double goddamn right I’m lining up behind Republicans [*prays* Apologies, God, for all the damning, please don’t kill me, the swearies just happen, I can’t help it] and I am not so engaged as most and that is why you should be terrified. You are terrified.

    Well. While we enjoy mutually acknowledging your terror let’s also enjoy a sweet potato. How ’bout it, shall we? I baked one last night! And this why we dilettante food stylist-photographer types are lewd as possible.

  276. happyfeet says:

    Mr. bour3 that is a yam I sometimes add them to smoothies if I have some pineapple juice leftover

  277. happyfeet says:

    i googled and it says that we call the orange ones yams for so the USDA can tell them from the white kind, but technically they are both sweet potatos

    real yams come from the savage heart of africa

    because they store well they are very valuable during the rainy season

  278. happyfeet says:

    *potatoes* I mean

  279. Darleen says:


    On the flip side, here’s a guy who is so far ZOMGBURNTHEWITCH that he quotes Phil and lies about what he just quoted right in front of your eyes:

  280. happyfeet says:

    the Atlantic guy just wants to be politically correct and tell us we have to treat backwoods religion like any other tribal custom that we mustn’t judge

  281. leigh says:

    Shut up happy.

    Dar, BI has been unreadable for years now. One of their writers had an OMG! The hate-y mail I’m getting!!! article a day or two ago.

  282. Ernst Schreiber says:

    so stop judging griefer

  283. Darleen says:

    Geez, griefer, you’ve hung around here long enough to read Jeff’s column’s on reading for the meaning by the author and you come up with that?


  284. happyfeet says:


    there’s absolutely wrong with noting daddy duck’s backwoods views and taking a moment to explain to your kid that yes that’s how hicks think and we can still take our cars to them to get fixed but no those views aren’t acceptable so please do NOT go all daddy duck when we have people over ok junior?

    okey dokey dad but it’s not like I believe everything just cause daddy duck says it

    I know you don’t son but still I just wanted to make sure

    ok. glad we had this talk dad

    me too son

  285. happyfeet says:

    there’s absolutely *nothing* wrong I mean

    ok bye I have to go to S&F now and then when i get back it’ll be time to put the empanadas in the toaster oven

  286. Drumwaster says:

    taking a moment to explain to your kid that yes that’s how hicks think

    So the hateful piece of shit calls 45% of society “hicks” because of the 3.4% that ONLY WANTS DADDY TO LOVE THEM.

  287. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    yes that’s how hicks think and we can still take our cars to them to get fixed

    There you have it, Lord Snapperhead, the quintessence of arrogant ineffectual, explains what the serfs are for.

    Meanwhile in Alabama , barely legal drag queens dance in the Christmas Parade.

  288. Ernst Schreiber says:

    there’s absolutely wrong with noting daddy duck’s backwoods views and taking a moment to explain to your kid that yes that’s how hicks think and we can still take our cars to them to get fixed but no those views aren’t acceptable so please do NOT go all daddy duck when we have people over ok junior?

    Wow. Do you also cover yourself with brightly colored feathers when you preen like that?

    Or is urinating on the ground enough to lay down your marker?

  289. Pablo says:

    One of their writers had an OMG! The hate-y mail I’m getting!!! article a day or two ago.

    Same asshole.

  290. Pablo says:

    Of course, you’d have to take your care to a hick to fix it because you’re utterly incapable of doing it yourself what with your not knowing how things like cars and vaginas work and whatnot.

  291. Pablo says:

    care *car*

  292. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    what with your not knowing how things like cars and vaginas work and whatnot.

    Happyfeet took his car to his serf because it was leaking oil, the serf said, “Looks like you blew a seal”, Lord Snapperhead told him to leave his personal life out, and just fix the damn car.

  293. mondamay says:

    happyfeet says December 22, 2013 at 1:32 pm – increasingly mollycoddled fundamentalist trash

    Smile when you say that, pajama-boy.

  294. cranky-d says:

    I saw the comment count and guessed this was another gey thread.

  295. newrouter says:

    the ghey: procreating since never! honest engine injun!

  296. happyfeet says:

    i forgot what we were talking about

  297. leigh says:

    It’s Festivus!

    Begin airing of the grievances.

    There will be no feats of strength since Jeff will win them all.

  298. happyfeet says:


    ok thanks it didn’t pop up on my phone

  299. Patrick Chester says:

    griefer bleated
    i forgot what we were talking about

    No, you are hoping everyone else will forget the crap you’ve been spewing.

  300. Drumwaster says:

    So that would make him stupid, as well as hateful and bigoted and heterophobic, not to mention repressed with a crack whore mommy.

    All caught up, feets?

  301. newrouter says:

    >i forgot what we were talking about<

    arugula and pizza no?

  302. happyfeet says:


    salvadoran crema is kinda gack btw i thought it’d be a nice substitute for sour cream to accompany the tamales

    it was ok, but super-rich and there’s a taste to it I just don’t know what to do with

    I have some left so maybe I’ll play around and see if I can find out what it’s good for

  303. Mueller says:

    You know what’s tasty?
    Sliced duck breast, stuffed into a giardiniera pepper and wrapped in bacon. You can do em in the oven , but I like em on the grill.
    Mallard is best, but any duck will do.

    I made pecan pies to give to the neighbors.

  304. Mueller says:

    They should just be called ‘sugar pies’ with nuts.

Comments are closed.