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November 2024


It's 3 am, conservatives. And the phone is ringing…

The most bang-on political assessment I’ve read coming out of the mainstream conservative opinion sites in quite some time. Michael Walsh, NRO:

Is anyone surprised that a local judge has issued a temporary restraining order against . . . well, against Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican party of Wisconsin? Yes, a mighty jurist in Dane County with the Dickensian name of Maryann Sumi has halted publication of the new law restricting collective-bargaining privileges for the state’s public-sector unions until she can rule on its merits.

Welcome to Election 2012, the preview edition.

As I’ve been saying, Wisconsin is a test-case battleground for the special forces and new weapons that each side will bring to bear next year. Okay, make that one side, since the Republicans continue to play by the old rules — you know, contesting and winning elections, passing laws, stuff like that — while the Democrats deploy their fleets of teachers, cops, firemen, and lawyers like Panzer divisions. For the Party of Alinksy — the unholy offspring of ’30s machine-politics gangsters and ’60s Marxist radicals — there is no tactic too thuggish, no argument too ridiculous, and no thing they will not attack, including the very legitimacy of the system that gave them their law degrees.

You better wise up, Janet Weiss: Until the Stupid Party figures out that not only have the rules changed but the game itself has undergone, shall we say, fundamental transformation, this adamant refusal to accept defeat on the part of the Left will continue, undermining the very foundations of our country’s legal and political system.

Right now, Republicans should be worrying less about who their standard-bearer will be next year — my short list is down to two, who will make swell running mates — and start hunting for field commanders with a firm grasp of tactics, a sense of audacity, a healthy respect for their opponents’ capabilities, and an absolute contempt for their ethos.

Here, allow me to audition: Obama isn’t a Good Man; what we are witnessing is the installation of a soft tyranny and a radical restructuring of our societal foundations away from individual liberty and the preeminence of the individual and towards the power of the identity group and the collective; and if the rule of law is effectively politicized to the point where the rulings of left-wing judges start with the desired outcome and then reason back from there — using an interpretive methodology that is no longer required to concern itself with legislative intent — we no longer have a rule of law, only the outward trappings of one: leaving us to choose between being subjects of the liberal fascist state or anarchists who, should we not be able to save our republic through conventional means, are compelled to revolt.

For more, I point you to nearly everything I’ve written over the last decade.

Call me!

(thanks to geoffB; more here)

37 Replies to “It's 3 am, conservatives. And the phone is ringing…”

  1. JoanOfArgghh says:

    NRO slipped up and put a true Conservative in their stable!

    Somebody shoud get fired for that.

  2. Blake says:

    It all comes down to an engaged citizenry.

    Yes, OFA was able to make trouble in Wisconsin, because it was one state. Also, Wisconsin only recently turned Red.

    OFA, more than likely, does not have the resources to cover multiple states.

  3. Darleen says:


    I really wanted to avoid it, but it looks like I’m going have to put on my hipwaders, steel myself not to debate any points, and start attending the local OFA meetings. I keep deleting the invites, but I’m thinking me and my trusty VADO need to see what the local Barrybots are up to.

  4. guinsPen says:

    I’d phone, but I’m afraid you’d actually pick up.

    I’ve been told you can get people right through the wires.

  5. Silver Whistle says:

    OFA, more than likely, does not have the resources to cover multiple states.

    You forget, OfA = MSM, so resources aren’t a problem.

  6. alppuccino says:

    Through all the stupid stuff that Obama has pulled off, to think that he thinks if he pushes a button and launches a few hundred missiles will get him reelected, is scary. To think that it might be true, scarier. To not call Obama the pusscake that he is, is irresponsible and dangerous. And the only reason to watch the MSM is to find out what not to buy.

  7. pdbuttons says:

    [did somebody say button?}
    joan baez fell out of her treehouse
    so she don’t need no rules

  8. Entropy says:

    a test-case battleground for the special forces and new weapons that each side will bring to bear next year … the Democrats deploy their fleets of teachers, cops, firemen, and lawyers like Panzer divisions. For the Party of Alinksy — the unholy offspring of ’30s machine-politics gangsters and ’60s Marxist radicals — there is no tactic too thuggish, no argument too ridiculous, and no thing they will not attack, including the very legitimacy of the system

    Uncivil alert! Violent rhetoric!

    That almost sounds like the beginnings of a new civil (so-far) civil war.

  9. newrouter says:

    ot herman cain is on cspan tonight at 6:30 edt

  10. Pablo says:

    Keith Richards didn’t bother with the treehouse. He just fell out of the tree.

    Here, allow me to audition: Obama isn’t a Good Man; what we are witnessing is the installation of a soft tyranny and a radical restructuring of our societal foundations away from individual liberty and the preeminence of the individual and towards the power of the identity group and the collective; and if the rule of law is effectively politicized to the point where the rulings of left-wing judges start with the desired outcome and then reason back from there — using an interpretive methodology that is no longer required to concern itself with legislative intent — we no longer have a rule of law, only the outward trapping of one: leaving us to choose between being subjects of the liberal fascist state or anarchists who, should we not be able to save our republic through conventional means, are compelled to revolt.

