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November 2024


GALLUP: Romney trails Obama HUGELY

Among those with no religion.  69%-23%.

Meaning, by my estimation, that roughly 100% of the 69% of those who aren’t religious believers have determined that they’re too smart to believe in any kind of divine being or natural rights — and as a paradigmatic replacement have given themselves over to temporary politicians who impose their wills on us through the State.

That is, they support authoritarianism disguised as beneficent and moral governmental compassion doled out by the noble and virtuous politician; and in their sneering genius, they have replaced a philosophical construct intended to prevent enslavement of man by man — natural rights coming from God and Nature that are unalienable and can only be secured by government, not granted nor taken away  — with the very mechanisms by which, historically speaking, mankind has artificially (and inequitably) doled out liberty , controlled subjects, and solidified power among the few at the expense of the many.

So smart, is the smart set.  So knowing.

Not like the bitterclingers with their foggy sky beards and their hoary old Constitution…



128 Replies to “GALLUP: Romney trails Obama HUGELY”

  1. Robb Allen says:

    Well, reading the DNC’s platform, I’m pretty sure they know their base when they see it.

  2. cranky-d says:

    There is a notion out there that everyone wants liberty, but that is obviously false. A good chunk of people want to be one of a warrior king’s many subjects, and dream of being one of the toadies.

  3. @PurpAv says:

    Atheism has all the trappings of a religion, minus the deity(s). They gather, they have radical activist sub-sects, they preach and seek converts, they have dogma and sacred icons (like abortion), and they believe they’re the one true way.

    One thing I remember from my grad school computational theory classes is that all non-trivial systems(ex the universe) can contain genuinely true statements that CAN’T be proven true using the the rules that define the system(i.e. physics, math, science).

    The claims of those who claims a god(s)/diety doesn’t exist have no basis in actual mathematics. The only logical position, consistent with the laws of science and mathematics is to at least allow for the possibility of a god(s) as one of those unprovable true statements that are possible in the system. To assert non-existence is just as dogmatic as those who assert existence.

    Since an enumeration of possible gods/dieties is effectively infinite, the necessary proofs to debunk them are also infinite. As a practical matter, the debunking of gods/deities is an NP-Complete problem — i.e. effectively unsolvable in any known timeframe.

    This is why atheists resort to the usual approximation approaches towards dealing with NP-Complete problems, and their approximation result is always the same: “because!”

  4. Silver Whistle says:

    They want to put y’all in chains!

  5. @PurpAv says:

    In addition to the above, the existence of a god/deity does not necessarily have to belong in the class of unprovable but true statements that can exist in a system.

    It could be a provably true statement. The only way to really distinguish between the provably true and true but not provable, is to generate a proof. If you can generate a proof, then you know it was a provable statement. If not, it may be true but unprovable, or you just weren’t clever enough to generate a proof and its still up in the air

  6. sdferr says:

    Obama, according to Woodward: “The one thing that I said I actually needed, they didn’t get,” he fumes to his advisers as he tries to avoid a plan that would raise the debt ceiling enough to cover a few months. “I needed this to go past the election, and they didn’t get it for me.”

    Yeah buddy. That’s what government is for.

  7. JHoward says:

    Since an enumeration of possible gods/dieties is effectively infinite, the necessary proofs to debunk them are also infinite.

    The coolest thing G_d ever did was to be All+x, where x is an Anything we can no more know than we shall ever know All.

    The smartest thing the Devil ever did was to disappear.

    Ergo, nonexistence is at one extreme, and infinity the other. The notion that any of This must explain itself to our limitations is beyond laughable. It might not even understand Itself yet.

  8. Dale Price says:

    Though often flawed in the practice, a serious adherent of Judaism or Christianity will have this core political principle: the State is bounded. Sure, there are some misguided forays into statist solutions or cheerleading for same (sighs the Catholic), but ultimately Caesar is not the last word. He stands on the same side of the divine/human boundary as the rest of us, and is subject to the same limitations we are, not least of which is a flawed, fallible nature subject to reason and judgment.

    To quote from Walter Miller’s classic A Canticle For Liebowitz:

    “To minimize suffering and to maximize security were natural and proper ends of society and Caesar. But then they became the only ends, somehow, and the only basis of law — a perversion. Inevitably, then, in seeking only them, we found only their opposites: maximum suffering and minimum security.”


