
Jeff's Wish List

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September 2024


“NRA Responds to President Obama’s Gun Control Proposals””

In a statement:

Throughout its history, the National Rifle Association has led efforts to promote safety and responsible gun ownership. Keeping our children and society safe remains our top priority.

The NRA will continue to focus on keeping our children safe and securing our schools, fixing our broken mental health system, and prosecuting violent criminals to the fullest extent of the law. We look forward to working with Congress on a bi-partisan basis to find real solutions to protecting America’s most valuable asset – our children.

Attacking firearms and ignoring children is not a solution to the crisis we face as a nation. Only honest, law-abiding gun owners will be affected and our children will remain vulnerable to the inevitability of more tragedy.

Of course, to the progressive left, the further molestation of law-abiding gun owners is a feature, not a bug.  Scratch a progressive, find a fascist.

46 Replies to ““NRA Responds to President Obama’s Gun Control Proposals”””

  1. eCurmudgeon says:

    I’ll just leave this here…

  2. Squid says:

    The NRA will continue to focus on keeping our children safe and securing our schools, fixing our broken mental health system, and prosecuting violent criminals to the fullest extent of the law.

    Thanks, guys, but I’d prefer you keep your focus on promoting safe and responsible gun ownership and use, and protecting the rights of gun owners. You know — the stuff in the first paragraph? You should probably leave schools, mental illness, and law enforcement to other specialists. Preferably local ones.

    Keep your eye on the ball!

  3. happyfeet says:

    in a world where you had a robust and free america a highly aberrant mass murder in connecticut would fall under the heading of shit what really doesn’t actually affect my life

    but then I don’t live the cable news lifestyle really

    instead we have people just exploiting the mother-loving shit out of these dead kids

    nasty little country

  4. William says:

    “Bi-partisan solution” = code word for liberal fascism.

    Ah, well. I don’t believe in the corporation/government hero model anyway.

  5. palaeomerus says:

    Scratch a progressive by not voting for him next time and find a LOSER who is not a threat to you or your rights.

  6. palaeomerus says:

    BTW if that progressive is in the GOP scratch him anyway.

  7. palaeomerus says:

    No, Bob Schieffer, you ignorant boob, the NAZI’s were PRO gun-control. Just like the Soviets.

  8. leigh says:

    Bob Schieffer is an old fool and we all know there is no fool like an old fool.

  9. jcw46 says:

    Remember from now on when you seek medical advice; their no longer is a private relationship with any physician.

    They are MANDATED to notify authorities of any suspicious activities revealed during treatment or examination.

    You cannot trust your doctor with the truth.

    If you own firearms, LIE if asked if you own any. Don’t argue whether they have a right to the information because that argument could be construed as belligerence and fall under suspicious behavior.

    Censor your speech when talking to medical staff and doctors. DO NOT answer survey questions truthfully.

    Be careful at all times what you say. If you have children, they must be trained to also LIE to the doctors and you should NEVER let a medical staff or doctor speak to them out of your presence. (this also goes for schools and other public activities.)

    WE have been made suspects and criminals.


  10. SBP says:

    “No, Bob Schieffer, you ignorant boob, the NAZI’s were PRO gun-control. ”

    Oh, you haven’t encountered that new “fact” yet? It’s all over the place.

    The Nazis were against gun control because they let Nazi Party members have lots of guns with almost no restrictions. That’s the spin.

    Of course their regulations weren’t quite as lax if you were, say, a Jew or gypsy, but that never gets mentioned.

  11. sdferr says:

    It probably will be harder for Obazma to succeed than defeating the Nazis was in its day, insofar as defeating the Nazis was necessary, whereas imposing more gun control on the decent people of the United States with top-down tyrannical measures isn’t necessary. In the one case, the decent people of the United States were on board against their enemies, in the latter case the decent people of the United States are taken as the enemy.

  12. palaeomerus says:

    ” The Nazis were against gun control because they let Nazi Party members have lots of guns with almost no restrictions. That’s the spin.”

    Right. Essentially this will be the gist of the upcoming enhanced mental health checks. Guess who will pass them and who will not and what sort of records might be used in the determination of your personal fitness to hold a weapon.

  13. McGehee says:

    The Nazis were against gun control because they let Nazi Party members have lots of guns with almost no restrictions. That’s the spin.

