
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


I can’t

I have no idea why the people in this country aren’t in full-on revolt against the New Left Democrats and the road they are taking us down.  It will not be long before doctors are told they must become indentured servants to the state if they wish to practice; profit motive will be finally and fully demonized; and we’ll be corralled like livestock into permanent government dependency pens.

I’m sick to my stomach.

The US, it turns out, lost the Cold War.  Except that it also won the Cold War — if you consider that the faction of socialists, Marxists, and liberal fascists who exist inside the US as US citizens are the Cold War’s victors ultimate victors.  Look at our regulatory system. Look at our media.  Look at our schools.  Look at the cavalier disregard for a stable rule of law and the easy dismissal of our Constitution.

We have the power to stop these largely paper tigers — whose power is derived by our refusal to deny it to them  — but we are widely distributed,  largely unorganized, and undercut by many of those supposedly on “our” side, who have learned to live like barnacles on the state and make their living, perversely, pretending always to fight against what they surreptitiously work to maintain.

Something has to give.  And right now, it’s my spirits.



129 Replies to “I can’t”

  1. We knew this was going to be a hard fight, that the odds were against us as we went into it – the Totalitarians have been on the offensive for well-over a century.

    But we went ahead and plunged right in because it was the right thing to do.

    Those of us who understand what that right thing is are obligated to carry-on this age old fight between the forces of darkness and the forces of light. We owe it to those who came before us and sacrificed so much so that we could be the most fortunate of those born on this Earth. And we owe it to our Posterity to pass-on as much of the legacy of freedom and liberty to them as we can, so that they too can pick-up where we leave off, carry the Sword Of Imagination into the future.

    Even if we fail at everything but preserving the ideas that animated the creation of The United States, we will have achieved a success, because, as long as the idea of The United States survives, there is hope.

    All we can do is the best that we can with what we’ve got and strive to rise to the occasion.

    Bouts of melancholy and Black Dog will plague us – they haunt every soldier in the War Against Evil – doubts will cause us to age faster and suffer physically, people with bad intents will seek to lead us into temptations…but we must not lose heart. We must Never Despair.


  2. Golem14 says:

    This kind of thing should happen in Washington once in a while…

  3. LBascom says:

    Yeah, the Republic is dead. Once you get through the seven stages of grief and arrive at acceptance there is a small measure of peace. You realize all that’s left is to live in reality and fight for truth, and really, that is all that was important all along, regardless the state of politics.

  4. mattse001 says:

    In every society, it’s only a minority that pay attention. This is possible only if the pain inflicted by the “elite” doesn’t pass a certain threshold.
    Obama has given us a rare gift: his ineptitude and arrogance have led him to overreach badly. Now even the normally placid masses will be enlisted against his agenda.

    I don’t agree with the notion that the nation is dead (not yet, anyway). This country is less virtuous than many imagine, and instead is practical in the grossest sense of voting with their wallets. I can live with that.

  5. fritz62 says:

    I am new posting to this site. I have been reading you for about a year. I don’t usually post because 1) I am not nearly as educated as most of the people who post here, and I don’t want to embarrass myself. 2) I have arthritis and other issues with my hands that make typing (rather than just reading) difficult. 3) Your posts generally put things in a context that isn’t available elsewhere, and I like to ingest what you have stated in regards to what others are saying. By then you are generally on to a new topic.

    That being said, I’d like you to understand exactly what your site has meant to me (and others I have linked to your site). Not being very educated, and usually only vaguely sensing something is amiss with the abuse of language (intent!) the left hoists on almost every minute of every single day of our lives, your site has been an invaluable resource to help me understand exactly how the long march through the institutions has succeeded. When you post a column and link to an earlier argument you have made on a similar subject, I am always very grateful.

    Seriously Jeff, you have helped lift the veil of bullshit for me that I always knew was there, but didn’t have the language skills to conceptualize (in the proper context). Maybe you don’t see yourself writing for uneducated, middle aged men from western NY, but you Are reaching people.

    Today, when the cable media is focused on passing the mantle from Mandela to Obama, the online print media is having an orgy of inequality “articles”, attacks on Rogers Ailes …. anything other than Obamacare. Many of us are simply struggling to keep gas in our vehicles. And While we continue to struggle, someone taking the time to point out exactly How we are being lied to is an invaluable tool.

