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March 2025


I think I was meant to be intimidated [updated]

Breitbartunmask — who (some assert) is the secret Twitter handle of Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin — sent me the following note the other day, right after I noted publicly here that of course I support the effort to end the lawfare and intimidation campaign against free speech he and his cohort have launched against conservative bloggers, and that I’m happy to shine a light on the way the institutional left and their thugs, be they former inmates now posing as philanthropists, bloggers pretending to be revolutionaries, or Democrat strategists who secretly wish they were Tom Robbins political outlaws instead of the trite lefty caricatures they are, hope to dictate and control the national narrative, mostly by working to silence any intellectual opposition:

@proteinwisdom So you also support everyonedrawmohammed whic [sic] Aaron Walker created to offend Muslims? Film at 11 as they say.

As I told him in my return Tweet (before I blocked his account), I hadn’t been aware of Aaron Walker’s / “Aaron Worthing’s” effort in this regard, nor am I familiar with the particulars; still, because it sounds free speechy, I’m all for it!

This site has always promoted free speech and the idea of merit-based intellectualism (recall, I used to invite leftwing bloggers to guest post here, and I invited debates between competing ideological positions); it has fought consistently — and with much vigor — against a progressive epistemological paradigm that hopes to decouple meaning from intent and replace the locus of meaning with motivated “interpretive communities” in a (political) linguistic coup that I’ve spent years pointing out is the anti-foundational justification for collectivism and, ultimately, intellectual (and eventually political) totalitarianism. From identity politics to political correctness to the idea that the receiver of a message gets to determine its meaning with respect to the intentions of the speaker, the left’s philosophical agenda has been to diminish the individual and raise the collective, to empower political blocs (which the left plays against each other, and also collects into its voting coalition by way of often competing panders) and to de-authenticate the individual, particularly if he refuses to adopt the identity narrative put forth by the given group to which he is ostensibly socially assigned. And I’ve spent years battling this attempt by the Gramsciphiles and the Said adepts to gain full and final control over the very kernel assumptions regarding how knowledge is “legitimately” determined and disseminated — whether it be against cynical anti-foundationalists like Stanley Fish, or those on the right who often, and often unwittingly, adopt and embrace the leftist “logic” that informs its long march through the institutions.

On many occasions here, I’ve had committed leftists and their dilettante intellectual fellow-travelers try to shut me down and shut me up. I’ve been to court and suffered through harassment proceedings; I’ve had my family threatened and my reputation impugned; I’ve been frozen out, called out, and whispered down.

But the best thing about being me — aside from the great feathered hair and the startling muscular physique, I mean — is that I’m a fully independent act. I have no employer to frighten. I owe no allegiance to Party. I am a classical liberal / legal conservative, and I will take on all comers who hope to “fundamentally transform” the greatest country on earth into just another soft-socialist backwater run by a permanent ruling class that considers us its subjects. And yes, that includes the “pragmatic” Republicans who will trade away principle for temporary power and expect my gratitude for the privilege.

Ultimately, though, I am especially willing to take on those who, through attempts at bullying and intimidation, make their livings working as fascist apparatchiks hoping to silence intellectual opposition or competing speech, whether they do so through hermeneutic slight of hand from the safety of cozy academic appointments or more directly, by trying to use the law (or perhaps even threats of physical force) to break people, either psychically or financially.

So when I read “Film at 11 as they say” coming from someone (potentially) with a demonstrable history of violent offenses, I take such dark tidings seriously. I won’t be bullied. And the quickest way to get me working actively against you is to try to assert your dominance over me.

It’s an American thing. A liberty thing. Those who pimp for progressivism wouldn’t understand.

update: on Twitter just now, some of the cabal seems to be trying to use my complaints against Frey in the past to make equivalences that justify their behavior. My disputes with Patterico were public; and of course it doesn’t follow that simply because I believe Frey to have acted one way in a given instance, he must therefore always and inevitably act that way — and cannot therefore be a victim himself.

As I wrote the other day, regardless of our past disputes, on this I stand fully with Patrick and those others under assault.

update 2: via geoffB (who suspects projection), a post (since removed) by Neal Rauhauser, using the name “StrandedWind”:

The names of the others who are subject to this are not for public release just yet, but it’s typical stalker behavior, made noticeable only by the apparent coordination. Using public information the stalker conducts a cursory investigation using Google, and then initiates contact with the target. They insinuate that they have more than just the public information, and that they’ll be contacting employers, romantic partners, and involving children or grandchildren is not beneath them.
The direct actors in this case seem to be your typical garden variety wingnut – older, perhaps on disability, Tea Party online activist, and not terribly bright. Playing whack a mole with these characters is a time sink of the sort we don’t need, but getting at the instigators is a worthy goal.

