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October 2024


Manufacturing Intolerance

Tell me. Does any of this sound familiar to you? Because it should, to you long time readers especially. Though I don’t begrudge it being repeated over and over and over again. I guess I just wish I hadn’t been so unceremoniously dismissed as an hyperbolic, unhelpful crank, one engaging in ideas characterized as “fundamentally unserious” or “pseudo-intellectual,” given their transcendence of the temporal and the pragmatic.

protein wisdom: an asshole so far ahead of his time that nobody even knew he wasn’t really an asshole after all. Or rather, he was, but for different reasons than they thought — most of them having to do with an irrational fear of sweater vests.

(h/t Terry H)

48 Replies to “Manufacturing Intolerance”

  1. dicentra says:

    Always interesting to read the comment threads from back in the day and wonder what happened to former regulars.

    And the Turing words, which were spookily on-topic.

  2. sdferr says:

    Taranto hits on much the same theme today, in the manufacturing sense of the thing.

  3. Ernst Schreiber says:

    That’s Jeff for you. So far ahead of the curve that he creates his own doppler shift.

  4. GoPhils says:

    Speaking of former regulars….yeah, the reaction of the Left to what can only be described as enlightenment is instructive. It’s a classic case of not taking yes for an answer.

  5. leigh says:

    Jeff is the Honey Badger of the interwebs.

    The rest of those guys are wannabees.

  6. hellomynameissteve says:

    If you make your money by slaying dragons, you have a vested interest in the continued well being of dragons.

  7. Ernst Schreiber says:

    That explains The Great Society then.

    Now how about ’bout 0care

  8. McGehee says:

    Every so often a griefer stumbles on a truth and, totally out of character, utters it.


    Not to worry though. The world will be back on its axis soon enough. Probably before this thread hits 25 comments.

  9. Drumwaster says:

    If you make your money by slaying dragons, you have a vested interest in the continued well being of dragons

    And when your party’s voting base is the poor and dispossessed, it is in your party’s best interest to make as many people as possible poor, dispossessed, and dependent on the largess taken from “those other people”.

    Has that never occurred to you?

  10. bour3 says:

    it is in your party’s best interest to make as many people as possible poor, dispossessed, and dependent

    Real question: why then do they not do a better job with the homeless? Are panhandlers homeless? Some people look really roughed up. It seems the whole city is set up to help if it is possible to avail that help, abide with requirements, go along with the program. Why can they not deal effectively with persistent alcoholism and basic lowest most fundamental needs for shelter and for food and I suppose cash for alcohol for however long it takes to work out of it, if possible, and help changing if that is possible? Or is that being dealt with effectively enough already? I don’t know. It seems everywhere I go there are people who apparently fell through the cracks somehow, or cannot accept help.

  11. John Bradley says:

    When in Washington DC…

    …reflect upon what poor life choices led you to such a situation, and then get the fuck out as soon as possible.

  12. Mueller says:

    hellomynameissteve says December 3, 2013 at 10:16 pm
    If you make your money by slaying dragons, you have a vested interest in the continued well being of dragons.
    – See more at:

    Yeah. That was a great movie.
    Except the dragons are burning down the villages, ruining the crops, and shitting in the water supply. They must be done away with.
    You might enjoy them, but the country as a whole is better off without them.

  13. Sweater Vests are the Devil’s work.

    Bob ‘Three Piece Suit’ Belvedere

  14. Slartibartfast says:


  15. McGehee says:

    The griefer clearly failed to see the deeper implications of his own comment and has withdrawn, lest he learn something.

  16. sdferr says:

    Beck and his pals had some fun with Ted Rall, who is up to his neck in leftists’ accusations this morning. Rall’s troubles could hardly befall a more deserving moron — but does the nation deserve them? Probably, if only because the nation has put them on itself. Thing is, the nation can put them off, if only it will choose better.

  17. SBP says:

    Rall should’ve looked into what happened to Robespierre, Marat, Trotsky, Röhm, et al.

  18. SBP says:

    If your sole accomplishment allegedly “helps the uninsured” it’s in your interest to make sure there are plenty of uninsured people, innit?

