
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

September 2024


A reminder, coupled with a disclaimer and an offer, finished with a summary plea, 2 (Updated to request more questions AND to add our first review!)

When:  Today, 3 PM EST

WhereRightalk Radio

GuestsGlenn Reynolds, Jeff Percifield.

Topics:  The left / right divide; social cons v. libertarians and the future of the Republican ruling coalition.  Nanotech.  Gay outings.  Pesto.

Toll-free Call-in number: 1-866-884-8255 (866-884-TALK)

Disclaimer:  Sometimes dogs bark and packages arrive unexpectedly.  The world is an imperfect place.

Offer:  If you have any questions you’d like me to ask Glenn or Jeff, leave them in the comments.  You asked some great questions last time.  Keep it up.

Summary plea:  Your phone calls could very well save our lives.  Please don’t hesitate to call in.  1-866-884-8255 (866-884-TALK)

81 Replies to “A reminder, coupled with a disclaimer and an offer, finished with a summary plea, 2 (Updated to request more questions AND to add our first review!)”

  1. Robert says:

    Question for Glenn:

    Every time you link to me, I get a little aroused. Is that wrong?

    Question for Howard:

    So these nano-thingies, are they good for anything, or what?

  2. Daniel says:

    You should order a pizza beforehand so it could be delivered while you’re on the air. I wanna hear you get change while Insty is riffing on nano shit or digital cameras or whatever.

  3. BumperStickerist says:

    Glenn, what are your thoughts on anonymous bloggers/blogging and commentors? 

    Are we cretins, or what?

    Glenn, do you have any concerns that Jeff or Bill are going to lure you into a false sense of security and then ambush you with a question about Gay Cock? 

    Which do you prefer, Ebb or Flow?

    Having Cat Blogged and Tire Blogged, have you considered running over a cat and blogging about that?

    When I click on your site there’s a whole ‘violentkids’ log-on thing that seems to link to Amazon, does my clicking on your site increase violence among kids? 

    What’s the best topic you haven’t blogged about?

    Have you ever considered applying for a vanity plate that read ‘Heh’ or ‘Indeed’?  Why not?

    What role does good writing play in your evaluation of a blog?  What about grammar and spelling?

    Whom do you think would have a better time with Wonkette, Bill or Jeff?  What about Andrew Sullivan?

    Are bloggers generally more like first year law students or second year?

    Wet bottom Minced Puppy Pie?  Funny or not?

  4. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Good.  Keep ‘em coming!

  5. Ask Glenn why when I was the last member of the Glenn Reynolds alliance, he abandoned me and went over to the anti-Glenn Reynolds alliance.

    Oh, and you know that the Baghdad Blob will be listening so swear all your guests never to mention Willis’ name.  It’ll get to him.

  6. Alpha Baboon says:

    No questions, advice, comments or commentary from me.. Just best of luck you guys.. Break a leg!

  7. I’m traveling again on Thursday!! But I may be able to get to a computer by then. If so, I promise to call.

    I wanted to ask Glenn what he thinks of this French case against Google and how it would affect bloggers and I want to ask Bill how he could not like sweet lil ole me….wink

    You will know me by the southern drawl.

  8. Jeff Goldstein says:


    Do you have a link for that French v. Google story?

  9. You could check out my BLOG YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But ok, here ya go…but only cuz I like you so much…

  10. Jeff Goldstein says:

    You have a blog? wink

  11. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff…..and today there is even a post about thongs. So even you might be interested.

  12. Alpha Baboon says:

    Question for Howard;

    How long before nanotechnology can produce a fully functional Penelope Cruz.. and is there an orders waiting list I can get on ?

    Turing word: wanted

    heh. an understatement

  13. First time caller, long time listener,

    Great topic, love the show;

    Glenn, could you comment on the ethics of nanotechnology as it relates to producing a fully functional Penelope Cruz?

    I’ll hang up and wait for my answer.

  14. Alpha Baboon says:

    OK.. question for Glenn;

    Glenn, if you knew anything at all about nanotechnology, how long would you say it will be before nanobots can produce a fully functional Penelope Cruz… and where can I order one ?