I’ve personally taken an aggressive stance with my stalker and I’ve simultaneously put him under a bit of surveillance. I’ve openly declared that I’m hunting his handlers and I won’t engage in anything more than trading insults until I explore his connections and determine that hauling him into court is a gateway to identifying the source of the strategy.

I’m collecting tidbits from the others who are receiving this treatment and I’ve engaged the Progressives I know who are moving undercover as low key right wing supporters. My own experience tells me the Progressive and right wing leadership bodies are about the same size – four or five dozen top level strategists and technicians, then perhaps twenty times that number of fairly busy supporters. Being able to get at one or more of the right’s leadership due to their minions crossing certain lines, and revealing a portion of the rest of the network via discovery, would do much to tamp down the crazy incitement we see.

I carefully considered publishing the particulars of how I am handling this and I feel openness has merit. The right has a core of calculating leadership but their most vocal supporters are quite often prey to all sorts of conspiracy theory. Planting the idea (quite true) that some of their not so crazy sounding second and third tier players may be Progressive agents will amp up the paranoia and drive the entire community further to the fringe as they seek to weed out our people.

People engaged in provocative online conduct feel insulated; they’re in the comfort of their own home, if they’ve engaged in a little bit of caution they may feel completely anonymous, and this emboldens them. Specifying the strategy we’ll use to break their anonymity won’t permit any mitigation on their part without adjusting their behavior, which counts as a win for us. We’re dealing with people who have likely had no interaction with the court system beyond a traffic ticket; the potential for a pro se litigant to force them into expensive, long distance, lengthy, discovery laden litigation doesn’t seem to cross their minds. The reality of travel, or frightful expenses, or summary judgments needs to be made real. We probably need to make a very visible example of at least one of them before the rest understand.

update 3: More, from Prof Jacobson.

And TRS has the Beck interview of Frey and Walker.

89 Replies to “I think I was meant to be intimidated [updated]”

  1. Blake says:

    Crap, does that mean that if someone is saying something I don’t like, I have to change the channel, so to speak?

    But, that’s like, inconvenient. I think my lazy ass should not be offended in any way shape or form at any time, and I should also be able to decide what I find offensive and the offensive speech be automatically banned.

  2. motionview says:

    #2 on memeorandum

  3. sdferr says:

    Offending Muslims is an awfully low bar, seems to me: like, just being a contented unbeliever would do the trick. Kimberlin’s identification with the offended Muslim is cause for wonder though. Is it a bomber’s kinship?

    It’s tough out there for a killa.

  4. Pablo says:

    No, no. If you’re willing to offend Muslims then you hate Muslims. Ipso facto, Q.E.D., etc.

    Fuck that and fuck you, Brett. Awfully quiet today, aren’t you?

  5. Pablo says:

    Make that #1, mv. :)

    Hey, pw linky love from Brad Thor!

  6. sdferr says:

    That’s the thing (low bar) though Pablo. One could easily offend without ever having a knowledge of the existence of Muslims, i.e. without “willing” as such.

  7. Alec Leamas says:

    From what I have been able to glean from my reading of this so far – I can surmise that Kimberlin is being supported in his lawfare by the charity that he runs via donations from people like Barbara Streisand? Otherwise, he’d have to get a job and he wouldn’t have quite so much time to go about trying to silence people? Am I getting this right?

  8. sdferr says:

    We’re dealing with people who have likely had no interaction with the court system beyond a traffic ticket; the potential for a pro se litigant to force them into expensive, long distance, lengthy, discovery laden litigation doesn’t seem to cross their minds. The reality of travel, or frightful expenses, or summary judgments needs to be made real. We probably need to make a very visible example of at least one of them before the rest understand.

    Heh, this is just what Meletus, Anytus and Lycon had in mind. And look how that worked out.

  9. motionview says:

    And through the Tides Foundation, which is funded by the wife of former Democrat Presidential Nominee John Kerry.

  10. geoffb says:

    And some information from an earlier and also removed piece.
    Each and every tweet is automatically stored in the Library of Congress; an instant, no subpoena means for law enforcement to examine conversations, even if the participants later decide to delete some inflammatory statement. The problem is the manpower needed to interpret the information – an investigator coming in cold faces a tremendous uphill climb. A citizen knowledgeable as to the players in the various right wing cells in evidence on Twitter can dramatically reduce the work load for investigators and plaintiff’s lawyers, turning cases that might have been ignored into slam dunk wins.