    “Caesar’s to be God’s policeman, not His plenipotentiary successor, nor His heir.”

  9. Squid says:

    Proud 23-percenter here. It’s actually a larger minority than most I’ve belonged to.

  10. BigBangHunter says:

    “….and yee shall know them by their words and their deeds…..Thrice hath they denied me, and thrice hath I raised them up in God, thy lords, name…..Forgive them oh lord my savior, for they know not what they do.” – Jesus of Nazereth

    – For all the world to see.

  11. Mikey NTH says:

    Silver Whistle:

    Yep, there went good old Joe, blowing the operation once again. You’d think they could find something to keep him out of trouble for five minutes.

  12. EBL says:

    There are very few true atheists and most of those don’t give a crap what you believe because…they are atheists. And I generally find those sort of people fine to be around.

    These “non religious” however often have the most confused collection of new age gobbolly goop in their heads that it is a mystery why it does not leak out their ears like rancid syrup. It is no surprise why they would be taken in by Da One.

  13. richard mcenroe says:

    The party with no religion doesn’t have a prayer.

  14. B Moe says:

    We are the Gods we’ve been waiting for.

  15. BigBangHunter says:

    – Man, it seems anyone that gets even close to the DNC trips over some hidden obsticles.

    – The C-SPAN 1 announcer just announced the DNC is coming to us today from Charlotte Ohio.

  16. BigBangHunter says:

    “Maybe if she’d have said something REALLY extreme the DNC would have given ger a speaking slot.”

  17. […] but I’ve got no interest this week. If you want good commentary, try Ace, Jeff, Treacher, or Stacy. Or just go see everything at […]

  18. BigBangHunter says:

    “All your polls are belomg to US.”

    – Axelrod to Gallup: “What the hell are you doing?….Yoir polls will say what we tell you they’ll say.”

  19. BigBangHunter says:


  20. dicentra says:

    Jeff coulda done better, but it’s still pretty funny: Lapdog Poetry.

  21. BigBangHunter says:

    “….And I’d like that double with onions animal style.”

    – Maybe if they just switched to wheat and got rid of all those racist whitey buns.

    – Next up: “The Peace corp adds Elderly and children to their overseas labor force….for the fairness.”

  22. William says:

    I find myself feeling worse and worse for those with no preparation for any type of collapse, large or small.

    Once these atheists discover that a “Down with Math!” crony capitalist state doesn’t end in good times and lollipops, they’re not going to have any belief to fall back to. So what happens then?

  23. leigh says:

    They apply to grad school.

  24. BigBangHunter says:

    ….and you get to pay for it.

  25. William says:



  26. BigBangHunter says:

    Obama’s America, where woman are woman on welfare, and men are either community or Union organizers.

    ….and what the hell. Close enough for government work (Or Unions.)

    – Gee, where are all those ‘fact checkers’ this week?

  27. Pellegri says:

    @dicentra: great now i’m crying with laughter and i can’t tell anyone why.

  28. BigBangHunter says:

    ….Yeah……that’ll leave a mark.

  29. palaeomerus says:

    “….and you get to pay for it.”

    With what? Sun dried squirrel strips and wild onions?

  30. palaeomerus says:

    From instspundit:

    Barney Frank calls gay Republican group “Uncle Toms.”

    Meanwhile Republican gays group privately calls Barney Frank a hideously old unfuckable lisping horror troll, who ran a gay brothel in his house, and helped destroy the housing market.

  31. newrouter says:

    Barney Frank calls gay Republican group “Uncle Toms.”

    shouldn’t it be uncle liberace

  32. palaeomerus says:

    Reason Magazine/Online asks some Democrats at their conventions how the party of pro choice actually feels about people making their own choices:

    Even the Daily show notices that some Democrats have a rather funny definition of inclusiveness:—the-party-of-inclusion

    But Bill Clinton spoke last night and caused Chris Matthews the think out loud about how Bill Clinton could probably put the mack on martians if he had too. He’s like Captain Kirk only Kirk was never impeached and disbarred for perjury, and accused of rape. So let’s forget the hypocrisy and the shambles that has resulted from the last four years of Obama’s messianic calling and do the patriotic thing for America and tomorrow.

