I keep telling myself not to read the comments at MSM articles. Damnit, at times, those idiots make the sadistic junior Stalinists at DKos or HuffPo look like models of tolerance and decency.
I remember Rush made the same points when Clinton went after him by name. Also, there were rumors of Clinton having the IRS give an anal exam every year to people who displeased him.
You know, I don’t really mind the MSM treating Republicans(ie the right) like they do, I just wish they would give the Democrats(ie the left) the same. To use the old canard, can you imagine if Bush had publicly vilified, say, Sean Penn? Sheppard prolly woulda busted a blood vessel. And understandably so…
Others in his administration, I presume, deputies and such. I know I heard her say that he would never mention anyone (say, Soros, for instance) by name.
Put me on the list.
Judging by the comments at the WSJ (!?!), the White House isn’t hitting the Koch brothers hard enough.
You’re already near the top of that list Al :)
Wear it proud,bro!
I keep telling myself not to read the comments at MSM articles. Damnit, at times, those idiots make the sadistic junior Stalinists at DKos or HuffPo look like models of tolerance and decency.
Don’t get me started about YouTube…
“Calling Emmanuel Goldstein, calling Emmanuel Goldstein.”
Thrre have been bloggers on the left and the right who act like they think Jeff’s name is actually Emmanuel.
I hate Illinois
Naziscommies.Spiny, you’re not alone.
I read the comments at the NYT for the laughs and practically nowhere else because they’re so insipid.
They have a little list. They never will be missed!
I remember Rush made the same points when Clinton went after him by name. Also, there were rumors of Clinton having the IRS give an anal exam every year to people who displeased him.
You know, I don’t really mind the MSM treating Republicans(ie the right) like they do, I just wish they would give the Democrats(ie the left) the same. To use the old canard, can you imagine if Bush had publicly vilified, say, Sean Penn? Sheppard prolly woulda busted a blood vessel. And understandably so…
Dana Perino said that Bush had too much class to personally attack people that pissed him off. He left that to surrogates.
Surrogates like who?
Cheney could be attacky on occasion. Also that Rove person.
Others in his administration, I presume, deputies and such. I know I heard her say that he would never mention anyone (say, Soros, for instance) by name.
Yes, Karl can be feisty.
Well, whoever they were, they did a piss poor job. My impression is the whole administration were more punching bag than pit bull.
It was second term. I imagine everyone was exhausted.