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November 2024


Obama’s mandate: That you know your place in His plan [Darleen Click]

The permanent campaign’s spokeshole, Stephanie Cutter, makes the purpose of Leviathan Government clear

Stephanie Cutter, who served as deputy campaign manager for Obama’s re-election effort, said that the president’s mandate after winning re-election “is to protect the middle class,” during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Daily Rundown.”

“His mandate is to protect the middle class and help people enter and stay in the middle class.”

Please, dears, don’t ever even think to rise above your station. Our betters will not be pleased.

42 Replies to “Obama’s mandate: That you know your place in His plan [Darleen Click]”

  1. JD says:

    Slobbery slob approves of this message. Racists

  2. McGehee says:

    “I think at some point you’ve enjoyed enough freedom.”

  3. Matt says:

    The problem is, Obama and Co. have no idea who the middle class actually is and what makes a person “middle class”. From what hear and read, Obama seems to think its what you have that makes you middle class, as opposed to what you make and contribute to the economy. For example, the entire Community Reinvestment Act was put in place to force banks to lend to unqualified minorities, so they could “own” homes, thus allowing those people and the government to claim t hose people are middle class. And that’s even if those folks are making 20k a year and paying no taxes. Thus, getting rid of a hugely damaging program like the CRA would be wrong, because it would cause people to lose their homes, thus taking them out of the (Obama’s idea of) the Middle Class.

    So Obama’s purpose is to keep in place every program that undermines the actual middle class, for the purposes of propping up huge groups of people who are not middle class but will vote for the person that allows them to believe they are.

    A prime example of this is the lady I saw two weekends ago, loading a 70 inch screen TV (worth somewhere around 2500 bucks and far nicer than mine) into the back of her almost new car, while twirling a keychain on which an EBT fast swipe card was attached. This lady is collecting food stamps (and probably wellfare) and will be able to enjoy those government gifts in front of a brand new, state of the art TV.

  4. Car in says:

    And Susan Rice is worth $33 million. And DC is like the Capital of Panem from the Hunger Games.

  5. Car in says:

    A prime example of this is the lady I saw two weekends ago, loading a 70 inch screen TV (worth somewhere around 2500 bucks and far nicer than mine) into the back of her almost new car, while twirling a keychain on which an EBT fast swipe card was attached. This lady is collecting food stamps (and probably wellfar

    I find an interesting irony in the fact that the class of takers in the US are encouraged in conspicuous consumption materialism. Hair. Nails. TVs. Video games. Expensive shoes, etc.

    Meanwhile, the elite class judges the bourgeoisie for their materialism. Homes are too big, etc.

  6. serr8d says:

    Once people are ‘community organized’ into BHO’s extra-lean middle class (as he’s redesigned it for world-class ‘fairness’) his flock will be forever faithful to Him for His generosity. And will continue to hate! (using His cleverly concocted and instilled passions) all those with a bit more than they. Because those people will be redefined as ‘rich’.

  7. serr8d says:

    Oh, if anyone is on the Medicare, there’s a Dec 7 deadline for enrollment, or plan changing, or something. A clever tool to help select the correct plan…

  8. […] Devil’s Dictionary Posted on November 29, 2012 7:30 am by Bill Quick Obama’s mandate: That you know your place in His plan [Darleen Click] | protein wisdom […]

  9. Ernst Schreiber says:

    The middle class is that class employed to serve the underclass and to service the overclass.

    You know, people like Winston Smith.

  10. cranky-d says:

    “I think at some point you’ve enjoyed enough freedom.”


  11. JD says:

    How did a household of $250,000 income become lumped in with millionaires and billionaires?

  12. happyfeet says:

    passing through the very outer edge of the dc bedroom communities today

    this one is called Front Royal it needs some o dat sweet sweet dc money these people are struggling culturally and economically

    it’s kind of a pit which is kinda shocking cause it’s beautiful here

  13. Car in says:

    Money can’t solve the cultural issues.

  14. Blake says:

    What is absolutely bizarre to me is the continued employment of Stephanie Cutter and Jay Carney.

    From an intelligence standpoint, Cutter and Carney should both should be known as the “Vacuous Twins.”

    It’s hard to believe Cutter and Carney are the front people for a successful campaign.

  15. Spiny Norman says:


    Because the Chicago Jesus’ definition of “middle class” is quite different than yours or mine. If you do not qualify for state or federal aid of some kind, you are no longer “middle class” and are fair game for “redistribution”.

  16. cranky-d says:

    it’s kind of a pit which is kinda shocking cause it’s beautiful here

    Too much government will do that.

  17. Car in says:

    What are you talking about, Blake. The two have shown their utter devotion to Obama by saying just ANYTHING they are told to say.

    They make Baghdad Bob look like an amateur.

  18. Spiny Norman says:

    It’s hard to believe Cutter and Carney are the front people for a successful campaign.

    They aren’t. The national news media are the front people.

  19. sdferr says:

    Take a stroll drive through the Middleburg environs hf, and the horsey country around there. It’s where the money lives.