    Be of good cheer: Truth matters. The truth is many people like myself have been duped not only by the left, but by the “right” for a very long time. Because of people like yourself it is becoming increasingly hard for either side to use language to confuse us, and then move on to the next crisis, new savior, whatever- without our saying “wait just a minute, hold on, that’s bullshit”.

  6. dicentra says:

    Don’t worry, Jeff.

    Complete financial meltdown will happen within a year or so, and it will take out a lot of nonsense with it, the way a tsunami scours the slums off a coastline.

    Well, and the fishing boats and roads and infrastructure, but at least the eyesores will be gone.

  7. leigh says:

    This too shall pass, Jeff.

    Keep fighting the good fight. We need you; you’re like a candle in the darkness.

  8. Blake says:

    @fritz62, please post as much as you can. For someone who claims to be “uneducated” you certainly write clearly and organize your thoughts well.

  9. LBascom says:

    “I don’t agree with the notion that the nation is dead (not yet, anyway)”

    I understand. I used to not believe so either. It was when the SCOTUS ruled that we could be penalized with a tax for an inactivity that the scales fell from my eyes and I knew the America I grew up in, much less the America as founded, was no more.

  10. McGehee says:

    Fritz, never let anyone tell you intelligence is a function of education.

  11. Drumwaster says:

    When in the Course of Human Events…

    Let it burn. The Constitution isn’t a piece of paper under lock and key, it is a contract between the citizens and the Federal Government that has been unilaterally abrogated. The current administration has no claim on our loyalty or obedience, and the laws they foist off on the rest of us bear no relation to reality.

    When they refuse to stand for reelection (and that day WILL come), they will learn the consequences of their destructive actions.

    There is a reason they are trying to get rid of as many guns as they can.

    The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, bows, spears, firearms or other types of arms. The possession of these elements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues, and tends to permit uprising. — Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Japanese Shogun, August 29, 1558

  12. bgbear says:

    The ironic thing is those who were doing their victory dances are now realizing that Roberts was <edit> not </edit> kidding when he called it a tax.

    I can’t say I am laughing about it though.

  13. Shermlaw says:

    I Kings 18: Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

    Don’t despair.

  14. scooter says:

    Years ago, Bill Whittle discussed similar things – despair, etc. He mentions the book of Isaiah and an article by AJ Nock. Folks familiar with the Bible may remember the story of the Remnant.

    Anyway, Jeff, that reminds me of you and the work you do here.

  15. bgbear says:

    editing needed!!!!!! frack

    “Roberts was not kidding”

  16. Mueller says:

    The gods would not have let us come all this way just to abandon us.

  17. Drumwaster says:

    “The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed – where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.” — Justice Alex Kozinski, Ninth Circuit Court, in his dissent to Silveira v. Lockyer

  18. geoffb says:

    There are no enemies to the left you know. Not Dilma, not Raul, and certainly not dear Robert who has come into such calumny from the extreme right.

    On some bright day, lit as if the sun itself had come to Earth, even Hassan, may come to be publicly, the friend he is in private today.

  19. dicentra says:

    The gods would not have let us come all this way just to abandon us.

    — Quoth Ozymandias.

    Don’t underestimate the gods’ capacity for letting us get what we want, good and hard. As C.S. Lewis says, there are two kinds of peeps in the world: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God says, “Have it your way.”

    We’re going to reap what we’ve sown and we deserve every bit of it.

    Maybe then we’ll stop suffering these fools so gladly.

  20. William says:

    They’ve barely kept the narrative going this year. I’ll be truly surprised if it doesn’t break completely sometime next year.

    Not that we’ll be heading in the right direction at that point, but at least people will be more likely to realize that the New Normal they’ve been fighting for is not fantastic or smart.

  21. Scott Hinckley says:

    Don’t worry, fritz, they don’t laugh AT us for very long – they reserve that for the trolls. And the good people here are quick to discuss the less serious things as well, making you feel right at home.

  22. Perk1973 says:

    I plan to do my small part by working against my dear Senator McConnell in the primary. He’s been a two-faced barnacle for far too long and the only reason I’d vote for him is if he’s the last chance to keep Lundgren out.