    Back in my Armed Genius days I had somebody hand me a load of that and tell me I needed to “defend my race.” I did, by dropping him where turds belong.

  14. dicentra says:

    What’s the deal with Manti Te’o? He’s all over Twitter with mentions of an imaginary girlfriend.

  15. Blake says:

    I’m cool with telling all gun control advocates they are racist.

  16. ironpacker says:

    Manti’s girlfriend is as real as the impact he had on the BCS championship game.

  17. palaeomerus says:

    “I needed to “defend my race.””

    Oh shit. I don’t much care about “my race” (franco-germanic scots-irish swissoid quasi-euromongrel) so much as family and the brotherhood formed by decades in the melting pot, seeing as how race is an inconsistent metric of anything and backward looking. But a guy like that needs to be served a whole plate of knuckles right in front of all of his friends.

  18. newrouter says:

    enhanced mental health checks.

    question to be repeatedly axed: “why are you proggtards acting like commies from the ussr?”

  19. palaeomerus says:

    “Do you have any guns at home ? ”

    ” No. They are all in my pockets. Right now. BTW did you know that Mao Tse Dung said once that political power flows from the barrel of a gun? Heh. Dude never heard of baseball bats I guess. “

  20. […] jcw46, commenting over at Protein […]

  21. Bob Belvedere says:

    Quoted you in full, jcw46, here: Sound Medical Advice.

  22. Bob Belvedere says:

    Apologies: didn’t know my post would trackback.

  23. McGehee says:

    The race I defended was the human one. I don’t think he was Celtic so beyond the species thing I didn’t really have anything in common with him.

    And knuckle sandwiches don’t travel well in the mail.

  24. dicentra says:

    If you own firearms, LIE if asked if you own any.

    I don’t own firearms, and if asked, I’ll say, “patient refuses to answer,” and if that’s not clear, I’ll write ????? ???? on the survey and see what happens.

    Because they can toss my place all they want, it ain’t there.

  25. dicentra says:

    Rats. That was molon labe in Greek.

  26. SBP says:

    ????? ???? or ????? ???? in Unicode.

    (let’s see if this goes through)

  27. SBP says:


  28. McGehee says:

    I tried to use Anglo Saxon runes in a comment thread last week. No go.

  29. McGehee, did it rune your day?

  30. beemoe says:

    Michelle might oughta be getting nervous. Christie will be up in the White House trying on her dresses before long.

  31. palaeomerus says:

    “McGehee says January 16, 2013 at 10:48 pm
    I tried to use Anglo Saxon runes in a comment thread last week. No go.”

    I got a Thorn (Þ) to work but the Wynn (?) flaked out.

  32. palaeomerus says:

    ? test

  33. palaeomerus says:


  34. serr8d says:

    What’s the deal with Manti Te’o? He’s all over Twitter with mentions of an imaginary girlfriend.

    That was thor’s and Space Titty’s problem too. Maybe the guy just needs a couple cats?

  35. Pablo says:

    “Do you have any guns at home ? ”

    Sure, I’ve got a grease gun, a caulking gun, a nail gun, a steam gun and a staple gun. I may even have a salad shooter laying around.

  36. palaeomerus says:

    Jeff? Why does your blog print Thorn but not Wynn? How about Yogh, Eng, Ash, and Eth?

  37. geoffb says:

    ?, ?, ?, ?.

  38. palaeomerus says:

    Well, that answers that. Thanks Geoff. (not Geoss)

  39. palaeomerus says:

    That was a ‘long s’ versus ‘short s’ joke.

  40. McGehee says:

    The actual runes are more extended than letters like þ and ð — and I figure the encoding used in the comment code doesn’t go that high.

    Anyway, thorn and eth at least work as HTML entities, using the letter names between & and ;

    &wynn; doesn’t work in entity form, apparently.

  41. palaeomerus says:

    Reasonable gun purchase restriction laws.
    Reasonable segregation laws.
    Reasonable property confiscation laws.
    Reasonable censorship laws.
    Reasonable race based caste system laws.
    Reasonable arrest and imprisonment without due process laws.
    Reasonable laws mass summary execution of declared enemies of the people laws.

    Putting the word reasonable in front of something doesn’t make it reasonable.

  42. RI Red says:

    Reasonable civil disobedience.
    Reasonable uncivil disobedience.

  43. palaeomerus says:

    Reasonable Sharia compliance reform laws.

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