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November 2024


Rick Perry to drop out

After having his best debate, and only a few states into the process — the bulk of them open primaries, several of them being gamed by cult-like Ron Paul supporters (who are also busy trying to drive down the review rating of Levin’s Ameritopia on Amazon; which, that’ll teach the uppity “neocon”).

Our system is broken. And it’s us that let it get that way, being the governed, and so having given our consent, however tacitly and through sheer laziness.

Perry will endorse Gingrich; I’d have preferred it had he endorsed Santorum, but at least he didn’t pull a Huntsman or a Nikki Haley and throw his support behind Romney.

13 Replies to “Rick Perry to drop out”

  1. Bob Reed says:

    What I’m wondering is just how so many of the “Tea Party” types are finding it so easy to endorse Mittenz?

    Any thoughts?

  2. leigh says:

    Rick, we hardly knew ye.

  3. angler says:

    Pant creases and nice hair. Philosophy? That’s no way to pick a president.

  4. Bob Reed says:

    And by “types” I mean favorite pols and leaders…

    I’m not sure how the same crew could be comfortable with Gingrich either, unless, like myself, they simply enjoy hearing him serve up the red meat and stick it to the press/proggs.

    But his positions have “evolved” a bit over the years as well, especially when most beneficial to Newt; not to mention eithics violations and his old “open marriage” crud from years ago. Seems to me the evangelical folks won’t be able to abide that as much as others.

    Why is everyone so convinced that Santorum can’t get it done? And why the continued false assertions regarding his desire to outlaw condoms, abortion, and gays? Heck, I hear other Rethugs! talking that BS.

  5. Pablo says:

    Any thoughts?

    Trying to solve the symptom that is Obama instead of the problem.

  6. Bob Reed says:

    Trying to solve the symptom that is Obama instead of the problem.


    Pablo, I think you just produced the thread-winnah!

  7. Ernst Schreiber says:

    It’s occurred to me that the reason Perry just had his best debate is because he’d already arrived at this decision, or something close to it.

  8. Squid says:

    Further proof that the job should only ever go to somebody who doesn’t really want it.

  9. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I’d say further proof that the job ought to go to somebody who doesn’t mind not getting it myself.

  10. RI Red says:

    Upon occasion, I’m foolish enough to prognosticate in writing; this is one of those times. Please feel free to call me on it within the next four years:
    Perry sees he has no chance, goes back to TX and starts making a lot more noise about the 10th Amendment. Depending on election results, the amount and type of noise varies – Gingrich, he works with in government devolution; Romney, he turns up the heat; Santorum, not sure, maybe same as Gingrich; BHO, he revisits his secession comments and things move in that direction.
    If Palin, he invites her to be Queen of Texas.

  11. sdferr says:

    Rick Santorum, back at Ricochet, responding to individual commenters on his last article, “We Hold These Truths”: Following Up on Marriage and Life

  12. leigh says:

    I think Rick Perry can be most useful now that he has removed himself from the race, RI Red. I can’t imagine that he is going to run for another term as governor, so that will free him up to be a catalyst for our guys. I also think he has no debt or very little from the campaign. All in all, this could work out for the best.

    “Somethings are just not meant to be”, say the Baptists when things don’t go as planned. Such as this run for the presidency for Perry. He’s young enough to try again later, and it never hurts to eat a little humble pie, either.

  13. RI Red says:

    Assumes that we will have a normal election cycle. I know it’s been said before, but four more years of BHO is pushing the limits of the system to absorb damage.

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