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November 2024


Quick Takes [Darleen Click]

Dana Loesch’s husband, Chris, has a close, uncomfortable encounter with TSA

He performed the pat-down which began as routine, except that he used the front of his hands. He then bent down and specifically targeted Chris’s crotch. Using the front of his hands, he pressed against his genitals and swept his hands across the crotch three times across, and then pressed at the top of his genitals and wiped his hands down three times.

Make no mistake: outside of the airport this would be considered molestation.

via William Jacobson comes an article from Mother Jones’ Adam Weinstein attending Nutroots Nation (the KosKiddie Festival of Delusion and Loathing) wherein Weinstein’s writeup of his encounter with James O’Keefe doesn’t match his own video of same. Weinstein even sinks to

After I stopped rolling, two progressive gay bloggers sauntered over to chat O’Keefe up, but the right-leaning muckraker shuffled off surreptitiously.

“He’s been working out,” one blogger commented. Someone asked the other blogger if he’d ever consider bedding O’Keefe.

“Not in a million years,” he said, making a prune face.

Class, real class.
Who will blink first … Eric Holder or Darrell Issa?

With the help of a mole, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) has turned the tables on Attorney General Eric Holder.

Issa has long been exasperated with Holder, claiming that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been withholding information on a controversial gun-running operation. But through an anonymous source, Issa has obtained information about the initiative that is under a federal court-ordered seal.

Giving such information out is a federal crime, raising the question of whether the Justice Department will seek to prosecute what Republicans are calling a whistleblower.

Why should Europe live within its means when it can tax the Internet?

The United Nations is considering a new Internet tax targeting the largest Web content providers, including Google, Facebook, Apple, and Netflix, that could cripple their ability to reach users in developing nations.

The European proposal, offered for debate at a December meeting of a U.N. agency called the International Telecommunication Union, would amend an existing telecommunications treaty by imposing heavy costs on popular Web sites and their network providers for the privilege of serving non-U.S. users, according to newly leaked documents.

Long past time for the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.

59 Replies to “Quick Takes [Darleen Click]”

  1. EBL says:

    Airport genital pat downs! In a massage parlor you would pay a lot for that! A bargain at just about $10 per passenger.

  2. bh says:

    Here’s the WSJ piece on that U.N./internet story. It’s worth a read or just a quick skim.

  3. McGehee says:

    Sshhh, EBL! Next thing you know Algore will start flying commercial!

  4. Pellegri says:

    …Man, now I wish I was the kind of person who got targeted for pat-downs so I could engage in countermolestation. I’m sure the TSA wasn’t expecting me to come on to them.

    Although the truth is I am way too shy to do that kind of thing so I’m more likely in the group who’d start sobbing in public at being manhandled that way.

    Also, WELL DONE MR. WEINSTEIN. Because desirability as a bed-partner is totally how we should judge everyone if we are giving them the due respect they deserve as human beings. (I think when we do that to women it’s called misogyny, but I’m not really sure. /sarc)

  5. George Orwell says:

    Looks like all those nutty wingers back in the fifties who thought the UN was a dangerous conspiracy… were right.

  6. leigh says:

    Because desirability as a bed-partner is totally how we should judge everyone if we are giving them the due respect they deserve as human beings. ,/i>

    Heh. That’s what I thought too, Pellegri.

  7. leigh says:

    Stupid html.

  8. sdferr says:

    Here’s another counter-U.N. piece I ran into this afternoon: Frank Gaffney on the Law of the Sea Treaty.

    Paul Conner:

    For three decades, the United States has declined to sign on to a U.N. treaty that would give unprecedented taxing and permitting authority over activity on international waters to a U.N.-created agency.

    But the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has been making its way though committee in the Senate, and a vote could come up before the end of the year.

  9. BigBangHunter says:

    – I’m hoping Issa is intentionally deagging things out to give Holder plenty of time to make more mistakes, and any potential whisleblowers time to make noise. You don’t need to hurry things when the enemy is busy making mistakes.