  20. Libby says:

    I’d love to know how Obama thinks he can keep people in the middle-class amidst the future rise in energy, food costs, etc. What good is some arbitrary salary=”middle class” if your dollar buys so much less?
    Happyfeet, are you planning to venture into W. VA? You’ll see some amazingly new & well-kept highways (in what feels like the middle of nowhere) thanks to Robert Byrd. But there’s a lot of natural beauty there, too (if you like mountains, etc.).

  21. cranky-d says:

    Obama knows nothing of reality. The world outside his tiny bubble is an abstraction to him, something to be understood from reading books and newspaper articles written by others like himself. It is something one sits back and reasons about, not something one actually experiences.

  22. JD says:

    . It is something one sits back and reasons about, not something one actually experiences.

    I agree with almost everything, except the use of the word reason. There is no evidence of that being used.

    If we are going to be lumped in with millionaires and billionaires, I would like to request to actually be one.

  23. dicentra says:

    Those are cute sheeps. I want one.

  24. sdferr says:

    And hey hf, if you’re not in a hurry you can cross the Potomac at Point-of-Rocks just north of there, or back west a tad to Harper’s Ferry (if you’re headed to Amish country primarily).

  25. happyfeet says:

    I’m on to bunker hill

    government sucks ass yes yes yes but in my travels what I have concluded is the bestest way to turn your little city into a filthy squalid pit is to legalize gambling (or be near nasty-assed native americans)

    same same

  26. happyfeet says:

    After bunker hill in will investigate this crossing of the potomac

    I once got to go up and down the Potomac in a pt boat cause of this relative had lots of stars on his uniform mostly I remember it was an unpleasantly noisy boat but my parents didn’t care cause of they were drinking wine

  27. Blake says:

    JD, at the rate things are going, you just might wind up a billionaire, Zimbabwe style.

  28. sdferr says:

    Passed by CharlieTown then?

  29. Car in says:

    If we are going to be lumped in with millionaires and billionaires, I would like to request to actually be one.

    Since so many government types don’t ever have to actually use any of their own money, the appears that his presidential paycheck actually goes pretty far.

    Thus – $200,000 and up are rich rich rich.

  30. JD says:

    Since so many government types don’t ever have to actually use any of their own money, the appears that his presidential paycheck actually goes pretty far.

    Very true. With drivers, and staff, and housing allowances, and free meals and drinks and fundraisers, they live in a different world. Disconnected from reality.

  31. Car in says:

    I read somewhere that Bill Clinton is trying to fund raise to pay back Hillary’s $79,000 campaign debt that remains from 08.

    Exactly WHY can’t they pay that back themselves?

    They’ve got millions.

    This is all part of the same mentality. Yes, money goes so very far when everyone else pays every one of your debts.

    I bet they’re all really shitty tippers too.

  32. Libby says:

    Car In – I had the same thought about the Clintons: after leaving office both Clintons have been raking in millions with their books, speaking fees, Clinton Global Initiative, probably a few cushy board of directors positions, etc. And are the taxpayers still paying for his NYC office?
    However, these are people who thought it was perfectly reasonable to furnish their NY home with stuff from the White House. After buying a swanky DC house for 8 million, Hillary actually set up a registry so that others could purchase the rugs, furniture, etc. for it. There is no limit to their expectation that others will foot the bill.

  33. Car in says:

    . There is no limit to their expectation that others will foot the bill.


    And “others” have limitless resources. Just like taxpayers.

  34. happyfeet says:

    Hah yes I’m in Charlie town stopped to walk around and get coffee… Highway here was fun… I’ll scoot over to Harpers when I’m done here

  35. happyfeet says:

    There is a courthouse here where John Brown was tried and sentenced to be hanged

    Cause of he was very naughty

  36. sdferr says:

    Harper’s Ferry (that’s HF to you hf) is the shrine of the great martyr Johannes Brunus and a mere point on the trek to Sharpsburg.

  37. happyfeet says:

    There seems to be some sort of national park involved… I’ll check later

    Bunker Hill is mostly a rather forlorn and unlikely host to a weirdly large number of very low rent looking stripper bars

  38. sdferr says:

    Today’s attack ends a 36-day-long hiatus in the strike campaign in Pakistan’s tribal areas.”

    36 day long hiatus? Oh, right. Because al Qaeda is decimated, surely.

  39. happyfeet says:

    The HF park is pretty nice if a bit odd… I’m a go back tomorrow morning and hike around since the weather is amenable to that sort of thing again… There’s something ungodly old crap around here. Like revolutionary war shit.

    We shoulda finished off the royal piece of shit family when we had the chance. England would be a much more respectable place today.

    But there’s nothing for it just right now.

  40. happyfeet says:

    *some* ungodly old crap

    I will master this stupid samsung I promise

    Then after my contract’s up I’m getting something cheaper

  41. cranky-d says:

    Go with Virgin mobile. They offer burner phones with $35/month data plans.

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