Robert Reich uses the white board to teach progressive economics, with predictable results.
Now, for those of you who have more than 2:15 to spend trying to understand how and why the capitalist, free-market, de-regulation model works far better than the progressive Keynesianism of a Reich, or a Krugman, or an Obama — and you can either believe the sawed-off socialist’s white board scribblings or your own lying eyes, you rapacious capitalist pigs! — here’s a more detailed accounting, courtesy Peter Ferrara at Forbes.
It seems we’re forced, as a matter of beating back the feel-good rhetorical and economic sophistry of the left and it’s “social justice” market-meddlings, to reprise this argument — and trot out the figures — every decade or so.
Which makes me pine for the days when we can simply store these facts and figures in our cranial-embedded flash memories as a way to remind ourselves of the hell that is coming should we fuck up and support some other “historic” leftist, who will promise us everything and deliver us nothing but the soft tyranny of the centralized, bureaucratic state.
(thanks to a fine scotch and Mark Levin)
I have not watched the Robert Reicccccccccccccccch video, but allow me to imagine the paraphrase:
1) Government spends money it doesn’t have
2) ???
3) Utopia
Am I off the mark?
I got halfway through his idiocy before I couldn’t take it anymore
more like
1) All income is but one pie
2) Filthy Rich are eating your piece
3) ???
4) everyone equal!
Yah, the nation’s income.
Amazingly, there are commenters to the Forbes piece who still cling to the “Reagan Depression” and “the economy was better under Carter than Reagan because Carter created 20 million more jobs in 4 years than Reagan did in 8” DKos/HuffPo bullshit.
Some people are seriously deranged.
I lived through the Carter years. Are they fucking serious?
Even Carter had “malaise” and told me to love communism and wear a sweater.
Excuse me? Good Lord, the Left do live in an alternate universe!
Stagflation was real and kicking the crap out of everyone
The underpants gnomes jokes are spot-on, but in truth Reich bears a more striking similarity to a different one-off South Park character:
For everyone who believes that wealth simply exists in a finite amount, and cannot be created, I have a question. Where did the wealth come from in the first place? If they say it was always there, I would ask how we can be wealthier now than we ever have been before. Then they would hem and haw and eventually call me a fascist.
yeah, it’s like those 47″ flatscreens just grow in a field after a spring rain.
Ok…I’m pretty much in old fart territory now, but for heaven’s sake, the difference in “middle class” life style between when I was in grade school and now is extraordinary.
Remember that scene in Back to the Future when Marty is at the dinner table and the new television … hulking wooden box … is rolled into the dining room? He says to one of the kids “hey we have 3 tv’s” and the dad (his grandfather) replies “He’s just pulling your leg. No one owns 3 tv’s”
I lived through the Carter years. Are they fucking serious?
Yes, the Commiecrats are. This is one of their moments where the mask comes off.
OT but, hey, while Weiner was resigning, ethanol tax subsidies were ended.
Weiner resigned? Good. Ethanol tax subsidies were ended? Excellent.
Doesn’t the Dumbshit Dwarf realize what he just said with that hole on the front of his face?
1) Before 1980, the tax rate on the “Super Rich” was 70%! Now, it’s only 35%!
2) Since 1980 (and the lowering of the top tax rates), our economy has doubled in size!
3) Therefore… errrr, uhhhhh… Republicans BAAAD! BAAAAAAAAD!
And then finishing with one of the best examples of post hoc, ergo propter hoc on the intertubes.
This is how the Left reasons.
Hey Bob, dude.
I just want to point out that wherease Reich uses a “white” board for his scribblings, Glenn Beck uses a “black” board.
Conclude from that what you will, h8rs.
Speaking of bad science, rdbrewer over at Ace’s writes a fascinating post about how Steven Jay Gould lied about science to expose another scientist’s lies about science.
Wheels within wheels.
I pretty much know what that little gnome is going to say before he even opens up his mouth. It’s not that I’m that smart, it’s because he’s that dumb.
The left is that dumb.
53% of the electorate is that dumb.
It’s not “dumb” … its human behavior in its uncivilized mode: lust, avarice, greed, covetousness, immorality.
Really, the temptation to sin when you will never be held accountable is pretty great … and when the sin (helping yourself to a portion of your neighbors property & earnings) is lauded as the Most.Moral.Act.EVAH because, like you are doing it FOR.THE.CHILDRENS! it takes a lot of moral fortitude to say “No”.
The Left wouldn’t know a moral obligation if it walked up and did a lap dance on its face …
I love this moron.
He makes my unit look big. He would fit into my underwear better than I do – and actually feel like he belongs there.