  10. Pablo says:

    I just met Dana and Chris Friday night. And that is my airport, as in I often work there. I go through that checkpoint several times a week. I’ve seen that guy a million times. He does seem to have a stick up his ass. I’m much more familiar with the other guy. He’s Ken. He can be grumpy, but he’s a fairly good shit.

    Ugh. I’m disgusted.

  11. happyfeet says:

    James O’Keefe couldn’t get laid in a #rapebarn is my understanding

  12. bh says:

    Myself, I have very little understanding of what happens out at the #rapebarn.

  13. McGehee says:

    happyfeet says June 10, 2012 at 7:06 pm

    Your opinion has been recorded, and will be ignored in the order in which it was received.

  14. leigh says:

    Law of the Sea Treaty

    I’ve been keeping my eye on this one sdferr. Thanks for the link.

  15. happyfeet says:

    the ways of the #rapebarn are indeed shrouded in myst3ry

  16. happyfeet says:

    don’t be retarded Mr. McGehee the #rapebarn comment what I made is wholly ironic but that just shows you haven’t been paying attention to the #rapebarn saga or of course you would know that which you obviously don’t you big sardonic goomba so your comment is acknowledged and rejected with extreme comment-rejecting prejudice and you’re just gonna have to deal with that

  17. motionview says:

    Doug Ross on the shadow Democratic primary. The Borg must advance.

  18. newrouter says:

    James O’Keefe couldn’t get laid in a #rapebarn is my understanding

    how about pottery barn

  19. happyfeet says:

    here’s a quick take for you to hear

    is the new one from Brandi Carlile I’m still working through the cd but this is for sure a good place to start boy she can sing like a mofo

  20. Roddy Boyd says:

    It’s always funny when sterotypes are made real.
    Its always GOLD when the sterotypes come true in a proggy post on Geyz and some Breitbarter.

    Checking guys out unreservedly, banging everything not nailed down…sooooo gay.

  21. newrouter says:

    “Doug Ross on the shadow Democratic primary. ”

    By chance, the same Democratic biggies who were in the restaurant last week, slid into the booth next to mine just as my meal arrived. They’d obviously been drinking at the bar before the table was ready for them because they were speaking even more loudly than usual and were completely unguarded.

    “The White House is killing us. Killing us. One stupid move after another,”

    “Clinton worked damned hard to get us out from under the Tax and Spend party label and now that dope has it padlocked tight round our neck again.”

    “Ed Rendell and Bill Clinton can hardly contain themselves. They’ve practically joined the Romney campaign. If only it wasn’t too late to dump him.”

    “What has he done right? In my part of the country after he put the kibosh on Keystone I couldn’t even buy him votes.”

    Read more:

  22. motionview says:

    Walker has some advice for the Romney campaign.

    Walker rejects the advice Romney is getting from many Republican strategists to make the election a simple referendum on Obama and the economy. “The consultants will tell you that?—?hands down. But I think he’s got to run on a bold plan and on big ideas.” Romney needs to win “on a mandate, if you will, to govern. Romney has that background. He’s capable of doing big, bold things. .??.??. He can’t say I’m a Republican like Scott Walker and hope to win. He has to say that I’m a reformer like Scott Walker. The ‘R’ after his name has to stand for ‘reformer,’ not just ‘Republican.’?”

    Sudden relentless reform.

  23. happyfeet says:

    not pottery barn per se Mr. newrouter but today i did shoppertainings at jackalope pottery

    all I got was a couple succulents to replace the ones what I killed but they had lots of neat stuff

    what was cool was how many fountains they have, but they’re expensive, fountains are

    I wanted a fountain what could house turtles and they didn’t have anything exactly suitable for under $3k, which is a little more than I want to spend plus my freakish and stupid eurotrash apartment manager has this weird freakish complex about mold

  24. sdferr says:

    I liked The Crack Emcee’s advice to Scott Walker, or rather (leaving aside Emcee’s concern for Bain), the implication that Walker openly recognize the distinction between his manner of thinking about government and Romney’s apparent lack of thinking on that score. Gumption is what Walker wants to sell? Then show some with regard to the flailing establishment of your own party.