    How we’ll accomplish this is fairly simple….

  11. geoffb says:

    Should have been blockquote not italic.

  12. Spiny Norman says:

    With a different Administration, the Cabal of Assmaggots would be looking at Federal charges. A LOT of them.

    Why is Brett Kimberlin a free man anyway? He should still be rotting in prison. That fucker was sentenced to 230 years, ferchrissakes.

  13. geoffb says:

    Tides is at the bottom a foundation version of money laundering. Donors who don’t wish to be publicly associated with contributing to some group can arrange for have Tides give for them.

  14. leigh says:

    Glenn Beck had Patrick Frey and Aaron Walker on his radio show today talking about Kimberlin and his stalkerish ways. I didn’t get to listen to the whole thing, but what I heard was interesting and frightening, too.

    Stay safe, bloggers. Today is National Missing Child Day, don’t make it a twofer.

  15. LBascom says:

    We’re dealing with people who have likely had no interaction with the court system beyond a traffic ticket; the potential for a pro se litigant to force them into expensive, long distance, lengthy, discovery laden litigation doesn’t seem to cross their minds. The reality of travel, or frightful expenses, or summary judgments needs to be made real. We probably need to make a very visible example of at least one of them before the rest understand.

    Already did that, and forced Palin out of office.

    These fucks may be the ones that force honest private citizens to violently retaliate in mass. Hopefully someone is able to shut them down legally before it comes to that, loser pays tort reform springs to mind, but I rather doubt it. Our leadership seems to enjoy the game. Hell, Eric Holder is playing the same tactics on Arizona!

  16. Squid says:

    These fucks may be the ones that force honest private citizens to violently retaliate in mass.

    I keep asking whether they’re so stupid that they don’t realize they’re bringing this about, or whether they’re so stupid that they actually believe they’ll come out on top. One is just ignorant-stupid; the other is evil-stupid. Either way, they need to be stopped.

  17. Abe Froman says:

    I keep asking whether they’re so stupid that they don’t realize they’re bringing this about, or whether they’re so stupid that they actually believe they’ll come out on top.

    These mental midgets get off on the process. They’re like little girls playing with Barbie’s Dream House.

  18. dicentra says:

    Beck’s got this up at The Blaze: I heard Patterico on Glenn, and I’ll be listening to Aaron’s part later today.

    It’s good to have big guns on board. Glenn totally gets who these people are and what they’re capable of doing.

  19. dicentra says:

    I keep asking whether they’re so stupid that they don’t realize they’re bringing this about

    It’s not stupidity; it’s a personality disorder. Malignant paranoids feel justified in taking any measures at all to retaliate against their “enemies,” and they have no concept that they are the cause of people’s being against them.

    Of course, Kimberlin is a flat-out psychopath, which means he’s got any number of personality disorders wrapped up in a dangerous, malevolent package.

  20. McGehee says:

    I recently joined an outfit that set up as a conservative alternative to AARP, and just now I got an email from them stating that a few days ago they were targets of an online attack they believe to have been politically motivated — and it’s already been established in all manner of incidents that such things happen, a lot. Can I get an “I question the timing?”

    It’s 1933 Germany in 2012 America.

  21. leigh says:

    It’s 1933 Germany in 2012 America.

    A song for the occasion.

  22. RI Red says:

    Jeff, I have some professional skills in this arena. Please contact me on my g-mail account if the fertilizer hits the rotating air circulation device.
    My favorite Maxwell Smart episode.

  23. […] Blogburst — Brett Kimberlin edition [Darleen Click]… and… » protein wisdom – I think I was meant to be intimidated » Sister Toldjah – Standing in support of writers personally targeted by […]

  24. Pablo says:

    It’s 1933 Germany in 2012 America.

    …if 1933 Germany were awash in firearms.

  25. LBascom says:

    Someone agrees with me:

    Read all of the incredible, sick-making story–which includes some perfectly typical and disgusting bile spewed by some of the violence-supporting left-wing animals who think things like this are just peachy–and gird your loins. Because it’s going to come down to shooting with these vermin eventually, if we’re to retain any rights at all. Patterico wouldn’t like me saying that, I’m sure; I don’t much like having to say it myself. But it’s a mere acknowledgment of current reality: we are in a cold war with neo-Marxists who are trying to steal our country, have already done enormous and probably permanent damage to it, and will stop at nothing–absolutely nothing–to see to it that our voices are silenced. That war must inevitably go hot, unless we’re willing to surrender to them.