  15. Matt30 says:

    Yeah, could you ask Glenn when a fully functional Penelope Cruz will produce nanotechnology?

    Or something like that, I’m sorry, when I call into radio shows I get all tongue-tied.

  16. Lloyd says:


    I find it hard to believe that 3 guys that spend a good portion of their time expressing their views to the public at large won’t be able to fill an hour talking about said views.

    As a matter of fact, I’m not sure you’ll have any time left for callers.

    Good Luck.

  17. Is the real Penelope Cruz NOT fully functional?

  18. Matt30 says:

    “Is the real Penelope Cruz NOT fully functional?”

    Last I heard she was dating Tom Cruise, so I don’t think anyone really knows.

  19. Matt says:


    How exactly does a geeky professor such as yourself land this?

  20. Robert says:

    Oooh!  Oooh!  Interview me!  I’ll be a GREAT guest!

    I’ll make lewd comments about Penelope Cruz!  I’ll talk about what a great reputation for cocksmanship JG has with a certain segment of the Denver “hospitality industry”.  Anything for ratings.

  21. kelly says:

    For Prof. Reynolds:

    You’ve blogged very little on the raging illegal immigration issue. Can your reticence be explained by the, shall we say, indeterminate immigrant status of your butler at the Instamanor, Chalmondeley?

    Can your obsession with nanotechnology really be a subtle cry for help?

    In your opinion, can a woman’s proclivity for anal sex be intuited by her name? Or, put simply, do you believe derivations of the word “wonk” are some sort of hint?

    Was your almost sadistic ignoring of Ace’s begging for an Instalanche a sign of your better judgement? How about Frank? ‘Cause I never really believed the whole puppy blender thing but I’d like to be sure.

  22. Eric says:

    What model blender do you recommend?

    When are we going to see more pictures of beautiful days on the campus? I can’t get enough of those.

    What’s the next political trend beyond South Park Republicans? I’m thinking Strongbad Republicans.

    Cylon detector: hope

  23. Glenn,

    What do you think of Consumer Blogging? I know you get tons of comments when you blog about consumer items (pots and pans, razors, cameras). Do you think it has a future? Could it solve the problem of “imperfect information” that Socialists tout in arguing against capitalism?

    Did you deliberatly wait till Ace was out of town to send him the Instalanche or was it coincidental?

    Do you really think that libertarians would vote for Howard Dean’s DNC because Congress passed an expansion of Medicare they had promised for 10 years and to spite Randall Terry? Would that be principled dissent or infantile hysteria?

  24. kelly says:

    For Reynolds:

    What is the proper locution of “heh”?

    Hee? Hay? Heah? Huh?

  25. BumperStickerist says:


    You’ve been called a Right Wing Extremist Tool and a Leftist Tool and a middle of the road Libertarian Tool – so, what kind of tool are you?

    Twenty minutes after you walk into Sears, what section do you tend to find yourself in?  I’m guessing ‘Not Hardware’.

    DailyKos has kicked your ass in the Blogosphere System – I mean, like, thoroughly kicked your ass – so, how does it feel to know that your one person/no comment blog is coming in second to an online community with hundred, perhaps thousands of clicky-clicky, page-view drones who are running geeky little, wanna-blogs in hopes that Kos or some minion like Armando might ‘promote’ them to the front page? 

    Who’s the better musician, Charles Johnson or Markos Moulitas Zuninga?  Or are You the secret best musician of all?

    As a Law Professor, what gives you the right to comment on the quality of barbeque recipes at restaurants?  smile

    Your frequent use of an aesthetic that involves nubile, presumably legal, women on your blog for both Protest Babe and Campus Gamine has called into question your one-sided use of heteronormative principles in your blogging, as a Major Blogger, what obligation do you feel to explore … you know … the other side of Sears … catch my drift?  btw – Andrew Sullivan made me ask this.

    You’ve frequently linked to left-of-center bloggers in your links … presumably, you read them and follow them to a fair degree … who is more intellectually honest:  Oliver Willis or Josh Marshall?  C’mon … you can tell me …. no one’s listening …

    … no really, we’re online, nobody’s listening

    Your blogging lacks that certain quality that one finds in the blogging of Vanity Fair’s James Wolcott .. Thanks … no question here … just “thanks!”

