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November 2024


“Americans believe public workers better paid and more secure (Bingo!)”

And why shouldn’t they be? After all, you think sitting around coming up with ways to force erstwhile free people to live, molding and nudging and re-engineering through regulations on donuts or ladder slat width or low flow toilets, is easy or inexpensive?   These people got skillz, jack!


In the 1,420 days since he took the oath of office, the federal government has daily hired on average 101 new employees. Every day. Seven days a week. All 202 weeks. That makes 143,000 more federal workers than when Obama talked forever on that cold day in January of 2009.

Under Obama the total federal workforce has surpassed two million for the first time since the first Clinton term, now sitting about the 2.2 ,million level.

Now comes a new poll revealing that Americans know what’s going on. A majority of Americans believes government workers make more money than private sector workers, according to the new Rasmussen Reports poll. Sixty-one percent of private sector workers believe that.

Surprisingly, Republicans, independents and Democrats are united in agreement that government employees have it better than private sector workers although, predictably, Dems are slightly less sure.

“The federal workforce has become an elite island of secure and high-paid workers, separated from the ocean of average American workers competing in the global economy,” according to a report this year by the Cato Institute.

That report found the average civilian federal government worker collected just under $84,000 a year in taxpayer money, about $32,000 more than the average private sector worker. That’s a total federal worker package of about $236 billion a year.


According to Rasmussen, two out of three Americans are sure that company employees work harder than their lazy lay-about government counterparts. Only five percent think it’s the other way around; they may belong to street repair crews […].

Even a plurality (48%) of government employees admit their private industry counterparts do work harder.

Another 67% believe that government workers have greater job security than those in the production- profit-driven private sector, job security being an acute issue in these last four Obama years so rife with economic uncertainty.Sixteen percent don’t think there’s much difference in job security, while 9% say government workers have less job security. They may be state and local government employees, whose number has declined with the end of Obama’s ineffective $830 billion economic stimulus package, much of it devoted to protecting those union jobs.

That protection was only temporarily, as it turns out. But the borrowing to pay for it is now a permanent part of the nation’s $16.3 trillion debt.

I’d make yet another Brazil reference here, but honestly, why bother?  Instead of it being a cautionary tale, it looks like at least 50.3% of those who voted think it’s a blueprint for some sort of coming Utopia.

Because, you know — they’re fucking morons.

36 Replies to ““Americans believe public workers better paid and more secure (Bingo!)””

  1. LBascom says:

    I doubt the morons can even distinguish between private and public. With “you didn’t build that” on top of “government can’t afford to lower taxes”, the private sector became just another branch of government.

  2. dicentra says:

    I’ve never seen Brazil.

    I have, however, worked for the gubmint,which turned the very Marxist Thomas Sowell into a free marketeer and made me into a minarchist of the highest degree.

    Gubmint bureaucracies should never be allowed within a country mile of any degree of power whatsoever.

  3. beemoe says:

    Brazil used to be one of my very favorite movies. Not so sure I would enjoy it quite so much now.

  4. LBascom says:

    Insty has a link to the epilogue of Levin’s book, Ameritopia. I confess I haven’t read the book yet, and I’m not sure I could bear it now…

  5. William says:

    People lining up in the streets for the government to save them.

    Geez. I get we all stumble now and then, but is a fighting spirit really so disgusting to people? Does KFC and cheap virtue taste that good?

  6. happyfeet says:

    white rice has a very high glycemic index

    just noting that here in case any of the small fraction of fatass TSA losers what are literate happen to click on this

  7. Dalekhunter says:

    nothing like a lower common denominator argument.

    “i have shitty private sector job with no benefits or security/retirement…so you should have one too”

    why not agitate and force your employers to give you higher salaries, better benefits, and more time off instead of whining about how government employees have it so much better. they do have it better, and you just can’t wait to drag them down.

    god forbid a government employee takes home 83k. when your CEO or boss takes home millions and you get the shit end of the stick. put up or shut up.

  8. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Because in Barak Obama’s America, you either work for Big Government, or you work for big business!

    As we stand out in the cold looking in at our betters, remind me again, which side of the room are the pigs and which side the men?

  9. […] It To Me, Daddy – Good and Hard! Posted on December 10, 2012 5:57 pm by Bill Quick “Americans believe public workers better paid and more secure (Bingo!)” | protein wisdom I’d make yet another Brazil reference here, but honestly, why bother?  Instead of it being a […]

  10. bh says:

    Four legs good, two legs bad!

  11. geoffb says:

    agitate and force

    Bywords of the left.

  12. Dalekhunter says:

    There’s something so docile about that. As long as you’re getting fucked by a “maker” you might as well grin and bear it, right?

  13. Swen says:

    Dalekhunter says December 10, 2012 at 6:45 pm
    nothing like a lower common denominator argument.