    Blogbursts are all well and good, and I’m pleased to participate in this one. But in the long run, it just isn’t going to be enough. These people are the face of fascist evil in modern America. And you know what they say about what’s necessary for evil to triumph.

  26. Squid says:

    It’s good to have big guns on board.

    DEATH THREAT! Have you no decency, madam?

    As to the personality disorder — that might explain the behavior of the goblins themselves, but I’m more concerned with the larger political movement and media apparatus that aids and abets these behaviors in every arena.

    My family often look at me like I’m a paranoid lunatic myself, the way I go on about this rending of our national tapestry. They’ll argue, and deny, and pretend, and ultimately change the subject. Yet half of them have purchased firearms in recent memory. Perhaps I’m deluding myself, but that behavior tells me that maybe I have a valid point, and that a huge swath of the public realizes this, even if they can’t bring themselves to admit it out loud, or even to think it consciously.

    What happens when decent law-abiding citizens get a lot more selective about the laws they’ll abide? It probably won’t end well for those who’ve lived their lives abusing the law to harass the law-abiding.

  27. Dale Price says:

    This story is appalling on so many levels, not least of which has been the response of those responsible for the administration of justice.

  28. McGehee says:

    …if 1933 Germany were awash in firearms.

    Sshhhh! Opsec!

  29. cranky-d says:

    Squid, the actions of your family members speak loudly. They can probably justify firearms purchases via means other than your arguments. Therefore, they don’t have to actually confront their own beliefs.

    As has been said many times, an opinion arrived at emotionally is quite difficult to dislodge. The left is pure emotion when speaking of politics.

  30. LBascom says:

    As to the personality disorder — that might explain the behavior of the goblins themselves, but I’m more concerned with the larger political movement and media apparatus that aids and abets these behaviors in every arena.

    I started to write this comment, but I couldn’t write it this well, so I gave up. Nicely done Squid.

    The driver of this evil is the ideology, what’s the clinical term for control freak wanna be tyrants?

  31. Darleen says:

    Oh look who’s supporting Kimberlin

    So let me get this straight … wingnuts angry about some guy legally harassing them, so they’ll BLOG and TWEET him to death? Ha ha ha!

  32. cranky-d says:

    Our system of laws, and our system of citizens filing suits against each other, depends on the vast majority of people being honest actors. The number of people it takes to break the system is actually quite small.

  33. Curmudgeon says:

    via geoffB (who suspects projection),

    Indeed. For this Neal Rauhauser creep, projection isn’t just at the theatre.

  34. sdferr says:

    Sometimes I wonder how many people it would take to break the pseudo-scientific Psychologistic system? It’s gotten to where we no longer know what we don’t know. But people are persuaded, or simply following along, nonetheless. Or maybe just really like the pills.

  35. leigh says:

    The driver of this evil is the ideology, what’s the clinical term for control freak wanna be tyrants?

    Sociopaths, Lee.

  36. Matt says:

    My understanding is I basically offend many muslims just by existing. Others I offend by not forcing woman I know to cover themselves from head to toe. And don’t get me started on my love affair with bacon.

  37. EBL says:

    I will link this too.

    I am all about being free speechy too.

  38. Matt says:

    *My family often look at me like I’m a paranoid lunatic myself, *

    The mail order pitchfork business could also be a contributing factor =)

  39. Bacon Ninja says:

    And don’t get me started on my love affair with bacon.

    I just wanna be friends.

  40. LBascom says:

    Sociopaths, Lee.

    Oh. I was going for “commies”, or maybe “commie pinko fags”.

  41. leigh says:

    Same thing.

  42. Squid says:

    I’m still trying to translate “Breitbartunmask” into English, but Google Translate isn’t helping. I think the Twit is saying he’s a big beard who’s into makeup. NTTAWWT.

  43. Squid says:

    So let me get this straight … wingnuts angry about some guy legally harassing them, so they’ll BLOG and TWEET him to death? Ha ha ha!

    This is what I’m talking about. We try to be decent and civil in standing up against our attackers, and the oh-so-sophisticated tastemakers laugh at our impotence.

    Guess what, assholes? We’ve got tens of thousands of neighbors who’ve just spent the last decade of their lives dealing with terrorists and insurgents. They know damn well what it takes to neutralize a determined antagonist, and if and when the time comes that such measures are necessary, I don’t want to hear one fucking word from the likes of Kos wondering where all the violence came from.

