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September 2024


When your only principle is winning the next election … [Darleen Click] UPDATED


Lack of sleep can make anyone go a little batty. Seasoned broadcast veteran Tom Brokaw appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and did a hilarious impression of one of Mitt Romney‘s trademark facial tics — the “white man overbite.” Prior to Brokaw’s imitation, the other panelists were discussing what the Republican hopeful had to do to corral conservative supporters.

“They’ve got to figure out to gently nudge the conservatives into their corner without looking like it’s forced upon them,” explained Chuck Todd. “The more you force this, the more you see the conservative voter say, ‘Hey, no, no, you can’t do this to establishment.’ There’s the reason the Tea Party arose. Got to be very careful not to sort of force this. They’ve got to organically force it, if you can do both at the same time.”

UPDATE 2: WaPo’s execrable Richard Cohen via NRO on the day of Andrew Breitbart’s funeral:

True, Breitbart was shockingly young, a mere 43, but then in those few years he had done much — a good deal of it revolting and some of it unethical or sloppy.

He claimed enormous credit for revealing that Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) was a flasher, but the so-called crime had no victim and was not in the least way political. Breitbart had ousted a liberal from Congress not in an election or in an exchange of ideas but because he caught him with his pants down. Conservatives cheered. They have, as we all know, considerable trouble with any kind of sex. […]

A public man should be judged by his public acts. And in Breitbart I can find nothing of value. He thought politics was like war.

Like all Left-liberals, Cohen knows it’s war. He just doesn’t want you to know it.

6 Replies to “When your only principle is winning the next election … [Darleen Click] UPDATED”

  1. palaeomerus says:

    Is this delusional ‘bring a feather to a gun fight to show that the greatest warrior lays down his sword without fear’ approach to politics really pragmatism when it has been demonstrated not to work on multiple occasions?

    I thought pragmatism was about discarding the assumptions of conventional wisdom and testing theories for validity by trying new and unusual things in a metaphorical laboratory with the goal of keeping what works and abandoning what does not.

    This is just the same old ‘expose your neck and whine and the pack leader won’t bite you but turn around and bite the shit out of your immediate perceived underlings so they don’t back you up’ crap. That’s not pragmatism. That’s a bad habit. That’s a pavlovian reflex that keeps you from competing.

  2. […] Aid To Syrian Rebels Gateway Pundit: Border Town Election Ends With Extortion, Voter Fraud Arrests Protein Wisdom: When Your Only Principle Is Winning The Next ElectionCategory: Live at FiveComments /*If You Think Mitt Romney Is ‘Electable’ […]

  3. palaeomerus says:

    “Breitbart had ousted a liberal from Congress not in an election or in an exchange of ideas but because he caught him with his pants down. Conservatives cheered. They have, as we all know, considerable trouble with any kind of sex.”

    If New York didn’t care about his actions then Weiner would not have left. As it is he tried not to leave anyway, lying to the point that law enforcement was asking him to help them catch the “hacker” who he claimed must have compromised his twitter account. And of course part of his decision to leave was due to pressure from his fellow members of congress who realize that Weiner’s ability to be a smarmy attack dog was compromised by his recent stupidity. Before he accepted the inevitable Weiner was wagging his finger at the camera and arrogantly threatening his “false”accusers. Breitbart showed the people of New York that they had elected a pervert, an idiot, a hypocrite, and a huge asshole.

    Breitbart did them a favor. He revealed what was really there. And obviously someone thought Weiner would have trouble holding the 9th district so they encouraged him to leave. Robert Turner, a republican won the seat in 2011 implying that the voters of district felt that Breitbart had done them a favor as well.

  4. Pablo says:

    Breitbart didn’t make Weiner do this. That’s why he’s out. He could have survived the dick pix.

  5. Squid says:

    Add Cohen’s column to the list of bookmarks to keep handy the next time they lecture us on civility. What’s that? They’re lecturing us right now because Rush called somebody names? Well, then. Good timing.

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