    Hope and change bitter clingers.

  33. palaeomerus says:

    But Bill Clinton spoke last night and caused Chris Matthews the think out loud about how Bill Clinton could probably put the mack on martians if he had too. —–>

    But neeeever mind!

    Bill Clinton spoke last night and caused Chris Matthews to think out loud about how Bill Clinton could probably put the mack on martians if he had too.

  34. sdferr says:

    Ruin too, takes time.


  35. cranky-d says:

    Obama has the dictator thing down pretty good, so that makes him like FDR in at least one way.

  36. palaeomerus says:

    Kerry is such a revolting putz.

  37. rnabs says:

    It’s simple, really. They worship the god they (think) they can control rather than worship the God they can’t.

  38. BigBangHunter says:

    – I would just love for someone to yell out “Where’s yer DDS-180” while that asshole is up on stage.

  39. BigBangHunter says:

    – His fat assed wife, the Ketchup slut, is probably sitting at home permenently shit-faced on her ginned up raisins.

  40. palaeomerus says:

    From the NRO live blog of the Democrat CON(job)

    jimgeraghty John Kerry attacking Romney as a wealthy, out-of-touch, flip-flopping snobby elitist from Massachusetts.


  41. newrouter says:

    lot’s of diversity of skin/gender tonite. ideas not so much

  42. dicentra says:

    It’s simple, really. They worship the god they (think) they can control rather than worship the God they can’t.

    rnabs wins the thread.

  43. BigBangHunter says:

    – Yes well, If sKerry wants to take credit for inventing and being the consumate husling flip-flopper I’d give him that.

    – Did you know that he met Terrreezzza at an Earth day in Argentina. Yes, he was the hard working activist from Mass, busy recruiting other traitors, and she was the daughter of a high up official in the Communist party, and of course the rich widow of Heinz, so it was a match made in hell. Perfect for the Democratics. They both fit right in.

  44. palaeomerus says:

    Andrew Klavan deftly explains what the world probably looks like from behind Obama’s blue (ideologically blue that is, like a blue state) eyes.

  45. newrouter says:

    watchin’ an effin’ death cult that doesn’t have any virgins to toss on the fire only fetuses

  46. BigBangHunter says:

    – Ok, we’re back to the ‘I’m ches a hard working immigrent that had to walk 15 miles up hill both ways through a blinding snow storm with my arthritic grandmother on my back to school’ part of the evening.

  47. leigh says:

    Wisdom from MOTUS’ site:

    Consider a few options just off the top of my head: 1) it wasn’t a speech intended to promote BO’s accomplishments so much as a self-aggrandizing speech intended to highlight the difference between a real pro like Big Dawg and a real… *ahem*… Amateur, like Big Guy. 2) It was a “damning with feint praise” strategy. Everything that Big Guy’s administration did that moderates or independents might have liked, he credited to someone else, and he took great pains to point out the whole slew of things Big Guy didn’t accomplish – saying that “nobody” could have fixed them in 4 years. Really? NObody? Really? 3)He was clarifying all the Democratic talking points for the Republicans so they can come to the debates loaded for bear. 4) He was just effing with Boo-Rock. Cuz it’s fun. And he can.

    Since I’m putting this to press and it’s late, I still haven’t figured out Bubba’s end-game. Butt I’ll tell you one thing I’m sure of: he was speaking in code. I’ll get back to you as soon as my new de-coder ring arrives.

    Don’t forget: they don’t call him Slick Willy for nothing.

  48. newrouter says:

    it is a big effin’ joe

  49. palaeomerus says:

    Biden just mau mau’ed his own wife in front of a crowd. Amazing.

  50. newrouter says:

    @ charlesaustin good soundtrack with joeyhairplugs muted

  51. newrouter says:

    what’s with joeyhairplugs pointing the finger?

  52. BigBangHunter says:

    – So it looks like after two disasterous days the cockroaches are just straight up running from the talk shows.

  53. palaeomerus says:

    You had four years Joey. You messed up. You messed up real bad. You can;t change it now. It’s over. So just go home.

  54. newrouter says:

    photo of the “typical white woman”

  55. newrouter says:

    baracky with a finger

  56. leigh says:

    Is there anything in thislittle movie that isn’t a fuckin’ lie? She asked rhetorically.