  25. leigh says:

    Severe reform, mv. Severe!

  26. BigBangHunter says:

    – Well nr, one thing we know is the Left will turn on its own in a NY minute at the slightest sign of failure, so we should see lots of bickering and loss of support on the Left for womder boy in the coming months.

    – Hell its already started; Obama girl has demured in endorsing the One already, and you know, when you lose the pop culture crowd you’re really in the shit.

    – That, and Madonna tit won’t save you money on your car insurance. (Istanbul or Constantinipple?)

  27. newrouter says:

    I liked The Crack Emcee’s advice to Scott Walker

    rick santorum for speaker of the house. make the mittens severely conservative.

  28. BigBangHunter says:

    (That last line was special just for McGehee)

  29. leigh says:

    Except that “You Can’t Go Back to COnstantinople” is a Bette Midler song.

  30. motionview says:

    I thought I’d read that Ace had won the Breitbart Blogger of the Year. I know part of the blog blowup there the other day was about him not going in person to accept that award. They must have decided to pick someone else.

  31. Pellegri says:

    One of another Big Things That Bug Me about the opposition. We’re all liberated sexual animals! Let’s talk about sex all the time! BUT DON’T DEVALUE PEOPLE INTO OBJECTS LIKE BIG BAD PURITANISM. Judge everyone on their sexual desirability!!!

    It’s like they reached the same conclusion (we’re all animals deep down) and then went “which is a perfect reason society will only work when we act like animals!”.

    I need to write my short speculative story about a society where eating your rival’s children to bring his wife back into childbearing form after you’ve run him off is totally okay, because nature.

  32. sdferr says:

    It’s older than Midler.

  33. leigh says:

    Yeah, I know. Midler used to sing it in one of her shows. But she does a lot of old tunes.

  34. BigBangHunter says:

    – The Divine Ms M flashed at one of her concerts, but hers was probably worth about three Madonna’s and I’ll raise you a Stevie Nicks.

    – Then there was Lady Gaga getting wacked in the head with a pole.

    – The battle of the world tours.

  35. leigh says:

    Stevie Nicks is about as big as a whale nowadays. Madonna is aonly a little older than me, but man! She looks rough. Lady Gaga? I expect her to go Judy Garland in a few years: fat, thin, drunk, sober, whacked on pills, fat, drunk, thin, pills, etc.

  36. BigBangHunter says:

    – Yes, that should have been “and raise you two Pat Benetars”…

  37. newrouter says:

    They must have decided to pick someone else.

    funny that netroots shut them out of hotel/convention space. these wizards of smart decide on an awards banquet. yea you couldn’t do a virtual “blogcon” with one guy in ri and everybody else “virtually there”. oh noes charlotte is their hs reunion.

  38. George Orwell says:

    What the hell was the Big Blog Drama at Ace? I saw a long post scolding people about being angry, and skimmed briefly before leaving in boredom. Saw something about registration coming there. Well, the comment threads were getting as bad as those at Hot Gas.

  39. happyfeet says:

    Ace went Full Blog Fag is my understanding. He’s also probably four-square behind the whole omg Brett Kimberlin is teh evil evil monkey what is chilling free speech thing.

    Whatever, Blog Fag.

  40. happyfeet says:

    I’m really liking this Four Lads cd I got the “16 Most Requested Songs” one

  41. motionview says:

    This is spilling into real life. Ace is trying to remain anonymous; the Kimberlin crew among their many adventures is trying to out him. Ace was announced as Blogger of the Year and decided he could not publicly accept. He mentioned that in a comment and his commenters responded in a way that he felt was putting him in jeopardy.
    I think.

  42. happyfeet says:

    that was a different dealio Mr. mv here is the latest episode of Real Blog Fag Drama

    For over a year I have been inveighing against unchecked anger, exhibitionist anger. I have cautioned against mistaking this indulgent state with actual virtue — virtues alleged, most frequently, to consist of “courage,” “integrity,” and “principle.”