    Is there a Reynolds’s Corollary to Godwin’s Law? 

    If so, does it involve nanotechnology?

    Speaking of which:  Nanotechnology:  Why?

    A question regarding the ‘obligations of bloggers to their readers’:  If Bill Ardolino encounters Bob Schieffer in a forest and nobody is around … and Bob Schieffer is naked … should Bill ask questions about CBS news practices and, perhaps, RatherGate, or should Bill ask Bob questions about his state of undress? 

    What if Bill is nekkid too?

    Compare and contrast Ann Coulter’s and Michelle Malkin’s approach to a story, if you please?

    Do you say “Nit-zch” marketing or “Neetzch” marketing?

    By now Terri Schiavo has outlived Johnnie Cochrane .. your comments?

  26. Matt, To many of us smart is hot. Very hot.

  27. CraigC says:

    If a man speaks in the forest and there’s no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong?

  28. Matt says:

    Hmmm….I thought that only applied to my wife.

  29. Cosmo Kramer says:

    I don’t find Glenn all that smart.

  30. S says:

    Glenn, I’ve read somewhere that Randall Terry thought your “Insta-Chicken” recipe was great. Will you now distance yourself from that recipe or continue to run the risk of being labeled a theocrat now that you and Randall are so clearly linked? PS Caught your remarks on “Connected: Coast to Coast”.

  31. CraigC says:

    Bumper Stickerist, I can answer your Wonkette question.  Unless she has a two-buckle strap-on, I’m betting on Jeff and Bill.

    Spamword, “plant,” as in, “Hold on to your hat, Andrew, I’m gonna plant this thing so far up your little fairy ass I’ll be able to tell what you had for dinner.”

  32. I’m with Cosmo Kramer on that one. long face

  33. Ana says:

    What is your take on Neolibertarianism? Is it going to take root? Is it the new Libertarian party? Will it go away? Did the blogosphere just start a new political party?

  34. Daniel says:

    If you can’t scare up another guest, why don’t you guys take phone calls yourselves? I’m sure the legions of PW/INDC fans have lots of questions for the both of you.

    I think it could be kinda interesting.

  35. Zeb Trout says:

    Ask Glenn why he never returns my emails.

    Also ask him what he thinks about “Test Pattern”, the newest Sonia Dada Album.  Tell him I think its pretty fine.

  36. kelly says:

    For Glenn:

    What’s up with all the profanity on your blog?

    Are you absolutely sure there is such a thing as (snort, guffaw) a rotary engine? I mean, c’mon man, no cylinders? Get real!

  37. Dan says:

    For Jeff (BA)but only if he agreed to the question beforehand – Does he think one’s sexual preference can play a role in your readership or blog popularity among conservatives – and/or how does he relate/compare other writing for mainstream publication to his blog writing.

    For Glenn: How does he balance the freedom of being or posting as simply another blogger with his reputation as regards the ability to move traffic and possibly even steer attention to some issues but not others, or maybe even influence debate to such a large degree.

  38. Krusty Krab says:

    JG: Sometimes dogs bark and packages arrive unexpectedly. 

    Excellent advice.  Here is another:  If you are need of help, yell




    Don’t bother with HELP!!!  Nobody will respond.  Also, don’t try


    As it will take them too long to respond, all of them scrambling for their cameras and film and all.

    Just think of this as owed public service.

    RWS: Jeff, Jeff, Jeff…..and today there is even a post about thongs. So even you might be interested.

    Now, that’s what I’m talkin bout!  Later, Jeff. 

    Turing word: Called. As I am called by the prospect of thongs.

  39. Ana says:

    Clue, please. Why is Pesto listed as a topic? What am I missing?

  40. Seth Williams says:

    Oooooh, pesto!

    Here’s a question: creamy pesto or traditional?

  41. kelly says:

    What kind of cream you talkin’ bout, SW?

    Oops, sorry, that question is for Percifield.

    Damn, this radio work is hard.

  42. jon says:

    Questions for Glenn:

    Having seen it actually happen, is Oliver Willis still, in your opinion, a natural for television?