  23. BigBangHunter says:

    – I’m of a different mind. Since we have had to endure the insults of that which we know instinctively is the enemy of all free men, and will continue to do so for some time to come, we should keep in our minds and hearts those values and ideals we hold dear and not despair but take joy and amazement in the enherent strength and resiliance of our founding documents to withstand every attack and onslaught.

    – When I look at the last 5+ years I see nothing that holds any lasting value, or shows any appearence of timelessness. Instead what I see is superficiality in avery instance and aspect of life. Social networking replaces real life contact and interplay. Figure heads make empty promises in exchange for lost freedoms. Celebrity becomes character and kills all ideas of excellance. Any fame, good or bad, is the next moments focus, as olden ideas that were forged in centuries of society are mocked and discarded. Selfies in every manner becaome the moral compass of today. In total, a factious, uneducated, uninterested, short attention span mess of a social gaggle whos center cannot hold. I say give its some time. Its really just a matter of time.

    – We will be the last men and women standing, of this I am sure.

  24. Drumwaster says:

    Selfies in every manner became the moral compass of today

  25. William says:

    Don’t forget to add to that list a government shutdown Kabuki theater, BBH.

    The government can’t aid much more to their theater of the absurd without either obviously losing their power or making an even more obvious bid for more of it.

    We are still yet to really be hit by the power grabs for Obamacare, after all. Everyone is still waiting for “someone” to fix it, especially those ass-hats my age trying to design the website.

  26. leigh says:

    I’m with Neil Cavuto: Stick a syringe in ObamaCare and be done with it.

    Fritz, stick around! We need smart guys like you. If credentials equaled brainpower, Obama really would be as smart as they keep insisting he is.

  27. bgbear says:

    The selfies are the funniest thing I have seen in quite awhile.

  28. Blake says:

    Michelle had the “Barack, you’re embarrassing me” look on her face.

    Barack: the very definition of a cad and a bounder.

  29. bgbear says:

    I almost felt sorry for the woman.

  30. leigh says:

    Yeah, “almost” being the operative word.

  31. Squid says:

    We all have good days and bad. On the good days, I fight to avert the calamity that seems so obvious to me, and to open others’ eyes to the calamity and enlist their help in pushing against it. On the bad days, I concentrate on preparing for the calamity, which seems so unavoidable to me, yet remains invisible to (almost) everybody else.

    Either way, I figure I’m keeping busy and doing good work.

  32. BigBangHunter says:

    – In my rant William I tend to discard the politic which I see as a simple mirrored reflection of the failures of society that actually are a good representation of that failure that should be our wake up call when the bottom falls out eventually.

    – I don’t blame pernicious, feckless, endlessly scheming Pols for what they are or what they do. As Jeff points out, none of it could exist without our aquiesense.

    – So for me it comes down to the same thing it always does in the affairs of man, and Shakespeare put it well:

    “…..Nay so my dearest Anthony….the greatest fault lies not in our stars but rightly within ourselves.” – Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger, 58 BC to 42 BC – (The ides of March oratory; see Ceasars Comet, 44 BC)

  33. Ouroboros says:

    That depressed feeling will pass , leaving only anger and resolve..

  34. William says:

    Makes sense to me, BBH.

  35. BigBangHunter says:

    – BTW, that speech was actually a repeat of a statement that Ceasar made to Brustus prior to Ceasars assasination after a Roman soothsayer had bade Julius “beware the ides of March”.

    – I can believe that in his remorse to have had to murder someone he loved in the name of freedom Brutus was very badly torn and eventually fell on his own sword out of guilt. No one ever said being a Patriot was easy.

  36. TaiChiWawa says:

    If it weren’t racist to point it out, I’d remind people that Obama’s 38% approval rating* currently includes an 85% level of approval among black voters.

  37. McGehee says:

    If blacks were less racist, a lot of the mess we’re in would never have happened, going back a damn sight farther than 2008.

  38. “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”


    “Do not let us speak of darker days: let us speak rather of sterner days. These are not dark days; these are great days—the greatest days our country has ever lived; and we must all thank God that we have been allowed, each of us according to our stations, to play a part in making these days memorable in the history of our race.”

    –Sir Winston Churchill

  39. JHoward says:

    Good times, good times.