  57. palaeomerus says:

    4 years of fail and crap and he’s lecturing us on how great the future looks if we don;t hold him responsible for his massive failure so far.

  58. BigBangHunter says:

    – The sponsor.

  59. palaeomerus says:

    He’s running against Bush again. Is that all the chump can figure out how to do?

  60. palaeomerus says:

    No more years! No more years! No more years!

  61. BigBangHunter says:

    – Shorter Jug ears: “Yes, its true everything is totally fucked up, but I did get Bin Laden (I think), and if you give me 4 more years things will be even more unbelievably fucked up, but I’ll get Bin Laden again!”

  62. geoffb says:

    Is there anything in this little movie that isn’t a fuckin’ lie?

    “The End”

  63. palaeomerus says:

    Oh good, he’s going to set college tuition rates now.

  64. BigBangHunter says:

    – This is good. He’s sticking to the bitter end with the Marxist anti-free market, anti business dogma.

    – I was concerned he was going to try some Clintonese sugar coated faux pivot right and fool the low hanging fruit.

  65. palaeomerus says:

    Obama apparently wants to save us from ‘Obama struggling unsuccessfully with the specter of Bush for four years’.

    He can best do that from an expensive house in Hawaii right? All we have to do is send him there.

  66. palaeomerus says:

    Citizenship? More like Subject-hood.

  67. newrouter says:

    the true ” believers” are scary morons

  68. leigh says:

    There isn’t one thing in this speech that is new. It’s his stump speech/SOTU speech/Go-to speech.

  69. newrouter says:

    oh good a nation run by commies is for baracky- “brazillian americans for obama”

  70. BigBangHunter says:

    – None of them give a shit, just as long as the checks keep coming and the gravey train rolls on.

  71. leigh says:

    He’s changed? My shiny metal ass.

  72. palaeomerus says:

    Forward into the latrine!

  73. BT says:

    Sometimes you just have to let them go.

  74. newrouter says:


  75. leigh says:

    He’s religious now? Ha! Unless it’s those pictures with accompaning Bible verse attached taht convinced him. I really hate this guy.

  76. newrouter says:

    pbs found a muslim!!11!!

  77. newrouter says:

    pbs found sikhs

  78. BigBangHunter says:

    – A Muslim? I thought they checked everyone for explosives when they enter the arena?

  79. newrouter says:

    i think the girls will find hawaii fun

  80. BigBangHunter says:

    – I was wondering what they’d drop since they didn’t hve time for baloons. What else…. foodstamps!

  81. palaeomerus says:

    What a sad loser. Hard sell your boss who’s about to fire you in front of the temps you bought some tex-mex take-out for last week. Good luck with that loser.

  82. newrouter says:

    “Forward!”, he cried from the rear and the front rank died.

    yes the audioless pbs points that way

  83. BigBangHunter says:

    – Tomoeeows job numbers will put a nice exclamation mark on this circus.

  84. BigBangHunter says:

    = Tomorrows…..

  85. newrouter says:

    david brooks and mark shields are very engaging when you don’t hear him

  86. newrouter says:

    = Tomorrows…..

    the baracky does typos and making sh*t up too

  87. BigBangHunter says:

    “….was this a fantastic convention?

    Crowd: …..Nnnnoooooooo!

  88. palaeomerus says:

    So, we suffer and lose ground, and fight for all we are worth, and after four years of that, the democrats all get together, hold hands and chant about how awesome they are, like little kids do, and the Foo Fighters play a creepy song ass song about not wanting to die for free.

    DEMOCRATS. Colin Powell swears by ’em and Rove and Romney say we need to be nice to them.

    I think I hate the world right now.

  89. leigh says:

    Brit Hume opines that the Wonce is full of shit and it was a lousy speech riddled with errors.

    Go Brit.

  90. leigh says:

    Dr. K agrees with Brit.

  91. leigh says:

    Juan Williams gushed.

  92. newrouter says:

    Dogs (Waters, Gilmour) 17:06

    You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need.
    You gotta sleep on your toes, and when you’re on the street,
    You gotta be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed.
    And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight,
    You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking.