    Who would win in a fight, you or Bob Berring?

    Does Dave Barry do his blog anymore?  I know he ended his column, but I’ve been too lazy to check his website.  Could you do that and update your links, if necessary?

    Terri Schiavo’s Blog: funny or not funny?

    Has your abortion given you breast cancer yet?

  43. Jeff, if you are running out of guests, you can interview me.  My favorite topics are open source software licenses and whether or not my shoes are too tight.

  44. JWebb says:

    Professor Reynolds,

    Having a passing aquaintance with Protein Wisdom and INDC, why have you agreed to be interviewed by us, here, today?

  45. ProfShade says:

    GLENN WOULD KNOW: is there anything nanotechnology can do about Kofi Annan?

  46. Attila Girl says:

    For Jeff P.: what would be the logical steps for the Pentagon to take in reforming the military to get beyond the massive flaws in “don’t ask, don’t tell?” Is it possible to assuage the fears of those who see military life as an opportunity for unlimited dating among gay servicemen/women? If their minds can’t be put at ease in advance, would having openly gay men and women help to overcome the stereotyping about homosexuality that goes on in some military circles?

    For Jeff G: Eeek! I still can’t access the show. I’ve tried quicktime, and Windows Media Player (though it isn’t coming up correctly, so maybe I need to fix that). Will you record it? Can I bribe you for a copy? Can I bribe the engineer?

    For Glenn: 1) Do you get tired of getting notes from people who whine that you don’t link to them?–and 2) why don’t you link to me?

  47. Salt Lick says:

    Glenn – “When Blogger goes down, do you feel a disturbance in the force?”

    (Because someone might die if this keeps happening.)

  48. gail says:

    Confession: Blogger went down on me yesterday.

  49. Salt Lick says:

    Gail—hopefully no mega bites.

  50. Attila Girl, are you kidding??? Of course he can be bribed!!!

  51. Tom says:

    Penelope Cruz, thongs, and nubile she-llamas!

    The Turing word is “length.”

    Which is what two of those give me. You guess which ones.

  52. Blogger says:

    Confession: Blogger went down on me yesterday.

    Posted by gail

    Well … I am all about returning favors.

  53. T Marcell says:

    For BA Jeff,

    While Professor Reynolds is blogging about Constitutional Law, the future of nanotechnology and the Middle East, you preferred to enlighten us about foot fetishists, Latin Soap Operas, the mooing cow pouch and the inane ramblings of a woman named Esther Wilberforce-Packard who may or may not be fictonal. First, thank you for that, but my question is, if InDC Journal is actually written by a mean 15-year old girl, how did she get the nickname “McBitch?”

  54. jon says:

    More for Glenn:

    You are a noted enthusiast for Gilligan’s Island.  Do you have any love at all for Far Out Space Nuts?

    Follow Up:

    Do you think the lack of regard for Far Out Space Nuts is in any way related to the fact that Sherwood Schwartz is a Jew while Sid and Marty Krofft are complete hacks?  Or is it something else?

  55. Salt Lick says:

    Glenn—Assuming they were your only choices, would Jeff or Bill make a better UN President?

  56. JWebb says:

    For Glenn: Is it true you are heir to the Reynolds Aluminum Products Fortune or are you just Wonkette’s foil?

  57. Jeff, my phone is not ringing … angry

  58. gail says:

    Glenn, what is the difference between a blogger and a journalist?

  59. BumperStickerist says:


    How many bloggers does it take to replace a lightbulb?


    One blogger to bleg about which lightbulb is best and 9,999 to offer advice based on their own set of experiences.


    Glenn – what’s the dumbest moment you had while blogging?

    I mean, like, you know, you’re writing something, post it, and then think ‘Geez, what was I thinking?’


    Glenn, as a law professor in a position to know – who’s the next Hot LawyerChick that will show up on MSNBC or CNN or Fox. 

    I mean hot, like Lis Wiehl circa 1998 hot or Catherine Crier circa 1992 hot.

    Is there some sort of “Reynold’s Code” on your website?  If thoroughly analyzed, would we find anything?  Hmmmmmmmmm?