    Meanwhile, if pattern holds I reckon today the leading libertarian blogger linked his Amazon affiliate account for crap product, boilerplate content from weak-minded pals, science fiction filler, a couple sex/dating sites, and nanotech/life extension fantasy, asking faster please.

    We’re in fine shape.

  40. newrouter says:


    you forgot ” x things you…” from popmechanics

  41. RI Red says:

    Jeff, I’m seeing lots of signs: the Mount Vernon meeting after only six months from levin’s trial balloon; south Carolina and Nikki Haley getting their ft. Sumpter on, skyrocketing firearms sales and state legislative pushback to gun control, among other things.
    We are making headway, but it ain’t gonna be overnight.

  42. newrouter says:

    don’t worry paulryan has a 10 year plan to save the titanic

  43. Ouroboros says:

    We all know where this is going, so what say we just get down to the fighting part?

  44. gettimothy says:

    Remember the denoument to the Lord of the Rings (the book, not the movie)?

    The evil empire had been defeated (sauron), but damn-it-all when Merry and Pippen got back to Hobbiton they had to fight and kill a diminished Saruman.

    Reagan, Thatcher and JPII put the finishing touches on the Cold War.

    All we have to do is be Merry and Pippen here at home.

    And, in the words of Samwise Gamgee to a war-weary Frodo, “because there is some good in this world, Mr. Protein Wisdom, and its worth fighting for”

  45. Blake says:

    Yea, Ouroboros, I’m ready to cut to the chase.

    Until politicians, IRS agents, ATF goons and EPA personnel start going to jail, I’m assuming the Republic is over.

    JHoward, this is in your wheelhouse, how fast do you see things coming apart, once it starts? Do you think it’s tsunami like when things fall apart, or do you expect the major urban centers to partially melt down while leaving out ring suburbs somewhat intact and the heartland surviving, but not without some major pain? Or, some other scenario?

  46. StrangernFiction says:

    Nikita had it exactly right.

  47. serr8d says:

    Oh. Then this won’t make you feel any better…

    We are five years into the Crisis that will not resolve itself until sometime in the 2020’s. No one can predict the specific events that will fundamentally change history over the next decade, but the catalysts of debt, civic decay and global disorder were evident sixteen years ago when Strauss and Howe wrote their prophetic generational history. The volcanic eruption occurred in 2008 when the worldwide financial system blew and the molten lava continues to spew forth and flow along the Federal Reserve created channels, protecting the corrupt establishment while incinerating senior citizens, the working middle class and Millennials. Deep within the volcano the pressure is building again as the mood of the country darkens. It will blow again and the economic, social, political and military distress will catalyze into a catastrophic emergency that will tear the fabric of the country asunder. The existing social order will be swept away and replaced by a new paradigm which could be better or far worse.

    That post has an upside? Yes! One of the few good reviews for Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games creation. Seems I must read that trilogy soon, before the next bubble bursts.

  48. HvyMtlHntr says:

    Embrace teh Suck and look ahead to the Restoration.

    Amazing to me that most people simply do not see the looming crash & burn dead ahead. If you make a few basic preparations to protect & defend family and self, you are way ahead. This is not going to be a survivable event for the progressive viewpoint.

  49. Drumwaster says:

    “Freedom’s just another word for ‘nothing left to lose’.” — Job, Land of Uz, speaking to Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite.

  50. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest.

    There is no retreat but in submission and slavery!

    Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston!

    The war is inevitable—and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come….

    Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace—but there is no peace.

    The war is actually begun!

    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?

    Forbid it, Almighty God!

    I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.


  51. hellomynameissteve says:


    (some) Republicans learn (slowly) that self immolation is not a winning strategy.

  52. newrouter says:

    >(some) Republicans learn (slowly) that self immolation is not a winning strategy.<

    economic collapse is the way to go steve

  53. Drumwaster says:

    Yeah, who needs a sequester when you can just hide it as “non-tax revenue”? Besides it’s not like they have any problems with rushing through legislation without bothering to think things through…

    Never been any problems with passing bills before finding out what’s in them, right, DV?

    “If you like your volunteer fire departments and charity hospitals, you won’t get to keep them, because PROGRESS!”

  54. BigBangHunter says:

    “It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace– but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! “

    – Patrick was a first cousin on my mothers side, so I could hardly do worse than follow his lead.

  55. BigBangHunter says:

    – Than NOT follow his lead.

