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January 2025


Oakland, CA, knows its priorities — while 130 homicides to date for 2012, focus to be multi-gender indoctrination of grade-schoolers [Darleen Click]

56 Replies to “Oakland, CA, knows its priorities — while 130 homicides to date for 2012, focus to be multi-gender indoctrination of grade-schoolers [Darleen Click]”

  1. McGehee says:

    Thank gaia for that!

  2. newrouter says:

    are pikachus included?

  3. palaeomerus says:

    Huh? An overhead projector? They don’t even have ELMO-TT and a TV/PC projector in california schools? I suppose they still use film strip+ LP, and mimeographs too?


  4. 11B40 says:


    Having received 13 years of Catholic education in the Bronx of the ’50s and ’60s, I can’t help but wonder if there isn’t some correlation between the ways “teachers” are allowed to dress and the effectiveness of their education. I mean, didn’t appropriate role models be a progressive thingy ???

  5. SDN says:

    “Appropriate. You keep using that word. I do not think it means (in CA) what you think it means.”

  6. SGTTed says:

    Well, minority black and Chicano communities voted for Prop 8. The gays blame the Mormons for its passage but the minority voters that turned out in droves in 2008 to vote Obama into office also voted to pass the ban on gay marriage. That’s the dirty little secret the proggs will not discuss. Such an embarrassment.

    Got to get their minds right, there’ll be another vote.

  7. newrouter says:

    Got to get their minds right, there’ll be another vote.

    i think the proggtard’s current assault on white “guilt” is part of that.

  8. happyfeet says:

    Jews were the most robust prop 8rs per capita

  9. happyfeet says:

    which is weird cause I don’t know any jews what voted for prop number 8

  10. McGehee says:

    I don’t know any gays who voted against it.

  11. happyfeet says:

    I know like a TON of gays what voted against it

  12. LBascom says:

    I thought blacks were the highest per capita prop 8 voters.

    But then I didn’t know gender identity was just an intellectual concept either, I thought it had to do with ha ha’s and who who’s and estrogen and testosterone, stuff like that, so obviously I’m under educated.

  13. newrouter says:

    I know like a TON of gays

    how many skinny white boys is that exactly? and fat black lesbians don’t count.

  14. McGehee says:

    The reason I don’t know any gays who voted against Prop 8 is because it was a California proposition and I’m in Georgia. So maybe you should knock it off with the “everybody I know” this and “nobody I know” that.

  15. leigh says:

    I thought ballots were secret. Is this exit polling we’re going on?

    I always lie to pollsters just to screw with their stats.

  16. LBascom says:

    Leigh, they don’t know individual votes of course, but they know by precinct. For example, if Compton voted heavily for prop 8, it’s probably safe to say blacks voted heavily for prop 8. It’s all very scientificy from what I gather.

  17. leigh says:

    Yeah, Lee. I figured that was pretty much it.

    Scientificy is right. I guess that’s how they figured out that Mormons were the ones who killed that sucker dead and not blacks and hispanics.

  18. slipperyslope says:

    More guns!

  19. LBascom says:

    It’s not dead, it passed. Proggs are trying to kill it in the courts, and our supposedly republican governor called us idiots for passing it by popular vote, but it did pass.

    I think maybe Mormons were the heaviest campaign contributors.

  20. leigh says:

    I thought the 9th Circuit undid it?

  21. cranky-d says:

    More guns!

    Fuck off.

  22. newrouter says:

    More guns!

    effin’ yea

  23. dicentra says:

    I think maybe Mormons were the heaviest campaign contributors.

    Mormons were the primary organizers. Mormons are highly organized.

    Mess not with us.

  24. leigh says:

    You guys know how to organize and network, that’s for sure.

  25. palaeomerus says:

    “slipperyslope says December 29, 2012 at 7:32 pm
    More guns!”

    A sea around every school!

  26. beemoe says:

    So does that mean its cool for first grade boys to go to the girls bathroom and see if all the rumors were true?

    That would have been my reaction to that lecture.

  27. Darleen says:

    I think, beemoe, that the smart 1st grade boy is now allowed to say “hey, today I feel like a girl, so I get to use the girls bathroom” and his parents can sue the school if he’s disciplined.

    He can go back to “feeling” like a boy the next day and then share with friends what he learned.

  28. Darleen says:


    9th circuit is the joke circuit

    now up to SCOTUS

    who knew that we are not allowed to amend our state constitution to define what contractual relationships will be recognized having nothing to do with orientation?

  29. leigh says:

    Thanks, Dar. I knew it was ridiculously convoluted and flaunted the voters’ intent.

  30. Pablo says:

    More rocket launchers!!! Wait, that should be rocket launchers!!! Don’t forget to hyperventilate! And also read the update.

    Stupid proggs.

  31. Jeff G. says:

    More rocket launchers!!! Wait, that should be rocket launchers!!! Don’t forget to hyperventilate! And also read the update.

    Was talking about this today with a SF friend. What was turned in was the empty tube. It’s the disposable part of the rocket launcher. The rocket comes in the rocket launcher. So you can’t get a new rocket to replace in the old rocket launcher tube without first getting a new rocket launcher. At which point, you wouldn’t need to tube.

