
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Calling all women

I’m not sure what it’s like in the rest of the country, but here in Colorado, every ad Obama and the Democrats are running, be it for the presidential race or for the House and Senate races, are some variation of the suggestion that the Republicans are going to take away your contraceptives and your right to choose.  These ads are, for the most part, almost completely devoid of fact, and feature lots of elliptical insertions into the quotes being used.

Given that statute can’t overturn SCOTUS decisions, the only way Roe v Wade could be overturned is through a new Supreme Court decision. And I mentioned before, this is a Roberts court, and he’s already lost his moorings.  But even then, all that does is turn decisions over to the states and the electorates of those states.  And what I suspect is that would mean most states would keep abortion, with many adding conditions, taking into account all sort of contingencies.

As for this idea that the GOP is going to take away your contraceptives or the availability of women to receive health screenings, this is simply ludicrous.  Believe it or not, there are plenty of GOP women, and not only that, but there are GOP men who are married or who have daughters or mothers or sisters or grand daughters — and it’s doubtful they’d work to make it more difficult for the women in their lives to receive health care specific to women.

So I ask you:  is this likely to work?  No mention of Obama’s own record.  Just suggestions that Republicans hate the cooz and those who happen to own one.

Has our country really become that stupid and shallow?  Not to mention, so willing to believe what are, when viewed logically, completely absurd assertions?



33 Replies to “Calling all women”

  1. Bob Belvedere says:

    Has our country really become that stupid and shallow? Not to mention, so willing to believe what are, when viewed logically, completely absurd assertions?

    Yes…a damn good chunk of it has. #LastDaysOfTheRepublic

  2. DarthLevin says:

    Mrs. Darth has been having a Facebook argument with an Obamafembot on this topic, spurred on by this Republican “rape chart” from

    Her oppo faltered a bit when Mrs. D responded to the charge that “Romney will shut down Planned Parenthood! He’ll outlaw abortion!” with, “And he will do that exactly how?”

  3. maggie katzen says:

    darth, they left off “rape rape” on theit chart.

  4. Pablo says:

    I posted this earlier, but it belongs here.

    Brutal and Brilliant: Another parody of Lena Dunham’s Obama ad “Your First Time”

    Yes, Ladies. Barack Obama thinks you’re stupid. Sweetheart.

  5. maggie katzen says:

    but to answer your question, yes. for dems. because FEELINGS.

  6. leigh says:

    Both the GOP and the DNC have been MIA here in my solidly red state, so I can only speak anecdotely on this topic.

    I don’t know any women, young or old, who is concerned about this issue. We talk a lot about trying to keep our kids from knocking boots while they’re in high school and the financial tolls of having a child too young. Just a casual drive through my neighboring villages will show a lot of billboards against domestic violence, alchoholism and pushing for people to go back to church and to get married if they have children. The last features adorable tykes looking pleadingly out at the reader. “Do it for the children.” Abortion isn’t a topic even among teens and college kids.

    Of course, we’re a bunch of bitter-clingers, so disregard if so inclined.

  7. newrouter says:

    nov 6 can’t come fast enough

  8. McGehee says:

    I count my blessings to have been living in Georgia these last two presidential election cycles. If I’d been living in an “in-play” state I’m sure I would have gone on a deadly rampage by now, just from having been too slow on the fast-forward button one time too many on my TiVo remote.

    Come to think of it, not one of the three states I’ve lived in would be considered “in-play” right now; Alaska hasn’t voted for a Democrat ticket since statehood, and California seems to have switched its allegiance to the European Union, at least in terms of fiscal policy.

  9. sdferr says:

    “Yes…a damn good chunk of it has. #LastDaysOfTheRepublic”

    Gotta agree with ya Bob, save for the “Last Days” part since that has to assume there’s a Republic present to be lost. There ain’t.

  10. Libby says:

    As a woman residing in Colorado, I start ranting every time one of those Obama or Planned Parenthood ads come on. No, they don’t work for any woman who has secured her own healthcare in the past (I’ll work & continue to pay my own way, thanks) . Yes, Obama, adult women understand that if insurers are required to pay for all “reproductive health” costs that some other health expenditure will be cut (like care to my elderly parents). We’re insulted that you think we require your assistance, that we can be bought off so easily.

    The Planned Parenthood ads that give the impression that they provide mammograms are especially galling. They’re just trying to latch on to the breast cancer gravy train, yet my female relatives who have had breast cancer never needed their assistance.

