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October 2024


"White House: Only 'Fervent Partisan' Would Suggest Obama To Blame For Job Losses"

More “progressive” attempts to marginalize dissenters of the Great Leap Forward. Fervent partisan racists. CNS:

When asked questions about the president’s upcoming speech on jobs and economic growth yesterday, White House Spokesperson Jay Carney claimed that only the most ‘fervent partisan’ would suggest the 8 million plus jobs lost in this recession were lost because of actions Barack Obama took.

[Carney, in response to Norah O’Donnell]: “Since this President’s economic policies had a chance to take effect there have been more than 2 million private sector jobs created. The economy has grown, albeit not at a pace that satisfies him or any of us here in the administration. And that’s just a matter of absolute record and fact — indisputable.

“The fact is that we inherited a terrible situation, a terrible economy, and an economy that threatened to become far worse than it did become — because of the actions that this administration took with Congress in 2009 and perpetually since then in different measures that have been taken, as well as — including December of last year.”

Left unsaid: the number of private sector jobs lost, and the total number of jobs loss, revealing the net number of jobs lost under this President.

Also left unsaid: for the first two years of his presidency, Obama has a supermajority. He got everything he wanted. He was able to implement his policies, and those policies, coupled with his bureaucratic micromanagement, has failed the country, in its free market capitalist iteration — this “indisputable” and “absolute” “fact” about a growing economy nothwithstanding (and yes, we’re growning — at a rate less than Cuba].

And of course, Carney, while still tethering the country’s economic woes to Bush, fails to mention that the Democrats controlled Congress from 2007 onward — and it is the 3 years where they controlled Congress that, coincidentally!, the country has gone to shit.

Expect more of this: Obama can’t run on his record. So his opponents must be attacked as “fervant partisan” extremists, gun-toting bitter clingers who have conspired to block the Good Deeds of the Messiah (preventing the planet from healing, punishing the poor, minorities, and children — all in an effort to protect Evil Rich Capitalists, who refuse to contribute their fair share to the Common Weal) — while simultaneously blaming the country’s economic woes on those who Truly Care, be it about clean air, clean water, safe food, fairly redistributing wealth, etc.

— All of which indicates that Obama is running for re-election as a Marxist, and should be challenged specifically on that point.

Go ahead and say it out loud, Mr Moran. Marxist. Honestly. It’s liberating.

23 Replies to “"White House: Only 'Fervent Partisan' Would Suggest Obama To Blame For Job Losses"”

  1. cranky-d says:

    Well, let’s just add up what Teh Won has done. He has signed Obamacare into law, a document which no one really can figure out, except that we know there will be new costs to businesses for hiring. He has also continuously stated his desire for higher taxes, which again suppresses any desire to either create or expand any businesses. He has done an end-run around Congress by allowing the EPA to arbitrarily decide new standards for emissions, which will definitely drive up the cost of doing business as well as the cost of filing paperwork to be in compliance. It will also drive up our energy costs severely.

    As they say, there is more where that came from.

    I want the progressives to explain to me how he cannot be held responsible for this stuff. He could stop it if he wanted to. He doesn’t want to, and he hasn’t tried.

  2. sdferr says:

    Really: Marxist, Genius — what’s the difference? — they both sound laudatory to the proper ears.

  3. Pablo says:


  4. LBascom says:

    You know what else is liberating? Admitting you’re a bitter clinger.

    Kinda defines you as NOT a Marxist.

  5. Pablo says:

    SHUT UP!!!!

  6. Dave in SoCal says:

    “White House: Only ‘Fervent Partisan’ and Delusional Would Suggest Obama Not To Blame For Job Losses”

    Now it’s an accurate statement. That was easy enough.

  7. JD says:

    Remember when Bush was in office, inherited a recession and then had 9/11 happen, and the Dems and the MFM yammered on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how Bush would be the first since Hoover to preside over a net job loss? Fuck them.

  8. sdferr says:

    Jay Carney: “Whether it’s The Wildlife Channel or the Cooking Channel.”


  9. Carin says:

    sdferr, what is that from?