    What these reporters report without doing their homework is silly. Or intentional. Or a mixture of both.

  32. newrouter says:

    What these reporters report without doing their homework is silly.

    just more scamming the system(food cards). the beat goes on

  33. Darleen says:

    LA Mayor Tony Villar was scenery chewing with the best of them over the empty tubes

    Good lord, I should have taken my grandsons down to turn in their StarWars lightsabers .. they are just as dangerous as those “rocket launchers”

  34. Pablo says:

    What these reporters report without doing their homework is silly. Or intentional. Or a mixture of both.

    I’d scratch silly and replace it with ridiculous. Their ignorance is undeniable. I think the mixture is there. But what’s Lee Baca’s excuse?

    “It looks like we’re in a third world nation when you seize all these weapons from individuals and the question you have to ask is why,” said Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca.

    That fucker knows better.

  35. Darleen says:

    Baca is a political whore from way back.

  36. SBP says:

    Some folks are saying that these are plastic training tubes that are not just inert, but never “ert” to begin with.

    If that’s the case, I’ve got a shitload of Schedule 40 PVC out in the shop. Pipe + stencils + olive drab spray paint…bring on the “gun buy back”, baby!

  37. palaeomerus says:

    I almost bought a de-miled bazooka once back in my 25-year old ‘fill my attic with stupid shit that seemed cool at the time ‘ days. That bazooka (it was one of the early smallish ones) had gravel and resin plugs in it and the trigger was welded. I wish I had bought it now, so I could turn it in to a cash for guns thing with a rubber fish loaded in the muzzle with the tail sticking out.

    I guess a working PIAT launcher might be really dangerous even without ammo, since it has that crazy powerful spring in it. It might make a pretty sick potato gun. Or take your arm right off. Whatever.

  38. Pablo says:

    Baca is a political whore from way back.

    Who doesn’t know what “seize” means. What they got is shit people want less than what they were offering for it.

  39. SBP says:

    There was a “gun buyback” during the first AWB where a guy turned in a rusted hunk of junk. When asked what he was going to do with the several hundred bucks, he replied “I’m going to buy a good gun”.

  40. SBP says:

    Also: this gun buyback was “massively successful” with 2,000 weapons turned in?

    That’s Los Angeles, California, right? The one with 3.8 million people? Not, say, Los Angeles, TX, population 20?

    I would betthere are at least 3 million guns in the area. 2,000 is a rounding error.

  41. geoffb says:

    Turn in some empty 50 cal ammo boxes and see if they will call them machine guns.

  42. Danger says:

    Pardon the gun-talk interuption; but, could someone please tell me what level of bankruptcy still allows a State to run a multi-gender indoctrination program?

  43. palaeomerus says:

    We have to put all the schools on islands! Seas are the key to safety!

  44. SBP says:

    Ah, but that Norway shooting took place on an island, didn’t it? Still, just because that guy was smart enough to figure out boats doesn’t mean that the next one will.

  45. palaeomerus says:

    “Ah, but that Norway shooting took place on an island, didn’t it? ”

    Oh no! Well FUCK!

    Maybe under ground complexes then? No psycho is going to build a giant drill or anything like they dug the chunnel with. And those mile long elevator shafts like in the movies seem pretty easy to guard and observe! Plenty of warning right? And the kids can get their vitamin D from huge prisms!

  46. newrouter says:

    but, could someone please tell me what level of bankruptcy still allows a State to run a multi-gender indoctrination program?

    lemmings close to the sea?

  47. newrouter says:

    just watched “duck soup” good allan to be at the next baracky presserr singing “hail hail freedonia”

  48. Pablo says:

    Ah, but that Norway shooting took place on an island, didn’t it?

    The shooting did. The rest of the killing didn’t.

  49. LBascom says:

    Sees to me the LAPD is the biggest fence for stolen guns out there.

  50. Pellegri says:

    Got to get their minds right, there’ll be another vote.

    The thing I heard right after the election was Some White Reporter saying that blacks were so dumb they conflated voting yes on Prop. 8 with voting for Obama.


    Supposedly we dastardly Mormons tricked them with our Jesus lasers.

    Also, you now know one (half-)gay who voted for Prop. 8. (That would be me.)

  51. palaeomerus says:

    “California gun sales jump; gun injuries, deaths fall”

    Must be the proximity of Mr. Pacific Ocean.

  52. SBP says:

    That’s another thing I don’t get, palaeomerus. Even if one conceded that Something Must Be Done About Gun Violence, why would anyone believe that Obama and his Chicago posse were the right ones for the job?

  53. rjacobse says:

    What these reporters report without doing their homework is silly.

    I’ma thinking that reporters are kinda like chupacabra and bigfoot; lotsa folks say they seen ’em, but there isn’t much evidence to show that they really exist.

  54. […] protein wisdom wonders about the educational priorities in Oakland […]

  55. Donald says:

    Um, 130 ain’t too bad for a shithole like Oakland.

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