    As our Fearless Leader says: Get in their faces. Punch back twice as hard!

  44. StrangernFiction says:

    leftism/progressivism/totalitarianism and evil are so closely linked I’m not sure it matters much which drives which.

  45. Jeff G. says:

    So let me get this straight … wingnuts angry about some guy legally harassing them, so they’ll BLOG and TWEET him to death? Ha ha ha!

    The sad fact is, Kos actually did go “ha ha ha”. Aloud.

  46. McGehee says:

    Kos seems not to be considering what happens if the blogging and tweeting don’t do the job.

  47. LTC John says:

    Legendary tough guy, Kos, wouldn’t take any of that! He’d come out swinging a sword in one hand, a 7.62 mini-gun in the other…ROAR!

    Sure, Markos – you want to see what we can do if necessary? See Squid’s comment.

  48. McGehee says:

    Also, Kos seems to have come up with an odd phrase there: “legally harassing.” I mentioned it to Inigo M. and he just shook his head and walked away, muttering to himself.

  49. Matt says:

    Weirdly, I keep getting a database error every time I try to access’s Frey’s site (I wanted to read his summary of the harassment). I wonder if his blog is under attack or is just getting alot of traffic.

  50. Abe Froman says:

    I just accessed his site with no problem.

  51. leigh says:

    I never read his site. Should I go read his take? I was surprised that he has a rather pleasant voice on the radio today.

  52. Abe Froman says:

    I have a hard time getting through his posts. He writes like some combination of the lawyer that he is and a psychotic ex-girlfriend.

  53. leigh says:

    Man, that was painful. I remembered why I don’t read over there. Most of the topic, other than his first hand account, I had read elsewhere.

    Abe, his writing does remind me of a psychotic ex or pathetic/clingy coworker.

  54. LBascom says:

    I don’t really get the ‘psychotic ex-girlfriend’ thing reading Patterico. He’s more a combo of lawyer/drama queen, IMHO.

  55. geoffb says:


    I too just now got a database error there. Probably server overload.

  56. Abe Froman says:

    I didn’t realize there was much difference between a psychotic ex-girlfriend and a drama queen. Unless you’re thinking of the bunny boiler type, but I don’t have any experience with them.

  57. geoffb says:

    At TOM,

    UPDATE II: In response to queries from donors who would prefer to pay via PayPal rather than credit card, the National Bloggers Club has created THIS LINK HERE THAT YOU CAN CLICK to contribute that way.

  58. LBascom says:

    All psychotic ex-girlfriends are drama queens, but not all drama queens are psychotic ex-girlfriends.

    Also, all psychotic ex-girlfriends are the bunny boiler type; whether they actually boil a bunny depends on bunny availability.

    I hope this helps.

  59. McGehee says:

    I have a hard time sympathizing with the Patrick Frey, Esq. that we all know and laugh at behind his back after all the bullshit he dumped on Jeff, but having some shitbag send a SWAT team to your house in the middle of the night is way beyond any line he’s ever crossed, that I’m aware of.

    Even psychotic ex-girlfriends don’t deserve to be murdered via SWAT team.

  60. Merovign says:

    You learn something new every day. I did not know that a “stalker” was someone who reported that you were stalking them.

  61. motionview says:

    Who are you stalking Merovign?

  62. […] about Jeff is, if you give him weed, whites and wine . . […]

  63. dicentra says:

    I’ve personally taken an aggressive stance with my stalker and I’ve simultaneously put him under a bit of surveillance.

    One of the fastest ways to detect a personality disorder is to hear them accuse others of doing what they actually are doing themselves, and then go on to attribute their own motives to the “enemy.”

    And to be totally unaware that’s what they’re doing—and if you point it out, they’ll erupt in narcissistic rage and make you sorry sorry sorry you ever crossed their path.

  64. B Moe says:

    I think it is rather disturbing that your home can be invaded and your family face that level of threat and harassment on a completely unsubstantiated “tip”.

    This story should be a whole fucking series of Republican campaign ads. Instead nobody gives a shit except the usual handful of bloggers.

    It really is time to stockpile ammo and dig a bunker.