  43. sdferr says:

    Humph. I don’t read over there so don’t know what that’s all about. Still, I tend to think that if it’s necessary to speak of virtue, it’s probably best to begin in the context in which the word dropped out of ordinary use for at least half a century, and address why and how that was, where it fell to, and then possibly how it has begun to make a comeback in ordinary speech. But, on the other hand, maybe it’s just easier to read Plato and Aristotle and try to figure out what they had in mind.

  44. happyfeet says:

    for over a year I have been inveighing against what a rapey piece of shit our ghetto trash Soros dicksucker president is

    well over a year really

    but you know me I’m a trooper

  45. motionview says:

    I was summarizing this and this hf.

  46. leigh says:

    Sure sdferr. Take the easy way out. ;)

  47. sdferr says:

    Roger Kimball made a decent start.

  48. happyfeet says:

    oh… thank you I’d missed the part about what this miscreant Jimmah hath wrought I was traveling on Friday

    bad Jimmah no tasty laphroaig for Jimmah why they changed it I can’t say people just like it better that way Jimmah

    you feel me?

  49. George Orwell says:

    Well, that blog has suffered occasionally from an excess of petty commenters holding grudges, blog authors posting on Pragmatism and Why You Keyboard Warriors Just Don’t Understand Real Politics, plus an unenlightening number of posts devoted to GOP cheerleading instead of ideas. On the other hand it has been a very incisive place over time. That place and a handful of others got Anthony Weiner out of office when the “conservative” establishment media wanted to drop the story.

    However, that recent post on anger seemed to be about hectoring recalcitrant commenters. Having formerly been such a regular commenter there, I can understand why Ace gets fed up with some of the nonsense in threads. Yet when a blog ends up inhabited by the commenting crew that Ace has, one can understand that perhaps its usefulness as a place to comment has waned.

  50. McGehee says:

    that just shows you haven’t been paying attention to the #rapebarn saga

    You say that like it’s a bad thing.

  51. happyfeet says:

    I did kinda didn’t I?


  52. McGehee says:

    BBH, that was a deliberate stunt to quell rumors that her nipples have migrated up behind her ears, a la Joan Rivers.

  53. McGehee says:

    I’ve looked in on AoSHQ a time or two in the last couple of days, just in time to see the post about shutting down comments. It was pretty much the most interesting thing I saw over there all weekend.

    Fortunately they salvaged it with four open threads in a row.

  54. George Orwell says:

    Nice catch, sdferr. Helluva article. Kimball is one of the few bright spots at PJM.

    Burke again: “Manners are of more importance than law. . . . The law touches us but here and there and now and then. Manners are what vex or soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, barbarize or refine us, by a constant, steady, uniform and insensible operation like that of the air we breathe in.”

    We have inverted this in modern times. Now, laws and micro regulation are more important than manners. Manners are something to mock, something your blue-nosed aunt made into a scold. Something for losers and busybodies and judgmental people.

    Of course, the way the dominant culture addresses the current fad of fetishizing “bullying” is not to teach manners or take it as a part of growing up, but to set up a giant edifice of quasi-legal strictures and “awareness education.”

    A dead culture.

  55. newrouter says:

    Netanyahu made the observation that 9/11 was a salvo in “a war to reverse the triumph of the West.”

    put the burka on and bees quiet infidel. gay love forever til mo dudes push them off buildings. 10 floors or mo

  56. George Orwell says:

    Tonight there was a gay pride parade in West Hollywood. What would these people do if confronted by the Other culture of armed Islam which they all, to a she-male, would profess is no less a legitimate culture than their own?

    Never bring a purse to a gun fight.

  57. geoffb says:

    Moe Lane on Troll hunting.

    But really shouldn’t these be called “JD’s rules of troll engagement”?

  58. Matt says:

    There are no homosexuals in Iran. Achmidinnerjacket told me so and he’s a very trustworthy fellow, in my opinion.

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