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November 2024


Economic Illiteracy 341

Economic Illiteracy 341 is a graduate level course in economic illiteracy. Prerequisites to enrollment: students must have completed economic illiteracy 101 and taken at least three electives that confound, confuse, and misunderstand the basics of math, finance, and economic theory.

Either that, or just wear an Obama t-shirt to class. Your call.

6 Replies to “Economic Illiteracy 341”

  1. […] the debt, and of course they’re tripping all over themselves laughing and calling him a fool (example). Of course, they joke’s on them, since raising the debt ceiling actually does not increase […]

  2. Pablo says:

    The stupid is willful with ^^^this one. ^^^

  3. bgbear says:

    I am never again ask for a raise, I just want the firm to write me a bigger check. It wont mean that they are paying me more.

  4. geoffb says:

    And yet somehow when we reach that limit, for 4 months, the debt stays exactly the same. So I guess it will still stay the same even after the limit is raised, for the first time evuh!

  5. Slartibartfast says:

    Yes, the debt is inevitably increasing at some uncontrolled (and largely disregarded) rate. What reasonable person could possibly want to put the brakes on that?

    Answer: Fucking redneck Teabaggers, that’s who.

  6. The Monster says:

    “I just want the firm to write me a bigger check.”

    Like one of those they give you when you win a contest?

    Real PITA to cash those, I bet. You can’t fit them in the ATM, for starters.

    Hey, my bank will let me send them a picture of the front of the check to deposit it, so maybe there’s hope.

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