    “i have shitty private sector job with no benefits or security/retirement…so you should have one too”

    why not agitate and force your employers to give you higher salaries, better benefits, and more time off instead of whining about how government employees have it so much better. they do have it better, and you just can’t wait to drag them down.

    god forbid a government employee takes home 83k. when your CEO or boss takes home millions and you get the shit end of the stick. put up or shut up.

    The Stupid, it is strong in this one. Yes, we should all follow the example of the United Auto Workers, it’s worked so well for Detroit!

  14. Patrick Chester says:

    Dalekhunter exterminated itself with:

    nothing like a lower common denominator argument.

    “i have shitty private sector job with no benefits or security/retirement…so you should have one too”

    Since that comes from your own tiny overheated little head, I’m sure that explains the problem.

  15. geoffb says:

    So is he from Tennessee? Does he work at the sewage plant?

  16. newrouter says:

    Dalekhunter says December 10, 2012 at 7:12 pm

    There’s something so docile about that. As long as you’re getting fucked by a “maker” you might as well grin and bear it, right?

    all hail baracky! leader to utopia. you clowns are assholes. just saying.

  17. BigBangHunter says:

    ….grin and bear it, right?

    – Oh yes, Bumblefuck is going to save the middle class from low pay and long hours, and all the unfairness of the private sector business owners.

    – Of course you can agitate and force unrealistic demands on businesses, right uo to the time when they’re forced out of business while the middle class is mass umemployed and losing average wealth by over 45% in just the past 4 years.

    – But hey, just keep doing it. Its going to work. Really. Barry says so!

    – Fucking morons.

  18. JD says:

    Dale Khunter is a run of the milk liberal fascist.

  19. Dalekhunter says:

    Yeah. Fascist.
    I’d love to know how much you’re pulling in per year. Or if you just consistently argue against you and your family’s economic well being out of principle.

    If you’re not in the 1%, and I’m guessing you’re not. You’re just kicking yourself in the face.

  20. newrouter says:

    Dalekhunter says December 10, 2012 at 9:53 pm

    Yeah. Fascist.
    I’d love to know how much you’re pulling in per year.

    greed is goooooooood see above

  21. bh says:

    It’s in my family’s economic well-being to overpay government workers for their services?

    You’re a genius. Before anyone else asks, I’d like to request that you bequeath your massive brain to my alma mater for study. Research must be done.

  22. sdferr says:

    You’re a patsy Dalek. Even if you’re a member of the SEIU or AFSCME, still a patsy. But it’s ok, go on pretending you’re a winner.

  23. newrouter says:

    Dalekhunter says December 10, 2012 at 9:53 pm

    says he likes theft when some other peeps do it. you go dale!!11!!

  24. newrouter says:

    the barack communists are all a flutter tonite. do it for the team assholes

  25. leigh says:

    These guys, dalek and slippery are awfully materialistic. Nosy, as well. They’re always either wondering how much money we all make or bragging about how much they have.

    It really is a sign of how poorly raised they are.

  26. BigBangHunter says:

    – Jug ears is hangjng on to the tail of the Tiger for dear life, staving off the economic meltdown by printing more and more wothless paper and using the FED to keep interest rates at an impossibly low level. The 49 million on food stamps and EBT checks, and 90 million unemployed or underemployed working menial jobs just to scrape by will turn on him in a heart beat when the well runs dry.

    – The only thing that can save the Won at this point is if the chicken little gaggle is right about the day before my birthday, and if thats so then nothing will matter anyhow.

    – Forward.

  27. Slartibartfast says:

    As long as you’re getting fucked by a “maker” you might as well grin and bear it, right?

    This sounds something like wisdom borne of experience.

  28. rjacobse says:

    Questions for dalek:

    1. How much wealth do guvmint workers add to the economy?

    (Hint: It’s less than the number of left thumbs you have on your right hand.)

    2. Given that impact on our economy, how do you justify paying guvmint workers so much more than private sector workers? How is that–to borrow one of the left’s favorite words–fair?

  29. Car in says:

    I’d love to know how much you’re pulling in per year. Or if you just consistently argue against you and your family’s economic well being out of principle.

    If you’re not in the 1%, and I’m guessing you’re not. You’re just kicking yourself in the face.

    No. I’m guessing that we just have a better grasp of economics than you.

  30. Car in says:

    why not agitate and force your employers to give you higher salaries, better benefits, and more time off instead of whining about how government employees have it so much better. they do have it better, and you just can’t wait to drag them down.

    I’d have a better chance of that if I had a union that bought and paid for the elected officials who are deciding my pay and benefits packaged.

    It’s called an “inside game.”

  31. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I’d love to know how much you’re pulling in per year. Or if you just consistently argue against you and your family’s economic well being out of principle.
    If you’re not in the 1%, and I’m guessing you’re not. You’re just kicking yourself in the face.

    Bitter and envious is no way to go through life son.

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