
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


"Two Democrats Charged in Tea Party Election Fraud"

This is outrageous! How can dedicated, principled activists for good be charged with felonies when all they are really guilty of is working to ensure that SOCIAL JUSTICE isn’t strangled in its crib by election results that favor those who are demonstrably evil enough to do the strangling?

After all, isn’t that what democracy looks like?

I would like to formally request a recount.

(thanks to geoffB)

8 Replies to “"Two Democrats Charged in Tea Party Election Fraud"”

  1. antillious says:

    What I’m waiting for is for the Dems to do this again, and have the dupe decide “Fuck it, I’ll run.”
    And win.

  2. geoffb says:

    Related from back in August when this was first suspected.

  3. Squid says:

    Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!

    AuH2O said that. I don’t think his definition of “justice” included socialism. And I kinda doubt that equated “immoderate” with “criminal.” So, never mind.

  4. Carin says:

    We knew it was fraud when it was occurring.

    they didn’t stop it.

  5. LBascom says:

    Geez, I remember something about union thugs promoting/funding fake TEA Party candidates in Nevada, but what was the point in putting real TEA Party members on the ballot without their knowledge?

  6. dicentra says:

    Send ’em a cease and desist letter, Jeff. You’re obviously swimming in them.

  7. geoffb says:

    Late 60s civility is returning to my home state.

  8. geoffb says:

    An update on my #7 from an email at Instapundit.

    UPDATE: Reader Eugene Dillenburg writes:

    Just watched the local Lansing TV news on the aftermath of Wednesday’s protests and arrests. Key points:

    * Lansing Mayor (and failed Dem. gubernatorial candidate) Virg Bernero addressed the crowd at Wednesday’s rally and told them you won’t be arrested for protesting.

    * A short time later, with the rally in full swing and protesters marching and chanting, the Lansing police left the scene. A spokesman later said they felt the State Police on the scene had things well in hand.

    * On Thursday, the Lansing chief of police admitted that was a mistake and they should have stayed. The TV reporter asked her, point blank, seven times: did Mayor Bernero talk to you or have any input into the decision to pull the police out? The chief refused to answer yes or no, simply reiterating that she made the decision.

    * The State Police have said that the 14 people arrested after the rally was over, mostly for trespassing for refusing the leave the capitol building, were not part of the union rally. The only one I have seen identified is a college student from Detroit; the others I saw on television appeared to be of a similar age.

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