    Well, yeah.

  11. pdbuttons says:

    at least it was a coconut tree…
    what’s a rule?
    righty /tighty-lefty loosey
    don’t mix ammonia and bleach
    always say please and thank you
    never eat anything bigger than ur head

    we are not old men
    we are not concerned with petty morals

  12. pdbuttons says:

    children should be seen
    and not heard [or smelly smelly smelt]
    don’t stare at the sun
    never speak when u can nod..
    never nod when u can wink..
    never wink when u can post..

    get a [ if ur a guy] military hair-cut
    cuz cops won’t [or-less likely]
    to pull ya over

    do unto others..
    everyday crinkle life, when someone cuts u off..
    in the shopping market they
    cut u off!/
    that’s when the rush of cartoon vengeance rears
    it’s ugly head…
    but my rule is[lately] to let
    that person go in front of me/ all smiles and shit
    and then,
    i follow them to the parking lot and
    A-beat the shit out of them if they are frail and have walikers
    B- take their liscence plates down and
    burn a cross..
    either on their lawn or on somebodies elses lawn
    and blame it on the line cutters..

    can u count? this is the 12 itemsd or less aisle
    got to have rule

  13. McGehee says:

    Obama isn’t a Good Man; what we are witnessing is the installation of a soft tyranny and a radical restructuring of our societal foundations away from individual liberty and the preeminence of the individual and towards the power of the identity group and the collective; …

    Operation Undoing Freedom.

  14. pdbuttons says:

    kids are cruel
    kiddie games..
    one,two three redlight!
    the ruler [the kid saying 1 2 3 is in
    control..basically setting up the other kids to..
    advance in some hope that they will “win”
    some “prize”- but they are all controlled by the “master” if u will- the voice,
    and still u lil lepers wait.. for the pause/ to run..
    1 2 3 redlight!
    and/ is this another kids game? {i don’t have kids
    except the one in the trunk][}
    the game where they [powercentral] says
    lil jonny may take 3 giant steps..
    lil lilly may take 2 medium steps, and a tiny step..
    lil bjork may take one tiny step..
    i forget the game/ but i remember it..
    never liked the arbitrary a kid..
    some things just taste wrong

  15. pdbuttons says:

    bobby orr- 4

  16. Blitz says:

    PD? welcome back. I still hate your shit, but welcome back anyway.

  17. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks Mr B. I’m adding those links to the body of the post.

  18. zino3 says:


    I’ve been wanting to say this for a long time.

    Obama is ther smartest half-wit I have ever seen.

  19. zino3 says:

    pdbuttons posted on 3/20 @ 2:12 pm
    bobby orr- 4

    Is that a picture of you? If so, I love you (well, at least part of you), if not…

    Holy bazongas! “If these were only brains”….(from a T-shirt I saw at paul’s Ice House in Houston)

  20. Slartibartfast says:

    Are you sure it’s not 2 AM?

    I’m sitting here, waiting, the gun still warm.

  21. McGehee says:

    Slart, if you’re in Arizona, it probably is 2:00 a.m.

  22. pdbuttons says:

    pd buttons pic
    yeah-0i- thats me
    u can have me me with
    a dylan lyric

  23. alppuccino says:

    yeah-0i- thats me

    and by “that(s)” you mean that guy way in the background, right?

  24. McGehee says:

    No, pdbuttons is the CN tower. And with that view I would be too.

  25. pdbuttons says:

    dylan lyric

    if ur going..
    to the north country faire..
    and the winds..


    oi oi oi oi [ grumble}

    please see she wears
    a cat- coat so
    to keep her from..
    the howling winds !
    oi! oi! oi1 yeah/ u gets it

  26. Pablo says:

    Are you sure it’s not 2 AM?

    I’m sitting here, waiting, the gun still warm.


    Eternal fate is a fickle bitch, ain’t it?

  27. newrouter says:

    if you have a chance catch herman cain on cspan @9:30 edt. it is a really good interview.

  28. vaguely says:

    although she could uaez
    a proper pitch pipe

  29. David Kahane says:

    Jeff, thanks. You know where to find both me and the Amanuensis.

  30. pdbuttons says:

    u got a lotta nerve
    to say u are my friend

  31. vaguely says:

    even if i added,
    “what a drag it’s not
    to see uaez?”

  32. pdbuttons says:

    theres a man in the funny papers
    who lived way back a long time ago…
    he don’t eat nothing but a bear cat stew..
    well, this cat’s named-alley oop

  33. vaguely says:

    my dear canal.

  34. pdbuttons says:

    when ur outta gas
    u’ll suck on anything

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