For a “privacy violation.”
The irony, it folds back in on itself and threatens to tear the fabric of time, with a return of disco sure to follow.
From YouTube:
Hi there,
Thanks for your email.
We have removed the material in question for a privacy violation, pursuant
to our Community Guidelines.It may take some time for video search results and thumbnail images to
disappear from the site. Typically, this should not take more than a
couple of days. Please be patient and be assured that the video is no
longer viewable.For more information regarding our Privacy Guidelines, please visit:,
The YouTube Team
The local Denver media thought the video of students brought by their teacher joining in the Occupy Denver protest — against a conservative, new media, free speech conference — newsworthy.
Evidently, though, Google will decide what is and isn’t newsworthy from now on.
But don’t lose sleep over it. These are the rules, and the rules are permanent and unchangeable. A force of nature. Embrace it. And learn to fight the smaller battles. Those, at least, you can win. And it’s all about the small victories.
Camus taught me that.
“Sometimes, courage consists of simply doing your job.”
My take on “Le Peste”
Camus taught me that when the rats multiply in Oran, the plague is sure to follow.
There’s probably an analogy in there somewhere.
I’m going to be at the Duke vs Ohio State game tonight. If ESPN does a crowd shot, can I get their feed removed for “privacy violations”?
I mean, I didn’t sign no damn waiver.
Also, Herman Cain had me in a sandwich with Jerry Sandusky whilst diddling Bernie Fine.
Well you never know Jeff, they may not decide to apply to Columbia, CUNY, or one of the other activist centers of education after they graduate from St. Mary’s…they might wake up and decide to apply to Hillsdale. They can’t have embarassing stuff they did on a public sidewalk or hotel lobby leaking out to screw that up.
Wouldn’t the local press be interested to discover that what they thought was public filming, and used in their reportage, turns out to be subject to private whim? And possibly to remain newsworthy enough to substitute a link to the same material from another repository?
No wonder Google doesn’t have a problem working hand in
glovebrass knuckles with the Chi Coms.You should ask them, sdferr.
I have the video posted elsewhere. I think I’ll begin linking it every day.
Jeff — give permission for others to post it to YouTube.
Let’s make them play whack-a-mole.
Youtube can kiss my ass (.mpg download link from my site).
I did my first college paper on Camus. Now I spend more time with Caymus.
I’m banging out an e-mail response to the article, per the invitation to “follow-up” at the bottom of the story (“If you have a news tip or a follow-up to this story, e-mail us.“, it says). What link to the original video might I include for their convenience? I’m reluctant to just copy McGehee’s link without his say-so, for instance. Anybody?
1290 Blogcon 11 videos up, but don’t get paranoid, they always come for certain types first. Nothing personal, just nasty fascisty business as usual.
By the way, though it’s hard for me to tell, it looks as though the other vid of the teacher (was it Jim Hoft’s?) has been blotted out too.
Yep, looks like.
But you will have a crowd cheering as you are led to the gallows, so you got that going for you. As do most of the rest of us.
Hey, they’re just being fair. They also took down all their “Crazy Tea Partiers” vids posted by lefties. Like this one. And the dozens more “related to” that one.
Oh, wait.
Beck claims to be working on changing this one. But he’s crazy, so…
Nothing like a parent, nervous over the post High School aspirations for their fashionably radical daughters, hiring lawyers or dropping their lives to bombard YouTube to can something where their lovelies are featured in their native element.
Which is to say that their kids get to be further insulated from their actions.
I think youre post title below is more aptly put on this. As long as stuff is not invasively obtained–the camera in the dressing or bed room–I’m not sure why YouTube has a beef. Bonus points for the invention of a non-consensual filming priviledge: People who crash your party have a right not to be filmed crashing.
Camus is an existential writer.
I’m not certain what that means, I just saw it when I googled.
sdferr: in the earlier post detailing YouTube’s intention were other links to other places the video is parked. Use MRCTV if you have to. I put it there, but it’s not the best version. I think it’s on Vimeo, too.
Sure. Everyone do it.
Grab any of the vid streams you want. You all have my permission. Just make sure to link them all back to the two posts about Youtube’s threat and follow-through.
Check, I’ll go look.
Your MRCtv version is 90 degrees out of phase with the horizon, so if I may I’d prefer the freefirezone version also linked there? ‘Sokay?
thumbs up if you think censorship is effing retarded haha
I have no idea what video you are talking about.
Is this it?
That one is hillarious.
The video under discussion Entropy.
Hah. Found it. No..
The video I linked was the video of the dude who was standing behind you.
Haven’t spotted you in it yet, unless you turned into a bald guy in an orange shirt… but I think I can see your iphone, right around the time someone tells raving Kochhead to try decaf.
Where you wearing a hemp bracelet?
Far too little footage of the Magnificent Brostache there, Entropy.
It’s up on Vimeo, and embeddable from there. I changed my original post, now using the Vimeo embed code.
These gals (and their ‘protectors’) will have a difficult time running from this bit of life history.
serr8d, might that end not be served a little better by naming the teacher and the school in your commentary?
[…] and YouTube, who routinely pull down content and block users accounts for such bogus reasons as “privacy violations” and the […]
[…] blogger Jeff Goldstein of Protein Wisdom managed to capture on video the appearance of a local Denver-area private school teacher who decided that attending an Occupy […]