  19. Car in says:

    What I found sorta interesting (and an issue I’ve come across at work – waitressing in the Obama-economy) – was the speculation that “Dana” did it because she was outraged that she was called “Dan” by the family. I believe the family mentioned it.

    We live in confusing times. Women going by male names, women/men dressing and acting in non-gender-normative manners. Look, if you don’t want someone to confuse your gender, try to be a bit more straightforward.

    And why would a lesbian who obviously trended toward male dress and appearance be so upset that someone confuses the issue?

  20. Squid says:

    And why would a lesbian who obviously trended toward male dress and appearance be so upset that someone confuses the issue?

    Um, maybe because she’s an angry lesbian?

  21. palaeomerus says:

    Manufacturing intolerance in the USA when we could outsource intolerance production to China? Another job created or saved by Obama’s stimulus spending?

  22. palaeomerus says:

    You’ve got to get the Christers before they get you! It’s preemptive ! “Catch” them in the act of hate before they have a chance to hate you for real! Fake but accurate AMIRITE?

  23. palaeomerus says:

    Ted sez” Rall called Daily Kos’ chastisement a “seventh-grade history lesson” on racism and said the site is simply falling prey to political correctness on overdrive.

    “It’s not a left thing,” Rall told TheWrap. “It’s a squishy liberal thing and it’s not an accusation that should be tossed around lightly. It can really tarnish you and it’s f***ing unfair.”

    Hey Ted, was it also f***ing unfair when you routinely did the same sort of thing to Cheney, Bush, Romney, and Sarah Palin? Just curious.

  24. hellomynameissteve says:

    Oh, I’m actually agreeing with Jeff on this one. This woman – likely so sure that she has been slighted on tips, not because of the content of her service, but because of the color of her vagina – just HAD to do something. Lacking any smoking gun for “impoverished while lesbian” she filled in the perceived gaps and encapsulated her suspicions on that receipt. And then, having actually been slighted (albeit by her own left hand) she took to the airwaves. The main stream SQUIRREL! media jumped on it, because it’s a lot more salacious and simple for stupid people to talk about than shit like this, and because the media is all in on the efforts to mop up the last holdouts of homophobia.

  25. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Democrats are only out of touch because they’re in Progress’s vanguard.

    Kick and scream all you want, you retrograde troglodytic retard you, but it’s for your own good.

  26. charles w says:

    It was proven thru bank records that the couple left her a tip. Further research shows that she was kicked out of the Marines and claimed at one time to have cancer. She is just a career con artist.

  27. Squid says:

    Let’s not forget that in addition to raising awareness of the chronic plight of the Otherness community, stunts like this often generate five figures in Kickstarter funding for the perpetrators. (Funding which is rarely returned once the fraud is exposed.)

    As with every other Leftist scam, it’s nothing more than a con game. Any “awareness raising” or “dialogue facilitation” or “outcome remediation” is just a veneer to make the marks more willing to hand over their money to the hustlers.

  28. McGehee says:

    Ted Rall’s crime in that comic strip is the same crime he commits in every strip: he can’t draw worth shit. The Left only noticed this time because of the subject.

  29. Mueller says:

    “The main stream SQUIRREL! media jumped on it, because it’s a lot more salacious and simple for stupid people to talk about than shit like this, and because the media is all in on the efforts to mop up the last holdouts of homophobia.” – See more at:

    So the Oklahoma governor is upholding Oklahoma law.

    You know that membership in the National Guard is voluntary, right?

    What to your assertion that the law is the law? That’s the position you took on the ACA.

  30. Slartibartfast says:

    The Republican governor, in other words, would rather deny every soldier benefits than grant a few gay ones the rights they have been federally guaranteedprovide equal protection under the law.

    Somehow that looks less fun, now.

  31. Scott Hinckley says:

    I can’t believe that Slate writer put this in writing for all to see:

    By presidential decree, the laws of the United States now require

    Presidential decree =/= law.