  60. The two Jeffs on the same show together!


    I was only 70% sure I was tuning in today, now it’s up to 90%.

  61. gail says:

    Unfortunately I have to work. downer

  62. work schmork.

    spam word: europe. hee hee.

  63. Alpha Baboon says:

    who’s the next Hot LawyerChick that will show up on MSNBC or CNN or Fox.

    Might I suggest Reese Witherspoon ?

    Turing word: hot

    heh, no shit..

  64. Dan Guyer says:

    I’d like to know what Glenn thinks about the BBC’s campaign of soft anti-Americanism. For example, on a day when the Volcker Report is released, the front page story at the BBC is about 59 clapped out ‘diplomats’ who oppose Bolton’s nomination as US envoy. That is just one example of how they help to spread America’s negative image throughout the world. And then follow it up with programs called “What the World Thinks of America.”

  65. BLT in CO says:

    In light of the Schiavo saga and the rift between the religious right and the more moderate ‘rule of law’ folks, a question for everyone, but specifically Glenn:

    What level of civil disobedience is appropriate to work for change in our society or political system?  Should Jeb, George, or any other politician have swooped in to ‘rescue’ Terri?  Did the judicial branch of government overstep its bounds on this case?

    Its said that Social Security is the ‘third rail’ of politics.  Is there a ‘third rail’ in the ‘sphere for libertarian bloggers?

  66. gail says:

    How serious is the rift is between neolibertarians and the religious right? Can (or should)anything be done to repair it?

  67. BumperStickerist says:


    Do you agree with Malachy from HundredPercent that Jeff wears his jewishness the way that some men wear Old Spice cologne?

    Are you one of those men, Glenn? 

    Do you wear Old Spice?

    Glenn, I didn’t see you at last week’s MENSA meeting .. or the one before that

    … just, you know, saying …

    stop by, I’ll give you the test if you haven’t taken it …. I can help you out, too, just keep that on the QT (which is the answer to the 19th question)

    Glenn, if I were to take your iPod, Andrew Sullivan’s, and Michele Catalano’s and mixed them up … how long would it take you to figure out which one was your only by listening to the music?

    Which blog-centric word needs to be expunged first: “meme” or ‘risible’

  68. Lloyd says:

    So,,,, is this where we’re supposed to write our snarky comments during the show?

  69. _Jon says:

    Glenn: How close do you think you came to losing your wife?  You and I have corresponded before about the passing of a woman you used to date. 

    All: What is your opinion in regards to blogging about something as intensely personal as losing your partner?

    (I won’t be able to hear the interview, but I’ll look for a transcript aftwards.)


  70. Whose movie do I have to plug shamelessly to get on the blogroll?

  71. Okay, I managed to get through the Reynolds sequence without any regard for accuracy, but I fell out in the TOO GAY AND TOO SILLY AND TOO DRENCHED in the HYPOCRISY!! palaver at the end.

    Text here:

  72. CraigC says:

    Just got the name for my next band.

    “OK, everybody, put your hands together for…VICIOUS QUEEN!!!!!”

  73. CraigC says:

    I guess Jeff B didn’t want to play.  Or maybe he was just too nervous, and didn’t catch on.

  74. Glenn ~ how ‘bout Mrs. Blair representing the Muslim girl in her lawsuit against her school?  Isn’t that diametrically opposed to a reason why we went into Afghanistan to begin with?

    (And I always do a screen shot to save my moment in the Insta-sun ~ sigh. it means that much in my little corner of the world. smile )

    (and one Penelope Cruz in the world is probably No! most ASSUREDLY enough. gack!)

  75. Peter Griffin says:

    Glenn:  Would you rather go out like Hunter S. or Terri?

  76. Patricia says:

    Glenn, what are you wearing right now?

  77. BLT in CO says:

    3PM Eastern time, folks.  Eastern.

  78. Peter Griffin says:

    BLT: what are you wearing right now?

  79. BLT in CO says:

    Headphones… And a strange bondage device.

    Thanks for asking!

  80. Eric Scheie says:

    Just wanted to let you know that I think your show is really good. (And I’ve been a daily talk radio listener for 12 years…..)

    Please keep it up!

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