  56. newrouter says:

    You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin—just in the face of this enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard ’round the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn’t die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well it’s a simple answer after all.

    You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, “There is a price we will not pay.” “There is a point beyond which they must not advance.”


  57. BigBangHunter says:

    – In Utopian news (we brave the crystal echo chambers of the willfully ignorant and fundementally insane so you won’t have too)….

    – Because for Progtardia, the most compelling and important social news is ALWAYS about easy access!

    – One of the many things that Bumblefuck actually does that the media labors mightily to ignore and that remains “invisible” for most of the Leftist morons.

    – If the Hispanic community ever catches on to bumblefucks game it will get interesting.

  58. newrouter says:

    forces of oppression attacking in kiev

  59. leigh says:

    I hate to burst steve’s balloon, but that bill has yet to be presented for a vote.

  60. palaeomerus says:

    “(some) Republicans learn (slowly) that self immolation is not a winning strategy. ”

    That was just a press conference to promote one version of a budget and nobody won anything.

  61. LBascom says:

    Shorter Dog Vomit: “Submit!”

  62. palaeomerus says:

    If Steve likes it he figures America likes it. Like Obamacare.

  63. McGehee says:

    1. Announce a bipartisan budget proposal that has to get through Harry Reid’s Senate.

    2. ????

    3. UTOPIA!!

  64. hellomynameissteve says:

    I hate to burst steve’s balloon, but that bill has yet to be presented for a vote. – See more at:

    Oh, your team in the house will go bazonkers, but that’s just because obama marxist muslim kenyan bengazi something something tyranny.

    Hopefully it passes with “bipartisan” support in the house, meaning democrats and Republicans that don’t live in dumbfuckistan will vote for it.

    economic collapse is the way to go steve</blockquote.

    Longer newrouter: I'm certain that economic collapse is going to happen so we should force it to happen.

  65. newrouter says:

    2 a) subsection 100


  66. Drumwaster says:

    Dog Vomit, why do you hate balanced budgets?

  67. newrouter says:

    >Longer newrouter: I’m certain that economic collapse is going to happen so we should force it to happen. <

    yo slapphead i don't want that. your holy baracky does.

  68. newrouter says:

    slapphead i thought you have a new blow job in the white house?

  69. palaeomerus says:

    “Oh, your team in the house will go bazonkers, but that’s just because obama marxist muslim kenyan bengazi something something tyranny. ”

    Shorter Steve: Ignore the growing Giganto debt.

  70. palaeomerus says:

    “Hopefully it passes with “bipartisan” support in the house ”

    And changefully too. AMIRITE?

  71. palaeomerus says:


    We call it Illinois.

  72. Drumwaster says:

    the only thing “bipartisan” Obama has done is lose approval ratings across the board — down double digits…

    For example, according to a new Gallup compilation, Obama’s job approval rating among Hispanic Americans has plunged from 75 percent in December 2012 to 52 percent today — a drop of 23 percentage points, the sharpest decline among any voter group. Among Americans who make less than $24,000 a year, the president’s approval rating has fallen from 64 percent last December to 46 percent today. Among Americans 18 to 29 years of age, it has fallen from 61 percent to 46 percent. Among women, it has fallen from 57 percent to 43 percent.

    The only key part of the Obama Coalition that did not experience a double-digit drop in support for the president is black Americans, although his support is down there, too — from 92 percent last December to 83 percent today.

  73. McGehee says:

    Shorter troll: “”

  74. BigBangHunter says:

    – Go ahead and take care of your personal busineaa Steve-oh. Dumbfuckistan, ostensibly the home of your birth and, in spite of your sides best efforts, still the worlds best hope, will be here long after you and your fellow sell-outs have been long dust under foot.

    – You’re welcome fucktard.

  75. happyfeet says:

    judicious use of commas +10

  76. happyfeet says:

    Illinois is NOT dumbfuckistan I am so sorry you are laboring under that misimpression perhaps you were referring to certain precincts of Chicago?