  65. happyfeet says:

    I didn’t know your hair was feathered nobody tells me anything

  66. SteveG says:

    I don’t think now is the time to critique communication styles.
    A DDA that prosecutes and wins has a style that works for him/her 40 HRS a week.
    That is a good thing for the neighborhood that needs to have its local sociopaths eradicated.
    Painfully detailed with dramatic flair here and there?
    Good for him.
    We all need Patrick to win this one… lets piss outside the tent until the second week of November

  67. […] Jeff has been threatened by the BreitbartUnmasked [who may or may not be Brett Kimberlain].  Dumb move: So when I read […]

  68. LBascom says:

    Think of it this way Steve, even though I don’t read his blog ‘cuz of the drama queen/lawyer vibe, and his prior less than honorable tendencies when dealing with Protein Wisdom, I’m still horrified and deeply concerned over what he and others have gone though at the hands of progg operatives. It needs be said, personalities aside, this is a very real and dangerous attack on we the people of the United States.

    This is like the USS Cole in the nineties. We weren’t at war, but they were. Then 9/11 happened. Only this time war is contrasted with our own citizens, those willing to give their lives for liberty, and preserve American exceptionalism, against those willing to do anything to transform American exceptionalism into dependent security. Are we going to confront these attacts on our God given rights, or are we going to curl into tighter balls and hope to be missed?

    Romney better have his head screwed on right (pun intended), ‘cuz this country is becoming a powder keg about to go off. We all need to be ready too.

  69. McGehee says:

    We all need Patrick to win this one

    What we need is for Kimberlin and those like him to lose. If the Patrick Frey, Esq. we all know and laugh at behind his back happens to be the one to do it, good for him. If it turned out somehow to be Markos Moulitsas who took Kimberlin down, ditto.

    Doesn’t mean I have to forget what pieces of shit they both are.

  70. leigh says:

    Why is the State Department partnered with Kimberlin?

  71. Benedick says:

    Jeff, you have my email if you need legal support.

  72. SteveG says:


    So we all agree to piss outside the tent until after the November election then…

    Anyway…. looks like John Edwards is gonna get laid after he’s acquitted…
    He likes the easy stalkers.
    I wonder if he still wears his $1 livestrong bracelet? The cheapest “cheat on your breast cancer victim wife” indulgence ever…. $1
    John Kerry: worst candidate ever. John Edwards: worst VP candidate ever.

  73. McGehee says:

    So we all agree to piss outside the tent until after the November election then…

    First thing I learned when my dad took me camping when I was a kid was, you always go outside your tent to piss.

    As for the Patrick Frey, Esq. we all know and laugh at, I’m not in his tent. Going in there, even if just to piss in it, ain’t on my list of things to do. He doesn’t need me adding any.

  74. […] Jeff has been threatened by the BreitbartUnmasked [who may or may not be Brett Kimberlain].  Dumb move: So when I read […]

  75. Pablo says:

    If it turned out somehow to be Markos Moulitsas who took Kimberlin down, ditto.

    Yeah, well…

    Screw them him. Once a degenerate piece of shit, always a degenerate piece of shit.

  76. Pablo says:

    One of the fastest ways to detect a personality disorder is to hear them accuse others of doing what they actually are doing themselves, and then go on to attribute their own motives to the “enemy.”

    That’s also a quick way to spot a Progressive. Which…

  77. […] Long Time Gone, The PJ Tatler, Conservative Commune, “The Lid”, Slate, Wake up America, protein wisdom, LEE STRANAHAN dot COM, Mcnorman’s Weblog, All American Blogger, Hyscience, That Mr. G […]

  78. […] with Patterico, McCain, Jeff Goldstein, Aaron Walker, Donald Douglas, and the rest of Kimberlin’s victims, or you’re against […]

  79. […] it looks like Protein wisdom notes he is now a target So when I read “Film at 11 as they say” coming from someone (potentially) with a demonstrable […]

  80. McGehee says:

    Pablo says May 25, 2012 at 9:16 pm

    Yeah, I know. Just making a point.

  81. leigh says:

    One of the fastest ways to detect a personality disorder is to hear them accuse others of doing what they actually are doing themselves, and then go on to attribute their own motives to the “enemy.”

    Nah. Sounds like teenagers. It’s a sign of immaturity.

  82. B Moe says:

    After a certain age I would consider immaturity to be a personality disorder.

  83. geoffb says:

    Video about…

  84. geoffb says:


    Stranded Wind on Twitter has become Occupy The House and is working on homelessness in LA and donations to a project called “Twittamentary“.

  85. leigh says:

    Not necessarily, B Moe. One indicator does not a disorder make.

  86. leigh says:

    I love that Cosby routine, geoff! Anyone who has kids can relate to that.

  87. […] it looks like Protein wisdom notes he is now a target So when I read “Film at 11 as they say” coming from someone (potentially) with a demonstrable […]

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