  32. leigh says:

    Governor Fallin is a badass and she is doing the work that the people of Oklahoma elected her to do, not the bidding of Big Utopian Dream in Washington, DC.

  33. Squid says:

    I think it’s cute that the Slate writer thinks that states should have to defer to the Beltway because of the Constitution, but doesn’t think the Beltway should be limited to its enumerated powers under the same document. I hope Fallin builds and clarifies on her earlier statements by reminding the people of Oklahoma that Obama doesn’t actually have the authority to do two-thirds of the shit he tries to enforce against us. But then, I’d still like to see her maintain benefits as they were, and demand “You and what army?” when the Beltway tried to enforce Obama’s Decree.

  34. leigh says:

    Mary Fallin is not to be trifled with. She has made it plain that her mission has nothing to do with bowing to the Beltway and everything to do with keeping her word to the people. No one is closing our bases, for instance and fixing our own roads and bridges.

    When we had the terrible tornado damage that leveled the city of Moore, teh Wan came out to survey the damage with her and mispronounced her name three times with her standing right next to him. (She was classy and didn’t have her staff correct him.) He spent about an hour and a half out here and scrammed for a fund-raiser in friendlier climes.

    I think we baffle him here in Sooner country. Good. Stay away, we say.

  35. hellomynameissteve says:

    Mary Fallin is not to be trifled with. She has made it plain that her mission has nothing to do with bowing to the Beltway and everything to do with keeping her word to the people. No one is closing our bases, for instance and fixing our own roads and bridges. – See more at:

    Defending the sovereignty of Oklahoma (surprise) requires making sure that gay couples don’t get any benefits. Hurrah’s all around and fuck the troops.

  36. SBP says:

    What the fuck are you jabbering about, Slaphead?

    Oklahoma’s governor is upholding Oklahoma law (one which I personally don’t agree with, as it happens). Not everyone rules by decree and personal whim, like your Dear Leader in the White House. Hint: if everyone starts doing that, you aren’t going to like the result.

  37. Mueller says:

    Defending the sovereignty of Oklahoma (surprise) requires making sure that gay couples don’t get any benefits. Hurrah’s all around and fuck the troops. – See more at:

    Point. missed. wide. margin.

  38. Pablo says:

    Presidential decree =/= law.

    How quaint. Silly rube.

    Progress! Forward!

  39. Slartibartfast says:

    Defending the sovereignty of Oklahoma (surprise) requires making sure that gayno couples don’t get any benefits

    Modified for accuracy.

  40. McGehee says:

    What the fuck are you jabbering about, Slaphead?

    Seriously? You’re asking like you really think he knows.

  41. Slartibartfast says:

    To clarify: from a point of view where the concept of marriage has zero connection to any religious or moral standpoint, which is the direction things have been pushed in, couples (married or (possibly) not) must be treated equally under the law. All couples must receive the same kind of benefits, legal privileges, tax benefits/penalties, etc as all others. What New Mexico has done is simply one of an infinite number of responses to this imperative to level the playing field.

    Whether you agree with the level or not is a different question. Parity achieved, in other words; just not the parity you thought would obtain.

  42. Slartibartfast says:

    Just wait until the marriage tax penalty hits your tax return, newly married couples!

  43. Mueller says:

    FYI Steve. It isn’t “homophobia” it’s “homoquitbeingsofuckannoying”

  44. leigh says:

    I’m pleased that we Sooners are living up to the cartoons in steve’s head.

  45. Eingang Ausfahrt says:

    “Defending the sovereignty of Oklahoma (surprise) requires making sure that gay couples don’t get any benefits. Hurrah’s all around and fuck the troops.”

    Says Steveisupportthetroopsaslongastheyaretehghey.

  46. RI Red says:

    Steve, if you’re still around, I left you a message in the palate cleanser thread last night. Probably wrong thread, but I can’t always keep track of where you show up. Or why, if truth be known.
    I suspect that, as the owner of your business, you have some time on your hands and that it allows you to get on the web and poke the bears for enjoyment. Nothing inherently wrong with that, but these are not your average bears here -Apologies to Yogi.
    Am I close?

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