    Illinois in the main is a vast ocean of dirt and enterprise of the mostest plucky varietal

    you try it for a summer

    but for reals if you go take yourself a backroad or two,-97.822266&spn=59.712733,135.263672&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&hnear=Great+Plains&t=m&z=4&layer=c&cbll=40.009569,-88.641784&panoid=BxTndfGMV-GGHvKhUvNXtw&cbp=12,21.62,,0,9.82

  77. happyfeet says:

    pikachu needs him a lil illinois here and again

  78. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Illinois in the main is a vast ocean of dirt and enterprise of the mostest plucky varietal

    In other words, the average Illini, like the average Californian or New Yorker, for that matter, is Boxer.

  79. happyfeet says:

    who the fuck is Mr. Boxer?

    if he’s that guy what plowed that earth planted that seed busted his ass for you and me then yeah I guess

    but averages are tricky things

    cause of the outliers

  80. happyfeet says:

    i linkered that link again for you cause of

    if you head down that road whoa bout half a mile

    you come across a Thing

    wtf you will say?

    what is this Thing?

    you will wonder what it is

    and you will wonder for many many moons

  81. hellomynameissteve says:

    Dog Vomit, why do you hate balanced budgets?

    I’d like them balanced the way Clinton did – with revenue growth (through economic growth) that outpaces spending growth. I’m guessing you don’t want to raise taxes on rich people in the name of deficit reduction?

    the only thing “bipartisan” Obama has done is lose approval ratings across the board — down double digits… – See more at:

    Notice his poll numbers are coming back up?

  82. happyfeet says:

    Clinton couldn’t balance his own misshapen dick

    in his defense it was mostly probably cause of the herpes sores

  83. happyfeet says:

    painful oozing herpes sores

  84. Patrick Chester says:

    steve blathered:
    I’d like them balanced the way Clinton did – with revenue growth (through economic growth) that outpaces spending growth.

    That isn’t what he did.

    I’m guessing you don’t want to raise taxes on rich people in the name of deficit reduction?

    More like you want to raise taxes, claim it’s directed at “rich people” and pretend it’s for “deficit reduction” and yet the deficit will still climb.

  85. Mueller says:

    I’d like them balanced the way Clinton did – with revenue growth (through economic growth) that outpaces spending growth. I’m guessing you don’t want to raise taxes on rich people in the name of deficit reduction? – See more at:


  86. Mueller says:

    happyfeet says December 10, 2013 at 10:32 pm
    pikachu needs him a lil illinois here and again
    – See more at:

    What’s your address? I’ll send you some.

  87. Car in says:

    Notice his poll numbers are coming back up?

    His poll numbers always recover a tad when he goes away. But he’ll be back soon enough. Not today. He’s apparently taking today off as a “travel recovery day.” Riding on AF1 must be so taxing.

  88. Car in says:

    Plus – there’s those 37 Reasons Why “The Economic Recovery Of 2013” Is A Giant Lie.

    There has been absolutely ZERO employment recovery. Zero.

    Baracky sucks.

  89. serr8d says:

    His poll numbers are coming back up ?

    Not with M’Chelle!

  90. serr8d says:

    I’d like them balanced the way Clinton did – with revenue growth (through economic growth) that outpaces spending growth. I’m guessing you don’t want to raise taxes on rich people in the name of deficit reduction?

    Those were the good times, right? Our national debt all but disappeared; our fiscal house back in perfect order!


  91. cranky-d says:

    That series of pictures was hilarious, serr8d.

    Why am I not surprised at the depth of her pettiness?

  92. serr8d says:

    Tell me Mr. steve of ‘We must CONTROL! Other People’s Freedoms so’s we can about our long-sought Earthly LeftLibProgg NIRVANA!’, just how long can we sustain borrowing mo’ monies to pay even the interest on that ginourmous national debt? How big a hole can we dig before we pass a tipping point and forfeit our Republic, just as did the CCCP, because we can’t shake off politician’s vote-buying ‘loose fiscal policies’?

    Or is that National Debt just another thing you Unicorn-humping leftists can ignore?

  93. Golem14 says:

    Newrouter, I donated to HromadskeTV last week to help keep them broadcasting– it wasn’t much, but since I finally made some money the other day (yaaay) I’m going to donate again.

  94. serr8d says:

    A woman scorned, cranky-d. Bad enough she’s competing for love with Reggie.

  95. Pablo says:

    Notice his poll numbers are coming back up?

    War is peace. The Captain is Tennille. Down is up.