  10. Dave in SoCal says:

    The latest maneuver straight out of the “Obama Desperation 2012” playbook:

    Obama Requests Joint Session Of Congress To Present Jobs Plan; Same Night As GOP Debate

    You know, the same GOP debate that has been scheduled for months. Just so we can hear about his new, never-before-seen, cutting-edge, bends-the-cost-curve-down plan to continue the payroll tax reduction, spend money on an infrastructure bank, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

  11. sdferr says:

    Just now Carin, during his presser, the attendant Obama lovers were grilling Carney on the scheduling of Obama’s Congressional joint address directly in conjunction with the Republican debate on the same night and time. And he popped out with that line as a comparison to the difficulties of scheduling. As I said, nice.

  12. Dave in SoCal says:

    Re: #10

    Dear Mr. President,

    Regarding your request to address a joint session of Congress on September 7, 2011 at 8:00pm, we regret that we will be unable to accommodate you request as we have a prior commitment to interview prospective candidates for your replacement at that time.


    John Boehner

  13. Carin says:

    So, he compared the Republican debate to content from the cooking channel?

  14. sdferr says:


  15. sdferr says:

    That’s funny Dave. We should be so fortunate. My local radio is already announcing the event as a done deal (of course, they’re wrong, it’s not, but still . . . ).

  16. Carin says:

    What a fucking asshole.

    excuse my french.

  17. Slartibartfast says:

    only the most ‘fervent partisan’ would suggest the 8 million plus jobs lost in this recession were lost because of actions Barack Obama took

    It’s a well-poisoning, guys! Tap a keg!

    I’d own fervent partisan, if that could be warped to mean that I’m absolutely against what most of government is doing. Does that make my every opinion wrong?

    That’s right, Carney; just go ahead and ignore people that don’t like what you’re doing. It’s what got the Tea Party a foothold in government.

  18. Jim in KC says:

    Fervent partisan==objective observer in Obama-land.

    Born in Indonesia (King Putt)
    Moved to Hawaiia (King Putt)

    Buried with a donkey
    He’s my favorite honky (King Putt)

    (apologies to Steve Martin)

  19. alppuccino says:

    …because of actions Barack Obama took.

    Right there. There it is. This is the absolute proof of the fucking imbecility of this administration. And anyone in the general public who believes this crap would have to study for 3 years to become mildly retarded.

    But if this is to be believed, then I say to the believers, “Go ahead and tailor your investment strategy on the basis of what has been done. Your money will be welcomed by your betters. The rest of us will base our investing on what probably will be done.” And as long as Barack Obama is the poster-child for A New America, most investment will be cautious at best, due to the better than 80% chance that his policies will stifle growth.

    Obama’s an idiot, and he has a spokesman who does a great job in relaying that to the WH press “corpse”.

  20. alppuccino says:

    ….I mean why does anyone think that Warren Buffet is long on Obama. Is he going on a hunch or a feeling? Does Warren Buffet have a track record of profiting on the loss of others? I don’t begrudge him for it, but if the Oracle of Omaha is going to fund-raise for Obama, do you think he might have some inside information on something really good that’s going to happen for him?

  21. Stephanie says:

    Buffett took a call from Obama a few weeks ago and then invested $5 Billion in BoA. Just as its stock was dropping due to the mortgage mess left by Countrywide. Then Surprise! BofA stock quit dropping and Obama is about ready to roll out new mortgage restructuring package aimed at subprime loans which Surprise! Countrywide loans were almost exclusively of just that type. Coinky dink?

    It’s happened before…

    See here for more…

  22. geoffb says:

    Obama is about ready to roll out new mortgage restructuring package aimed at subprime loans which Surprise! Countrywide loans were almost exclusively of just that type. Coinky dink?

    Better than T-Bills.

  23. […] “White House: Only ‘Fervent Partisan’ Would Suggest Obama To Blame For Job Losses” Expect more of this: Obama can’t run on his record. So his opponents must be attacked as “fervant partisan” extremists, gun-toting bitter clingers who have conspired to block the Good Deeds of the Messiah (preventing the planet from healing, punishing the poor, minorities, and children — all in an effort to protect Evil Rich Capitalists, who refuse to contribute their fair share to the Common Weal) — while simultaneously blaming the country’s economic woes on those who Truly Care, be it about clean air, clean water, safe food, fairly redistributing wealth, etc. […]

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