    And after a while, you can work on points for style.
    Like the club tie, and the firm handshake,
    A certain look in the eye and an easy smile.
    You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to,
    So that when they turn their backs on you,
    You’ll get the chance to put the knife in.

    You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder.
    You know it’s going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you
    get older.
    And in the end you’ll pack up and fly down south,
    Hide your head in the sand,
    Just another sad old man,
    All alone and dying of cancer.

    And when you loose control, you’ll reap the harvest you have sown.
    And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone.
    And it’s too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw
    So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone,
    Dragged down by the stone.

    I gotta admit that I’m a little bit confused.
    Sometimes it seems to me as if I’m just being used.
    Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise.
    If I don’t stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this

  93. BigBangHunter says:

    – The WH gets the job numbers a day ahead, and they aren’t goimg to be good. If they were His Womceyness would have made SOME sort of mention of it. He had nothing else to ‘hope’ for so you can bet he would have.

    – His advisors know that if he faked it and then it was a bluff it would be disasterous.

  94. BigBangHunter says:

    – Will the real DNC please stand up…How the hell do you hope to lead a nation if you can’t even decide what you stand for?

  95. bh says:

    I feel pretty good about missing both conventions.

  96. BT says:

    Me too.

    I figured as long as i was going to watch something depressing, i’d watch Old Yeller instead.

  97. newrouter says:

    baracky finds dogs tasty

  98. Darleen says:

    I missed the Joe & Barry show … I was helping the boys with their homework.

    Cause I’m an evil teabagger who labors under the delusion of self-reliance and am making other kids suffer by helping my own.

  99. Darleen says:

    ok, I decided to scan a bit of the text of Barry’s speech

    Looks like it’s all cut-n-paste from the boilerplate shit he’s been spewing for 3 years … I don’t see a “new” thing in it.

  100. palaeomerus says:

    Intentions can’t pay bills,
    or save a starving man.
    It’s results that do,
    and only them that can.
    Intentions can’t track submarines
    or swap out peas for jelly beans
    It may not seem entirely fair,
    But intentions are as empty
    as the air.

  101. geoffb says:

    Tomorrows job numbers

    Here now.

  102. geoffb says:

    baracky finds dogs tasty

    Miss July is a snack, Buffalo Bill approved even.

  103. BigBangHunter says:

    – Israel is only going to dick around just so long, and Bummblefuck needs not to deal with the Iran thing until after the elections.

    – One foreigner needs to worry about reelection, and an entire country needs to worry about survival.

    – Guess that puts America and Israel in the same boat.

    – Maybe both countries will survive if we stop dicking around with Obama.

  104. BigBangHunter says:

    – Well, ok, maybe, but those are ADP numbers, not CBO’s, and even those are projecting 8.3%, so he couldn’t bring it up.

  105. geoffb says:

    They are the expectations, which a higher than anticipated ADP number caused to jump upward today.

  106. BigBangHunter says:

    – Obama’s shot his wad. Him an his politiburo are still babbling about growing the economy from the middle class out. The old eternal Socialist pipe dream.

    – I don’t think theres anything he could do or say at this point that would bring the investment capitalists back on board, so a 2nd term would be a waste of time and probably sink us for good.

    – An even bigger problem remains. Even if Romney wins its anyones guess if we can mend fences enough to get back to a strong growth economy any time soon, which could open the door to another round of Social engineering lunacy in 2016. Not a lot of happy prospects going Forward.

  107. newrouter says:

    bush, clinton, hillary, mena, the royal scam with maybe obama on top

    Kid Charlemagne by Steely Dan

  108. serr8d says:

    Oh! Ever so slightly OT: American Thinker has a bit up about words, meaning, intent, slogans, dog whistles and Democrats. A favorite topic here, I’m sure of it!

  109. McGehee says:

    So. When does that convention in Charlotte start?

  110. BigBangHunter says:

    – You can go back to sleep McGehee….turns out it was cancelled because of sunshine.

  111. leigh says:

    Did Caroline Kennedy sound like she ate a handful of ‘ludes before she spoke or was that just my radio dragging?

  112. […] a blog post.  Note the two drastically different comments already posted. Even better, see Protein Wisdom’s latest post! In case you missed my previous post, please see The Christian Concept Of Servant […]

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