  96. Slartibartfast says:

    So, steve’s story is that Clinton made the dotcom bubble happen? And that Clinton, if given his own way about matters budgetary (which: is to laugh) wouldn’t have pissed all-plus of the excess revenue away?

    Paul Krugman, in the afterlife, would see that as utter bullshit, after he’s done admitting that he really did cheer on the housing bubble. And Enron.

    If anyone in the Clinton administration deserves any credit for the excess revenue seen during the dotcom buildup, it’s Gore. And the amount of credit he gets is very, very small.

    The truth about the budget surplus under Clinton is that it was very very small, very very short-lived, and very much due to what Alan Greenspan referred to as “irrational exuberance”. And that it would not have existed at all if it weren’t for the fact that the Republican majority was inclined to spend a little less drunkensailorly than was the guy behind the Resolute Desk.

  97. leigh says:

    Again with the teams, steve? Someone’s Little League team never made the play-offs.

    I’m listening to Sebelius testifying and mentally substituting Jews or Negroes for Republicans when the dems are screeching. It’s useful as a device to decode their rhetoric. You should try it, steve.

    Man, you guys are bigots.

  98. leigh says:

    Internal polling data from extremely biases MSNBC showing teh Wan’s numbers on everything since his first inaugural.

    Hear those sirens? The ship is sinking, dude.

  99. Slartibartfast says:

    your team in the house

    I have no team in the House. I have a guy who is supposed to represent me and fails, and I have a couple of guys who are supposed to represent my state and fail.

    Do the degree that I express any kind of kinship with a lot of other people, it’s to express glee that Alan Grayson no longer represents us. But you can only celebrate that for so long.

  100. McGehee says:

    who the fuck is Mr. Boxer?

    Read Animal Farm.

    Obamacare sent him to the knackers.

  101. Drumwaster says:

    Two things gave Clinton his “balanced budget” — the Republicans in the House (the ones who actually write the spending bills) and the dot-com growth from the Internet. (I won’t even bring up the slashes in military spending as a “Peace Dividend” and all the base closures.)

    I’m all for going back to Clinton-era taxation if we also get Clinton-era spending levels. Wanna trade? Think Der Wahn can survive on half of what he is spending now? (Clinton’s highest spending level — in 2000 — was $1.79T, and Obama’s lowest to date has been $3.1T in 2009 ranging up to $3.8T in 2011.)

    Which half of the government are you willing to cut? Or are you just full of shit, and still hate balanced budgets?

  102. Slartibartfast says:

    So, steve’s story is that Clinton made the dotcom bubble happen? And that Clinton, if given his own way about matters budgetary (which: is to laugh) wouldn’t have pissed all-plus of the excess revenue away?

    Paul Krugman, in the afterlife, would see that as utter bullshit, after he’s done admitting that he really did cheer on the housing bubble. And Enron.

    If anyone in the Clinton administration deserves any credit for the excess revenue seen during the dotcom buildup, it’s Gore. And the amount of credit he gets is very, very small.

    The truth about the budget surplus under Clinton is that it was very very small, very very short-lived, and very much due to what Alan Greenspan referred to as “irrational exuberance”. And that it would not have existed at all if it weren’t for the fact that the Republican majority was inclined to spend a little less drunkensailorly than was the guy behind the Resolute Desk.

    Shorter, less sarcastic me in the form of Drumwaster:

    Two things gave Clinton his “balanced budget” — the Republicans in the House (the ones who actually write the spending bills) and the dot-com growth from the Internet.

    Think of all of the bytes I could have saved. Back in the day, that might have been at least a second of modem time.

  103. BigBangHunter says:

    Think of all of the bytes I could have saved. Back in the day, that might have been at least a second of modem time.

    – Yeah, but whats the point of being nusnced like the Proggies if you aren’t busy covering your fuckups with bloviation?

  104. BigBangHunter says:

    – Clinton was too busy doing interns and finding different ways to avoid getting Bin Laden to even know there was a budget.

  105. Funny how welfare reform gets left off the short list of reasons Clinton finished with a small surplus. Well, that and counting Social Security income as general revenue. And Bush never gets credit for the difficulty in dealing with Clinton’s dot com bubble bursting. And 9/11. Whatever.

