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November 2024


On Hagel

What’s to say? His nomination was literally celebrated by Iran. He’s an anti-Semite, an apologist for Islamic terror, a willing participant in the gutting of our military, and a man who told an Al-Jazeera reporter that yes, America is in fact the world’s bully.

He is, in fact, a mirror to Obama’s own post-colonialist academic radicalism — albeit one who isn’t “historic,” and so can without concern and in good conscience be dismissed as the dangerous, bigoted crank he is, should the Senate nut up and just do it.

I’m going to put this as bluntly as I know how to: Anyone who votes to confirm this man is at the very least a dangerous incompetent, and at worst, anti-American, anti-Israel, and pro-Islamist.

Deal with it.

It’s bad enough that we have to listen to putative Republicans (hint: if you vote for Democratic Presidential candidates consistently, you are no longer a Republican, even as you make your money being trotted out as one) like Colin Powell throw their support behind this stammering, clueless, Jew-hating piece of warmed over 70s radicalism. But it’s worse still when you realize that it is your existential enemies — states who have committed themselves to your destruction — who are most excited about your potential Defense Secretary (and this coming on the heels of their delight over your choice for Secretary of State).

If the GOP would draw their line in the sand here and now, they’d be able to run on security and foreign policy — as well as the economy — come next election. At which point maybe they’ll put up a candidate who doesn’t spend the foreign policy debate agreeing with nearly everything the leftists are doing to destabilize large swaths of the globe.

Just a thought. Unhelpful though it may be.

22 Replies to “On Hagel”

  1. Parker says:

    Just a reminder to my fellow military types, especially those on active duty.

    Our oath is to the Constitution – not the chain of command.

    My oath is still operative. I will not be forsworn.

  2. Ernst Schreiber says:

    If the GOP would draw their line in the sand here and now, they’d be able to run on security and foreign policy — as well as the economy — come next election. At which point maybe they’ll put up a candidate who doesn’t spend the foreign policy debate agreeing with nearly everything the leftists are doing to destabilize large swaths of the globe.

    And have the GOP known as the party of line-in-the-sand-drawing extremists? What will moderates and independents think?

  3. beemoe says:

    Its looking to me like Obama finally found him some bipartisanship: pretty much everybody agrees Hagel is a fucking idiot.

    I am probably just being optimistic.

  4. cranky-d says:

    Since the left is so invested in a shame culture rather than a guilt one, I have the feeling that Hagel will get through so Obama (PBUH) doesn’t look bad.

  5. Ernst Schreiber says:

    That’s an interesting way of putting it cranky.

    I like it.

  6. geoffb says:

    Affable useful idiot who may, or may not being still the idiot, realize that the Kerry-Clinton rules are not his to count on. I agree with Cranky-D that he will likely be confirmed unless he drops out.

    If he does then we shall see just who Obama really wants as Sec. Def., either the next pick or a third one if Obama plays the Clinton Atty-Gen. game that got Reno in.

  7. Mike LaRoche says:

    Didn’t Chuck Hagel cry on the floor of the Senate back when Bush nominated John Bolton to be Ambassador to the UN? Or was that George Voinovich?

  8. Blake says:

    Line in the sand? The GOP? Shit, the GOP is already scouting the next hill to retreat to.

  9. leigh says:

    If Mark Kirk says he isn’t going to vote for Hagel, these other guys ought to man up. The man recovering from a stroke gets it.

  10. McGehee says:

    When I think of congressional Republicans and things in the sand, the four-letter word that comes to mind isn’t “line.”

  11. beemoe says:

    “It’s somewhere between baffling and incomprehensible,” a member of Mr. Obama’s own team of advisers

    So… is that meant as a criticism or welcome to the team?

  12. geoffb says:

    I think it means they too believe all their own publicity.

  13. SBP says:

    Maybe Kirk is under the impression that Hagel has also suffered from a massive cerebrovascular accident.

    It does fit the observable data.

  14. geoffb says:

    Never mind, the love is flowing still from the WH and helpers.

  15. geoffb says:

    He’s a communist like Mehmet Ali A?ca was a fascist is my bet.

  16. Diana says:

    Kerry as Sec. State? Hagel as Sec. Defense? Are you people that fucking insane …. but, then I repeal myself. I think I’ll find a bunker somewhere.

  17. SDN says:

    EBL, that picture violated pretty much all of the Geneva Conventions. My Eyes!!!

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