    No, these ads only work with young women who have not had the responsibility for managing their own healthcare & the healthcare for their family, or feminists who are so devoted to supporting abortion that it trumps all other issues.

  11. Pellegri says:

    I am really glad that my entire utility to the DNC has been reduced to the fact I have a uterus.

  12. sdferr says:

    The title could nearly as well read “Galling all Women”, n’est ce pas — albeit not “Gauling all Women”, for even the Frogs aren’t that stupid?

  13. happyfeet says:

    this whole woman thing started cause of they know they’ve royally pissed off the catholic church i think so they’re trying to reframe the whole discussion… (with help from the rape babies for jesus senate candidates )

  14. JimK says:

    Well it’s either that or back to demonizing millionaires.

  15. Mike LaRoche says:

    Andrew Sullivan To ABC: If Romney Wins Florida And VA, It’s The ‘Confederacy’

    Sully has a Mandingo fetish.

  16. @PurpAv says:

    In the past, Dems accuse R’s of wanting to toss seniors into the recycling vats. That play has been getting kinda stale recently, so now they’re trying it on women.

  17. palaeomerus says:

    “The title could nearly as well read “Galling all Women”, n’est ce pas — albeit not “Gauling all Women”, for even the Frogs aren’t that stupid?”

    I might have agreed with you before the whole 75% income tax rate thing.

  18. sdferr says:

    Good point, though stealing rich folks money is one thing (the Frogs are well practiced at this anyhow), pretending women are reducible to their twats altogether another.

  19. missfixit says:

    I’m in SC so no fear of seeing Obama ads, thank goodness. And cynically I can rest easy in my decision to ignore the race at the top of the ticket, because this state is not in play.

    If free abortion is all they have to run on, that must be why it’s nothing but crickets lately ’round these parts…

  20. missfixit says:

    oh – except for the political fist fight I witnessed at work a couple weeks ago between the maintenance guy and the douchebag Obama-voting engineer.
    That was interesting because the dimwit in that matchup was not the knuckle-dragging, deer-hunting mechanic. (no offense to any mechanics of course)

  21. happyfeet says:

    Didn’t food stamp say the other day that the real key to his reelection wasn’t women but hispanics? I wonder how this whole yay free contraception yay free abortion thing plays among those guys.

    Identity politics are confuzzling.

  22. McGehee says:

    Apparently Romney’s winning the “Latinos what are legally entitled to vote” vote.

    Obama could still win the Latino bloc overall in states without voter ID laws.

  23. sdferr says:

    “Identity politics are confuzzling.”

    With identity politics Barry gets his ethnic porn: how he accounts for the trannies, who can say?

  24. Roddy Boyd says:

    I’ve said along we need a certain kind of woman to forcefully counter this “Scare the women” BS that works so well….for some damn reason. A sane, attractive alternative to the Mandy’s of the world, who can rationally explain–with some clinical detail–that plenty of GOP women have sex and are quite fond of BC. She could describe how it’s available everywhere, damn near free to start but getting the government involved via mandates is just about the stupidest way to improve affairs.

    In fact, birth control is about the only area of the US health care sector where everything is working almost perfectly.

  25. Pablo says:

    Speaking of stupid:

    “We’re coming down to the 11th hour. We’re facing a violent storm,” Clinton said. He waited a beat, then added, “It’s nothing compared to the storm we’ll face if you don’t make the right decision in this election.”*

  26. Slartibartfast says:

    Andrew Sullivan is a vapid twat, and no self-respecting person should give anything he says any weight at all.

  27. Matt says:

    I was at the Romney Land O Lakes, FLorida rally Saturday. Crowd was estimated at 15k, including alot of woman, who apparently haven’t gotten the message that Romney hates them and wants to control their vaginas with his magic pants.

    It was an interesting night. One of the funnier things was watching a group of protestors (“Teachers for Obama”) who were all black and looked terrified to be surrounded by the (mostly) white crowd on hand, though other than a few off hand remarks, nobody paid much attention to them. Shockingly, none of them were lynched by the racist crowd, despite all of the country music played at the rally.

  28. Matt says:

    * I wonder how this whole yay free contraception yay free abortion thing plays among those guys. *

    About the same way the gay marriage thing is playing out in black churches. Sure, it might be against their religion and cultural belief system, but… FORWARD!!! or something.

  29. Slartibartfast says:


  30. Pellegri says:


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