    Until at least 60% of the general public decides that government is just too damn big and actually acts upon that conclusion, we will keep marching ever faster towards the cliff. I’m reminded of Churchill’s observation that Americans will always do the right thing but only after they have exhasted all other options. The question now is whether of not we will have passed civilization’s event horizon before making the requisite course correction.

  106. BigBangHunter says:

    – In all things economic, to the ever-lasting dismay of the Proggies, the course is, and always will be, very very self correcting.

    – If the country has to go down that path to save itself from the Left, no other choice in the matter, then I’m going tpo take the opportunity to personally do as many Progs as I can find when the time comes.

    – Not from any personal animus, you can’t really blame the stupid for their infirmaries, but because I want future generations to have something to learn from. Think of it as the modern version of the middle ages, where the highways into all major European cities were festooned with the heads of the discordent on pikes.

    – Now thats some social justice I could get behind.

  107. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I’m all for going back to Clinton-era taxation if we also get Clinton-era spending levels. Wanna trade? Think Der Wahn can survive on half of what he is spending now? (Clinton’s highest spending level — in 2000 — was $1.79T, and Obama’s lowest to date has been $3.1T in 2009 ranging up to $3.8T in 2011.)

    Not only would I go for that deal in a minute, but I’d even vote for the Democrat running on it.

    Of course, he’d have to swear on the lives of his grandchildren . . . .

  108. BigBangHunter says:

    Of course, he’d have to swear on the lives of his grandchildren . . . .

    – Not much of an assurence when you consider the old saw that would apply most directly to Proggies: “If your parents didn’t have any kids chances are you won’t either.”

    – I remain convinced the best course is to encorage their abortive behavior whenever possible. That approach tends to cut down on the expenditure of valuable ammo later on.

  109. Squid says:

    Just a brief note to remind everybody that “our side” is for liberty, personal responsibility, opportunity, and human dignity. You know, all that stuff that the Founders wrote about in their silly old documents, and fought and died to win and preserve.

    Dogvomit’s “side,” on the other hand, is about dependence, envy, hopelessness, servitude, tyranny, and running up hundred-thousand-dollar debts for our children to pay off. It’s about getting everything for free today, and leaving the bills for somebody else to pay tomorrow. Dogvomit’s team is the team that gutted our big cities, destroyed our public schools, consigned tens of millions of children to grow up without a father, an education, or hope for the future.

    So when Dogvomit tries to pretend that this is all just some kind of athletic contest, one would do well to remember what each side stands for.

  110. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Dogvomit’s team is the team that gutted our big cities, destroyed our public schools, consigned tens of millions of children to grow up without a father, an education, or hope for the future.

    You left off “and blamed it all on everyone else” Squid.

  111. BigBangHunter says:

    You left off “and blamed it all on everyone else” Squid.

    …at least on those rare occasions when they will even admit theres anything less than perfect in their Utopia.

    – Progressivism depends entirely on an arranged and managed narrative and stagged perspective, so any attention to reality is blasphemy for the true believers. They have raised denial to an art form.

  112. leigh says:

    Why admit anything is your fault when you can just generate a new pack of lies?

  113. Pablo says:

    So when Dogvomit tries to pretend that this is all just some kind of athletic contest, one would do well to remember what each side stands for.

    Can we pretend it’s a boxing match and knock his ass out?

  114. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Since he likes to play the sheep in Squealer’s chorus, and sing of ArmsBlather and the Man Pig,

    how ’bout we shear him instead?

  115. I’ll gladly help hold him down…with my nail gun.

  116. leigh says:

    I have several nail guns if anyone else wants to lend a hand.

  117. jjarvi says:

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

    – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  118. Ernst Schreiber says:

    We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    That bodes well.

  119. Mueller says:

    Is steven our “New Soviet Man”?

  120. Short answer, Mueller: Yes – of the apparatchik variety [he hopes].

  121. If The West survives [in any form], methinks Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn [and Jean Raspail] will be remembered as Prophets.

  122. Slartibartfast says:

    I blame it all on obstructionist Republicans who refused to scribe a “12” on the spending scale next to “11”.

  123. palaeomerus says:

    They have the will to power. We need the will to liberty.

  124. But We Must Not Lose Heart

    Back on the tenth of this month, Jeff Goldstein published a post that, I think, captured the way many of you feel sometimes. I want to quote it in full and then show you the response I left him, which I hope will help you if you are ever encompassed by…

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